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1、GRE写作提分必备高分模板正确使用方法介绍 GRE写作提分必备高分模板正确使用方法介绍,快来一起学习吧,分享下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作提分必备高分模板正确使用方法介绍解决新GRE写作分数低的几条建议1.有的放矢,充分准备。在备考新GRE作文过程中要多准备例子,并把它们一一写下来,进行分类。一个例子往往可以应对好几个同类的题目,这样做是效率最高的办法。2.万事开头难,迈出第一步。我们都害怕写新GRE作文,想到要练习写一整篇*,往往就没有了信心。其实我们可以从练习写作开头段,然后设计*的提纲开始。写开头段能够让我们以轻松一点的心情着手新GRE写作的准备,并且迅速了解所有的题目,因为

2、GRE考试的题目数量是固定的。3. 储备积极词汇,用时得心应手。从备考的开始就要着手增加working vocabulary, 当然也包含词组,成语。平时背的词汇往往只是看到它能知道其中文的某个翻译意思,但是我们却不能灵活运用这些词汇进行表达,更不用说在短暂的GRE写作考试时间内用它们遣词造句了。所以,对于一些写作中经常用到的词汇、词组和成语,大家需要掌握的不仅是基本的辨识能力,对于其用法也要能有所了解,记忆的时候结合句子进行背诵,在平时训练时也要加强运用方面的实际练习,这样才能做到信手拈来,挥洒自如。GRE作文模板使用方法1. 确定*主体框架结构,包括引出观点和总结观点的词汇,句式。2. 确

3、定论证过程的框架,每个支持段落都有各自的论证模式,举例,因果,对比等,确定到论证的逻辑引导词上;3. 通过改写句子,采用合适的词汇代替以上两步的成果;4. 改变句式,将各类语法结构加入其中:倒装,独立主格结构,虚拟语气等。5. 中间各段:提出分论点解释分论点总结分论点/联系主观点,即在每个分段的最后总结一下分论点和主观点之间的联系。6. 注意句式变换,尽量不要简单句并列使用。7. 能够用which、where等连词连起来的句子就尽量连起来,减少零碎句子。以上就是关于新GRE作文低分的解决建议和模板的使用方法介绍,大家在备考GRE作文的过程中要注意时时总结自己的不足,结合模板进行充分准备和练习,

4、以便在考试时候能够迅速写出高质量的GRE作文。GRE Issue写作范文详细解析IssueIn many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings - trials, debates, meetings, etc

5、. - that are televised, the more society will benefit.Sample EssayAnything that makes a countrys government more transparent is certainly a good thing, at least in democratic countries. These societies have a great deal to gain by being able to watch their elected government officials in action. But

6、 to broadly state that the more government proceedings that are televised, the more society will benefit is to ignore the fact that sometimes, less is more. Some types of proceedings can even be adversely affected if televised, making society worse off rather than giving it a benefit. Some types of

7、governmental proceedings should receive more televised coverage, but there are some that should probably receive less to ensure that they are properly conducted.One example of the possible negative effects of televising all governmental proceedings was the trial in the United States of accused murde

8、rer and former National Football League superstar O.J. Simpson. The trial was televised and became a huge media spectacle, captivating the nations attention during the entire trial. Attorneys were well aware that the proceedings were being televised and almost behaved as if they were acting in a mov

9、ie. The spotlight was so unrelenting that the circus atmosphere affected even the judge. The presence of television cameras and the effect of the intense media coverage led to a trial like no other, and adversely affected the natural progression of the trial. The participants played to the cameras r

10、ather than focusing on the task at hand. Largely because of television, many people would argue that justice was not served during this particular trial.On the other hand, television of the day-to-day workings of government in action provides direct insight into how a government actually works. Beca

11、use the television cameras are there everyday, the governmental officials become accustomed to them and are no longer greatly affected by their presence. In this way, society benefits because they are able to see what is happening as it happens. The government in action is no longer hidden behind su

12、ch a veil of secrecy so that no one knows the mysterious ways of their elected officials.One of the problems with stating that the more governmental proceedings that are televised, the better of a society is, is that people might come to believe that they are seeing everything when in fact, a televi

13、sion camera can only see part of what is happening no matter how many cameras there are. Much of what happens in government takes place behind the scenes, not necessarily in full view of the cameras in the meeting place. While to an extent seeing is believing, quite often it is what you dont see tha

14、t makes the difference. Merely televising governmental proceedings certainly enhances understanding, but to fully understand the process a person would actually have to actively participate in that process.Another problem with the statement that the more televised governmental proceedings, the bette

15、r, is that it assumes that people actually watch the proceedings when they are broadcast. There is a television channel in the United States that broadcasts Congressional proceedings every day, but few people watch it. Only when some big issue comes up for a debate or for a vote does a significant n

16、umber of people tune in. To merely televise governmental proceedings will not affect society unless society watches these events.Society can certainly benefit from the television coverage of certain governmental proceedings. To actually see the elected officials in action can bring an extra element

17、of understanding into the inner workings of a government. Politicians can be held accountable for their actions while they are being watched by the television cameras. No longer can they hide in anonymity while they are conducting the business of the people. But not all governmental proceedings shou

18、ld be televised. There are times when secrecy is an absolute requirement for making sure that the correct decisions are made.GRE写作范文:忠诚GRE写作题目:Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty-whether to ones friends,to ones school or place of employment,or to any institution-is all too o

19、ften a destructive rather than a positive force.大多数人被告知忠诚是一种美德。但是无论是对朋友、对学校、对单位还是对任何机构,忠诚时常都是弊大于利的。GRE写作范文:I disagree with the author for he has confused the faithfulness with the misguided or overextended loyalty. In fact,loyalty does be a cherished virtue that should be given enough emphasis.Loyal

20、ty,a kind of lasting persistence and its precondition is that the subject of fidelity is worthy of such strong emotion. In each society,loyalty is a indispensable and vital part of the system of morality. No matter in schools,at home or at work,first midst and last,people accept a similar education

21、that as an individual,he or she should first have a sense of ligeance,that is work for the whole. Of course,the subjects of loyalty are various including scientific theory,friends,family,schools,places of employment and the nation. A vivid example can lend support to the statement is the heroical as

22、tronomer - Bronow,who advanced Copernicus theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun,enraged the Roma church that held the Ptolemaic system of astronomy and was burnt to death just because he refused to give up his scientific theory. It is the lasting loyalty toward truth that le

23、ad Bronow to sacrifice himself. And people all respect such duteous spirit. However,without loyalty,the morality of a society will deteriorate into apathy desert and everyone just lives for him/herself,that is to say,no one is willing to pay loyalty to the whole,then finally the human civilization w

24、ill fall apart.However,on the other hand,the fidelity should not be confused with misguided or overextended loyalty and the latter is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force. People all hold that mutual loyalty between friends is the basis of lasting friendship. But people should al

25、so realize that true loyalty and authentic responsibility for a friend are not only always believing him or her unconditionally but also persuading,helping and even impeaching him or her when him or her has committed serious mistakes or even crimes. Of course,when facing up to such painful dilemma,e

26、ach one will hesitate because he or she is afraid of being censured to betray his or her friend and some one may choose to keep slient in order to insist of the so-called loyalty.In fact,such behavior may prevent his or her friend from taking right actions. The same to a school,a family,a company ev

27、en the nation,when the subject that people once string along with no longer deserves loyalty,people should resolutely choose to be loyal to the truth,the justice and the humanity. That calls for people are always alert to what they think right and what they think wrong,via doing so,people can change

28、 their mind for right choice on timeTo sum up,people should insist on true loyalty,and always avoid being the victim of the misguided or overextended loyalty. In the world,there is nothing that can be always absolutely right or wrong and changing happens all the time. So people should always hold deep insight to discern what deserves their loyalty and what does not.GRE写作提分必备高分模板正确使用方法介绍(文库搜索)


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