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1、中国古代文学论文引言:中国古代文学是世界文学库中的瑰宝,而在中国文学史上,古代诗歌无疑占据了非常重要的地位。现在社会高物质的追求,让很多人开始数典忘祖,很多人都忽略了中华文化的源远流长。古代诗歌作为中国传统文化中最精彩的一部分,能激发人的思维,积累人的语感,使人在潜移默化中能陶冶自己的情操,使读者的人生张弛有度。中而在历代流传下来的灿烂如星的诗歌作品中,思乡怀人这一主题则是十分具有生命力的主题之一。无论是在唐诗、宋诗还是在唐宋词中,诗人的游子情怀则让这一主题得到了十分充分的升华。下面我就讲以唐诗、宋诗和唐宋词三方面来表达我对这一永恒主题的祖略见解。 唐诗:以枫桥夜泊张继 为例 月落乌啼霜满天,

2、江枫渔火对愁眠。姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。 这首张继的枫桥夜泊可以说是家喻户晓的一首诗,著名的歌曲涛声依旧也正是对这首诗的改编好,可见这首诗歌所传达出来的思乡情怀已经引起了千古年来大家的共鸣。这首诗的前半篇集中了一组极具表现力的意象:月、乌鸦、霜雪、渔火以及江枫,这一些意象勾起了孤寂、漂泊在他乡的诗人对于家乡的思念。同时,这首诗也运用了白描的手法,使我们大众读者至今也能感受到诗人内心的寂寞和相思之情。诗的后半篇写了山寺的清寒,用夜半的钟声衬托出夜的静谧、深远,也是这样使得诗人的羁途愁思得到了很好的表现。“带走一盏渔火让它温暖我的双眼,留下一段真情让它停泊在枫桥边.月落乌啼总是千年的风霜,

3、涛声依旧不见当初的夜晚。”正是这首诗歌绵绵不绝的秋意,为我们营造出了无穷愁绪的情景,也把我们带入了那思乡更怀人的场景之中。 宋诗:以泊船瓜洲王安石 为例 京口瓜洲一水间,钟山只隔数重山。春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。 这首诗据称是在王安石第二次拜相奉诏入京期间所做。在诗人泊船与瓜洲的时候,王安石因为有王命在身无法回家,于是写下了这首诗来抒发自己对家乡的怀念。全诗的第一句先写京口和瓜洲的距离并不远,“一水间”的距离却偏偏承载了诗人内心对家乡厚重的思念之情。之后全诗的第三句突然发生了转折,表面上描写了春天的无限生机和江南风景的秀丽,实则 又进一步加强了诗人自己对家乡的无限怀念。一个“绿”字,从视

4、觉的角度使读者感受到江南春天景色的秀美,将看不见摸不着的春风巧妙地转化为鲜明的视觉形象。全诗的最后语句直抒胸臆,使得诗人浩荡的情思得到了更好的升华。纵观全文,“绿”字的用法特别为人称道。据宋人洪迈的记载,这句诗原来是“春风又到江南岸”,后来有陆陆续续地改为“又至”、“又过”、“又入”等,最后才被定为是“又绿”,由此也可以反映出古代诗人对诗歌创作锤炼字句的严肃态度。 唐宋词:以一剪梅.舟过吴江蒋捷 为例 一片春愁待酒浇,江上舟摇,楼上帘招。秋娘渡与泰娘桥,风又飘飘,雨又萧萧。何日归家洗客袍,银字笙调,心字香烧。流光易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。 这首词主要卸了诗人漂泊的情感,首句就揭示了“春愁”

5、这一主题。全诗引用了“秋娘渡”、“泰娘桥”,让读者能联想到女性的温柔,也让词中的思家之情得到了传达。“又”字暗示着诗人离家已久,也是全诗的情感得到了很自然的宣泄。下片中的洗客中袍、调银字笙、烧心字香,尽是对回家之后温暖场景的遐想。“红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉”则是全诗中让人们传诵最久的一句,分析其原因,不仅是其表达出对年华易逝的感伤之情,也巧妙地运用了“红”和“绿”,讲表达颜色的字词作为动词,展现出了樱桃变红、芭蕉叶子变绿的过程,将无形转化为有形,并增强了全诗的视觉效果,是词中传达出的羁旅愁思之情跃然纸上。 总体感知:思乡怀人是古代诗歌中很常见也是一个永恒的主题,无论是在什么朝代,诗人运用了各种巧妙的

6、手法将自己强烈的思乡之情传达的十分巧妙。不管是在“月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠”还是在“春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还”亦或是在“红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉”中,我们都能感受到诗人作为游子的羁旅愁思。或许也正是他们的羁旅情怀才造就了他们,成就了一代伟大的诗人,也为我们的中华传统文化增添了一笔浓墨重彩。 全书感知: 每个午后,轻捧一本唐宋诗词名篇欣赏,诗人简练的言语,无不投射出中华文化的博大精深。一个时代孕育一个时代的英雄,无论是杜甫亦或是李白这些在当代仍被广为传诵的诗人,他们虽然有着不同的生活背景,但是他们的诗歌仍旧被世人传诵。比如李白,他的诗歌离不开他那豪爽的酒性,还有玄宗在位前期时社会的繁华和后

7、期的没落。中国的历史太长,朝代很多,但是在这本书中,我们还是可以通过唐宋诗词领略诗人的满腔文墨。古 人说:“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。”曾几何时,我对这句话也是怀着抨击的态度,但当我读完这本唐宋诗词名篇欣赏,我觉得这句话还是有那么几分道理。现在当我读完这本书,回过头来的时候,我想起了我们平时对待写作的态度,为什么对待现代的写作,我们大多数人都是怀着厌恶的态度,而古代的那些士人,却是如此热爱诗词。当然,这根社会的发展也有一定的关系,但是我个人认为诗歌所存在的魅力,应该也是十分重要的一个原因吧!无论是诗还是词,短短的几行字,却有着深入浅出的韵味。就比如我们在上文提及的“思乡怀人”,诗人或者词

8、人,很少会直接的“吼”出自己的情感,“一切景语皆情语”,他们用自己的所见间接地传达出了自己内心深沉的感情。每一次读一篇诗词都会有另一番感受,虽然在现在我们开始写散文,写论文,但是我想,诗歌中蕴含的魅力还是值得我们学习的,而这魅力,可能是深入浅出,可能是一语双全,可能这一切,还值得我们继续探索。 Preface: the ancient Chinese literature is the treasure of world literature library, and in the history of Chinese literature, ancient poetry is undoubt

9、edly occupies very important position. Now the pursuit of social high material, make a lot of people are beginning to betray your ancestors, a lot of people ignored the Chinese culture has a long history. Ancient Chinese poetry, as the most splendid part of Chinese traditional culture, can inspire p

10、eoples thinking, accumulation of language sense, make the person can edify their sentiment, imperceptible relaxation of life to the readers. In passed down through the ages is shining like the stars in the poems, homesickness conceive the subject is a person very has the vitality of one of the topic

11、s. Whether in the tang and song poetry or in tangsong ci, wandering poet feelings is the sublimation of this theme is a very full. Let me speak to tang poetry and song poetry and subjectivity of this eternal theme three aspects to express my face slightly. Tang: in the present paper arrives at an in

12、ter pretation poetry, for example Moonset wu crow cream all over the sky, Jiang Feng the fishing for troubled sleep. Gusu city hanshan temple, the midnight bell to the passenger. The song poetry in the present paper arrives at an inter pretation is a poem of household, the famous song seems to still

13、 is also good to the adaptation of the poem, is the poem conveys the nostalgia has caused a historic years resonance. The poem in the first half of the article focus on a group of highly expressive image: month, crows, frost and snow, the fishing and Jiang Feng, this some image reminded, lonely for

14、hometown thoughts drift in the land of poets. At the same time, with the help of this poem lyrics gimmick, make our public since the reader also can feel the poets inner loneliness and acacia. The second half of the poem wrote yamadera underprivileged students, in the midnight bell to foil the quiet

15、 of the night, profound, and so makes the poets cruelty, troubles had a good performance. Take a light, let it warm my eyes with a genuine feeling let it docked at the edge of the grand. moonset wu crow is always one thousand years of wind and frost, lily is still not at the beginning of night. Is t

16、he poem overflow with autumn, as we create the infinite melancholy, also bring us to the homesickness had more scenes. Song poetry: the docking melon continent , wang anshi, for example Beijing mouth melon continent between monohydrate, zhong shan only the number of mountains. The spring breeze and

17、green river, south when the moon as I also. The poem is said to be the second time in wang anshi did during that serve fabricated into Beijing. The poet docking with melon continent, wang anshi is with the kings commandment because cant go home, so wrote down this poem to express their nostalgia for

18、 his hometown. The first line of the poem writing and melon continent distance is not far, in the distance between monohydrate decided to carry the poet to remember fondly to hometown thick inside. After the poem of the third sentence suddenly happened to turn, on the surface to the description of s

19、pring infinite vitality and jiangnan scenery beautiful, but in fact And infinite memeory to further strengthen the poet himself for his hometown. A green word, from the Angle of vision, make readers feel beautiful scenery, jiang days will see the spring breeze of the scratching neatly into distinct

20、visual image. The poems last statement bluntly, and makes the poet only memories are better sublimation. Overall, the use of the word green special. According to poets HongMai records, this poem is spring breeze again to the rivers south bank, then one after another and to, and, and the, etc., final

21、ly is designated as a green, which can also reflect the ancient Chinese poet of poetry temper all seriousness of words. Subjectivity: the changjiang. Boat wujiang jiang, for example Sorrow for the bottle, spring river boat, curtain move upstairs. Autumn niang niang bridge crossing and tai, the wind

22、and wave, the rain and rustling. Which day to return home to wash guest robe, silver word sheng, incense burning heart words. Time easy to throw people, red cherry, green banana. Main discharge is the poets emotional wandering the first words, first sentence reveals the spring sorrow this topic. The

23、 poem refers to the crossing autumn niang, niang bridge, let the reader can relate to a womans gentle, also let the word of home of love got the message. And the word implies that the poet has been away from home for a long time, is also the poem emotion is the nature of anger. The lower of the gues

24、t in the robe, the silver word word, sheng, heartburn is daydream of home after warm scene. Red cherry, green banana is to let people told me the longest sentence in the poem, analyze its reasons, not only is it expresses the sentimentality of time is fleeting, and clever use of red and green, expre

25、ss the color words as a verb, showed a cherry red, banana leaf green, the process of converting intangible to tangible, and enhance the visual effect of the poem, is in the word conveys some troubles of love from the page. Overall perception: homesickness pregnant person is very common in ancient Ch

26、inese poetry is also an eternal theme, whether in what dynasty, the poet USES all sorts of clever tactics to convey their strong homesickness is very clever. Cream all over the sky, whether in moonset wu hoots Jiang Feng the fishing for sorrow sleep or spring breeze and green river, south when the m

27、oon as I also or the red cherry, green banana, we can feel the poet as a part of some troubles. Maybe it is their some feelings just made them, and made a generation of great poets, but also for our added a part of Chinese traditional culture. Encyclopedia perception: every afternoon, gently holding

28、 a book the poetry of tang and song dynasty masterpiece appreciation, the poet concise words, reflects the profound of Chinese culture. An era gave birth to an era of hero, whether du fu and li bai these still is permeated poet in contemporary, although they have different backgrounds, but they are

29、still being told the world poetry. Such as li bai, his poetry without his generous wine, and of the reign of xuanzong spent early late social prosperity and decline. Chinas history is too long, many dynasties, but in this book, we can still through the poetry of tang and song dynasty poet full of ci

30、vilization. The ancient Man said, has its own gold room in the book, the book has its own treasure to. Once upon a time, I of this sentence is also with the attitude of criticism, but when I finished reading this the poetry of tang and song dynasty masterpiece appreciation, I think this sentence has

31、 some truth. When I finished reading the book now, looking back, I was reminded of our attitude toward writing at ordinary times, why treat modern writing, most of us are in disgust, and that the philistines ancient, is so love poetry. This, of course, the development of the society also has a certa

32、in relationship, but I personally think that the charm of poetry is, should also is very important to be a reason! Both poem and ci, the short several lines, tells his story has a lasting appeal. Like we are in the above mentioned homesickness pregnant person, the poet, or poets seldom directly roar

33、 out their own feelings, all scene language language of love, they see with their own indirectly convey the deep feelings within us. Every time reading a poem will have a different feeling, although now we began to write essays, write a paper, but I think that the charm of poetry contains still worthy of our study, and this charm, is likely to be easily understood, may be a word, can choose a suitable text book it all, we should continue to explore.


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