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1、necessary的用法和辨析 今天给大家带来necessary的用法,让我们一起来学习吧。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。词汇精选:necessary的用法和辨析一、详细释义:adj.必要的;必需的例句:All necessary materials should be on hand.一切必须的材料应准备就绪。例句:This is a necessary part of the process and shouldnt be short-circuited.这是这个过程的必要部分,不应该缩短。必然的;不可避免的例句:Poor health is a necessary result of

2、over-exertion.体弱是过度劳累的必然结果。例句:Arguably, the criminal is a necessary member of society.无疑地,罪犯是社会不可避免的一种人。n.必需品例句:Please just take the necessary for a long walk.只带上远足所需的必需品即可。例句:She have enough money to obtain the necessary of life.她有足够的钱购买生活必需品。例句:She has enough money to obtain the necessary of life.

3、她有足够的钱购买生活必需品。二、词义辨析:indispensable,essential,necessary,requisite这些形容词均有“必不可少的,必需的”之意。 indispensable语气强,侧重指绝对必要性或不可缺少性。 essential指对事物本身性质具有决定性的重要性,暗含不可缺少,否则便无法存在。 necessary最常用词,侧重由客观因素决定的某种需要,强调不可避免,但并非绝不可缺少。 requisite正式用词,特指为实现某一目的或得到某种结果而应有的需要,有时可与necessary换用。三、参考例句:Make the necessary arrangements.

4、做一些必要的安排。Log is missing necessary information.日志缺少了必要的信息。She will make necessary arrangements.她会作好必要的准备。Sleep is necessary to health.睡眠对健康是必要的。Is war a necessary evil?战争是无法避免的灾祸吗?They furnished him with the necessary funds.他们向他提供了必要的资金。These reference books are necessary to us.这些参考书是我们所必需的。Its neces

5、sary to operate on him.必须给他做手术。We will take immediate and necessary action.我们将立即采取必要的行动。These things are necessary for the dependent.这些都是受援助者需要的必需品。important 和 necessary 的用法是什么啊?关于 to 和 for的这两个单词其实不难区别啊 结构是 Its +形容词+for sb+to do sth前者是“必要的”,后者是“重要的”例如:1.Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting?我

6、真的必须参加这个会议吗?Radio and television are important means of communication.无线电和电视是重要的通信手段.速记单词 | 每天1分钟记住一个词:necessary evilnecessary evil音标:?nes?s?rii?v(?)lnecessary evil,是明知不好,但又必不可少的人或事。Caffeine is a necessary evil for college students, 咖啡因虽然不是什么好东西,但却是大学生活中不可缺少的。房贷市场的问题,拖垮了不少贷款银行。有人认为, Bailing out the

7、banks is a necessary evil, 挽救这些银行虽然不对,但却是必须要做的。国际石油价格高涨的今天, Americans who drive big cars think oil is a necessary evil, 开大车的美国人认为,汽油虽然昂贵,但又离不开它。Necessary,你读的是:奶sei色瑞?赶紧进来给我改了!最近正音课上练到一个词“必要的” necessary. 很多同学都按照以前的发音习惯读成:奶sei色瑞!并且,很有可能,你也成为了被中式发音选中的孩子。但不幸的是,这种发音是不对的。更糟糕的是,由于你一直没有意识到necessary的发音错误,导致很

8、多单词你都会跟着读错!(请一定配合上方音频学习,音频中包含necessary的美音原声示范)Necessary丨发音剖析美式音标:?n?s?s?ri第一音节元音为:short e sound ?嘴巴微张,不滑动。(问题不大)第二音节为弱读音节元音字母e读schwa ?。不读你以为的sei,而是读s?!三四音节为重点!要记住:-ary字母组合出现在词尾时,读?ri,不读?ri并且,-ary的读音是由?r自然滑向i,根本不需要刻意撅嘴唇!所以,整个单词necessary的发音过程,嘴唇要一直处于放松状态,不要在-sary音节刻意撅嘴唇!趁热打铁丨实战练习Oxygen is necessary fo

9、r life.氧气对生命很有必要。I dont think its necessary.我觉得这没必要。举一反三丨以-ary结尾常见词Dictionary ?d?k?n?ri n.字典Legendary ?l?d?nd?ri adj.传奇的Military ?m?l?t?ri n.军队 adj.军事的Secondary ?s?k?n?d?ri adj.第二位的;次要的Secretary ?s?kr?t?ri n.秘书Visionary ?v?n?ri n.有远见的人Imaginary ?m?d?n?ri adj.虚构的;想象的Extraordinary ?k?str?rdn?ri adj.非凡

10、的;杰出的个人心得:学习英语,要用起自己的眼睛耳朵和嘴巴!眼睛:要敏锐观察单词拼写规律和字母组合耳朵:要作第二双眼睛,学会“观察”声音的特性嘴巴:要当录音机、复读机。把耳朵捕捉到的声音特性尽可能准确地转达还原。多听,多观察,多模仿,会让我们对音的敏感度大幅提高,从而提高发音和听力!A necessary evil 不得不接受 | 地道英语Feifei:大家好,我是冯菲菲。欢迎来到 BBC 英语教学的地道英语节目。Rob:And hello Im Rob.Feifei:Youre looking pleased with yourself, Rob.Rob:I am. Ive just book

11、ed these dirt cheap I mean really cheap flights to Ibiza!Feifei:Wonderful!Rob:Look at the price 20 pounds return! That means extra money to spend on food, drink and partying.Feifei:诶,让我看看。你看这儿,说票价是二十镑,你还要付燃油附加税,加起来一百多镑了。Rob:Er? Let me see. Youre right. Grrr, I hate paying tax.Feifei:I guess you coul

12、d say its a necessary evil.Rob:Hmm, you could say that if you mean its something bad that cant be avoided, and you have to accept it in order to achieve a good result.Feifei:Thats exactly what I meant, Rob. 我们可以用 necessary evil 来描述“不愿让其发生但又无法避免的事情”,换句话说就是“不得不接受的事情,迫不得已的事情”。因为买飞机票就必须得付燃油附加税,所以是一个 nec

13、essary evil。 Lets hear some examples, shall we?ExamplesFor me, exams are a necessary evil you have to do them to get a place at university.Sitting in traffic for hours is a necessary evil if I want to drive to the seaside on a public holiday!Oh, I hate running. But having to exercise is a necessary

14、evil if I want to stay fit and healthy.Feifei:这里是 BBC 英语教学的地道英语节目。我们正在教给大家的英语表达是“a necessary evil 一件不想做但必须做的事情”。And, Rob, that tax on your plane ticket is unavoidable not so cheap now, is it?Rob:No. Less money for eating, drinking and partying.Feifei:Can you get a refund? Stay at home and eat, drink and party?Rob:I could, but if I stayed at home, theres another necessary evil Id have to deal with.Feifei:Whats that?Rob:Ill have to spend more time with you.Feifei:Hmm! What time is your flight exactly?Rob:Well, did I say something wrong?Feifei:Bye.RobBye.necessary的用法和辨析(文库搜索)


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