1、中草药英文翻译Agar Abrus Herb Aconiteleaf Syneilesis Herb Acutangular Anisodus Root Adders Tongue Herb African Myrsine Herb Agaric Air-Plant Herb Airpotato Yam Rhizome Aizoon Stonecrop Herb Akebia Fruit Akebia Stem Aloes Alpine Yarrow Herb Alum Amber American Ginseng Amur Adonis Herb Amur Ampelopsis Stem A
2、mur Barberry Root Amur Corktree Bark Amur Grape Stem Ancients Euphorbia Stem Anemone Clematis Stem / Armand Clematis Stem Annual Fleabane Herb Antelope Horn Antifeverile Dichroa Root Arabian Jasmine Flower Arabic Cowry Shell Areca Peel Areca Seed Argy Wormwood Leaf Ark Shell Arrowshaped Tinospora Ro
3、ot - Arsenic Sublimate Ash Bark Asiatic Moonseed Rhizome Asiatic Pennywort Herb Asiatic Toddalia Root Auricled Hedyotis Herb Autumn Zephyrlily Herb Avicennia Pricklyash Root Axillary Choerospondias Fruit Baical Skullcap Root Balsamiferou Blumea Herb Bamboo Shavings Barbary Wolfberry Fruit Barbed Sku
4、llcap Herb Barberry Root Bat Dung Bear Gall Beautiful Millettia Root Beautiful Phyllodium Twig and Leaf Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit Belladonna Herb Belvedere Fruit Benzoin Bezoar Bigleaf Beautyberry Leaf Biond Magnolia Flower Biotite Schist and Mica / Carbonate Schist by Chloritization Bistort Rhizome
5、- Bitter Apricot Seed Bitter Bamboo Leaf Bitter Orange Bittersweet Herb Black Nightshade Herb Black Sesame Blackberrykiky Rhizome Blackend Swallowwort Root Blighted Wheat Blister Beetle Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed Boors Mustard Herb Borax Borneol Bottle Brush Herb Bottle Gourd Peel Brittle Falsepimpe
6、rnel Herb Brooklet Anemone Root Broomjutre Sida Herb Buddhas Lamp Twig and Leaf Buerger Pipewort Flower Buffalo Horn Bulbiferous Stonecrop Bunge Auriculate Root Bunge Corydalis Herb Bunge Hackberry Bark or Stem Bunge Pine Cone Bur Beggarticks Herb Burmann Cinnamon Bark Cablin Potchouli Herb Cajeputt
7、ree Leaf Calamine Calcite Calomel Camphor Camphorwood Canton Ampelopsis Root Cape Jasmine Fruit Caper Euphorbia Seed Carbonized Human Hair Carolina Cranesbill Herb Cassia Bark Cassia Seed Cassia Twig Castor Bean Catechu Cattail Pollen Centipede Ceratostigma Root Chalcanthite Chaulmoogratree Seed Che
8、rokee Rose Fruit Chervil Larkspur Herb Chickens Gizzard-membrane Chinaberry Bark and Root-bark Chinagreen Herb Chinaroot Greenbier Rhizome Chinese Alangium Root Chinese Angelica Chinese Aralia Bark and Root-bark Chinese Arborvitae Twig Chinese Asafoetida Chinese Astilbe Chinese Azalea Flower Chinese
9、 Azalea Fruit Chinese Bastardtoadflax Herb Chinese Box Twig Chinese Brake Herb Chinese Buckeye Seed / Wilson Buckeye Seed Chinese Caterpillar Fungus Chinese Cinquefoil Herb Chinese Cricket Chinese Date Chinese Dicliptera Herb Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed / Dwarf Flowering Cherry Seed / Longstalk Peach
10、Seed Chinese Eaglewood Chinese Elder Herb Chinese Elm Bark Chinese Eupatorium Root Chinese Fevervine Herb Chinese Fir Wood or twig Chinese Forgetmenot Root Chinese Gall Chinese Gentian Chinese Globeflower Flower Chinese Hibisci Rosae-Sinensis Flower Chinese Holly Leaf Chinese Honeylocust Abnormal Fr
11、uit Chinese Honeylocust Fruit Chinese Honeylocust Spine Chinese Incarvilla Herb Chinese Iris Seed Chinese Ivy Stem Chinese Knotweed Herb Chinese Ladiestresses Root or Herb Chinese Ligusticum Rhizome / Jehol Ligusticum Rhizome Chinese Lizardtail Rhizome or Herb Chinese Lobelia Herb Chinese Loropetalu
12、m Herb Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit Chinese Milkwort Herb “Q Chinese Mosla Herb Chinese Osbeckia Herb Chinese Peashrub Root Chinese Pholidota Herb Chinese Photinia Leaf Chinese Pulsatilla Root Chinese Pyrola Herb Chinese Rose Flower Chinese Sage Herb Chinese Silkvine Root-bark Chinese Siphonostegia He
13、rb Chinese Soapberry Fruit Chinese St. Johnswort Root Chinese Starjasmine Stem Chinese Stellera Root Chinese Tallowtree Root-bark Chinese Tamarisk Twig Chinese Taxillus Twig Chinese Thorowax Root / Red Thorowax Root Chinese Trumpetcreeper Flower Common TrumpetcreeperFlower Chinese Umbrellaleaf Rhizo
14、me and Root Chinese Usnea Chinese Waxgourd Peel Chinese Waxgourd Semen Chinese Waxmyrtle Bark Chinese Wedelia Herb Chinese White Olive Chinese Wingmut Leaf Chinese Wolfberry Root-bark Chingma Abutilon Seed Chinse Clinopodium Herb / Manyhead Clinopodium Herb Cholla Stem Chrysanthemum Cicada Slough Ci
15、liatenerve Knotweed Root Cinchona Bark Cinnabar Citron Fruit Clam Shell Clematis Root Clethra Loosestrife Herb Climbing Fig Fruit Climbing Groundsel Herb Clinopodium Herb Cluster Mallow Fruit Coastal Glehnia Root Coca Leaf Cochinchina Momordica Seed Cochinchnese Asparagus Root Cockscomb Flower Coffe
16、e Senna Seed - Coix Seed Coloed Mistletoe Herb Colophony Combined Spicebush Root Common Achyranthes Herb Common Adenostema Herb Common Aeschynomene Herb Common Alocasia Rhizome Common Alstonia Leaf Common Andrographis Herb Common Anemarrhena Rhizome Common Baphicacanthus Rhizome and Root Common Blet
17、illa Pseudobulb Common Bluebeard Herb Common Bombax Flower Common Burreed Rhizome Common Camptotheca Fruit Common Carpesium Fruit - Common Cephalanoplos Herb Common Cissampelos Herb Common Clubmoss Herb Common Cnidium Fruit Common Coltsfoot Flower Common Crapemyrtle Leaf Common Curculigo Rhizome Com
18、mon Dayflower Herb Common Ducksmeat Herb Common Dysosmatis Rhizome and Root / Sixangular Dysosmatis Rhizome and Root Common Fenugreek Seed Common Fibraurea Stem Common Floweringquince Fruit Common Four-oclock Root Common Foxglove Leaf Common Gendarussa Herb Common Goldenrod Herb Common Heronsbill He
19、rb Common Jasminorange Leaf and Twig Common Jointfir Stem Common Knotgrass Herb Common Lantana Leaf Common Leafflower Herb Common Lophatherum Herb - Common Macrocarpium Fruit Common Melastoma Herb Common Monkshood Mother Root Common Nandina Common Russianthistle Herb Common Sage Herb Common Scouring
20、 Rush Herb Common Selfheal Fruit-Spike Common Smoketree Twig and Leaf Common Squill Bulb Common St. Johnswort Herb Common Threewingnut Root Common Vladimiria Root Common wedgelet Fern Leaf Common Yam Rhizome / Wingde Yan Rhizome Copperleaf Herb Coral Ardisia Root Coralhead Plant Seed Coriander Fruit
21、 Corn Stigma Coromadel Coast Falsemallow Herb Corymbose Hedyotis Herb Costustoot Cottonrose Hibiscus Leaf Cowherb Seed Creeping Dichondra Herb Creeping Rostellularia Herb Creeping Woodsorrel Herb Crispateleaf Ardisia Root Croton Seed Cudweed Herb Cuneate Lespedeza Curly Bristlethistle Herb Cushaw Se
22、ed Cuttlebone Cyrtomium Rhizome Dactylicapnos Root Daghestan Sweetclover Herb Dahurian Angelica Root/Taiwan Angelica Root Dahurian Patrinia Herb / Whiteflower Patrinia Herb Dahurian Rhododendron Leaf Dahurian Rose Fruit Danshen Root Dark Plum fruit Daylily Root / Citron Daylily / Small Yellow Daylil
23、y Decumbent Bugle Herb Decumbent Corydalis Tuber Dendrobium Densefruit Pittany Root-bark Desertliving Cistanche Devilpepper Root /Java Devilpepper Root Devils Rush Herb Diels Stephania Root Digitalis Lanata Leaf Digua Fig Stem Discolor Cinquefoil Herb - Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root Divaricate Strop
24、hantus Seed Diverse Wormwood Herb Diversifolious Patrinia Root /Scabrous Patrinia Root Dock Root Doederleins Spikemoss Herb Dogbane Leaf Dogs Testis and Penis Donkey-hide Glue DoubleteethPubescentAngilicaRoot/Pubescent Angelica Root Downy Groundcherry Fruit or Herb Downy Rosemyrtle Root Dragonhead H
25、erb Dragons Blood Dragons Tongue Leaf Drgons Bones , Fossilizid Dried Ginger Dried Lacquer Dried Longan Pulp Drug Sweetflag Rhizome Dutchmanspipe Fruit Dutchmanspipe Vine / Northern Dutchmanspipe Vine Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber Earthworm East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome Elecampane Inula Root Emblic Leafflower
26、 Fruit English Walnut Seed Entada Sten Entadae Stem - Ephedra Herb Epigeal Srephaia Root Epimedium Herb Erect St. Johnswort Herb Ergot Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf Eucommia Bark European Grape Fruit European Hop Flower European Verbena European Waterhemlock Root False Chinese Swertia Herb Falsehelleb
27、ore Root and Rhizome Falsesour Cherry Fangchi Root Feather Cockscomb Seed Fennel Fruit Fermented Soybean - Fewflower Lysionotus Herb Field Sowthistle Herb Fig Figwort Root FigwortflowerPicrorhizaRhizome Filiform Cassytha Herb Fimbriae Orostachys Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb Finger Citron Fistular Onio
28、n Stalk Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb Flastem Milkvetch Seed Flos Caryophyllata Fluorite Forbes Wildginger Herb Forest Frogs Oviduct Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root Fortune Eupatorium Herb Fortune Firethorn Fruit Fortune Loosestrife Herb Fortune Meadowrue Herb Fortune Paulownia F
29、ruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole Fortunes Drynaria Rhizome Fourstamen Stephania Root / Fragrant Eupatorium Herb Fragrant Plantainlily Herb Fragrant Sarcococca Herb Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit Frangrant Ainsl
30、iaea Herb Frankincense Freshwater Sponge Fringed Iris Herb Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig Gadfly Galanga Galangal Seed Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome Gall - Gambir Plant Gansui Root Garcinia Bark Garden Balsam Garden Balsam Stem Garden Burnet Root Garden Euphorbia Herb Garlic Garter Snake Gecko
31、Giant Knotweed Rhizome Giant St.Johnswort Herb Giant Typhonium Rhizome Giantleaf Ardisia Rhizome Ginkgo Leaf Ginkgo Seed Ginseng Girald Pteroxygonum Root Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome Glabrous Sarcandra Herb Glandularstalk St.PaulswortHerb / Common St.Paulswort Herb g Globeamaranth Flower Glossy Prive
32、t Fruit Glutinosae Rice Root Golden Larch Bark Golden Thread Goldhair Hedyotis Herb Goosegrass Herb Gordon Euryale Seed Graceful Jessamine Herb Grand Torreya Seed Granesbill Herb Grassleaf Sweelflag Rhizome Great Burdock Achene Great Willowherb Herb Greater Celandine Herb Green Bristlegrass Herb Gre
33、en Tangerine Peel Grosvener Siraitia Ground Beeltle Guava Leaf Gynura Root Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Hainan Ervatamia Root Hairy Antler Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb and Bud Halite Halloysit Hance Brandisia Herb Hance Pepper Stem and Leaf X Hare Dung Harlequin Glorybower Leaf and Twig Hawksbill Carapace Hawth
34、orn Fruit Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb Hedge Prinsepia Nut Hedgehog Hide Hematite Hemp Fruit Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree Leaf Hemsley Rockvine Root Henbane Leaf Henbane Seed Henry Clematis Root Heterohairy Monkshood Root Heterophyllous Wing SeedtreeRoot Heterophylly Falsestarwort Root Himalayan Teasel Root Hindu Datura Flower /Hairy Datura Flower Hiraute Shiny Bugleweed Herb Honey Honeycomb Honeysuckle Flower Hoodshaped Alocasia Rhizome Horse Bezoar Horseweed Herb Hot Pepper Human Placenta Humifuse Euphorb