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1、pretend三种易混淆不定式的用法 今天给大家带来了pretend三种易混淆不定式的用法,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。pretend三种易混淆不定式的用法1. pretend to do sth .这个短语的意思是假装(将要)去做什么事情,适用于将来时态动作将来假装要去做但不一定去做 的状态。举例: If youpretend to know what you dont know,youll only make afool of yourself.不懂装懂就会闹笑话。(suri的回答)Child pretend to be mother and father in ki

2、ndergarten.孩子在幼稚园里面假扮父亲和母亲(表将来)(JasoOon的回答)2. pretend to have done sth .这个短语的意思是假装已经做过了某事,强调事情的一个完成的状态,侧重于假装的事情已经做好了 。举例:I pretend tohave seen nothing,but I cant.我假装自己没有看到任何东西,但是我做不到(侧重于一个完成时态,已经试图去假装没有看到)she pretended to have finished the homeworkwhen she went out and played.当她出门玩的时候她假装自己已经完成了家庭作业。

3、(假装做作业这个动作已经在出门玩之前做完了)(JasoOon的回答)以及怀陌的回答:When the teacher came in,he pretended to havefinished the homework.当老师进来的时候他假装自己已经完成家庭作业了,两者有异曲同工之妙。3. pretendtobe doing sth 这个短语的意思是假装正在做某事 ,强调动作的一个进行时态。举例:They pretend to be reading books when the teacher sneakingly stands at the back door.当老师偷偷地站在后门的时候他们假

4、装正在读书(读书与老师站在后门都是过去进行时态)(JasoOon的回答)Asmanypeople do,youoftenpretend to be doingwork when actuallyyou arejust wasting time online.像很多人一样,你经常假装正在工作,其实是在上网。群主补充:昨天和今天已提交作业的同学,做得都很好,全部授予小红花。希望你们再接再厉,不要松懈哟。所以下周一出题者为所有已提交作业的同学或者你们选出的代表。其他愿意像会吃人的老虎同学这样愿意自己写作业解析的同学,我是热切支持和鼓励的。这样多花几分钟,你却进步得更快,何乐而不为。pretend的用

5、法总结大全pretend的意思vt. 假装,伪装;假称;装扮;vi. 扮演;自称;假装,矫作;adj. 仿制的;pretend的用法1)pretend to do sth该结构有如下三种形式:pretend to do sth(一般式);prentend to be doing sth(进行式);prentnd to have done sth(完成式)如:I pretend to be sleeping when my parents came in.He pretended to be friendly with me.He pretended to have been abroad.2)

6、 pretend + that从句如:He pretended that he was innocent.3)adj.假装/假想的如:Dont be afraid of a pretend problem.pretend的用法例句1. The children pretend to be different animals dancing to the music.孩子们扮成不同的动物,随着音乐起舞。2. We wont pretend we savour the prospect of a month in prison.我们不会装作我们满心盼望着在监狱中度过一个月。3. It would

7、be idle to pretend the system is perfect.假装系统完美无疵是徒劳的。4. Within this lecture I cannot pretend to deal adequately with dreams.在这一次讲座中,我不敢自诩能对梦境作透彻的分析。5. I pretend that things are really okay when theyre not.当情况不好的时候我假装一切顺利。6. Im tired of having to pretend all the time.我讨厌老得装假。Disguise ,fake,pretend 用

8、法有什么差别?当它们都作为动词时,区别如下:Disguise: verb. 假扮;装扮;伪装,如:1. They got in disguised as security guards.他们装扮成保安人员混了进去。2. She disguised herself as a boy.她女扮男装。Fake: verb. 伪造,冒充;假装,佯装,装出(某种感情、有病等),如:3. She faked her mothers signature on the document.她伪造了她母亲在文件上的签字。4. Shes not really sick shes just faking it.她并不是

9、真的病了,不过是假装的。Pretend:verb. 假装,佯装,如:5. We pretended that nothing had happened.我们假装什么事情也没发生。6. Sometimes the boy pretended to be asleep.有时这个男孩会假装睡着了。另外,disguise 和 fake 还可以作为名词:disguise: noun. 假扮, 装扮, 伪装; 伪装物,化装用具, 如:7. He tried to slip past the police in disguise.他乔装打扮,设法从警察面前溜过去。8. This false beard is

10、 his disguise.这假胡子是他的伪装用品.Fake: noun. 假货,赝品9. All the paintings proved to be fakes.所有这些画结果证实都是赝品。10. He can tell a fake from the original.他能分辨出赝品和真品.在这三个词汇里,只有fake是形容词,fake(毛皮、画作等)假的,冒充的(尤指采用非天然材料达到天然品的效果);伪造的,如:11. Is this fake leather?这是假皮的吗?12. The bank manager is said to have issued fake certifi

11、cates.据说那个银行经理曾出具伪造的凭证。更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关(链接在“高效的词汇学习方法”的评论区里或百度一下“词不离句”)。不要试图去记那些用法,是记不住的;而是把例句记下来,这样用法也就记住了!通过听录音,复述,默写,就轻松地把句子记住啦!什么叫并列复合句所谓并列复合句,就是指并列句中的两个分句中又内含从句,或者说就是含有复合句的并列句。如:The policeman looked at me suspiciously. 那警察用怀疑的眼光看着我。(简单句)He asked me what I wanted. 他问我要干什么。(复合句,其中的的 what

12、引导宾语从句)The policeman looked at me suspiciously, and he asked me what I wanted. 那警察用怀疑的眼光看着我,于是问我要干什么。(并列复合句;and 连接两个分句构成并列句,但 and 后面又是一个含有宾语从句的复合句)又如(注意黑体字部分):He is my friend and thats why I have accepted the task. 他是我的朋友,因此我才接受了这个任务。John wanted to go to the party, but his wife said that she was too

13、 tired. 约翰想去参加晚会,但他的妻子说她太累了。I put my arm across his shoulders and steered him to the sofa, where he collapsed. 我用手臂抱住他双肩并把他架到沙发旁,他就倒在沙发上了。He had always loved Clara and he had always hoped that he could make her love him. 他一直都爱着克拉拉而且一直期望他能使她爱上他。It was still early, and although she was fatigued her mi

14、nd was restless. 时间还早,而且,虽然她感到很累,她的脑子却一刻不停。Of course, they couldnt see with their eyes, but they thought that by touching him they could learn just what kind of animal he was. 他们当然不能用眼看,但他们想通过触摸也可以辨认出它到底是一种什么动物。I asked a man who has a wife and three children who did the cooking in his house and he r

15、eplied that whoever came home from work first did it. 我问一个有妻子和三个孩子的人,他家谁做饭,他回答说,谁先下班回来,谁就做饭。英语中什么是逻辑主语?逻辑主语:是非谓语动词动作的执行者或承受者;它们在逻辑上存在着主谓关系或动宾关系,但不能直接作非谓语动词的主语,因此叫逻辑主语。逻辑主语的判断:1. 句子主语就是非谓语动词的逻辑主语,它们之间是逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系。例如:She likes helping others .(she 就是 helping的逻辑主语)Moved by my words, her father told m

16、e the truth. (her father 是 moved 的逻辑主语)2. 介词of 或for的宾语就是非谓语动词的逻辑主语。例如:It”s kind of you to tell me the news . (you 是to tell 的逻辑主语)这个句子中,it是形式主语,句子的真正主语是to tell me the news.It is impossible for you to finish so much work in so short a time . (you 是to finish 的逻辑主语)3. 复合结构中的宾语就是非谓动词的逻辑主语。例如:The doctor asked me to answer her question. (me 是to answer 的逻辑主语)I saw him playing at the river side. (him 是playing 的逻辑主语)pretend三种易混淆不定式的用法(文库搜索)


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