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1、中英文合同样本合 同 Contract 合同号(Contract NO.): 日期 : 甲方: 乙方: Part A Part B 地址: 地址: Address Address 电话: 电话: Tel Tel 传真: 传真: Fax Fax 邮编: 邮编: Post Code Post Code 经甲乙双方确认根据下列条款订立本合同: 1 订货内容及价格: 序号 商品名称 NO. Items Name 规格 Specification 数量 Quantity 单位 Unit 单价¥ Unit price 金额¥ Amount 合同总金额:合计人民币: Contract amount of R

2、MB in capitalization: 税费说明: 合同总金额已包括国内所有税、费:增值税,进口税,关税,运费及各种费用 Includes all the taxes in China,the value-added taxes-VAT,import taxes-IT,duties,tariffs or charges ADD: ZIP: Tel: Fax: 2 包装方式: 3 运输方式: 汽运: 空运: 其他: 火车运输: 船运 : 4 交货地点: 5 到货期: 6 验收标准和方法: ADD: ZIP: Tel: Fax: 7 安装调试和保修期: 乙方 负责安装调试,安装调试范围及有关设

3、计方案: Part B response for installation and configuration, the contents of installation & configuration and proposal are: 8 服务: 乙方在12小时内免费无条件更换任何质量或外包装上有问题的货物。 Part B response for replace any goods with any flaw on the package or some quality problems within 12 hours without any condition. 9 付款方式 甲方将根

4、据以下付款协议,以 进行付款。 订金:在签署合同后的 工作日内,交付合同总额之百分之 ; 在到货验收合格后之 工作日内,交付合同总额之百分之 ; 在运行正常的条件下,余款在 工作日内付清。 Payment terms are according to following items and pay to Part B as . The Percent of the contract amount is payable by the Part A upon signing this contract within work days; The Percent of the contract am

5、ount is payable by the Part A upon delivery and check & accept within work days; The rest of the contract amount is payable by Part A within work days on the basis of product run in normal. 乙方向甲方提供的发票种类为 发票,发票内容 The kind of invoice provided by Part B is , the title of invoice is ADD: ZIP: Tel: Fax:

6、10 违约责任: 1乙方到货期不符合合同规定的,承担以下违约责任: 乙方逾期交货的货物,遇价格上涨时,按原价格执行;价格下降时,按照新价格执行。 乙方每逾期交货壹天,承担支付合同总款百分之 作为违约金,并继续履行合同。 到货期超过合同规定 个工作日者,甲方可以要求继续赔偿,退货或解除合同。 Part B would be charged with the liability of penalty during any delay of the delivery: If the prices of product increased during the period of delivery d

7、elay, the original price was validate for the contract; whereas, the new price is validate for the contract. Part B would pay the piper for percent of contract amount as penalty to Part A for each day of the delivery delay and have to perform the contract. When the delay date exceed work days after

8、delivery of the contract, Part A have the authority for reject, compensate or rescind the contract . 2乙方提供货物的数量不符合合同规定的,甲方可根据事件性质及受损情况要求: 在 工作日内补足合同规定数量之货物;按照条款1之逾期交货条款要求赔偿;对于多余的数量甲方可以按合同规定价格和规格接受或拒绝接受。 The number of the goods is not the same as that prescribed in the contract, Part A have the follo

9、wing authority to ask for penalty depend on different case: Make up the loss within work days, ask the same penalty as delivery delay; Part A can accept the redundant goods as same price and specification or reject them . 3乙方提供货物的质量或规定不符合合同约定,行业规格或*的法令法规的要求的,甲 方可以根据货物的性质以及损失大小,要求乙方承担修理,更换,退货,减少价款等责

10、任。 The quality or specifications of the goods are not accord with contract description or special area specification or government principle, Part B would be changed with repair, change, be rejected, decrease quotation etc. 4甲乙任意方因第三者的原因造成违约的,应向对方承担违约责任。 Each of the Part breach of contract for the t

11、hird party reason, it should be response for the liability of the other Part. 5甲方未按合同约定支付乙方价款的,乙方可以要求支付价款,若未支付的价款超过总价 款五分之一的,货物的所有权归乙方所有。 Part A is not pay for Part B as description as contract, Part B have the authority to ask paying in time, if the price have not pay exceed the one of fifth of con

12、tract amount, Part B remain the ownership of the goods. 6不可抗力是指不能预见,不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。由于人力不可抗拒原因造成 不可抗拒的事故而致不能按合同规定交货时,乙方应立即以电报通知甲方,并在 天 内,航寄甲方事故发生地点的有关*或商会发给证明文件事故的存在,乙方对于人力 不可抗拒所造成的事故发生,在甲方为确认前不得解除其责任,如人力不可抗拒原因继 ADD: ZIP: Tel: Fax: 续存在,致使在合同规定交货期后 仍不能交货,则此后的合同执行方式由双方协 商解决。 The force majeure is refer

13、to the impersonality failure that can not foresee, avoidance and overcome. If the delivery delay or breach of contract was resulted by the force majeure, Part B should inform Part A in time by telex, send the relative government or C. Of C. Document to Part A by plane to testified the incident withi

14、n days; Part B can not release from the liability before Part A confirmation, if the force majeure still exist and result in the delay days exceed after delivery date. Then the perform of the contract have to be negotiated by both side. 11 其他 适用期为 工作日,在适用期内,甲方如发现产品有质量或其他问题,可立即无条件退货。 The probation pe

15、riod is work days, Part A should reimbursement immediately and without any terms if any flaw were found in the probation periods. 12 合同的变更: 合同需在甲乙双方公平协商,达成一致的条件下进行变更,变更的内容需以文字正本形式经双方授权人签字并盖章后生效。一切变更内容作为附件存在与合同正本具有相同的法律效力。 Any modification must on the basis of fair negotiation and be accepted by both

16、 sides. The formal file of modified contract should be validating after signed and sealed by authorized person of both sides. All the modification has the same effectiveness in law and attached as appendix. 13 仲裁: 双方对于任何合同内容上的争议首先依据合同法进行协商解决,如不能解决,可由北京市合同仲裁委员会仲裁解决。 Any dispute of the contract should

17、 be negotiate and solved at first base on Contract Law of P.R.C, If it is can not solved by discuss of both sides, the final arbitrage was made by “Contract Intermediation committee of Beijing”. ADD: ZIP: Tel: Fax: 14 合同的有效性: 双方授权人签字盖章起合同生效。 The valid data start from the contract signed and sealed a

18、nd sealed by authorized person of both sides. 15 合同使用的文字极其效力: 合同以中英文两种文字书写,具有相同的法律效力,任何内容上的由于语言造成的矛盾,以中文为有效文字。 The contract was written in English and Chinese, they have the same effectiveness in law, Chinese is the final valid character when any difference of understanding produced. 16 份数: 本合同一式两份,

19、双方各执一份为凭。 There are 2 duplicate of the contract, they would be keep by both sides. 17 合同未尽事宜的说明: 合同未尽事宜,由甲乙双方依据合同法协商解决。 The items that are not included in the contract should be negotiated by both side on the base of Contract Law. 18 附件极其有效性: 任何有效的书面文件,如:技术规格,设计方案,合同变更等,作为合同不可分割的附件具有相同的有效性。 All the

20、official file such as technical specification, proposal, contracts modify must be attached as appendix, the availability is the same as the contract. ADD: ZIP: Tel: Fax: 甲方盖章: Seal of Part A 法人代表或委托人签字: Signature 日期: Date ADD: ZIP: Tel: Fax: 乙方盖章: Seal of Part B 法人代表或委托人签字: Signature 日期: Date 开户银行: Bank 帐号: Bank account 纳税号码: Tax account


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