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1、bored的用法精讲 你知道bored的用法吗?快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。无聊至极:bored的用法精讲I guess not. I think I must have misreadall of those signals. - I guess you did.Youre bored. Youre bored and you know it.The Notebook我猜不会。 我想我一定会误读所有这些信号。 - 我想你做到了。你很无聊。 你很无聊,你知道。恋恋笔记本一、关于bored,你应该知道的用法有adj.无聊的,无趣的,厌倦的,厌烦的The old man bec

2、ame bored for lack of occupation.这位老人因无所事事而感到无聊。v.1.bore的过去式和过去分词;使厌烦The long speech bored us.那长篇讲话使我们厌倦了。二,学会bored的用法了吗?来做个测试吧!The politician drew his speech out until everyone was _那名政客的讲话长得大家都厌烦了。在家bored吗?来看看bore的各种用法 tears/death 使厌烦至极If someone or something bores you to tears, bores you t

3、o death, or bores you stiff, they bore you very much.Monuments and museums / bore him to tears, so its highly likely / that he wont go with you this afternoon. 纪念碑和博物馆让他厌烦透了。所以很有可能他下午不会跟你去的。.is a bore .是无聊的人/事儿There is every reason / why I shouldnt enjoy his company hes a bore and a fool. 我有充分的理由不和他

4、在一起他是个无聊的家伙,一个傻瓜。be/feel bored out of (ones) mind 感到极其无聊的Extremely bored to the point of distraction, frustration, or irritation.I was bored out of my mind / listening to that lecture this afternoon. 今天下午听这个讲座的时候,我真的感觉无聊死了。介词搭配bored by/of/with?Compare with/to?Different from/than/to?Bored by, of, wit

5、h?到底该用哪一种表达方式呢?还是哪一种的使用更为普遍呢?Do you ever get bored with eating out all the time?Delegates were bored by the lectures.He grew bored of his day job.以上例句中的前两种bored with和bored by的结构都是标准的。第三种bored of与之相比是更新近出现的,其使用也变得非常普遍。事实上,牛津英语语料库(Oxford English Corpus)中收录的有关bored of的例子数量几乎是含有bored by的两倍。这也很好地展现了语言的发展

6、逻辑,这种新模式可能是受到诸如tired of或weary of结构的影响。然而,有些人还是不喜欢新模式的,而且在标准英语中也没有完全接受它。所以,在正式写作中,请尽量避免使用bored of。Compare with, to?一般来说,这两个介词的搭配都是正确的,但一部分取决于词义,一部分取决于语法。此外,美式英语中更倾向于使用介词to,而英式英语中这两个介词的使用频率比较均衡。让我们先来看看这两个短语的含义。Compare可以宽泛地定义为“评估事物之间的相似性或差异性”。在“比较”这一词义上,两个介词都可以使用。例如:Individual schools compared their fa

7、cilities with those of others in the area.It is difficult to compare our results to studies conducted in the United States.但是,在使用compare表达一件事物类似于另一件事物时,或是说两种不同事物之间进行类比时,必须使用介词to,表示“将比作”。例如:Her novel was compared to the work of Daniel Defoe.He compared children to young trees, both still growing and

8、able to be shaped.让我们看一个来自莎士比亚的例子。它出自莎士比亚十四行诗第十八首,也是英语诗歌中最为著名的诗句之一:Shall I compare thee to a summers day?莎士比亚将收信人比作一个夏日,尽管在诗作最后,他表示他的心爱之人要比这样的夏日更为可爱。作为不及物动词英式英语中,compare用作不及物动词时常常搭配介词with,以此评估相似性:His achievements do not compare with those of A. J. Ayer.Noother English painter can compare with Suther

9、land in the subtlety of his vision.而在美式英语中,compare to是更为常见的搭配:None of those birds compare to L.A. pigeons.No, todays calamities dont compare to the Great Depression or even to the agricultural troubles of the 1980s.Compared to.当使用过去分词形式的compared引出一个从句或短语时,介词to或with都是可以的,只是近期使用to更多一些:This was a modes

10、t sum compared to what other people spent.Compared to physics and astronomy, cosmology is a young science.However, compared with the USA and Japan, Europe contains a group of separate nation states.Comparable, comparisonComparable是否与to或with搭配,也是同上一段讨论一样,两个介词都可以,当下更多使用to来搭配:We find ourselves in a sit

11、uation comparable to mediaeval times.Social mobility is, in fact, comparable with most countries in Europe.Comparison作为compare对应的名词可以跟着with或to:Poussins approach bears closest comparison to Michelangelos.Prices for real estate in Tbilisi cannot stand comparison with Western capitals or indeed Moscow.

12、短语in comparison to要比in comparison with更为常见,但by comparison with的使用率却高于by comparison to:The film is utterly benign in comparison to some of the more violent movies of today.The standard is pitiable in comparison with other countries.By comparison with North Sea oil production, it is a drop in the ocea

13、n.从本质上说,介词with和to跟在compare, comparable和comparison后面都是可以的,在你选择介词的时候,可以查看一下句子适用的地区和上下文语法。Different from, than, to?短语different from, different than, different to之间是否有什么区别,而是否这几种表达都是“正确”的呢?在实际应用中,different from目前英式和美式英语中最常见的用法:We want to demonstrate that this government is different from previous govern

14、ments. (英式英语)This part is totally different from anything else that hes done. (美式英语)而短语different than主要用于美式英语中:Teenagers certainly want to look different than their parents.最后,different to在英式英语中的使用较美式英语中更为普遍:In this respect the Royal Academy is no different to any other major museum.有些人批评说different

15、than的用法是不正确的,但这种观点也没有实际的正当理由。这三种表达方式之间没有太大差别,并且都被很多知名的作者使用过。英语语法:短语be aware of,be blind to的用法动词短语是由动词和介词、副词、名词等构成的,在句中作谓语。 aware of意识到,知道用法:be aware of相当于动词know或者realize,同义生语有be conscious of。例句:Families must be made aware of field trips and give permission for their children to participate. (2

16、0XX年6月四级)各个家庭必须了解实地考察旅行,并且允许孩子们去参加。结构分析:Families是主语, must be made aware of 是谓语1,field trips是宾语1, and连接词, give是谓语2, permission是宾语2, for their children to participate是状语。 blind to对视而不见用法:be blind to引申为“对视而不见”。同义短语有be oblivious to。例句:Why were you blind to his provocation?你为什么对他的挑衅视而不见? bore

17、d with对感到厌烦用法:be bored with是常见的一个短语,相当于be sick of,be fed up with。例句:I guess probably he is bored with the tedious work.我猜,他可能已经厌倦了枯燥的工作。 clear about对清楚用法:be clear about是一个常见的短语,后面跟名词、代词或者名词词组。例句:While the best form of marketing for institutions is to be good at what they do, theyalso need to b

18、eclear about how they are different from others. (20XX年12月六级)对于各种机构来说,虽然最好的营销形式是擅长他们所做的,但他们也需要清楚地知道他们与其他人的差别。20200221作业动词短语:be concerned about关心,挂念用法:be concerned about后面跟让人关心或者挂念的人或者事。同义短语有care for, worry about。例句:Americans are deeply concerned about the relentless rise in health care costs and hea

19、lth insurance premiums. (20XX年6月六级)“我好无聊啊”到底是Im bored还是Im boring?居然80%的人都错了!那bored和boring到底有啥子区别?NO.1bored是感到无聊强调的是自己的感受大致可以解释为感到无聊的比如Im so bored.我好无聊啊。I feel bored to death.我无聊死了。实用例句Theres no WiFi on the subway. I feel bored to death.坐地铁没wifi,我感觉无聊死了。感到厌烦的比如get bored of doing sth感觉越来越烦实用例句Im getti

20、ng bored of doing the same thing every day.每天做同样的事,我越来越觉得烦。那厌烦,无聊到极致就是无聊透顶bored stiff百无聊赖比如上班无聊的你I dont want to work and sit at my desk bored stiff.我不想工作,呆坐在桌旁,百无聊赖。NO.2boring是令人无聊强调的是给别人的感觉可以理解为令人无聊的,没意思的可以用于人比如Youre so boring.你真无聊/烦人你的行为令我反感可以用于物比如The movie was so boring I fell asleep.这部电影真没劲儿,我都睡着了。bored的用法精讲(文库搜索)


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