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1、remain详细的用法 今天一起学习remain的用法?快来一起学习吧。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。remain的用法remain有名词和动词的词性。作名词有剩余物,残骸,遗迹等含义;作动词时,通常用作不及物动词和系动词,有保持不变,剩余等含义。1remain的释义n. 剩余物,残骸;残余;遗迹;遗体v. 仍然是; 保持不变; 剩余; 遗留; 继续存在; 仍需去做(或说、处理);第三人称单数:remains 现在分词:remaining 过去式:remained 过去分词:remained2remain的用法1.用作不及物动词They went, but I remained.他们走了,但

2、我留了下来。Hell remain to accompany you.他将留下来陪你。A number of problems remain to be solved.有很多问题尚待解决。还有一项更艰苦的工作需要我们做。2.用作系动词They remained good friends.他们仍然是好朋友。He will always remain a shining example for us all.他永远是我们学习的光辉榜样。His face remained expressionless.他的脸上仍然毫无表情。In spite of the danger they remained c

3、alm.尽管有危险,但他们一直保持冷静。We must always remain modest and prudent.我们要经常保持谦虚谨慎。He remained hanging in midair, saved by the belt.他悬在空中,被安全带救了。He remained unbending under the severest of tortures.他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。初中英语重点词汇的用法及其使用思维return1. 用作动词,表示“回来”“返回”,其义相当于 go (come) back, 所以一般不再与副词 back 连用,以免构成用词重复。表示“归还”,可

4、接双宾语;若双宾语易位,用介词 to。如:He didnt return me the book.=He didnt return the book to me. 他没有还书给我。以下两句所用介词不同,所表示的方向相反:He has just returned to Japan. 他刚回到日本。He has just returned fromJapan. 他刚从日本回来。有时可用过去分词作定语,此时表完成而不表被动。如:a returned student 一名归国留学生2. 用作名词,表示“归来”“归还”“回报”等,通常用作不可数名词,但有时可与不定冠词连用。如:We look forwa

5、rd to your return fromJapan. 我们盼望你从日本回来。On his return he found her asleep. 他回家时发现她睡着了。He didnt expect any return from what he had done. 他对他所做的一切,一点不图回报。These flowers are a small return for your kindness. 向你献花聊表谢忱。比较 in return (for) 与 on upon ones return:前者意为“作为的报答(交换)”;后者意为“回来的时候”。如:What can I do in

6、 return for your kindness? 我怎样做才能报答你的好意呢?On his return from work he found her asleep. 他下班回来,发现她睡着了。3. 英语中说return ticket,其意为“来回票”“往返票”,也可直接说成a return。如:Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你要单程票还是往返票?A return is cheaper than two singles. 一张往返票比两张单程票便宜。若仅表示“回程票”,要改用其他表达。如:The return half of the ti

7、cket is good for three months. 回程票3个月内有效。用return或 return ticket表示“往返票”,为英国英语用法,在美国英语中,用round-trip ticket表示。初中英语动词不定式用法小结动词不定式是动词的一种非谓语形式,又叫非谓语动词,它没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能做谓语;它由“to+动词原形”构成,这里的to是动词不定式符号,本身没有词义,其否定形式常在to前加not;由于它仍保持动词的特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语,还可以带疑问词和由for引出其逻辑主语等形成动词不定式短语;不定式或不定式短语具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句子中可作

8、主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语等句子成分。为使同学们更好地掌握其用法,现总结如下:一、动词不定式作主语动词不定式作主语时,为避免句子的头重脚轻,常用it作为形式主语,而真正的主语动词不定式后置。如要说明动作的执行者,可在不定式前加for引导的短语;但如果表语是nice, kind, clever等描述动作执行者的性格、品质的形容词时,则应在不定式前加of引导的短语。常用句型:It +be+adj./n.+(for/of sb.) to do sth./It takes sb. some time to do sth.二、动词不定式作宾语一些动词,如want, decide, hope

9、, ask, agree, choose, learn, plan, need, teach, prepare,等,常接动词不定式作宾语。当动词不定式作宾语时,如果后接宾语补足语,常用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放在宾语补足语之后。应注意有些动词后面可接不定式作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,但所表达的意义不同。常见的有:(1)stop to do sth.停止正在做的事,去做另一件事;stop doing sth. .停止正在做的事(2)go on to do sth. 做完一件事后,继续做另一件事;go on doing sth.继续做同一件事(3)remember/forget to do

10、sth.记住/忘记去做某事;remember/forget doing sth. 记得/忘记做过某事三、动词不定式作定语动词不定式作后置定语时,与被修饰的名词逻辑上有动宾关系。如果动词不定式是不及物动词时,则要带上与之搭配的介词,构成及物动词短语。动词不定式作后置定语常用于“have/has +某事+to do”或“enough+名词+to do”“Its time to do sth.”等结构中。四、动词不定式作宾语补足语有些动词,如tell, ask, want, invite, teach, like, call等可接带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,构成tell/ask/want /ca

11、ll/invite sb. to do sth.结构。应注意动词不定式作使役动词和感官动词的宾语补足语时应省去to,在被动语态中应加上to。这些动词可归纳为“一感(feel),二听(listen to, hear),三让(let, make, have,,四看(look at, see, watch, notice),半帮助(help)(即在动词help后面作宾语补足语时,to可有可无)”。另有口诀帮助记忆:“感使动词真奇怪,to在句中像妖怪,主动句中to离开,被动句中to回来。”(let不用于被动语态)五、动词不定式作状语动词不定式作状语主要用来修饰动词,表示目的,结果或原因。为了强调目的,

12、有时可以把动词不定式放在句首,或在不定式前加in order或so as。常用结构有too + adj./adv. + to dosth.等。六、固定句式中动词不定式的用法在固定句式中对不定式的考察常见的有:had better (not) do sth./Would you like to do sth.?/Why not do sth.?/Would you please (not) do sth.?等。动词不定式专项训练题:一、单项选择。1. _ is difficult to work out the maths problem.A. This B. That C. It D. Its

13、2. We decided _ at the end of this month.A. travel B. not start out C. to leave D. going3. They have no paper_.A. to write B. to write with C. write on D .to write on4. Let him _ a rest. I think he must be tired after the long walk.A. has B. have C. to have D. having5. _the computer is a problem.A.

14、How to use B. What to use C. Where to use D. Which to use6. The teacher told us _in bed.A. dont read B. read not C. to not read D. not to read7. The old man was _angry _ say a word.A. so, that B. as, as C. too, to D. very, to8. Why _home tomorrow?A. not go B. not going C. not to go D. didnt go9. The

15、 TV set is too loud. Will you please _?A. turn down it B. turn it down C. to turn it down D. to turn down it10. Its cold outside. You had better _ your coat.A. to put on B. putting on C. puts on D. put on二、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. It took half an hour _(get) to the World Park from Kittys school.2. It was int

16、eresting _(see) so many places of interest from all over the world.3. They want _(save) time by using shorter words and phrases.4. Kittys classmate Daniel taught himself how _(make) a home page.5. Things _(do) in Beijing6. He put his photos on it for everyone _(look) at.7. Help him _(put) the photos

17、 in the correct order.8. He made the girl _(cry) yesterday.9. Its time for class. Please stop _(talk).10. Id like _(go) to the Temple of Heaven.参考答案:一、15 CCDBA 610 DCABD二、1. to get 2. to see 3. to save 4. to make 5. to do 6. to look 7. (to)put8. cry 9. talking 10. to go英语中的“发生”:happen的三种用法happen是不及物

18、动词,主要用法有以下三种:1. sth+happen+地点/时间,意为“某地/某时发生了某事”。An accident happened in that street. 那条街发生了一起事故。Whats happening outside? 外面发生什么事了?2. sth+happen?to+sb,意为“某人出了某事(常指不好的事发生在某人身上)”。A car accident happened to him yesterday. 昨天他发生了交通事故。What happened to you?(=What was wrong/the matter with you?) 你怎么啦?3. sb+happen+to do sth,意为“某人碰巧做某事”。I happened to meet her in the street. 我碰巧在街上遇见她。It happened that I was out when he called. 他来访时我碰巧不在。remain的用法(文库搜索)


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