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1、中英文预付款保函编 号No.: 预付款保函 ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE 受益人The Beneficiary:_ 鉴于贵方与_于_年_月_日签订了编号为 的 合同,且贵方同意依约定向卖方/承包方预付货款/工程款。我方应卖方/承包方的申请,特开立以贵方为受益人的预付款保函: We have been informed that (Name of the Applicant) (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant), has entered into contract No. (Contract Number) dated (D

2、ate of The Contract) with you, for (Description of Goods And /Or Services or Project) and you agree to pay the down payment to the seller/contractor in accordance with the agreed conditions in the contract. According to the conditions of the contract and application of applicant, a down payment guar

3、antee which you are the Beneficiary will be issued. 一、担保金额以卖方/承包方实际收到的预付款金额为准,最高不超过_元; The letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (Amount in Figures) (say: Amount in Words) what seller/ contractor has actually received. 二、我行保证,卖方/

4、承包方按主合同的约定履行供货/工程建设义务。如果卖方/承包方违反上述义务,我行在收到贵方的书面索赔通知及卖方/承包方具有违约事实的下述证明材料后,向贵方承担退还预付款的担保责任: We guarantee: the seller/contractor fully take their responsibility to follow the main contract to supply goods/ perform project. We would refund the amount of the prepayment after us getting written notice of

5、claim and the fact of breach of contract if seller has breach of duty and contract: 1、 2、 3、 三、担保金额随卖方/承包方已履行义务对应的金额或退还的金额,和/或随我方向贵方支付的金额而自动递减。 The guarantee amount will be automatically reduced the amount according to the seller/contractor to perform its obligations, the corresponding amount or the

6、 amount of the refund. 1 四、如果贵方与卖方/承包方协商变更主合同且涉及我行担保责任的,应事先书面通知我行,如加重我行担保责任的还应事先征得我行书面认可,否则,我行对加重我行担保责任的部分不承担责任。 The written notice should prior inform us if you and the Seller / Contractor negotiate changes to the master contract and involve the Banks guarantee liability, the bank prior written app

7、roval should be issued if it will aggravate Bank guarantee responsibility; otherwise, the Bank of aggravation part of our scope is not liable for warranty. 五、贵方转让本保函项下权利的,应经我行书面同意,否则我行不再承担担保责任。 The written approval should be issued if you will transfer of rights under this guarantee; otherwise we ca

8、n no longer guarantee responsibility. 六、保函有效期按照以下第 种方式确定: The letter of guarantee is valid according to the No. way: 1、本保函自卖方/承包方收到贵方支付的预付款后生效,至 止。 This letter of guarantee from the seller/contractor shall become effective upon the receipt of your payment advance, expire to (Date). 2、本保函自卖方/承包方收到贵方支

9、付的预付款后生效,发生下列情形时到期: ,但最迟不超过 。 This letter of guarantee from the seller/contractor shall become effective upon the receipt of your payment advance, expire to the following situations occurs: , But no later than (Date) 七、书面索赔通知和有关证明材料必须在保函有效期内送达我行,否则我行在本保函项下的责任自动解除。 Written notice of claim and the rel

10、ated provable documents must be arrived in our bank guarantee the period of validity, otherwise, under this guarantee responsibility will be cancelled automatically. 八、卖方/承包方已履行供货/工程建设义务、保函超过有效期或我行的担保义务履行完毕,本保函即行失效,无论本保函是否退回我行注销。 The seller/contractor has performed goods/project or guarantee over th

11、e period of validity, or the guarantee obligations has been performed, this letter of guarantee expire and invalid immediately, no matter whether this letter of guarantee returned or not. 中国工商银行_: INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA LIMITED (Name of the Branch) BRANCH (STAMP) 负责人/授权代理人: Authorized person (signature): _年_月_日 _Date_Month_Year 2


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