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1、东师大学英语高起专15秋在线作业 大学英语高起专15秋在线作业1 试卷总分:100 测试时间:- 单选题 包括本科的各校各科新学期复习资料,可以联系屏幕右上的“文档贡献者” 一、单选题V 1. In one year rats eat 40 to 50 times _ weight.A. its B. and C. their D. theirs 满分:2.5 分 2. That so many advances have been made in _ is the most valid argument for retaining the research unit.A. such shor

2、t time B. so a short time C. such a short time D. such short a time 满分:2.5 分 3. There are several pretty girls standing under the tree, but _ are known to me.A. neither B. none C. no one D. all 满分:2.5 分 4. The atomic structure is, _, a miniature solar system.A. as it were B. as if they were C. as it

3、 were D. as if are 满分:2.5 分 5. He ought to go to Kwangchow by plane, _?A. should he B. shouldnt he C. would he D. wouldnt he 满分:2.5 分 6. Since she is angry, we _.A. had better leaving her alone B. should leave her alone C. might as well leave her alone D. had rather leave her alone 满分:2.5 分 7. _, I

4、must do another experiment.A. Be it ever so late B. It is ever so late C. It be ever so late D. So late it be ever 满分:2.5 分 8. Those examples are not enough, you should give _ examples to make your argument convincing.A. some B. any C. some more D. any more 满分:2.5 分 9. I have two novels: one of the

5、two is “Gone with the Wind, and _ is “the Tale of Two Cities.A. another B. other C. none other D. the other 满分:2.5 分 10. Dont let me catch you _.A. do that again B. to do that again C. doing that again D. done that again 满分:2.5 分 11. “May we take the books out?”A. No, you may not B. No, you can not

6、C. No, you cant D. Please dont 满分:2.5 分 12. During sleep blood pressure is normally _ its lowest.A. in B. for C. at D. by 满分:2.5 分 13. _ do we go for picnics.A. Certainly B. Sometimes C. Seldom D. Once 满分:2.5 分 14. The molecules of gases move more freely than _.A. do liquids and solids B. liquids an

7、d solids do C. do those of liquids and solids D. those do of liquids and solids 满分:2.5 分 15. Our livestock _ not as numerous as they used to be.A. is B. are C. be D. been 满分:2.5 分 16. Their victory is _,for theyve lost too many men.A. out of question B. out of the question C. out question D. of ques

8、tion 满分:2.5 分 17. Milk is _ memories of home and mother so people away from home drink more milk.A. bound to B. kept to C. referred to D. tied to 满分:2.5 分 18. The _ about nuclear energy revolves around the waste problem.A. publics chief concern B. public chief concern C. chief public concern D. chie

9、f concern of publics 满分:2.5 分 19. _ iron has relatively few economical uses.A. Chemical pure B. Chemically pure C. Pure chemical D. Purely chemical 满分:2.5 分 20. As soon as I _ the tools, I shall begin with the work.A. have B. am having C. have been having D. have been had 满分:2.5 分 21. It has long be

10、en known that there is an electric field _.A. inside the earth B. inside earth C. inside an earth D. on earth 满分:2.5 分 22. By no means _ their own language well.A. it is true that all English people know B. is it true that do all English people know C. it is true that do all English people know D. i

11、s it true that all English people know 满分:2.5 分 23. We _ on it for many hours, but we have not yet reached any conclusion.A. are being worked B. are working C. have been working D. have been worked 满分:2.5 分 24. I am listening. But you _.A. need be listening B. should be listening C. need have been l

12、istening D. ought be listening 满分:2.5 分 25. “Today is very cold, isnt it?” “Yes, the river is _ over.”A. freezed B. freeze C. frozen D. freezing 满分:2.5 分 26. New studies show that two of Saturns rings _ longer than the 4.5 billion years since the birth of the Solar System.A. could have lasted B. sho

13、uld have lasted C. would have lasted D. must be lasting 满分:2.5 分 27. I dont _ the expense; I want the party to be a real success.A. care for B. care about C. be in care of D. take care of 满分:2.5 分 28. If we had been more careful, we _ much better results now.A. got B. had got C. would be getting D.

14、would have got 满分:2.5 分 29. The elephants ought _ hours ago by the keepers.A. to be fed B. to feed C. to being fed D. to have been fed 满分:2.5 分 30. I _ to him for the error.A. excused B. pardoned C. forgave D. apologized 满分:2.5 分 31. He failed to supply the facts relevant _ the case in question.A. f

15、or B. with C. of D. to 满分:2.5 分 32. _ is the volume of chemical goods.A. Constantly growing too B. Too constantly growing C. Growing constant to D. Too growing constant 满分:2.5 分 33. These misfortunes almost deprived him _ his future career.A. with B. of C. from D. beyond 满分:2.5 分 34. Nobody will bel

16、ieve how difficult his work has been _?A. will he B. wont nobody C. will they D. wont they 满分:2.5 分 35. According to the periodic table, _ still some elements undiscovered.A. there seem to be B. it seems C. it seems to be D. here seems 满分:2.5 分 36. He enjoys life _ the “Queen Anne”.A. on a board B.

17、on board C. in the board D. board 满分:2.5 分 37. he attempted _ to set up a company of his own.A. with vain B. on vain C. in vain D. of vain 满分:2.5 分 38. What _ are you planning to buy?A. make of car B. make of the car C. make of a car D. make of cars 满分:2.5 分 39. Let the porter take all the baggage o

18、ut and put _ in the lobby.A. it B. they C. them D. its 满分:2.5 分 40. They saw _ girls the day before yesterday.A. both the other two B. the two other both C. the both other two D. the both two other 满分:2.5 分 大学英语高起专15秋在线作业2 试卷总分:100 测试时间:- 单选题 一、单选题V 1. “What happened in that new area?” “New houses _

19、 recently over there.”A. are built B. build C. have built D. have been built 满分:2.5 分 2. Like his sister, David needed _ from some generous person in order to get home.A. a ride B. some ride C. ride D. the ride 满分:2.5 分 3. I dont know why shes looking at me _ she knew me. Ive never seen her before i

20、n my life.A. as B. although C. even if D. as if 满分:2.5 分 4. Well never give in whatever they _ say or do.A. may B. will C. shall D. should 满分:2.5 分 5. Your application will be considered _ your file is completed.A. as quickly as B. as soon as C. as fast as D. as early as 满分:2.5 分 6. This dress is pr

21、ettier, but it costs _ that one.A. twice more than B. twice as much as C. as much twice as D. twice so much as 满分:2.5 分 7. I have been going to Shanghai _ than I used to.A. lesser B. less C. fewer D. less often 满分:2.5 分 8. In the advanced course students must take performance tests _ monthly interva

22、ls.A. in B. over C. at D. between 满分:2.5 分 9. This book of _ used to be one of the best sellers in the shop.A. his B. him C. that man D. this 满分:2.5 分 10. “When is Tom going to leave?”“He is going to leave _ this week.”A. sometimes B. some time C. sometime D. somewhat 满分:2.5 分 11. Barry can hardly d

23、rive a car, _.A. so cant Molly B. cant Molly either C. Molly cant too D. neither can Molly 满分:2.5 分 12. With _ three inches of rain falling in a six-month period, the farmers found it necessary to irrigate the landA. less than B. little than C. fewer than D. less few than 满分:2.5 分 13. We must get th

24、e roof mended before the wet weather sets _.A. about B. on C. up D. in 满分:2.5 分 14. No sooner _ he arrived home than he _ to start on another journey.A. has/was asked B. have/were asked C. had/is asked D. had/was asked 满分:2.5 分 15. They must have stayed at hotel last night, _?A. mustnt they B. haven

25、t they C. didnt they D. hadnt they 满分:2.5 分 16. We sent the horses to a considerable distance, _ they should disturb the children.A. less B. lest C. last D. least 满分:2.5 分 17. Im disappointed with the new officers elected in our club, but there is no point _ about it.A. to worry B. in worrying C. wi

26、th us worrying D. if we worry 满分:2.5 分 18. I was supposed to be a mathematics major, but I actually took _ courses in physics, if not more.A. so many B. as many C. good many D. such many 满分:2.5 分 19. The Nazi kept those _ in their concentration camp.A. prisoner-of-wars B. prisoners-of-wars C. prison

27、ers-of-war D. prisoner-of-war 满分:2.5 分 20. What I would do is to go _.A. really quietly somewhere B. somewhere quietly really C. really quiet somewhere D. somewhere really quiet 满分:2.5 分 21. Have you got a ticket? Yes, Ive got _.A. it B. the one C. one D. the ones 满分:2.5 分 22. “Perhaps she is workin

28、g for John.” “Yes, she _ for him.”A. need have been working B. may be working C. ought have been working D. ought be working 满分:2.5 分 23. the number of articles published on smoking _ amazing.A. is B. are C. were D. have been 满分:2.5 分 24. We _ put the meeting off for a week.A. can as well B. will as

29、 well C. shall as well D. may as well 满分:2.5 分 25. The ship, _ to a shapeless wreck, was hardly recognizable.A. being reduced B. reducing C. reduced D. having been reducing 满分:2.5 分 26. _ is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine.A. Either B. Often C. Nor D. Usually 满分:2.5 分 27. Heat does not travel by convection in solid, because the solid does not move, _.A. so does a liquid B. so a liquid does C. as does a liquid D. so is a liquid 满分:2.5 分 28. Its wonderful that you _ have achieved so much in these years.A. may B. can C. should D. woul


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