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1、中西方英雄主义的差异Similarities and differences between Chinese and western heroism A hero is the eternal topic of human. Its definition will be different with the change of nationality, culture, time, personal differences. Every culture could shape unique hero. Heroism is the fundamental and abundant source

2、 of force which will push continuously the historic progress, social development, and abundance of humanity. It is a kind of reflect about specific cultural pursuit .To a certain extent; it influences the development of human society. This paper will analyze the similarities and differences between

3、Chinese and western heroism by guan you and Achilles characters comparison and discuss the reason causing the difference. Essence of hero is that when human face death, nature, society and various alien force that oppresses and distorts man, resulting in producing a positive and intense willing of l

4、ife which has the courage to break through and fight the retreat. Because of this, hero worship associated with human society comes into being and throughout human society .We can say heroism in promoting the development of human society has indelible influence. But heroism is not abstract and rootl

5、ess exist, It needs to inoculate in specific realities, different cultural background and value system will portray a different type of hero. This paper will analyze similarities and differences between Chinese and western heroism by the comparison of the two heroes. Although Guan you and Achilles b

6、elong to different eras, the road of achievement has some similarities, the faith of building business is one of them. In the last years, the Han dynasty chaos on the one hand, the yellow turban insurrectionary uprising. on the other hand,Dong zhuo mutinies. We can even say guan yu lives in a troubl

7、ed time. But it is so-called a hero is known in the time”, and such turbulent days give guan you an opportunity to achieve his career. When the yellow turban insurrectionary uprising, Guan yu adheres the belief of serving our country and building great career and became brothers with lie bee. Since

8、then, guan you with his loyalty, follows Liu bee for war, grabs you jin and pang de, water floods seven armies. All without exception shows his belief of building a solid career. Similarly, Achilles road of hero and his belief of building a solid career are closely linked. In Homer epic poems, we ca

9、n clearly realize Achilles is an individualism supreme hero. Because of the heros honor, he participated in the Trojan war (although he had predicted his death).But in order to get the honor,he must establish great exploits. He is ever victorious, especially in the Trojan war, he kills the captain o

10、f Troy, Hector,and becomes the greatest hero in Greek history. Thus, a herosachievement needs a firm belief to support. Historically, we can say guan yu is model of the loyalty and brave. People admire his extraordinarily brave, but also they are shocked and moved. by the unbending spirit altogether

11、.For example, from the thing that guan yu fails in Madison to see,guan yu loses the jingzhou for carelessness. Lv meng make its pieces, and sent soldiers heavily to surround them. Liu feng listens to the gossip,and refuse to send troops to rescue, causing guan yu into despair. Dongwu sent ZhuGeJin t

12、o persuade, but guanyu refuses to take the bait and says:”if the city is broken,I would just die. The Jade can be broken,but this does not change its white. The bamboo can be consumed,but it does not destroy its section. Although My body is dead,The reputation can circulate down.It shows that Guan y

13、us the heroism of paying attention to the great-hearted. Although Achilles temperament of hero more displays in its personal honor, the same heroism still deserve our respect. In the Trojan war,when Agamemnon claims to rob his beloved female slave, he angrily says: I dont want to let people despise

14、and stay here for you to increase wealth. He publicly rebukes Agamemnon that harms others to benefit oneself and refuse to fight. Obviously, hes not for finance and slaves but for his heroical honor.But the unbending heroism also still let us appreciates. Since the six dynasties began,Guanyu was wor

15、shiped by different generations of people constantly.After the three kingdoms, Guan yu was modeled into a supreme god who melts Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. But the guan yu is really not god,he is only a legendary hero. The heros most prominent character is justice and brave.The brave is needl

16、ess to say,fight lvbu,kill huaxioang and attend a banquet with a single-tool. All without exception shows that he is heroic and invincible. As for the righteousness, the author spends an amount of ink crafting elaborately.Here,there are two critical plots,The one is guan youd surrender, another is t

17、hat Gunny releases cacao in hearing way. But surrendering cacao does forget its resource, he is a righteous man in the world. Although from the overall situation freeing coo is inappropriate, It highlights guan yous righteousness. In addition, guan yu has obvious flaws of character.He is self-willed

18、 and he keeps the tail from wagging the dog.He is absent without leave,and he forces Macao to fight.In addition,he underestimates the enemy so that he losts the jingzhou and so on. In conclusion, we can see that guan yus extreme contradictions of inherent character, but also because of this, it just

19、 lets us know a true hero. Achilles image does not like other deities who are shaped the abstraction of the sacredness, but it specifically reflects its image of the contradictions and complex. Achilles is a complete and rich man. His character is complex, emotional and he loves his mother, respects

20、 for the elderly, and protects the weak. When Hectors old father with a gift appeals to allow him to take back the corpse of his son,he gentlely loosens his hands which cuddle his knees and tears with the old father together and soothe the old man to accept his own misfortune. Achilles tears not onl

21、y have the sympathy for the old,but also have the memories for his father and friends. Later, Achilles put Hectors corpse return his father, and announce that stop siege in twelve days.This makes Hector be buried in whole ritual.He consoles his enemies sincerely and openly and encourage them to be s

22、trong enough and endure misery and sadness. This practice is not for the enemys mercy, but for himself and big sympathy for the whole human. His good nature was showed by this situation and this also appears the characters of demi-gods to have more human characteristics. Collectivism hero view was f

23、ormed during the period of savage to civilization in human society step by step ,and finally became spiritual values with collective consciousness. It belongs to the value judgment in ideology. It establishes Specific figures those who has the Lofty, solemn and stirring, defiant and enterprising cha

24、racter as example in social groups. The purpose into promote this social groups for the most perfect, the most noble, most represent overall interests ambitious targets in a particular period, And to call, encouraging and incentive social all men mimic the character, in order to achieve or complete

25、the cause the ultimate goal. Confucian culture spread far in China, which has been quietly affect the generations of Chinese people for thousands of years. Confucianism, which profound thoughts of moderation is its essence, The doctrine of the mean key lies in the rite and benevolence, Namely, behav

26、e properly and make belief firmly in all things. It has three principles, firstly ,self-supervision and self-taught, secondly, loyalty and tolerance, thirdly, the most sincere and the most love. Since the Han dynasty, Confucian, becoming the national orthodox ideology and peoples behavior model, has

27、 been using by many rulers and flourished in every dynasty. Therefore, in this ideological and cultural background, peoples psychological was affected naturedly, but psychological dominate behavior. So, the hero who created by the particular cultural environment, also get the recognition by people.

28、Intensive reading of The Three Kingdoms , we can find that the characters of all shows that the Confucian plot thoughts of moderation. For example, emperor Ding of Jin asks in analects,” Emperor command minister,and minister serve emperor, Whats the story? Confucius says, Emperor command minister wi

29、th manners, minister serve emperor with honest. Remembering Libel three attend to thatched hut with honest completely, Kong Ming give ones all till ones heart stops beating as return, He seized Penghu seven times and released seven times in Southern barren land, and went out to battle from I mountai

30、n six times. He knew he cannot do but do, just what is called A gentleman is ready to die for his bosom friends. Moreover, from the geographical environment Angle, The birthplace of Oriental culture is Chinas Yellow River basin, where land is fertile and terrain is flat. The climate is very well, Su

31、itable for developing agricultural production, So agricultural technology advanced and developed. Agricultural production process is complicated, need to cooperate, emphasizing harmony, and evolved the collective heroism” which emphasize the collective wisdom. Hunting in Fustian for example, Cao coo

32、 controls the political situation using emperor governors, He feared everybody defied him, so during the hunting he Grabbed limelight from the emperor Xian in order to test whether ministers were faithful to him. While everyone were grinding their teeth, GuanYu pulled out his sword and want to kill

33、cao cao, but Liu Bei blocked his action.GuanYu asked LiuBei, Cao cao was bullying the emperor, I want to kill him for the kingdom, why did elder brother stop me ?LiuBei said,” Glass house should not throw stones. Cao cao and the emperors too close, he is surrounded by a lot of help.If you delay the

34、proper business,and hurt the emperor just because a great anger,we are also guilty. thus it can be seen, Liu Bei who can recognize the situation for the big picture, waiting for an opportunity for another meaningful plan,is a wiseman. This is typical of collectivism hero view. Personal heroism means

35、 a person who are divorced from the masses, believed personal power very much and to perform certain social mission using heroism thought and behavior. Seeing individualism for the principle, it exaggerated or discomfort local emphasis on individual in social life and the role of historical activiti

36、es, denying peoples power and wisdom. It shows that undeserved reputation, self-righteousness, prided himself on all as the characteristic. First of all, from geographical factors speaking, western culture originated in ancient Greece, where is located in the European Balkan and the Aegean Sea areas

37、.The land area is narrow, the mountain is numerous, Mediterranean climate is given priority to all type of climate, so it is not suitable for developing agricultural production and the productivity is not high.the people in this area live on hunting . these industry can very good outstanding persona

38、l power. Those people who are brave and strong will capture more prey whith individual effort, So personal heroism was born. Moreover, from the cultural aspects look, ancient Greek culture mainly comes from the Greek myth, But the Greek mythology lack of a unified of moral criteria.instead, They use

39、 perfect rather than the quality as the evaluation standard of things. Therefore, westerners are rarely prim, this helps their character especially creative development. But also because of this, They are too pursuit of material interests and sensory stimulation without the ethical bondage,thus pers

40、onal desires will unlimited expansion,Agamemnon invaded other countries without scruple in the work of Troy reflected that very well. Illustrated by the example of the battle between the Greece and the 沙斯里. Both sides did not launch the large-scale killing between army like what China did. Achilles

41、and巴古力斯 to battle on behalf of the two countries. Win or lose to set the country with personal success or failure.Eventually Achilles prevailed, 沙斯里fell at feet. This is typical of personal attention-seeking behavior. As is already mentioned, guan yu takes part in the army because of his loyalty for

42、 country, and the belief of building great career.He participate in the war for years with liubei,meanwhile, though they are busy running about and depending on others for living and frustration. He always abides by the oath of Serving my country and making the people stable,and he never forgets the

43、 oath. For example,when he heard the track of liubei,he resolutely loses the print and runs to the han. Such behavior is in countrys sense of honor.We can say that Guan yus great-hearted has an influence on his later great career and reputation. Guan yu is called the saint, and he is the chief of fi

44、ve admirals, so his valorous degree needs not to say.Owning to his wonderful litrary grace and warlike exploits,the later generations becomes more respectful for him. With the flooding seven army as an example, after liubei is named queen,he orders Guan yu to attack the xiangyang and fancheng.Caocao

45、 lets the yujin be a marshal and pangde be a pioneer,both of them lead seven armies to attack enemies. Pangde is good at war,Guanyu is almosy defeated by him.Yujin envies panged and withdraws the troops by blowing gongs.Guanyu comes back to the camp and look at the book of war and position of enemes

46、 at night.He takes advantages of the freshet in xiang jiang river,flooding the seven armies by switching off and catching the yujin and pangde.We can say that flooding the seven armies is the best reflects of wonderful library grace and warlike exploits. The two points display chiefly “Surrender Cao

47、 and release Cao , with the surrendering cao as an example, although Guan yu surrenders Cao cao,he appoints three things with caoao before surrendering him:he only surrenders han emperor, not surrender caocao; Settle Two sister-in-law; If he knows the track of liu, immediately he will find him.From

48、that we can see although guan yu is in the camp,his mind is in the han.Later,in order to retain guan yu,caocao fetes guan yu every three or five days,gives him gold and silver and beautiful girls,again give him elite houses and great title. But even if such treatment,caocao can not still retain guan

49、yu.When he knows the track of liubei,he abandons everything,pass five obstacles and kill six militaries.From this,we can see that his heroism of loyalty and great-hearted. Before freeing caocao in hua rong way,guanyu had made the pledge. As a seasoned veteran, he knows that consequences of defying pledge,but caocao says:”Do you remember passing five obstacles”,this makes guanyu think his previous grace. For example, caocao gives a robe on the bridge, messen


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