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1、专科英语期末复习重点专科英语课程期末复点 注意事项:1. 请将答案写在本卷面上,写在他处无效。 2. 答题需用钢笔或圆珠笔,字迹要清楚,卷面要整洁。 共三个大题 一、用括号中词语的正确形式将句子补充完整。 这些小题考察每个单元对话里出现的词汇或词组的用法,例如: 1. What about _ (go) to a Chinese restaurant? 二、请将下列句子翻译成英语 (共 5 道小题,共 30 分) 这些小题考察对话中出现的句子的意思,这些句子基本上是原文的汉语译文,要求你将这些句子还原成英文,句意基本上是严格对应的,即使改变也只是在无关紧要处,大家细心点即可,例如: 3. 我们

2、周日可以休息一下。 三、请将下列段落翻译成汉语 (共 4 道小题,共 60 分) 这些小题考察单元中课文的句意理解,原文原句,没有变化。例如: 8. Today,with our complex methods of transport and communication,it is not necessary for buyers and sellers to have direct contact with each other, so it is better not to think of a market in terms of a particular place. 所以总的说来,

3、大家熟读每个单元的对话 和课文部分即可。下面将每个单元的对话、课文及其译文统一放在这里,大家熟读。 G Unit 1 ar Dialogue: Shopping Mary: Are you free this weekend? I want to go shopping1. Linda: OK. Is there anything that you want to buy? Mary: Nothing in particular. I just havent gone shopping for a long time. Linda: Me neither. Where shall we go?

4、 Mary: What about2 going to Nu Ren Jie? There are a lot of clothes stores there. Linda: OK, I havent been there before. When do you want to go? 第 1 页 共 25 页 Mary: Saturday, then we can rest on Sunday. Linda: Where do you want to meet up3? Mary: At the Dongzhimen subway station. Its near Nu Ren Jie.

5、Linda: Alright, see you then. Words and expressions: 1 go shopping 去购物,去买东西 2 what about? 提出建议、询问消息或征求意见时用怎么样?例句: What about doing a spot of work ? 做点儿事怎么样?。 What about playing football now? 现在踢足球好吗? What about going shopping with me? 和我一起购物怎么样? 3 meet up 约见,会见。例句: Lets meet up after the play. 看完戏后,

6、我们碰碰头。 I met up with him/We met up at the supermarket. 我们在超级市场偶然相遇。 对话: 购物 玛丽: 这周末有空吗?我想去购物。 琳达: 好啊,你有什么要买的吗? 玛丽: 也没什么特别要买的。我就是好久不去买东西了。 琳达: 我也是。那咱们去哪儿逛呢? 玛丽: 去女人街好不好?那里卖衣服的小店特别多。 琳达: 好啊,我还没去过女人街呢。你想哪天去呢? 玛丽: 周六吧,这样周日还可以休息。 琳达: 你想在哪儿碰头呢? 玛丽: 在东直门地铁站里碰头吧。那儿离女人街很近。 琳达: 好,到时见喽。 Text:Market A market may

7、 be defined as a group of people or firms1 who have contact with2 each other3 with the purpose of4 exchanging some goods or services. The term market at least5 involves two parties: the sellers and the buyers. Today,with our complex methods of transport and communication,it is not necessary for buye

8、rs and sellers to have direct contact with each other, so it is better not to think of a market in terms of6 a particular place. Sellers are the suppliers of something of valuethe supply. The buyers are the demanders of something of 第 2 页 共 25 页 valuethe demand. Price is determined by the interactio

9、n of supply and demand7. Practically all goods and services have a price. A car has a price; your fathers labor service has a pricehis wage,or salary. We refer to market demand as the total of all the individual demands for a particular commodity. By individual demand we mean the quantity particular

10、 individuals are able and willing to purchase in the market at various price levels at a particular point of time8. Changes in demand (increases or decreases) occur with changes in population, wage rates, taxation,fashions,etc.,and mean that more or less of a quantity is demanded at the same price.

11、(217 words) New Words define difain vt. 定义,解释,下定义,限定,规定 purpose p:ps n. 目的,意向,决心,意义,论题 vt. 意欲,企图,计划 term t:m n. 术语,名词,期限,学期,任期,条款 involve invlv vt. 包缠;使卷入,使陷入;使专注;必须包括;包围 complex kmpleks n. 合成物,情结,复杂 a. 复杂的,合成的 method med n. 方法,方式,教学法 transport trnsp:t n. 传送器,运输 vt. 传送,运输 communication kmju:nikein n

12、. 通讯,传达,传送 particular ptikjul a. 特别的,特殊的,详细的 value vlju: n. 价值,重要性,价格 determine dit:min vt. 决定,决心;确定,限定,测定 interaction intrkn n. 相互作用;干扰 wage weid n. 薪水,工资 salary slri n. 工资,薪水,薪金 refer rif: vt. 把称作,把当作;把归因于,把归类于 individual individjul a. 个人的,个体的,单独的 n. 个人,个体 commodity kmditi n. 日用品,商品 population ppj

13、ulein n. 人口,人口数 rate reit n. 比率,率,速度 taxation tksein n. 税收,征税,租税 fashion fn n. 流行,时髦,时尚,时装 课文 市场 市场可解释为一群人或一些商行彼此接触,以达到交换商品或服务的目的。市场这一术语至少包括买卖双方。 当今随着复杂的交通工具及通讯手段的出现,买卖双方彼此间不必直接接第 3 页 共 25 页 触,因此最好不要把市场想象为某个特定的场所。卖方供应某些有价值的商品,是供方;而买方则需要某些有价值的货物,是求方。价格多少则由供求双方的相互作用决定。 实际上,所有的商品和服务项目都有其价格。汽车有价格,你父亲的劳动

14、服务也有价格,即他的工资或薪金。 市场需求是指社会所有成员对某种商品需求的总和。所谓个人需求,是指某些个人在一定时间以不同的价格在市场上能够并愿意购到的商品量。 商品的需求量(增加或减少)随人口、工资率、 税收、生活方式等而变化。这就是说,虽然价格不变,需要的商品是可能增加,也可能减少。 Unit 2 Dialogue: Buying a Laptop Alice: Is there any discount1 on this laptop2? Clerk: Its already very cheap. Lets make it 6000 Yuan3. Thats as cheap as i

15、t can get. Alice: Alright, Ill buy this one. Can I pay using a credit card? Clerk: Sorry, you can only pay cash. Well also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you. Alice: How long is the warranty good for? Clerk: One year. The maintenance store location and telephone numbers are on the warranty car

16、d. Words and expressions: 1 discount diskaunt n. v. 折扣,打折扣,贴现,不重视,低估 2 laptop lptp n. 笔记本电脑 3 Lets make it 6000 Yuan. 这样吧,六千元。 make it 是美国俚语,是一个用途极广的多义性习语,在书刊中俯首即是, 在日常交谈中随时可听得到,常与can,let,want等词连用,可用来表示达到预 定目标;办成,做到;成功等。例如: He wants to make it as a writer. 他想作为作家而一举成名。 Can you make it tomorrow? 明天行吗

17、? Tell him I want to see him tonight, at my house if he can make it. 告诉他今晚我要见他,行的话就在我家。 对话: 买笔记本电脑 爱丽丝:这个笔记本电脑还能便宜点儿吗? 店员: 已经够便宜的了。这样吧,六千元,不能再便宜了。 第 4 页 共 25 页 爱丽丝:好吧,我就要这个。能刷卡吗? 店员: 对不起,只能付现金。我们还会送您一个电脑包和鼠标。 爱丽丝:保修期是多长时间? 店员: 一年。保修卡上有维修地点和电话。 Text:The Price System Everything has a price each commod

18、ity and each service. The different kinds of human labor have prices, usually called wages. Everybody receives1 money for what he sells and uses this money to buy what he wishes. If more is wanted of any one commodity,say,shoesa flood of new orders will be given for it. This will cause its price to

19、rise2 and more to be produced. Similarly, if more of a commodity such as tea becomes available than people want to buy at the last quoted market price, its price will be marked down by competition3. At the lower price people will drink more tea and producers will no longer produce quite so much. Thu

20、s, equilibrium of supply and demand will be restored. What is true of the markets for consumer goods is also true of markets for factors of production,such as labor and capital inputs4. If welders rather than glass blowers are needed,job opportunities will be more favorable in the welding field5. Th

21、e price of welders, their hourly wage, will tend to rise, while that of glass blowers will tend to fall6. Other things being equal, this will cause a shift into the desired occupation7. (204 words) New Words price prais n. 价格,代价,价值 system sistim,sistm n. 系统,体系,体制,制度 service s:vis n. 服务,帮助;公共设施 recei

22、ve risi:v vt. 收到,接受,得到,接待 rise raiz vi. 升起,起身,起立,上升,上涨 similarly similli ad. 同样地,类似于 available veilbl a. 可用的;通用的;可获得 quote kwut vt. 引述,举证,报价 mark m:k vt. 标记 n. 痕迹;商标,目标 competition kmpitin n. C比赛;U竞争 equilibrium i:kwilibrim n. 平衡,均衡,均势 restore rist: vt. 恢复,使回复;归还 input input n. 输入 welder weld n. 焊工

23、blower blu n. 吹的人 opportunity ptju:niti n. 机会,机遇 favorable feivrbl a. 有利的,良好的 tend tend vi. 走向,趋向;倾向;有助于 第 5 页 共 25 页 equal i:kwl a. 相等的,均等的 shift ift n. 移位,变化,移动 desire dizai vt. 愿望,期望,希望;要求,请求 occupation kjupein n. 职业,工作 课文 价格体系 每样东西都有其价格,无论是商品还是服务项目。人们的各种劳动也都有价格,通常称为“工资”。人人因出卖劳动力而获得货币,并用它购买自己所需的物

24、品。 任何一种商品的需求量增加了,大批新的定货单便会蜂涌而来。这就会造成该商品的价格上涨,产量增加。同样地,如果某种商品的供应量超过了人们以最近市场牌价购买的量,那么其价格将由于竞争而下降。人们将以低廉的价格喝到更多的茶,而茶农则不愿再生产那么多茶叶了。于是供与求就会重新恢复平衡。凡适用于消费品市场的原则,也同样适用于诸如劳动力、资本输入一类生产要素的市场。如果需要的是电焊工,而不是玻璃器皿吹制工,则电焊工种的就业机会就会更多,电焊工的报酬,即每小时的工资就会趋于上升,而玻璃器皿吹制工的报酬,即每小时的工资就会趋于下降。如果别的条件都相等,这就会导致人们向社会所需要的职业转移。 Unit 3

25、Dialogue: Stock Antony: Whats up1? Mike: I want to invest in stocks to make a quick buck2. Antony: Really? Im trading also. So which company are you going to invest in? Mike: I think Baidu looks promising, so I m going to put all my money in it and make a big profit. Antony: What? All of your money?

26、 Dont put all your eggs in one basket3. You need to diversify your portfolio4. Mike Really? Thanks for letting me know. Words and expressions: stock stk n.股票,股份 buck bk n.钱,元 invest invest vt.& vi.投资; 花费 promising prmisi a. 有希望的,前途有望的 diversify daiv:sifai vt. 使成形形色色,使多样化,使变化 portfolio p:tfulju n.公文包

27、; 文件夹 第 6 页 共 25 页 对话: 股票 安东尼: 最近忙什么呢? 迈克: 我想炒股,尽快赚点儿钱花。 安东尼: 是吗?我也一直炒呢。那你打算买什么股? 迈克: 我看好百度,打算把钱都放在上面,大赚一笔。 安东尼: 什么?都投在上面?千万不要孤注一掷。你应该做多样性的投资。 迈克: 真的?多谢你告诉我这些。 Text:Economics and Business Administration From our definition it is clear that economics1 studies human behavior not all human behavior but

28、 behavior relating to the desire for material things,such as food, clothing,transportation and shelter. The specific material things about which economics is concerned2 are the things with a price tag on them things you can buy. Thus,there is a distinct relationship3 between economics and business o

29、r,more exactly,between the study of economics and the study of business administration. A businessman should acquaint himself with4 the principles of economics. Every business decision results from deciding on a particular course of action after the practical alternatives have been considered5. The

30、study of alternatives is the essence of economics. If the businessman casts each economic decision within the framework of sound economic analysis,he has a better chance of making sound6 decisions. And the success of his business depends on the soundness of his decisions. Does this mean that good ec

31、onomists are always successful businessmen,and that businessmen who lack formal training in economics are doomed to7 failure? Not at all8. It is easy to cite examples of successful businessmen who lack formal training in economics. And it is just as easy to point out examples of eminently qualified

32、economists who lack either capital,practical resourcefulness, or the willingness to take risks qualities essential for success in business9. (233 words) New Words administration dministrein n. 管理,经营 economics i:knmiks n. 经济学,经济情况 behavior biheivi n. 行为,举止,表现 relate rileit vi. 有关,符合 shelter elt n. 庇护

33、所,避难所 specific spisifik a. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 concern kns:n vt. 涉及,关系到 distinct distikt a. 清楚的,明显的 relationship rileinip n. 关系,联系;家属关系 acquaint kweint vt. 使认识,使了解 principle prinspl n. 原则;原理;方针;准则 第 7 页 共 25 页 course k:s n. 课程,路线,过程 alternative :lt:ntiv a. 两者挑一的,可供选择的 n. 可供选择的事物 consider knsid vt. 认为;考虑 e

34、ssence esns n. 本质,实质 framework freimw:k n. 结构,骨架,组织,机构 analysis nlsis n. 分解,分析,解析 lack lk n. 缺乏,不足 vi. 缺乏,短少 formal f:ml a. 正式的,形式的 doom du:m n. 厄运,不幸,死亡 vt. 命中注定,宣告 cite sait vt. 引用,引证 eminently eminntli ad. 卓越地;显著地 qualified kwlifaid a. 有资格的 resourcefulness ris:sfulnis n. 主意多,办法多 willingness wilin

35、is n. 乐意 quality kwliti n. 品质,特质,才能 essential isenl a. 必要的,必不可少的;本质的,基本的 课文 经济学与企业经营 从我们的定义来看,经济学显然是研究人类的行为它不是研究人类的一切行为,而是研究有关人类对物质的欲望的行为,如衣、食、住、行。经济学所关心的具体的物质东西是有标价的,也就是能购买的东西。这样,经济学和企业之间便存在着一种明显的关系。说得更确切些,就是经济学的研究和企业经营的研究之间存在着一种明显的关系。 一个企业家必须通晓经济学原理。企业的每一项决策都是在对各种可行的抉择作了考虑并决定一个特定行为过程之后才作出的。对各种抉择的研

36、究是经济学的实质。如果一个企业家能在正确的经济分析范围内作出每一项经济决策,那其决策正确的可能性就大。而他的企业的成功就取决于他的决策的正确性。 这是否意味着好的经济学家一定是成功的企业家,而没有接受经济学正规训练的企业家就注定要失败呢?根本不是。我们可以容易地举出没有受过经济学正规训练的企业家获得成功的例子,同样也能容易地举出这样的例子,有的经济学家虽是公认的杰出的经济学家,但缺乏决定企业成功的基本要素:不是缺少资本, 缺少实用的足智多谋,就是缺少承担风险的意愿。 Unit 4 Dialogue: Asking the Lawyer about Civil Law Albert:Hello,

37、 Im here for a consultation regarding civil law. Lawyer: Yes, please. Albert: My neighbors are causing me to lose sleep. They are always singing and 第 8 页 共 25 页 dancing late into the night1. Lawyer:Oh, I see. For a case like this, well arrange for a lawyer to go visiting your neighbors with you2. A

38、lbert: I spoke to them several times before. I dont think having a lawyer present is going to help. Lawyer:In that case, well contact the police. If they find enough evidence, theyll force your neighbors to comply. Albert: Thats good. I hope I can have some peaceful nights in the future. Words and e

39、xpressions: consultation knsltein n. 请教,咨询, regarding rig:di prep. 关于 evidence evidns n.证词; 证据 comply kmplai v. 同意,服从,遵守,履行 对话: 向律师询问民法问题 艾伯特:您好,我想咨询一下民法方面的问题。 律师: 请讲。 艾伯特:我邻居让我根本睡不着觉。他们总是唱歌跳舞到大半夜。 律师: 哦,明白了。对于这种案子,我们通常会安排个律师去跟您的邻居交涉。 艾伯特:我和他们都谈过好几次了。我看律师去谈也不会管用的。 律师: 这样的话,我们就只能通知警方了,如果证据确凿,警方就能强令他们

40、 夜间安静些。 艾伯特:好。希望马上就有安静日子过了。 Text:Managerial Economics A1though one finds the term managerial economics defined in a variety of1 ways, the differences are typically more semantic than real. To some,managerial economics is applied microeconomics. Others define the field in terms of management science

41、and operations research concepts2. There are also those who see managerial economics as primarily providing an integrative framework for analyzing business decision problems3. In actuality,all of those views are correct,for each tells a part of the truth. Managerial economics is the application of e

42、conomic theory and methodology to business administration practice. More specifically, managerial economics uses the tools and techniques of economic analysis to analyze and solve business problems. In a sense4, managerial economics provides the link between traditional economics and the decision sc

43、iences in managerial decision making. 第 9 页 共 25 页 While we relate5 manageria1 economics to business administration decision problems and while our focus is primarily on business applications, it is important to recognize that the concepts of managerial economics are equally applicable to6 other typ

44、es of organizations. That is,the principles of managerial economics are also relevant to the management of nonbusiness,nonprofit organizations such as government agencies,schools,hospitals,museums,and similar institutions. (201 words) New Words managerial mndiril a. 管理的 variety vraiti n. 多种多样,种类 typ

45、ically tipikli ad. 典型地 semantic smntik a. 语义的 microeconomics n. 微观经济学 operation prein n. 运转,运作,工作,生效,起作用 concept knsept n. 概念,观念,思想 primarily praimrili ad. 首先,起初;主要地 integrative intigreitiv a. 综合的,一体化的 analyze nlaiz vt. 分析,分解 actuality ktuliti n. 实在,现实,现状 application ,plikein n. 应用,申请 methodology medldi n. 方法学,方法论 practice prktis n. 实践,练习,实行 technique teknik n. 技巧,技术 traditional trdinl a. 传统的;惯例的 focus fuks n. 焦点,焦距 vi. 聚焦,注视 recognize rekgnaiz


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