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1、中考从句专项练习语法分类汇总练习 1. 1.Pauls uncle is the man _ taught us math last year. A.where B.which C.who D.when 2. 2.l still remember the park _ we first met. A.that B.which C.where D.when 3. 3.Even teachers cant understand some expressions _ their teachers use in daily life. A.whose B.who C.that D.whom 4. 4.

2、lll never forget the day _ l became a middle school students. A.where B.when C.why D.which 5. Do you know the boy _ is sitting next to Peter?-Yes, he is Peters friend. They are celebrating his _ birthday. A.who,ninth B.that,nineth C./,nineth D.which,ninth 6. 1.-we can use QQ to chat with each other

3、on the internet.-Really? Will you please show me _ it? A.how to use B.what to use C.how can l use D.what can l use 7. 2.the policeman asked the boy _. A.where is his mother B.where his mother is C.where was his mother D.where his mother was 8. 3.thanks for showing me _ . A.how use this phone B.how t

4、o use this phone C.how can l use this phone D.that l use this phone 9. -Could you tell me _ ?-Sorry,l dont know. A.how far is the supermarket B.where is Mr.Brown C.how l can get to Beijing Airport D.when will your father come back 10. 5.Mary is a gift full of questions.she always asks her mother _ .

5、 A.where does she come from B.why the earthquake takes place C.who is the greatest man in the world D.why the sun rose in the east 11. 6Lilys mother looked for her for half an hour ,but could not find _ . A.what Lily was B.what was Lily C.where Lily was D.where was Lily 12. 7.-Could you tell me _ ?

6、he is wanted by the head teacher.-Sorry,lve no idea.but he _ here just now. A.where Tim was,was B.where is Tim,was C.where Tim is,was C.where Tim is,is 13. 8.-why doesnt Jack have his computer repaired? 14. -l know _ . Perhaps he wants to buy a new one. A.who does he B.why he does C.why doesnt he D.

7、why he doesnt 15. 9.Nobody noticed what the young man _ at that moment. A.was doing B.will do C.has done D.had done 16. 10.-l dont know _ to solve the problem,its too hard. 17. -you can ask Mr Wang for help. A.which to do B.when to do C.what to do D.how to do 18. lm afraid that no one knows _ . A.wh

8、en the game will start B.where has our teacher gone C.who will win the game D.how long did the meeting last 19. -Excuse me,could you tell me _ ?-Sorry ,l dont know. l am new here.too A.when the museum opens B.where is the Olympic Village C.how long the old lady had lived here D.how do you celebrate

9、Easter Day 20. 13.-would you please tell me what _ ?- Ok.She _ a sales assistant. A.does she do ;is B.her job is;works as C.her job was;was D.does she,works as 21. 14.- _ is Debbies mother? - the woman on the left _ a brown coat. A.what ; to wear B.which;to wear C.who;wearing D.where;wearing 22. 15.

10、she asked me _. A.how is the best way to learn EnglishB.how can she learn English well C.how could use she learn English wellD.what the best way to learn English was 23. 16.-Jason wants to know if _ a school sports meeting tomorrow? -Yes,we will . but if it _ .well have classes instead. A.will you h

11、ave;rain B.you will have;will rain C.you will have;rains D.will you have ;will rain 24. 7.I will never forget the days _ l spent with my dearest friends. A.that B.when C.who D.while 25. 17.-please tell us _ . 26. - its difficult _ me to decide. A.what is your decision;of B.what your decision is;for

12、C.how your decision is;of D.which your decision is ;for 27. 11.all of us will be happy _ you can come with us. A.while B.or C.but D.if 28. 12.Mrs Shute wouldnt leave the TVset,_ her children were waiting for their supper. A.although B.because C.if D.as soon as 29. .-Whats our head teacher like,do yo

13、u know? -Oh,he is very kind _ he looks very serious. 30. A.because B.though C.if D.when 31. -l cant decide which film _ . - _ you read the film review(评论)? A.l should watch;why not B.should l watch;why dont C.to watch;why not D.to watch;why dont 32. Did your teacher say anything before the examinati

14、on?-Yes,he said _ after the examination. A.we must have a two-day holidayB.whether we will have a two-day holiday C.we would have a two-day holidayD.whether we would have a two-day holiday 33. -Excuse me,where is the nearest shopping mall? -Well,the building _ stands near the train station is _ you

15、want to find. A.what , it B.which ,the one C.who,that D.where , ones 34. 8.-Our classmates love teachers _ are humourous and friendly. - Why not? Miss Li is one of the most lovely teachers _ makes her class lively and interesting. A whom;which B.who,that C.which,that D./,who 35. 9.who is the girl _

16、just spoke to you? A.that B.who C.whom D.which 36. 1.the Greens will visit Hainan as sson as they _ to China. A.comes B.come C.came D.will come 37. 2.the teacher speaks very loudly _ all the students can hear her. A.so that B.because C.since D.when 38. .-Do you know _ buy the book Harry Potter?-L ag

17、ree.l always use _ sides of of paper. A.where l can,either B.where can l ,such C.where l can,both D.where can l,either 39. 4.-Can you help me _ my cat while l am away?-No problem .just bring it to my house _ you leave. A.look after,before B.look for,until C.take care of,since D.take off,after 40. 5.

18、when l _ , they had finished making dumplings. A.arrive B.arrives C.arrived D.have arrived 41. 6.Can you imagine that _ little ants can carry _ many big worms? A.so;so B.such;such C.such;so D.so;such 42. 7.the film “Kung fu Panda” is _ interesting _ l would like to see it again. A.such;that B.too;to

19、 C.as;as D.so;that 43. If it _ tomorrow,we will stay at home.we wont go to the museum. A.rain B.rains C.will rain D.rained 44. -David ,turn off the TV _ no one is watching it.-But it _ off already! The music is from the radio. A.so that;has been turned B.when,has turned C.if;has been turned D.because,has turned 45. -Look out! The traffic is _ fast _ we cant cross the street now. A.too,to B.enough,to C.so,that D.such;that


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