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1、TOEFL?老托福听力PartC原文5篇 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理老托福听力PartC原文,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。老托福听力PartC原文1Everyone is interested in improving their diet.每个人都对他们的饮食感兴趣。Adding grains is one of the easiest ways.增加谷物是最容易的方法之一。Many people in the United States have a growing concern about nutrition, so grains are often served i

2、n restaurants.在美国,关于营养,许多人越来越关注,所以谷物在餐厅里经常摆上餐桌。And many grains are now available in grocery stores, too, though for some you still have to go to health food stores.而且,现在许多谷物也可在食品杂货店买到,尽管你们中的某些人依然不得不去健康食品店。You can stock up when you go, though, because uncooked grains keep a long time.不过,当你去的时候你可以囤货,因

3、为没有煮过的谷物保存时间长。Youll find that grains are easy to prepare.你将会发现谷物容易准备。Many grains are as simple to cook as spaghetti.许多谷物烹饪起来像意大利面条一样简单。Barley, for instance, is just cooked in salted water.例如,大麦,只在盐水中煮就好。Remember, though, whole-grain barley, the most nutritious kind, never will get as tender as spagh

4、etti no matter how long its cooked.但要记住,全谷物大麦,最有营养的种类,将永远不会像意大利面条一样变柔软,不论煮多久。Grain-based salads are easy, too.基于谷物的沙拉也容易。Just use grains left over from a hot meal.仅仅使用从一顿热餐剩下的谷物(就好)You can even put together a grain salad hours before you need it, since grains dont wilt like lettuce does.你甚至可以在你需要之前几

5、个小时就搭配好一份谷物沙拉,因为谷物不会像生菜那样枯萎。But to get back to health factors, all grains are nutritious and many have special benefits.现在回到健康因素上来,全谷物是有营养的,并且许多(谷物)有特殊益处。Barley has very little fat. Some experts believe that it may even reduce cholesterol levels.大麦有很少的脂肪。某系专家相信它甚至能降低胆固醇水平。Jasmine rice is also low in

6、 fat.香米也脂肪(含量)低。And it has a bonus in its wonderful aroma, a very special fragrance.而且它有一个美妙香气的附加值,一种非常特殊的芬芳。老托福听力PartC原文2Well, in answer to your question, several women actively participated in the Civil War.好,作为回答你们的问题,好几位女性积极参与了内战。The one that comes immediately to mind is Mary Walker.脑海里立刻浮现的一个人是

7、Mary Walker。Shes important because shes the only woman ever to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.她重要是因为她是曾经被授予国会荣誉勋章的唯一的女性。As you know, this medal is given to people whove served the United States with exceptional bravery.正如你所知道的,这个勋章授予特别勇敢的为美国服过役的人。In addition, she was the only female phy

8、sician in either of the two armies that fought in that war.此外,她是那场战争里交战双方的军队中唯一的女性医师。Even though she had two medical degrees, many officers made her life difficult because they didnt believe that a woman should be a doctor.虽然她有两个医学学位,许多军官还是使她的(军队)生活很艰难,因为他们不认为女性能当医生。However, she refused to back down

9、 and leave the army.然而,她拒绝让步并离开军队。In fact, she risked her life several times during the war and was even captured at one point, but she was soon released.事实上,她在战争中几次冒着生命危险甚至一度被俘,但她很快被释放了。Umm, after the war, she was arrested several times for wearing pants.嗯,战后,她因为穿裤子被逮捕数次。And although Congress event

10、ually tried to take her medal away, she refused to give it back and continued to wear it wherever she went.尽管国会最终试图拿走她的勋章,她拒绝把它交回并且继续无论去哪儿都戴着它She died in 1919, a year before women received the right to vote, which brings me to my next point.她死于1919年,在女性得到权利去选举(女性获得选举权)的前一年,这引出了我的下一个点。老托福听力PartC原文3So

11、, you see, physical illness can have psychological causes.所以,你瞧,身体的疾病可以有心理的原因。Now, we just have time to introduce another interesting example of the interaction between the mind and the body, placebos.现在,我们刚好有时间介绍另一个有趣的例子:心理和身体间的相互作用安慰剂Placebosmaybe youve heard them called sugar pillsare harmless su

12、bstances, not always sugar, that are used routinely on groups of sick people in experiments.安慰剂也许你曾听过它们被叫做糖丸是无害的物质,不总是糖,通常被应用在实验中的病人组。These experiments test the effectiveness of new drugs.这些实验验证新药的效力。One group is given the new drug, the other group is given a placebo, and the results are measured.一组

13、(病人)给新药,另一组给安慰剂,并且测量结果。As you might guess, some of the people who receive the new drug get better.像你可能会猜测的那样,得到新药的某些人会变好转。Surprisingly, however, some of the placebo group also get better.然而,出人意料地,安慰剂组的某些人也会变好转。Why? Well, its an interesting question, one which doctors cant quite answer.为什么呢?好,这是个有趣的问

14、题,一个医生不能完全回答的问题。Some of the group may have gotten better on their own, without any treatment at all, but research has shown that the very act of taking a medication that you think will make you better, often does make you feel better.(安慰剂)组的某些人可能凭他们自己好转,根本没有任何治疗,但是研究表明,采用你认为会使你变好的药物的特殊行为,常常真的使你感觉变好。

15、Have you ever taken an aspirin and felt better in five minutes?你有没有过吃一片阿司匹林然后在五分钟之内感觉好些呢?Aspirin doesnt work that fast, does it?阿司匹林不会起作用(见效)那么快,对吗?Basically, if you believe you will get better, sometimes you do.基本上,如果你相信你会好起来,有时你真的会好起来。The history of how doctors and healers have used the mind-body

16、connection to cure people is long and interesting, but I see that its time to close, so Ill have to cover this in the next class.医生和医治者如何使用身心联系来治疗人的历史是漫长而有趣的,但我看到时间结束了,所以我将不得不在下节课再涉及这一点Youll have to hold your questions on this topic till then.你们将不得不把在这个话题上的问题留到那时。Before you go, I have some handouts

17、for you concerning the midterm exams next week.你们走之前,我有些关于下周期中考试的讲义给你们。老托福听力PartC原文4It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting where you are, just finishing my first year of medical school and wondering if Id ever get a chance to use all my new knowledge on a real live patient!似乎就在昨天,我还坐在你们坐的地方

18、,刚刚完成我医学院的第一年,然后琢磨着我究竟能否得到一个机会在一个现实生活中的病人身上去应用我所有的新知识。Well, I have good news for you!好吧,我有好消息给你们。You dont have to wait until your third or fourth year of medical school to get some hands-on experience!你们不用非得等到你们医学院的第三或者第四年才得到一些实际动手经验。The dean has invited me here to tell you about the universitys rur

19、al opportunity program.系主任邀请我到这儿来告诉你们关于大学的农村项目的机会。If you enroll in this program, you can have the opportunity this summer, after your first year of medical school, to spend from four to six weeks observing and assisting a real physician like me in a small rural community.如果你参加这个项目,您能够在这个夏天有机会,在你医学院的

20、第一年之后,在一个小型的农村社区花四到六周观察和协助一个像我一样的真正的医师。You wont have to compete with other students for time and attention, and you can see what life as a country doctor is really like.你将不用同其他学生竞争时间和关注,并且你能看到作为一个乡村医生的真正生活是像什么样子的。The program was designed to encourage medical students like yourselves to consider care

21、ers in rural communities that are still understaffed.这个项目是被设计用作鼓励像你们本人一样的学医的学生,去考虑在依旧人手不足的农村社区发展事业。It seems that medical students are afraid to go into rural family practice for two reasons.看来好像学医的学生害怕进入农村家庭诊所有两个原因。First, they dont know much about it.第一,他们了解的不多。And second, specialists in the cities

22、usually make more money.第二,城里的专科医生通常挣钱多些。But, on the up-side, in rural practice, doctors can really get to know their patients and be respected members of the community.但是,在另一方面,在农村诊所,医生能真正了解他们的病人,并且成为社区中受人尊敬的成员。I participated in the program when it first started and spent six weeks in a small rural

23、 town.我参与了这个项目,当它首次开始的时候,并且在一个小乡镇上度过了6周Let me tell you, it was really great!让我告诉你,真的很棒。I got to work with real patients.我工作是同真正的病人在一起的I watched the birth of a child, assisted an accident victim, and had lots of really practical hands-on experienceall in one summer.我观察到了一个孩子的出生,辅助(处理或抢救)了一个事故受害人,并且有了

24、很多非常实际的动手实践经验都在一个夏天。And to my surprise, I found that country life has a lot to offer that city life doesntno pollution or traffic jams, for instance!而令我惊讶的是,我发现乡村神火能提供很多城市生活没有的,例如,没有污染或堵车My experience made me want to work where Im needed and appreciated.我的经历让我想去我被需要和受欢迎的地方工作I dont miss the city at a

25、ll!我一点儿都不想念城市。老托福听力PartC原文5Today I want to talk about the Earths last major climatic shift, at the end of the last ice age.今天我想谈谈关于地球上一次主要的气候改变,在上个冰河时代的末期。But first, lets back up a moment and review what we know about climatic change in general.但首先,让我们倒退一会儿,并大体上回顾我们所了解的气候变化。First, we defined climate

26、 as consistent patterns of weather over significant periods of time.首先,我们定义的“气候”是依照一致的模式,跨越了有效的时间周期的天气。In general, changes in climate occur when the energy balance of the Earth is disturbed.通常,在气候上的变化发生在地球能量平衡被扰乱的时候。Solar energy enters the Earths atmosphere as light and is radiated by the Earths sur

27、face as heat.太阳能以光的形式进入地球大气,并且经由地球表面以热的形式被辐射。Land, water, and ice each affect this energy exchange differently.陆地,水和冰,每一种(媒介)都在不同程度上影响了这种能量交换。The system is so complex that to date, our best computer models are only crude approximations and are not sophisticated enough to test hypotheses about the ca

28、uses of climatic change.该系统是如此复杂以至于,迄今为止,我们最好的电脑模型也仅仅只是粗略的近似值,而且精度不足以检验关于气候变化原因的假说。Of course, that doesnt keep us from speculating.当然,这个不妨碍我们猜测。For instance, volcanic activity is one mechanism that might affect climatic change.例如,火山活动可能是影响气候变化的一个途径When large volcanoes erupt, they disperse tons of pa

29、rticles into the upper atmosphere, where the particles then reflect light.当大的火山群喷发时,它们撒播了很多的微粒进入上面的大气层中,于是这些微粒在那里反射了光。Since less light is entering the system of energy exchange, the result would be a cooling of the Earths surface.由于较少的光进入了能量交换系统,结果会是地球表面的冷却。Of course, this is just one possible mechanism of global climate change.当然,这只是全球气候变化的可能的途径之一。In all probability, a complete explanation would involve several different mechanisms operating at the same time.很可能,一个完整的解释会牵涉几种不同的途径在同一时间起作用。


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