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1、prepare的用法总结 今天给大家带来了prepare的用法 ,我们一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。prepare的用法And you will be faithful.Arms.Prepare to mount.Mount.Full Metal Jacket你会忠心的。武器。准备安装。安装。全金属外壳一、你知道prepare有几种含义吗?v.1.准备 TWe must prepare the room for the meeting.我们必须为会议准备好房间。2.筹备,进行各项准备工作 I,TThey prepared a big exhibition of Dunhuang

2、 Art.他们筹备了一个大型敦煌艺术展览。3.预备(饭菜);做(饭)TWeve prepared Chinese food for your first meal. Hope you will enjoy it.我们为你们的头顿饭准备了中餐,希望你们会喜欢。4.调制,配制(药品等)THow do you prepare them?你们怎样调制它们?5.使(自己)有准备;防范 TI am prepared for anything.我有应付任何事情的心理准备。二、你知道prepare和哪些词更搭吗?prepare forv.准备,使有准备三,学会prepare的用法了吗?来做个测试吧!Dust

3、off your old skills and _ for new responsibilities.把你荒疏已久的技艺重新练好,准备担负新任务。prepare的用法.一、prepare用作及物动词时:1.prepare sth.表示准备.,后接名词或代词作宾语.2.prepare sb.sth.表示给.准备.,也可转换为prepare sth.for sb.3.prepare sb.for sth.表示使某人对某事有所准备.4.prepare to do sth.表示准备做.二、prepare用作不及物动词时:prepare for sth.表示为.做准备.三、prepare的名词形式为pr

4、eparation,它可以和介词in一起构成in preparation for短语;也可和动词make一起构成make preparations for短语,表示为.做准备.四、prepare是一动词,意为准备.其用法相当灵活,现归纳如下:1.prepare sth.是准备,宾语是所准备的内容.2.prepare to do sth.准备做某事,3.prepare for sth.是为做准备,for是准备的目的.4.prepare sth.for.为准备某物5.prepare sb.for sth.使某人对进行准备6.prepare do sth.使某人准备做某事, pr

5、epared for sth.=get ready for sth.为做好了准备,强调状态 (well) prepared to do sth.准备、打算做某事, prepared against sth.对做好准备,against有与作斗争、抵御之意.可以用于以下一些短语:make preparations for 为做准备in preparation for 为做准备另外,prepare还有配制、调制(点心、药、菜等)之意.Prepare的用法及搭配详解(1)prepare sb. for / to do sth.使某人对作好准备The teacher are prepa

6、ring the students for the final examination.老师们正让学生准备期末考试。The mother prepared her son to go to preschool.妈妈让儿子准备好去学前班。(2)prepare sb. sth.为某人准备The host and hostress prepared us a delicious meal.主人为我们准备好美味佳肴。(3)prepare sth. for + n. / v.-ing.(动名词)准备,为做准备The peasants are preparing the ground for planti

7、ng.农民们正在为栽种准备耕地。(4)sb. prepare for sth. / to do sth.某人准备做The students are busy preparing for the college entrance examination.学生们正忙着准备考大学。(5)be prepared for为准备,对作好了准备,表示结果The students are well prepared for the sports meeting.学生们为运动会做了充分准备。Prepare的用法及搭配详解They were not prepared for the attack at all.他

8、们根本没有预料到这次袭击。(6)be prepared to do sth.准备好,愿意Always be prepared to answer questions in class.课堂上要时刻准备回答问题。(7)be prepared against防备We are prepared against natural disasters.我们作好预防自然灾害的准备。few与a few 的用法区别作者: admin 网络* 时间: 2019-04-24从用法上看,few和a few后面要接可数名词的复数形式;从意义上看,few 用来强调小数目的否定意义,相当于说“很少”或“几乎没有”,它的含义

9、是该数目令人失望或令人吃惊的小。如:Few people like snakes. 很少有人喜欢蛇。I know few of them. 他们当中我几乎不认识什么人。a few的意思与few不同,它没有否定含义,它表示“有几个”,有时甚至还表示“一些”。如:After a few tries they gave up. 试过几次之后他们就放弃了。当要与一段时间连用时,我们总是用a few,不用few。如:We need a place where we can stay for a few days. 我们需要一个能住几天的地方。另外,还要注意not a few和quite a few这两个

10、短语,不要误认为它们是反义词,其实它们几乎是同义词,都可表示“不少”“相当多”的意思。如:Not a few of the members were absent. 不少会员未出席。Quite a few of us are worried. 我们不少人很着急。if与whether的10点区别1. 引导主语从句并在句首时不用if。如:Whether we go there is not decided. 我们是否去那里还没决定。2. 引导表语从句时不用if。如:The question is whether we can get there on time. 问题是我们能否按时到达那里。3.

11、引导同位语从句时不用if。如:He asked me the question whether the work was worth doing. 他问我这个问题,那项工作是否值得做。4. 在介词后引导宾语从句不用if。如:Im thinking about whether well have a meeting. 我在考虑我们是否要开个会。5. 直接与not连用时不用if。如:I dont know whether or not you will go. 我不知道你是否去。6. 宾语从句置于句首时不用if。如:Whether you have met George before, I can

12、t remember. 我不记得你以前是否见过乔治。7. 在discuss等之后时不用if。如:Were discussing whether well go on a picnic. 我们在讨论是否要去野餐。8. 当用if会引起歧义时不用if。如:Please let me know whether you are busy. 请告诉我你是否忙。(若用if,还可理解为“如果你很忙,你就告诉我。”9. 在动词不定式前用whether不用if。如:He doesnt know whether to go or not. 他不知道是否去。10. 宾语从句是否定式时不用whether。如:She asked me if Tom didnt come. 她问我Tom是不是没有来。prepare的用法总结(文库搜索)


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