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1、rid的用法小结 你们知道rid的用法吗?我们一起来学习学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。rid用法英 r?d美 r?drid的意思、解释过去式:rid; ridded; 过去分词:rid; ridded; 现在分词:ridding;rid 基本解释rid的翻译及物动词使摆脱,解除,免除rid 相关词组rid1. get rid of : 摆脱, 除去;rid 相关例句及物动词1. rid1. I want to rid this city of corruption!我要这座城市摆脱腐败现象!2. rid在线翻译2. Well have to get rid of him.我们必须摆脱

2、他。3. He is rid of fever.他的烧退了。1. You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to irretrievable errors.你们一定要克服粗枝大叶,因为粗枝大叶常常引起无可挽回的错误。rid 情景对话卖车B:I finally (got rid of/ sold/ threw away) that old Nissan that got me through college.我最终(摆脱了/卖掉了/扔掉了)大学时代用的旧尼桑。A:And bought this new car?

3、然后买了这辆新车?Private Cars-(私人汽车)B:Hey, John. Nice car.嘿,约翰,好漂亮的汽车。A:Thanks. I finally got rid of that old Nissan that got me through college.谢谢。我最终摆脱了大学时代用的旧尼桑。B:What is this, the new Ford?这是什么车?新款福特?rid是什么意思A:No, its last years model.不是,是去年的车型。B:True. How much did you pay?是嘛。多少钱?A:$14,500. It only has

4、10,000 miles on it, so its like a new car.14500元。才开1万英里。就象新车一个样。B:Does that mean youre not going to take the train to work anymore?这是否意味着你不再坐火车上班了?rid的翻译A:Well, sometimes, I think itll be nice to drive to work instead. Well see. Want to go for a ride?哦,有时候还是会的。我想改成开车去上班更惬意。看吧。想不想出去兜兜风?rid的意思B:Yeah,

5、sure.好,当然想。A:Come on.来吧。Prescription-(开处方)A:Well, Mr. Smith. Thats a nasty infection you have.哦,史密斯先生,你得了严重的传染。ridB:Yes. Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it, Doctor?是,医生,有没有什么药可以治的?A:Im going to prescribe some antibiotics, and some cream to ease the itching and burning.我给你开一些抗生素和一些药膏来

6、止痒、减轻灼伤。B:OK. Thank you. Where should I buy them?好的,谢谢你。我在哪里买药?A:The phamp3acy will give you a discount since you came to the clinic.你来看过门诊,所以药房会给你一些折扣。B:Great. What floor is the phamp3acy on?太好了,药房在几楼?A:The fourth. Ill send the prescription down there, so you can just pick it up on your way out.四楼。

7、我来开个处方,你出去的时候可以顺便拿去买药了。B:Thank you.谢谢你。rid 网络解释1. rid的解释1. 示差折光检测器:m 光谱存储:全光谱 示差折光检测器(RID) 温控:室温+5至55 内置自动吹扫阀和自动溶剂循环阀 LC/MS四极杆质量检测器(MSD) LC/MS离子阱质量检测器(Trap MSD) 柱温箱和脱气机组件 电子流控阀(EFC)控制的毛细液相泵系统,2. 行标识符:RIDSCN 扫描一个行标识符(RID)列表,该列表是从一个或多个索引中获得的. LOCKLIST(锁列表):该参数表示 DB2 可用于存储各应用程序的锁定信息的内存数量. 若锁列表空间过小,则 DB

8、2 可能必须逐步提交(escalate)部分锁,3.3. 资源标识符:RGB 红绿兰颜色表示法 | rid 资源标识符 | right 右4. 使摆脱:1.witness证据 | 2.rid使摆脱 | 3.sack麻袋5. 911查询英语单词5. rid:refractive index detector; 示差折光检测器6. rid:routing identifier; 路由选择用户标识符7. rid是什么意思7. rid:route identification; 路由识别8. rid在线翻译8. rid:resource identifier; 资源标识符rid 双语例句1. rid1

9、. Besides the choices I already mentioned, people will sometimes get rid of their problem by using anticholinergics, which work by blocking neural transmitters.除了选择我已经提到,人们有时会摆脱自己的问题通过使用anticholinergics ,它通过阻断神经工作发射机。2. rid什么意思2. Do you want to get rid of puffy eyes?你想甩掉臃肿的眼睛?3. Secondly, the method

10、 can make people s recognizing and remembering convert from the short-term memory into long-term memory quickly and smoothly, can get rid of the interference of proactive inhibition and retroactive inhibition effectively.数序形象挂钩法能使人的识记很快通过短时记忆而快速地顺利进入长时记忆,能有效防止前摄抑制、倒摄抑制和紧张性抑制的干扰,且在以后的较长时间里遗忘较少较慢。4.4.

11、 If you dont want to go, Ill try to get rid of the tickets.如果你不想走,我会将这些票处理掉。5. rid的近义词5. I ordered 3 bottle of your US dermatomycosis liquid some months ago in desperation to get rid of some irritating, inflamed sores that were only getting worse.我购买了3盒US癣康,几个月前我几乎对摆脱这该死癣病都绝望了!红色的癣块每天都在不断的加深加重。6. Om

12、eiensis teammates can also help increase their own blood, as long as they are running non-stop can be, Happy if in the high-force Sang public land within 5 stealth can get rid of this old man.队友峨眉也可以帮自己加血,只要是不停的跑就可以,逍遥如果心法高的话在桑土公5次隐身以内就可以把这个老头干掉了。7. rid在线翻译7. Here it needs to be said that it is very

13、 difficult to get rid of the mask trait completely.在这里需要说,这是非常困难的摆脱面具性状完全。8. rid是什么意思8. Lets get rid of the stink of horse off you.把你身上那种马的臭味洗掉9.9. I swear it is impossible for me to get rid of them我发誓,要我抛下他们是不可能的10. There have been problems and LING Heng Hong Tigers spent a wall of water to get rid

14、 of the drug lords Yangziliang things, has rarely been mentioned.还有曾豫和凌恒香双剑合壁除掉花水毒枭杨子亮的事情,竟也很少有人提起。11. You have to get rid of these terrible memory in your brain.你必须在头脑中去除这些可怕的记忆。12. All you need is to get rid of the tendency to define your self.你所需要的是去除自我界定的倾向。13. You must get rid of the memory in

15、your mind你必须在头脑中去除这些可怕的记忆。14. rid的近义词14. My suggestion: Get rid of synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics and bring in womens boxing.我的建议是:开除花样游泳和艺术体操,加入女子拳击。15. All such desires as lead to no pain when they remain ungratified are unnecessary, and the longing is easily got rid of, when the th

16、ing desired is difficult to procure or when the desires seem likely to produce harm.我们希望消除痛苦,但当这一希望不可能实现时,它就是多余的,当我们欲求的东西可望不可及或这一欲求可能产生危害时,这样的欲求很容易放弃。16. Sulfur soap and salicyclic acid have also been used to rid skin of the yeast.硫磺肥皂和水杨酸也被用来清除皮肤的酵母菌。17. Thus, the first thing a single mother should

17、 do is to get rid of her pessimism, and rather she should use the time wasting in complaints and non-confidence to think about and learn more things that are helpful in actual life.所以单亲妈妈首先要做的就是要抛掉自己悲情的观念,把浪费在自怨自艾没信心的时间拿来思考及学习更多对实际生活中有帮助的事及思维。18. Others may avoid and you close, the loners because yo

18、u find it hard to get rid of them.别人可能会避免和你接近,因为你的独来独往会让他们感到很难受。19. Terrified, Burnt and dry, It is all symptoms that contemporary people cant get rid of that worried to wait a moment.艺术家是敏感者,常常能感知正在发生和将要发生的,并且敏锐地捕捉到它们。20. rid的解释20. You must rid yourself of these old-fashioned ideas.你必须摆脱这些陈腐观念的束缚。r

19、id 词典解释The form rid is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle of the verb. rid 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。1. 扔掉;丢弃When you get rid of something that you do not want or do not like, you take action so that you no longer have it or suffer from it.e.g. The owner needs to get rid of the

20、 car for financial reasons.因为经济原因,车主必须把汽车处理掉。e.g. Theres corruption, and were going to get rid of it.存在.现象,我们将予以清除。2. 摆脱;甩掉;赶走If you get rid of someone who is causing problems for you or who you do not like, you do something to prevent them affecting you any more, for example by making them leave.e.

21、g. He believed that his manager wanted to get rid of him for personal reasons.他认为经理是出于个人原因想开除他。e.g. You seem in rather a hurry to get rid of me.看起来你急于想摆脱我。3. 使去掉;使去除;使摆脱If you rid a place or person of something undesirable or unwanted, you succeed in removing it completely from that place or person.

22、e.g. The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption.这些提议试图使这个国家摆脱政治腐败。e.g. The new vaccine may rid the world of one of its most terrifying diseases.这种新疫苗可能会消除世界上最可怕的一种疾病。4. 摆脱;去除;消除If you rid yourself of something you do not want, you take action so that you no longer have i

23、t or are no longer affected by it.e.g. Why couldnt he ever rid himself of those thoughts, those worries?为什么他总是无法摆脱那些想法和担忧?e.g. .the countrys efforts to rid itself of poverty and hunger.该国为了消除贫困和饥饿而作出的努力5. 得到解脱的;摆脱的If you are rid of someone or something that you did not want or that caused problems f

24、or you, they are no longer with you or causing problems for you.e.g. The family had sought a way to be rid of her and the problems she had caused them.这家人已经找到一个方法摆脱她以及她给他们带来的问题。6. 幸亏摆脱了If you say that someone is well rid of someone, you think it is good that the person has gone because you did not l

25、ike them or you think they caused a lot of problems.e.g. It seems to me your wife was a shallow woman and youre well rid of her.在我看来你妻子是一个浅薄的女人,幸好你离开了她。rid 单语例句1. He had a growth of some kind on his butt and just got rid of it through surgery.2. In exchange, Zhang would have to rid the marketplace b

26、y any means possible within four weeks.3. Even though Cage was fearful of his and his familys safety he never at any point contemplated using violence to get rid of the intruder.4. More physical activity increases energy consumption and decreases their ability to get rid of the flu bug.5. By getting

27、 rid of outdated capacity and smartly reducing the actual production volume, cement can be sold at a better price.6. Totem worship reflects religious psychology of the primitive era, for the purpose of seeking fortunes and getting rid of catastrophe.7. We have to check it from spreading further, if

28、we cannot get rid off totally.8. She says she first underwent chemotherapy, which shrunk the tumor but didnt get rid of it completely.9. Parents only reveal their incompetence and antiquated mentality by resorting to harsh measures to rid their kids of their Net addiction.10. We need to resist and g

29、et rid of vulgar advertisements that are disrespectful to civilized sensibilities and the publics right to rest and health.911查询英语单词rid 英英释义verb1. relieve frome.g. Rid the house of pestsSynonym: freedisembarrassrid的用法及例句怎么用rid.of造句You must rid yourself of these old-fashioned ideas.你必须摆脱这些陈腐观念的束缚。rid

30、 of和 get rid of的区别rid of和get rid of是同义词,都是摆脱,除去的意思。1、词语搭配不同get rid of的词语搭配(1)、get a rid of 把去掉(2)、get t rid of 除去 ; 摆脱 ; 免除 ; 丢弃(3)、get t rid of phrasal 摆脱(4)、get rid of sth 去除 ; 消弭 ; 吸收 ; 消除(5)、to get rid of 摆脱 ; 脱除 ; 解除 ; 纾解(6)、get rid of pollution 摆脱污染 ; 清除污染rid of的词语搭配(1)、Rid oneself of somethin

31、g 摆脱(2)、rid A of B 翻译 ; 使摆脱(3)、rid onself of 摆脱(4)、rid society of inequality 消除社会不平等(5)、rid someone of 使某人摆脱2、实际例句不同Get rid of的双语例句:(1)、cast off mental burdens放下包袱(2)、Sweep away一扫而空(3)、get rid of一扫而空(4)、Get rid of the baggage放下包袱rid of的双语例句:(1)、In particularly dry climates, it is often found necessa

32、ry to add a little calcium chloride in order to retain sufficient moisture to ensure cohesion.尤其在干燥气候条件下,为了保持足够的湿度而确保内聚力,有必要加入少量的氯化钙。(2)、You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to irretrievable errors.你们一定要克服粗枝大叶,因为粗枝大叶常常引起无可挽回的错误。(3)、Across America othe devout environmentali

33、sts live off the grid, building shacks in the wilderness without running water or electricity。在全美,还有一些虔诚的环保主义者住到了没有电力网的地方,在荒郊野地盖起小屋,没有自来水,没有电。(4)、anhydride: a chemical compound formed from another, often an acid, by the removal of water.酸酐,脱水物:一种化合物由另一种化合物(多为酸)脱水后形成。3、词语用法不同rid.of 使摆脱;使解除;使去掉【例句】 Yo

34、u must rid yourself of these old-fashioned ideas.?你必须摆脱这些陈腐观念的束缚.get rid of 摆脱;去掉;除去【例句】We have to get rid of these old newspapers.我们必须把这些旧报纸处理掉.get rid of的中文翻译及用法1.摆脱;解脱;除去2.把干掉,弄死,处理掉英语解释do away withterminate or take outdispose of相似短语get rid of 1.摆脱;解脱;除去 2.把干掉,弄死,处理掉get rid 排除Get rid 排除get rid of

35、 oil 去油get rid of the excess currency in circulation 消除流通中过多的通货get rid of the ill fortune 去晦气be rid of v.摆脱rid of ph.除去rid up 除去,扫除,收拾干净rid someone of 使某人摆脱相似单词RID =Radio Intelligence Division 无线电情报处(美联邦通讯委员会)rid n. 摆脱,除掉,克服 v.I 摆脱,除掉,克服,干掉,消灭get v.T 1.获得;收获(庄稼) 2.赢得,挣得 3.取得(同意等) 4.收到,接到 5.购买;预订;弄到 6.(去)拿来 7.捕获 8.(赶)上(车等) 9.与取得联系;去开get up and get (美)劲头, 勇气get the picture 了解情况get set 规定hard to get 【计】 难得到的get.over ph. 使.被了解,接受get go n. 【美】【口】开端,开始 from the get-go 从一开始get off n. 起飞rid的用法小结(文库搜索)


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