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1、九年级英语上册全册学案第1课时 Unit 1 Section A 1a-2c 设计人:Zheng Hongxin 1 Knowing:flashcard,aloud,pronunciation,skill,voice 2 Habit-forming: How do you study for a test? I study by. 3 Communicating:Talk about how to study freely 运用by doing 谈论学习方式 一、自主学习 Task1:Talk about how to study for the test 1、完成下列短语 和朋友一起学习 看

2、课本 听磁带 制作抽认卡 制作词汇表 向老师寻求帮助 2、理解下列对话,并利用上面词组练习: A:How do you study for a test? A:How does Bob study for a test? 3 、听录音,完成1 b Task2: Talk about how to learn English 1、小组练习,利用下列句型谈论怎样学习英语. A:How do you learn English? A:Do you learn by.? B:I learn by . B:Yes,I do. /No, I dont. B:I study by working with

3、a group. B:I study by marking flashcards. 2、理解2a、2b中的句子,找出下列短语: 看英文光碟 大声读 小组学习 和朋友连交际 练习发音 说的技能 做.太难 3、听录音,完成2a、2b 4、根据听力内容,练习上面对话。 5、 读听力材料,理解以下知识点: the best way to learn English Who has an idea? keep a diary in English look up new words in a dicctionary 二、Cooperration 根据听力材料,小组自由讨论如何学好英语? 三、Summar

4、y 根据下面的句子,总结by的用法和含义: 1、I have to be in bed by 10 oclock. 2、There is a tree by the river. 3、I go to work by bus. 4、The boy is sent to the hospital by a kind man. 5、You can learn English by working with friends. 四、诊断评价 补全单词: 1、Its a good way to read a 2、The boy often l up the words in the dictionary.

5、 3、Do you have an i about weekend? 4、K a diary helps to write English every day. 5、The girl often learn by a the teacher for help. 6、What about reading about to practise p ? 补全短文: A:Tom,I know you last term.How do you learn math? B:I learnt it (通过做很多题) A:What else? B: A:Did you learn ? B: Yes, i did

6、. ( Lucy也是) 第2课时 Unit 1 SectionA 3a-4 设计人Zheng Hongxin 1.Knowing: specific, memorize, grammar, differently, frustrate, frusrating, quickly, add, not at all, excited, end up. 2.Understanding:Be able to understand the meaning of the passage in 3a. municating: -How do you learn English?-I often write v

7、ocabulary lists. 1.Understanding:Be able to understand the meaning of the passage in 3a. municating: -How do you learn English?-I often write vocabulary lists. 一、自主学习 Task1 学习第4部分短语,谈论自己如何学习英语。 1、自读第4部分短语,理解并记忆。 2、写出下列短语: 写单词表中的单词_看英语杂志_记英语笔记_ 学习语法_看英文电视_听磁带_问老师问题_ 3、两人一组询问对方的学习方法,完成表格。 4、口头介绍自己及同伴学

8、习英语的习惯: I often write vocabulary lists. Sometimes I-. Mary often-_ _ Task2交际练习 1、仿照3b部分对话,两人一组编自己的对话。 2、交际对话展示。 Task3 学习3a短文 1、速读短文,回答下列问题: Did Lillian Li like studying grammar?_. How long has Wei Ming been learning English?_. What did Liu Chang add?_. Why does Wei Ming find watching movies frustrat

9、ing?_. 2、朗读短文,完成表格。理解大意,找出难理解的句子并讨论。 3、Learning (1)ask sb. about sth._ 问你一些有关学习英语的问题_. (2)the best way to learn new words_. 去邮局的路_一张球赛的票_ (3)Having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. 在这句话中,_做主语。你能写出它的同义句吗? _. _. (4)He finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too qui

10、ckly. 总结:find+宾语+_,还学过:find+_+形容词+to do sth. 他发现观看英语电视很有趣。 _. _. 二、合作共建 1、We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. (1)get excited含义:_.get作_动词。你能列举出学过的get作系动词的短语 吗?_. 除了be之外,还学过哪些系动词_. (2)end up speaking up是_词,介词后跟动词的_形式。 2、对比:Wei Ming feels differently. I feel tired. 3、He

11、can watch the actors say the words. watch是_动词,后面跟动词的_形式或_形式.经常用到的感官动词还 有_. 三、诊断评价: 用所给单词的正确形式填空: 1._(study)grammar is a great way to learn a language. 2.He asked me about_(learn)English. 3.Lucy saw a little boy_(cry)in a corner. 4.Ifound the story very_(interest). 5.They learnt by_(use). 翻译句子: 1、我正在

12、做一个关于学习英语的调查。_. 2、学生们得到很多练习,并且玩得很开心。_. 第3课时 Unit1 SectionB 1a-2c 设计人:Zheng Hongxin 1.Knowing: pronounce, slowly, comma, challenge, solution 2.Understanding:The meaning of the listening conversation 3.Practicing: look worried, have trouble doing. on the way to. a fun way to do. mak mistakes in. 4.Com

13、municating: Role play the listening conversation 1.Understanding:The meaning of the listening conversation 2.Practicing: look worried, have trouble doing. on the way to. a fun way to do. mak mistakes in. 3.Communicating: Role play the listening conversation 一、自主学习 Task1: Talk about your problems in

14、learning English. 1、读1a中的句子,正确译出下列短语的汉语意思. pronounce some of the words _ understand spoken English _ read very slowly_ spell some English words_ make mistakes in grammar_ 2、利用1a中的句子,谈论英语学习中存在的困难,编对话. 提示: A: Do you have any problems in learning English? B: Yes, I. A: What other problems? B:. 3、两人一组,将

15、对话在班级展示. Task2: Pauls problems in learing English. 1、读2a,2b中的句子,迅速找出下列短语. 发音准确_ 忘记许多的新词_ 理解杂志上的词_ 得到大量的写作训练_ 把新词写在笔记本上_找一个笔友_ 加入英语语言俱乐部_练习说英语_ 2、听遍录音,找出Pauls problems in English. 3 再听一遍,给问题找到相应的建议 根据2a,2b,仿照2c做对话 二、合作共建 讨论下列知识点的用法: 1、make mistakes in _ 我总是在拼写上犯错误。 2、have trouble doing _ 学数学,我有困难。 3、

16、on the way to school _ a fun way to do sth._ 4、practice doing sth. _ 我和汤姆每天练习说英语. 三、诊断评价: 译出下列短语 看上去忧虑_与某人谈话_发音准确_ 英语语言俱乐部_练习说英语_ 在语法上犯错误_读的慢_与某人练习说英语_ 英语有困难_忘记许多单词_ 补全对话 A: You look unhappy, Jim. _?(怎么了) B: Oh,Im _(有困难)learning English. A: Whats the problems? B: I cant _(发音准确) and I often_(忘记新词). A

17、: Well. Why dont you _?(向老师寻求帮助) B: Yes, I did.She said_(我应该多听录音). Its good for my listening. A: Youd better_(写下新词) in your notebook and study them at home. Then you can remember all the new words. B: That might really help. Ill have a try. 加入学习 第4课时 Unit 1 Section B 3a-4 设计人:Zheng Hongxin 1 Knowing

18、: later on, be afraid to, complete, sentence; and so on . 2 Understanding: Sentence patterns and grammar of part 3a 3 Communicating: Write a letter telling a friend how to become a better language learner Communicating: Write a letter telling a friend how to become a better language learner 一、自主学习 T

19、ask1: Listen to the tap,read the article and finish the following questions 1、完成下列短语 first of all _ (2) be afraid to do _ (3) laugh at _ (4) make complete sentences _ (5) start to do _ (6) watch English -language TV _ (7) lots of listening practice _ (8) the secrets of _ (9) English grammer _ (10)决定

20、做某事_ 写大量的英语笔记 _喜欢学习英语_ 2. Finish the following questions and read the article loudly and talk about the language points 1) - it wasnt ?asy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. 2) I decide to take lots of grammer notes in every class 3) Its amazing how much this helped . 4)

21、- doing lots of listening practices is one of - Task2: Finish the letter 1. Read about the passage and finish the blanks . 2. Read again and understand the phrases about the passage Task 3 :3c & 4 Ask three classmates about learning English .Acording to the answers to write an article . 二、Cooperrati

22、on 复习回忆动名词的构成,并讨论现在分词和动名词的区别 _ 三、Summary 书信的格式_ 常用的句子和短语_ 四、诊断评价 单选 ( )1. _ too much is bad for your health. A . Eating B. Eat C. To eating D. Eatting ( )2. He often practice _ with his teacher. A. running B. runs C. run D. to run ( )3. You are in poor health. You must give up _ . A. smoke B. to smo

23、king C. to smoke D. smoking ( )4. He can watch the actors_ the words. A. said B. says C. saying D. to say ( )5. That music _ . I like it very much. A. sounds well B. sounds good C. feel soft D. feels softly ( )7. He doesnt know where _ . A. goes B. go C. to go D. going ( )8. Why _ an English-languag

24、e club? A. dont join B. not joins C . dont you joining D. not join ( )9. This book is different _ that one. A. from B. with C. about D. of ( )10. She is excited about _ Uncle Wang. A. see B. saw C. seeing D. sees ( )11. More and more people enjoy _ computers. A. playing B. to play C. plays D. played

25、 ( )12. It was very important for me _ English. A. study B. to study C. studies D. studying ( )13. She is _ beautiful. So everyone likes her. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( )14. Lillian tried her best _ a good student. A . become B. becoming C. becomes D. to become ( )15. The teac

26、her was very angry _ me. A. with B. to C. of D. in ( )16. What about _ to tapes? A. to listen B. listen C. listening D. listens ( )17. After I went to Beijing, I have learned _ . A. a lot of B. lots of C. lot of D. a lots of ( )18. I couldnt always make sentences, _ .A. too B. either C. never D. als

27、o ( )19. I dont know this word. I must _ in the dictionary. A. look up it B. look them up C. look up them D. look it up 2、翻译句子 1)首先,当老师对我们说话时,对我来说能听懂是困难的。 _ 2) 后来,我意识到你不明白每一个字是没有关系的。 _ 3) 我总是也不能做完整的句子。_ 4)我认为做大量的听力练习是一个好的学习语言的秘密之一。 _ 第5课时 Unit 1 Self Check 设计人:Zheng Hongxin 1、输理知识,构建网络 2、强化训练,巩固提高 谈

28、论学习方式 一、自主学习 Task1:掌握五个词的用法 1、回忆下列各词的含意和用法 first of all _ (2) be afraid to do _ (3) laugh at _ (4) make complete sentences _ (5) start to do _ (6) watch English -language TV _ (7) lots of listening practice _ (8) the secrets of _ (9) English grammer _ (10)决定做某事_ 写大量的英语笔记 _喜欢学习英语_ 2. Finish the follo

29、wing questions and read the article loudly and talk about the language points 1) - it wasnt ?asy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class . 2) I decide to take lots of grammer notes in every class 3) Its amazing how much this helped . 4) - doing lots of listening practices is on

30、e of - Task2: Finish the letter 1. Read about the passage and finish the blanks . 2. Read again and understand the phrases about the passage Task 3 :3c & 4 Ask three classmates about learning English.To write an article according to the answers . 二、Cooperration 复习回忆动名词的构成,并讨论现在分词和动名词的区别 _ 三、Summary

31、书信的格式_ 常用的句子和短语_ 四、诊断评价 单选 ( )1. _ too much is bad for your health. A . Eating B. Eat C. To eating D. Eatting ( )2. He often practice _ with his teacher. A. running B. runs C. run D. to run ( )3. You are in poor health. You must give up _ . A. smoke B. to smoking C. to smoke D. smoking ( )4. He can

32、watch the actors_ the words. A. said B. says C. saying D. to say ( )5. That music _ . I like it very much. A. sounds well B. sounds good C. feel soft D. feels softly ( )7. He doesnt know where _ . A. goes B. go C. to go D. going ( )8. Why _ an English-language club? A. dont join B. not joins C . don

33、t you joining D. not join ( )9. This book is different _ that one. A. from B. with C. about D. of ( )10. She is excited about _ Uncle Wang. A. see B. saw C. seeing D. sees ( )11. More and more people enjoy _ computers. A. playing B. to play C. plays D. played ( )12. It was very important for me _ En

34、glish. A. study B. to study C. studies D. studying ( )13. She is _ beautiful. So everyone likes her. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( )14. Lillian tried her best _ a good student. A . become B. becoming C. becomes D. to become ( )15. The teacher was very angry _ me. A. with B. to C.

35、 of D. in ( )16. What about _ to tapes? A. to listen B. listen C. listening D. listens ( )17. After I went to Beijing, I have learned _ . A. a lot of B. lots of C. lot of D. a lots of ( )18. I couldnt always make sentences, _ .A. too B. either C. never D. also ( )19. I dont know this word. I must _ in the dictionary. A. look up it B. look them up C. look up them D. look it up 2、翻译句子 1)首先,当老师对我们说话时,对我来说能听懂是困难的。 _


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