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1、中国各地美食英文介绍1. Beijing: Kaoya (Peking roast duck, 烤鸭) 北京:烤鸭 The cuisine: Generations of emperors and blue-blooded residents have set the standard for high-end Chinese cuisine. The city is famous for imperial cuisine, or guan cai (官菜), which uses only premium quality ingredients and is cooked with comp

2、lex techniques. 烹饪风格:历代皇帝和贵族早已为高端的中式烹饪设定了标准。北京这座城市因其皇家菜肴或是官菜闻名遐迩,这种菜肴仅选用上等食材佐料,并运用复杂的技巧烹饪而成。 The dish: A perfect kaoya is roasted to a reddish color; its skin remains crispy and the meat oozes a fruity flavor. 菜肴:最棒的烤鸭烤至淡红色,表皮酥脆,鸭肉口感圆润。 A whole roasted duck is typically served in two ways: the juicy

3、 meat and crispy skin are wrapped in mandarin pancakes with scallion, cucumber and hoisin sauce; and the bones are slow-cooked into a tasty soup. 一整只烤鸭有两种特色吃法:拿薄饼卷着肥美的鸭肉和酥脆的鸭皮,再搭配些青葱丝,黄瓜丝和海鲜酱;鸭骨架经慢火炖成美味的汤。 2. Chongqing: La zi ji (chili-fried chicken cubes, 辣子鸡) 重庆:辣子鸡 The cuisine: Even compared with

4、 food from Sichuan, Chinas mecca of spicy dishes, Chongqing cuisine scores high in spiciness and numb-inducing ingredients. 烹饪风格:即使常常拿来和川菜作对比,重庆仍旧是当之无愧的中国辣菜圣城,在麻辣程度上重庆菜首屈一指。 The dish: La zi ji combines crispy chicken breast cubes with a fireplace of peppercorn, toasted sesame and dried birds-eye chi

5、lis to create a plate of hot, red deliciousness. 菜肴:辣子鸡是将酥脆的鸡胸脯块与干胡椒、芝麻和干辣椒一同翻炒,从而做出一盘子火辣辣红彤彤的美味。 3. Fujian province: Fo tiao qiang (Buddha jumps over the wall, 佛跳墙) 福建省:佛跳墙 The cuisine: Located along the southeastern coast of China, Fujian is famous for fresh seafood, but its flavorful shrimp oil a

6、nd shrimp paste make the regions cuisine stand proud. 烹饪风格:坐落于中国东南沿海的福建省以其新鲜的海产而闻名,不过福建有名的虾油和虾酱也让当地引以为傲的烹饪手法。 The dish: Legend has it that this dish is so irresistible that Buddha jumped over the wall for a taste. 菜肴:相传佛跳墙这道菜美味难挡,佛都从墙头跳过前来品尝。 Fo tiao qiang is made of 18 pricey ingredients, including

7、 shark fin, abalone, sea cucumber, ginseng and scallops, all simmered together for hours with premium Shaoxing rice wine. 佛跳墙由包括鱼翅、鲍鱼、海参、人参和扇贝等18种食材做成,所有食材再加些上好的绍兴米酒,经小火煨数小时即可。 4. Gansu province: Lanzhou lamian (Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles, 兰州拉面) 甘肃省:兰州拉面 The cuisine: This Islamic province makes han

8、ds-down the best noodles with beef or lamb in the country. 烹饪风格:有着伊斯兰信仰的甘肃省能够轻而易举地做出全国最棒的面食来,面里一般会放牛肉或是羊肉。 The dish: The perfect Lanzhou lamian is made with five ingredients: a clear soup, white radish, green coriander, red chilis, yellow noodles. 菜肴:最好吃的兰州拉面由5种食材组成:清汤,白萝卜,香菜,红辣椒,细黄面条。 The best way

9、to experience this regional mainstay is seated in a humble lamian joint, slurping down noodles amid hungry eaters. 体验这道当地主打美食最好的方式,就是坐在普普通通的小摊前,在饥饿的食客中间痛快地“哧溜哧溜”将面条吃到嘴里。 5. Guizhou province: Suan tang yu (fish in sour soup, 酸汤鱼) 贵州省:酸汤鱼 The cuisine: Like foodies in Sichuan and Hunan, Miao tribespeop

10、le in hilly Guizhou loves their food sour and spicy. 烹饪风格:像湖南和四川爱好美食的人们一样,居住在贵州山区的苗族人家也更喜欢吃酸辣口味的菜。 The dish: The soup is made with fermented rice or tomatoes, pickled chilis and various herbs, and then cooked with freshly caught river fish for a super sour blend. 菜肴:酸汤鱼由酒酿或是番茄、泡椒和许多香草共同熬成,然后再放入刚抓回来的

11、新鲜河鱼,即可做出超级酸爽的酸汤鱼了。 The thick, delicious broth has a persistent aroma. You can throw in tofu and other vegetables and eat it hot-pot style. 香浓美味的汤香味很持久,你可以像吃火锅一样,在汤中下些豆腐和其他蔬菜吃。 6. Hebei province: Lvrou huoshao (donkey meat sandwich, 驴肉火烧) 河北省:驴肉火烧 The cuisine: Much as it is in neighboring Beijing, H

12、ebei cuisine is savory and sauce heavy, with an emphasis on the cut and color of the dishes. 烹饪风格:和邻近的北京菜有很多相似之处,河北菜很可口,酱油重,看重刀工和菜肴的颜色。 The dish: Brace yourself. Locals reckon donkey is as delicious as dragon meat, even though no one can provide much in the way of documentaryevidence of having eaten

13、 the latter. 菜肴:做好准备。当地人认为驴肉和龙肉一样美味,尽管没人能用文字证明有谁真的吃过龙肉。 Donkey meat is high in protein, low in cholesterol and has a finer fiber than beef. Its leaner than pork and lacks the funky odor of mutton. Sliced donkey meat is stewed and served between two pieces of ciabatta-like bread to make a Hebei-style

14、 sandwich. 驴肉蛋白质含量高,胆固醇含量低,而且比牛肉纤维细。驴肉又比猪肉瘦些,也没有羊肉那股膻味。片好的驴肉是炖好的,夹在两片像意大利脆皮面包模样的饼子中间,这样就做好了河北风格的三明治了。 7. Heilongjiang province: Harbin hongchang (Harbin red sausage, 哈尔滨红肠) 黑龙江省:哈尔滨红肠 The cuisine: Heilongjiang is among the coldest provinces in China, and its people eat lots of meat and Russian bread

15、. The cuisine is typified by heavy sauce and deep-frying. 烹饪风格:黑龙江省是中国最严寒的省区之一,这里的人们会吃很多肉食和俄罗斯面包。烹饪风格就是酱油重,深油炸。 The dish: In the early 20th century, Russian traders brought this smoked pork sausage across the border into Harbin. Since then its become a specialty of the city. 菜肴:20世纪早期,俄罗斯商人将这种熏猪肉肠从边

16、境带到了哈尔滨。从那时起这种红肠就变成了当地的招牌菜。 Flavored with garlic and black pepper, hongchang is the perfect companion to dalieba bread and tastes even better with a pint of Harbin beer. 搭配大蒜和黑胡椒一起吃,红肠加上俄罗斯面包才最棒,再来一品脱哈尔滨啤酒感觉就更好了。 8. Hubei province: Sanxian doupi (three delicacies wrapped in tofu skin, 三鲜豆皮) 湖北省:三鲜豆皮

17、 The cuisine: Three words sum up Hubei cuisine: steamed, fishy and soupy. 烹饪风格:“蒸、鱼、汤”这三个字就可以总结湖北菜。 The province is also famous for its delicious breakfast snacks, such as hot dry noodles and sanxian doupi. 湖北省也因其美味可口的早点闻名,比如热干面和三鲜豆皮。 The dish: Sanxian doupi is Hubeis answer to lasagna.The tradition

18、al breakfast from Wuhan is made with a delicious stuffing, a mixture of soft glutinous rice, egg, mushroom and pork, tucked into two pieces of tofu skin and then pan-fried until golden brown. 菜肴:三鲜豆皮是湖北的千层面。武汉的传统早点是用美味可口的馅儿做成的,软糯米,鸡蛋,蘑菇和猪肉混合,卷在两张豆皮里,然后放在油锅中炸至金棕色。 9. Hunan province: Duojiao yutou (st

19、eamed fish head with pickled chilis, 剁椒鱼头) 湖南省:剁椒鱼头 The cuisine: Also known as Xiang cuisine (湘菜), Hunan food is known to be just as hot as Sichuan, minus the numbing quality. Locals are partial to smoked and cured meats in their dishes. 烹饪风格:就是众所周知的湘菜,湖南菜和四川菜一样火辣辣,但却没有那股子麻劲儿。当地人偏爱熏肉和腌肉。 The dish: I

20、n addition to an irresistible combination of pickled chilis and the tender meat of a fish head, duojiao yutou is packed with nutrients, such as vitamin A and vitamin C, providing an instant metabolism boost. 菜肴:除了难以抗拒的泡椒和鲜嫩鱼头肉做成的美味,泡椒鱼头还含有很多营养物质,比如维生素A和维生素C,增进新陈代谢。 Instead of just red chilis, chefs

21、use both green and red chilis to create a colorful mixture. Add the complimentary plate of egg noodles to the soupy fish dish to make a full meal. 除了红辣椒之外,厨师还会用到青椒和红椒搭配菜的颜色。在香浓的鱼汤中下入赠送的鸡蛋面就是完美的一餐了。 10. Inner Mongolia autonomous region: Kao yang tui (barbequed lamb leg, 烤羊腿) 内蒙古自治区:烤羊腿 The cuisine: From beef and mutton, to venison and ostrich, hearty Inner Mongolians never say no to barbecue. 烹饪风格:从牛肉到羊肉,再从鹿肉到鸵鸟肉,健硕的内蒙人从来都不拒绝烧烤。 The dish: This isnt the average meat-on-a-stick. Its an entire grilled sheep leg loaded with spices. 菜肴:这不是平常说到的串在签子上的烤肉喔,这可是撒了佐料的一整只烤羊腿。


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