专题一 名词代词与冠词练习含答案.docx

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1、专题一 名词代词与冠词练习含答案一 词 法 专题一 名词、代词与冠词 分层训练 知能双升 高考回顾 考点一 名词 1My first _(impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. 解析:句意:我对他的第一印象是他是一个善良且有思想的年轻人。my first修饰名词,所以填impress的名词形式。 答案:impression 2Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? Well, you know, English is my

2、_(strong). So it is my best choice. 解析:句意:你为什么选择在国际旅行社工作?噢,你知道,英语是我的强项。因此这是我最好的选择。my后接名词,所以此处填strong的名词形式,strength长处。 答案:strength 3Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _(refer) 解析:句意:为了以后参考,你最好记下那个饭馆的电话号码。reference参考。 答案:reference 4Your _(perform) as a student will b

3、e excellent it you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn. 解析:句意:如果你能养成一种经常思考如何学习的习惯,那作为一名学生,你的表现会很优秀。设空处前面是形容词性物主代词your,故此处应填动词perform的名词形式performance(表现)。 答案:performance 5Giving up my job to go back to fulltime education was a big _(commit), but now I know it was the best decision I ever m

4、ade. 解析:句意:放弃工作重返校园接受全日制的教育对我来说是个很大的投入,但现在我知道这是我做过的最好的决定。冠词修饰名词,故填commitment(承诺,许诺,保证;已承诺或同意的事;不得不做的事)。 答案:commitment 6Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _(competent) 解析:句意:教师必须不断地更新自己的知识来保持专业能力。设空处前面是形容词,故需要填一个名词competence(能力,技能)。 答案:competenc

5、e 7I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond _(recognize) 解析:句意:从Sara还是个小女孩时起,我就没再见过她,她现在已经变得让我认不出了。beyond为介词后加名词,故填recognition认出,承认。 答案:recognition 8After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide _(accommodate) for the homeless familie

6、s. 解析:句意:地震之后,当地*做的第一件事是为无家可归的家庭提供住处。由语境(After the earthquake)可知,对the homeless families首先应当提供的是住处。provide后接名词作宾语,故填accommodation。 答案:accommodation 9The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they dont give you any direct _(solve) 解析:句意:学校顾问会帮你梳理一下你的问题,但是他们不会给你任何直接的解决办法。设空处前面有动词give,

7、故需要填一个名词solution(解决方法)来作give的宾语。 答案:solution 考点二 代词 1Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but _ of them wants to, because they have work to do. 解析:Larry让Bill和Peter跟他一起去野餐,但是他们俩都不想去,因为他们都有工作要做。根据表转折关系的but及后面的内容可知,空格处应该表示否定且指代的是两者(Bill和Peter),故答案为neither,指“两者都不”。 答案:neither 2Sarah mad

8、e _ to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning. 解析:句意:今天早上萨拉及时到达了机场,正好赶上飞机。本题考查it的用法。make it为固定搭配,意为:成功做某事,准时到达。 答案:it 3Sophia waited for a reply, but _ came. 解析:句意:索菲娅等待答复,但一个都没有。none没有一个。 答案:none 4If youre buying todays paper from the stand, could you get _ for me? 解析:句意:如果你从报亭买今天

9、的报纸,你能帮我买一份吗?考查不定代词的基本用法。one用来替代前面出现的单数名词,表示泛指,相当于a/an单数名词,以避免重复。在本题中one替代a paper。 答案:one 5Studying Wendys menu, I found that many of the items are similar to _ of McDonalds. 解析:句意:认真看了Wendy的菜单后,我发现许多东西和麦当劳的相似。空格处需要的名词为the items,故用those替代。 答案:those 6When you are done with the book, just give it to L

10、ucy or Helen or _. 解析:句意:当你看完这本书后,把它交给露西或海伦,或者随便谁都行。whoever的意思是“不管是什么人,无论是谁”。 答案:whoever 7New technologies have made _ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost. 解析:句意:新的技术已经使更快、成本更低地生产新产品成为可能。不定式短语to turn out.在句中是真正的宾语,空格处为形式宾语,故用it。 答案:it 8I got this bicycle for _: My friend gav

11、e it to me when she bought a new one. 解析:句意:这辆自行车我没花钱,我朋友买了辆新的,就把这辆(旧的)送给我了。for nothing表示“免费”。 答案:nothing 9The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase _. 解析:句意:由于当地*努力增加就业率,大城市的就业率继续上升。设空处应替代the employment rate,故填it。 答案:it 10To s

12、tay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered _. 解析:句意:为了保持清醒状态,他喝完了一杯咖啡后又点了一杯。another另一个,又一个。 答案:another 11Surprisingly, Susans beautiful hair reached below her knees and made _ almost an overcoat for her. 解析:句意:让人吃惊的是,苏珊漂亮的头发长到了膝盖以下,几乎成了她的一件外衣。设空处应指代Susans beautiful hair,故填itself。 答案:itself 1

13、2There is _ in his words. We should have a try. 解析:句意:他说的话不无道理,我们应该试一试。这里用代词something表示“被认为是重要的或值得注意的事物”:a thing that is thought to be important or worth taking notice of。如:Its quite something (a thing that you should feel happy about)to have a job at all these days.如今能有份工作就该知足了。 答案:something 13If o

14、ur parents do everything for us children, we wont learn to depend on _. 解析:句意:如果我们的父母为我们孩子们做了所有的一切,我们就不会学会独立。空格处用反身代词作宾语与主语保持一致。 答案:ourselves 14The cost of renting a house in central Xian is higher than _ in any other area of the city. 解析:句意:西安市中心的房租比这个城市内其他地段的房租都贵。首先将此句改为:The cost of renting a hous

15、e in central Xian is higher than the cost in any other area of the city.然后考虑用that代替特指的名词the cost。 答案:that 15When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson, could you please say _ for me? 解析:句意:当你向约翰逊先生介绍我时,请为我说些好话,行吗?本题考查不定代词。虽然anything常用于疑问句和否定句,但本句表请求,并希望对方给出肯定的回答,应该用something。 答案:something 16_ thats import

16、ant is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction. 解析:句意:重要的是你正在尽最大努力并且前进的方向正确。all作“所有”之意,是定语从句thats important的先行词。 答案:All 考点三 冠词 1Sarah looked at _ finished painting with satisfaction. 解析:句意:Sarah满意地看着那幅已经完成的绘画。根据句意可知空格后的名词painting在此处表示特指,故用定冠词the。 答案:the 2He missed _ gold in th

17、e high jump, but will get _ second chance in the long jump. 解析:句意:他没得到跳高的金牌,但是在跳远项目上还有一次机会。gold当金质奖牌讲,在本句中表特指,故第一空用定冠词。第二空考查冠词的活用,“a/an序数词”表示:又一,再一;“the序数词”表示顺序,而本题第二空并不表示顺序,而表示“又一,再一”之意。 答案:the; a 3Carl is studying food science at college and hopes to open up _ meat processing factory of his own on

18、e day. 解析:句意:卡尔正在大学里学食品科学,他希望将来有一天自己开一家肉食品加工厂。factory在本句中表示泛指,故与不定冠词连用,a factory of his own意为:一家属于他自己的工厂。 答案:a 4I woke up with _ bad headache, yet by _ evening the pain had gone. 解析:句意:我醒来时头很痛,但到了晚上疼痛就消失了。设空后的名词均为可数名词,第一空表示泛指,填a;第二空表示特指,填the。 答案:a;the 5The Smiths dont usually like staying at hotels,

19、 but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by _ sea. 解析:句意:史密斯一家通常不喜欢住旅馆,但是去年夏天他们在海边一家不错的旅馆住了几天。by the sea为习惯用语,意为“在海边(on the coast)”。 答案:the 6We are said to be living in _ Information Age, _ time of new discoveries and great changes. 解析:句意:据说我们正生活在信息时代,一个充满了新发现和巨大变革的时代。第一空表示“信息时代”,

20、是由普通名词构成的专有名词,前面需用定冠词the;第二空处为泛指,表示“一个的时代”。 答案:the; a 7Sam has been appointed manager of the engineering department to take _ place of George. 解析:句意:Sam已被任命为工程部的经理,以取代George。take the place of .为固定动词短语,意为“取代”。 答案:the 8As he reached _ front door, Jack saw a strange sight. 解析:句意:杰克到前门时,他看到一个奇怪的景象。此空是特指

21、前门,加定冠词。 答案:the 9Experts think that _ recently discovered painting many be a Picasso. 解析:句意:专家们认为最近所发现的那幅油画可能是毕加索的画。该空特指“最近所发现的那幅画”,故用定冠词。a Picasso泛指“毕加索的一幅画”。 答案:the 10If we sit near _ front of the bus, well have _ better view. 解析:句意:如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部,视野就会更好些。the front of表示某物体内部的前面;比较级前加不定冠词表示“更”,如:You

22、 can live a better life if you choose to go to college. 答案:the; a 11In most countries, a university degree can give you _ flying start in life. 解析:句意:在大多数国家,一张大学文凭能够赋予你人生中一个良好的开端。start在此处是可数名词单数,是泛指,前面需用不定冠词。 答案:a 专题模拟 考点一 名词 1(2014泉州质检)After living in Quanzhou for five years, she has developed quit

23、e an _(affect) for the city. 解析:句意:在泉州居住了五年后,她已经完全喜欢上了这个城市。考查名词。affection喜爱,钟爱。 答案:affection 2(2014湖北联考) If a young man wants the _ (flexible) to move to a different city in future years, he should keep renting instead of buying a house. 解析:句意:如果一个年轻人想要在未来的几年里可以随意搬到不同的城市,他应该租房而不是买房。考查名词。flexibility弹

24、性,灵活性。 答案:flexibility 3(2014江西联考)Mr. Li has some trouble sleeping, so drinking a glass of milk before going to bed every night is his common _. 解析:句意:李先生睡眠有些问题,所以每晚睡前喝一杯牛奶是他的惯例。practice惯常做法,常规。common practice惯例。 答案:practice 4(2014福建质检)Weve been destroying lots of forests every year. What a shame ! W

25、ell be the _(victim) of our own foolish behavior. 解析:句意:我们每年都破坏大量森林。太可惜了!我们会成为自己这种愚蠢行为的受害者。注意主语we表示复数,故答案也需是复数形式。 答案:victims 5(2014江西二联) The police are trying to find out the _(identify) of the woman murdered in the bathroom. 解析:句意:警方正试图弄清浴室里被谋杀女人的身份。冠词后需为名词,本空应填identity身份。 答案:identity 6He didnt mak

26、e an appearance at all in yesterdays _(negotiate) .What happened to him? 解析:句意:昨天的谈判上他根本没有露面,发生什么事了?根据yesterdays可知,设空处需要填一个名词,故答案是negotiation(协商、谈判)。 答案:negotiation 7. Im going to Appleby tomorrow. What a _(coincident) ! Im going up there too. 解析:句意:我明天打算去阿普比。太巧了!我也打算去那里。本题考查名词。冠词后需用名词形式。 答案:coincid

27、ence 8How can I take the medicine, sir? Just follow the _(direct) on the bottle. 解析:句意:医生,这个药怎么服用?就遵照瓶子上的说明即可。本题考查名词。directions (pl.)用法说明,follow the directions遵循说明,符合题意。 答案:directions 9A sense of _(devote) is the basic requirement for people working in the service industry, such as education and hea

28、lth care. 解析:句意:对于从事像教育、医疗这样的服务业的人们来说,具有奉献意识是最基本的要求。设空处的前面是介词of,故应填一个名词devotion(奉献,忠心)才能符合上下文的语境要求。 答案:devotion 10. Are you prepared for the coming interview? Of course.After all, some questions can be beyond _(expect) and difficult to answer. 解析:句意:你准备好即将到来的面试了吗?当然准备好了。毕竟一些问题可能会出乎意料,很难回答。beyond exp

29、ectation出乎意料。 答案:expectation 考点二 代词 1(2014安徽联考)Wherever he is, he makes _ a rule to give his mother a call every day. 解析:句意:无论他在哪里,他把每天给妈妈打个电话变成了习惯。it在此句中作形式宾语,真正的宾语为to give his mother a call every day。 答案:it 2(2014临沂质检)Which of those ties do you like best? _. They are all too expensive and dont go

30、well with my new suit. 解析:句意:那些领带你最喜欢哪条?都不喜欢。它们都太贵了,并且和我的新西服也不很配套。根据句中的best(最高级),all(三者或三者以上都)可知设空处表示三者或三者以上都不,故答案为none。 答案:None 3(2014延边质检) Mr. Rod prefers a restaurant in a small town to _ in so large a city as Beijing. 解析:句意:与像北京这样大的城市里的饭店相比,Mr.Rod更喜欢小镇上的饭店。本题考查替代词的用法。本句补全后是:Mr.Rod prefers a rest

31、aurant in a small town to a restaurant in so large a city as Beijing.然后考虑用one替代泛指的单数名词a restaurant以避免重复。 答案:one 4(2014成都调研) To her joy, Della earned first the trust of her students and then _ of her colleagues. 解析:句意:让黛拉高兴的是,她先赢得了学生的信任,然后又赢得了同事的信任。本题考查替代词的用法。本句补全后是:To her joy, Della earned first the

32、 trust of her students and then the trust of her colleagues.然后考虑用that替代特指的不可数名词the trust。 答案:that 5(2014潍坊一模)As Mrs. Roosevelt put _, Id rather light a candle than complain about the darkness. 解析:句意:正如罗斯福太太所说的,与其抱怨黑暗,不如点燃蜡烛。此题考查固定搭配:as sb.put(s)it“正如某人所说的”。 答案:it 6Which of the three ways shall I tak

33、e to the village? _way as you please. 解析:句意:这三条路我走哪条路可到达那个村庄?你可以走任何一条路。根据题干中的three ways及句意,可知语境指三者或三者以上,any表示三者或三者以上中的任何一个,符合句意,故为答案。 答案:Any 7Ive always wanted an MP5 and Ive just saved enough money to buy _. 解析:句意:我一直想要一个MP5,而且刚刚攒够了买一个的钱。本空用one替代泛指的单数名词an MP5,以避免重复。 答案:one 8Given one more week, Ill

34、 get _ ready. Then well have a dinner out to celebrate your success. 解析:句意:再给我一周时间,我会准备好一切。到那时我们会出去吃饭以庆祝你的成功。everything:每件事,一切,符合句意。 答案:everything 9The customer didnt choose _ of the ties and went away without looking at a third one. 解析:句意:那位顾客两条领带都没选中,也没再看一条便离开了。根据题干中的a third one,可知设空处表示“两条都没选中”,题干

35、中已经有否定词didnt,故答案为either。 答案:either 10I cant find my umbrella.I just put it here a moment ago. _ must have taken it away by mistake, I think. 解析:句意:我找不到我的雨伞了。刚才我就把它放在这里了。我认为一定是有人错拿了那把雨伞。本题考查代词的用法。根据句意可知,设空处表示“某人”,故答案为Somebody/Someone。 答案:Somebody/Someone 考点三 冠词 1(2014安徽联考) Nelson Mandela, who was ele

36、cted president of South Africa in 1994,is generally regarded as _ father of the country. 解析:句意:纳尔逊曼德拉在XX年当选为南非总统。他被人们普遍认为是南非的国父。father在本句中表特指,所以设空处用定冠词the。 答案:the 2(2014咸阳模拟)Have you heard of _ death of Nelson Mandela? Oh, really? It will be _ shock to the world. 解析:句意:你听说纳尔逊曼德拉的死讯了吗?噢,是真的吗?这会使世人感到震

37、惊。第一空后的death在此处为特指,故答案为the;shock意为:令人震惊的事,为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,故第二空填a。 答案:the;a 3(2014青岛一模)The Spring Festival is _ special holiday for most Chinese when the whole family will get together. 解析:句意:对大多数中国人来说,春节是一个特殊的节日。在春节全家人会团聚在一起。设空处后的holiday为可数名词,此处表泛指,故填a。 答案:a 4(2014武威诊断) Have you got these jeans in _ l

38、arger size? This pair is a bit too small around my waist. 解析:句意:这些牛仔裤你们有更大码的吗?这条对我的腰围来说有点小。本题考查冠词。“a比较级”表示:比更的;“the比较级”表示:(两者中)较的。设空处表示比说话者试穿的那件更大一点儿的,故与不定冠词连用。 答案:a 5(2014开封二模)The 2013 Kaifeng Chrysanthemum Fair was _ great success. _ number of visitors was reported to reach more than 4 000 000. 解析

39、:句意:2013开封菊花展销会取得巨大成功。据报道,游客人数多于四百万。第一空后的success为抽象名词具体化,表示“成功的事”,在本句中表泛指,故与不定冠词连用;the number of表示“的数量”,而a number of表示“许多”,本句中表示“游客的数量”,故第二空填定冠词。 答案:a;The 6Id like to take _ chance even if I will be in danger. 解析:句意:即使我会处于危险之中,我也愿意碰碰运气。考查冠词。take a chance(冒险,碰碰运气)为习惯用语。 答案:a 7As a child, my father of

40、ten spent all Sundays relaxing outdoors, even playing for hours at _ time. Thats my fathers story, too. 解析:句意:我父亲小时候经常把所有的周日都花在户外放松上,甚至一次要玩上几个小时。我父亲也是那样。本题考查冠词。at a time为固定短语,意为:一次。 答案:a 8The Chinese government has decided to introduce more measures to improve the public transport systems in _ count

41、rys crowded urban areas. 解析:句意:中国*已经决定采取更多的措施来改善该国拥挤城市的公共交通系统。此处country表特指,故用定冠词。 答案:the 9Unfortunately, _ stone hit him on _ head and he got injured. 解析:句意:不幸的是一块石头打在了他的头上,他受伤了。第一空后的stone在本句中表泛指,故用不定冠词;“表动作的动词sb.on/in/bythe身体部位”为固定结构。 答案:a;the 10_ strong earthquake struck _ eastern coast of central

42、 Japan on March 11,2011. 解析:句意:XX年x月x日,一次强烈的地震袭击了日本中部的东海岸。第一空后的earthquake为可数名词,在本句中表示泛指,故与不定冠词连用;第二空用定冠词,特指日本中部的东海岸。 答案:A;the 探究提升 1.(2014长安一模)Hurry up! Theres a bus coming! Why run? There will be _ one in two or three minutes. 解析:句意:快点!公共汽车来了!为什么要跑呢?两三分钟后还会再来一辆。本题考查代词的用法。another再一,又一。 答案:another 2(

43、2014武威诊断)_ in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace Museum. 解析:句意:在我的生活中没有什么像我第一次参观故宫博物院时一样给我留下如此深刻的印象。根据题干中的“so .as .”可推知设空处应为表示否定的代词,又根据“my first visit to the Palace Museum”表示事物,可推断出设空处为nothing。 答案:Nothing 3(2014福建质检) China issued _ new plan which calls for immediate actio

44、n to deal with _ countrys worsening air pollution. 解析:句意:中国公布了一个新计划,要求立即采取行动应对本国日益恶化的空气污染。plan为可数名词,在此处表示泛指,故第一空用不定冠词;第二空后的air pollution特指中国日益恶化的空气污染,故与定冠词连用。 答案:a;the 4(2014杭州质检)Some experts say _ birthrate, after the onechild policy is relaxed, can see _ modest increase in future. 解析:句意:一些专家说,独生子女

45、政策放松之后,出生率会适度上升。第一空后的birthrate指的是独生子女政策放松后的出生率,表示特指,故第一空填定冠词;第二空后的increase为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,故与不定冠词连用。 答案:the;a 5(2014衢州一模)Less than ten percent of the employees in their company are women. That is to say, women are in the _(minor) 解析:句意:他们公司的员工不到10%是女性,也就是说女性占少数。根据第一句表达的意思,可判断设空处应为名词minority。 答案:minority 6. I find _ hard to concentrate on my studies with some people having small talk around me. 解析:句意:我发现有人在我旁边闲聊时,我很难集中精神学习。it作形式宾语,to concentrate on my studies为真正的宾语。 答案:it 7. The Buckin


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