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1、九年级英语形容词专项复习教案九年级英语形容词专项复习教案 瓜州三中 李莹 . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 形容词是初中英语教学的重点,也是中考必考的内容,尤其近几年来中考试题加大了对其考查力度,在中考中占有一定的分值,要求掌握: 1)形容词的用法及位置; 2)形容词的比较等级用法。 从近几年各地中考试题来看,形容词通常出现在以下几种题型中:选择填空、完成句子、完形填空、听力等;形容词比较等级句型、形容词修饰不定代词 ,系表结构、等在中考中是重点和热点。 . Teaching aids 教具 多媒体幻灯片 . Teaching Plan 教学方案 Step 1

2、复习形容词的用法及位置 要点:形容词作定语、宾语补足语、表语及其位置。 1、 medicine 2、Fire makes us 3、It feels . 其中:不定代词+ 形容词,系动词+形容词是重、难点。 当形容词修饰由some-,any-,no-,every-构成的不定代词时,形容词要放在这些不定代词之后。 e.g. 1、我有重要事情要告诉你。I have to tell you 2、今天报纸上有有趣的事情吗?Is there in todays newspaper ? else常用作疑问代词和不定代词的后置定语。e.g. what else 或anything else 常见的系动词有:

3、 1. be动词; 2. 感官动词“.起来” look; feel; sound; smell;taste eg. She looks/feels happy. 3. 变化动词“变得;变成”:become; grow; get; turn; come; go eg.The trees turn green in spring. 4. 保持:keep; Keep healthy. 复合形容词的构成:kind-hearted 好心的 ; good-looking 好看的;hard-working 勤劳的 ;a boy 一个四岁的男孩 方法:通过幻灯图片引入形容词的用法及位置比较直观,避免纯语法讲解

4、的抽象性。 Step 2复习形容词比较级和最高级的规则与不规则变化 要点:形容词比较级和最高级的规则变化有四条,不规则变化有good/well;bad/ /ill;many/much;little/far/old。 方法:通过看图并理解引入大多数形容词有三个等级,然后通过填表形式引出形容词比较级和最高级的规则与不规则变化。 Step 3 复习形容词比较等级的用法 要点:一、原级用法: as+形容词原形+as和not as/so+形容词原形+as Tom is as tall as Mike. 二、比较级用法: 比较级基本用法: 1、A + 动词 +比较级 + than + B Our scho

5、ol is larger than theirs. The fox is running faster than the duck. 2、表示两者之间的选择:Which(Who) is+比较级,A or B ? Which (Who) like better, A or B? 3、越来越 : 比较级 + and + 比较级 (warmer and warmer) more and more + 原级 (more and more beautiful) 强调比较级前可用much, even, a lot, a little等词修饰表示程度。 比较级特殊用法: 1、越越 the +比较级 , th

6、e + 比较级: 我们吃得越有规律我们就越健康。 The more regularly we eat, the healthier we are. 2、the + 比较级 + of + the two “两个中比较的” 他是这两个人中较高的。 He is the taller of the two. 3、前者不如后者:“less + 原级 + than ” 这篇文章比那篇容易:This article is less difficult than that one. 三、最高级用法: 1、A + 动词 +(the)+最高级 +比较范围 (of / in 短语) “of + 复数”表示“在之中的

7、”; in后接表单位、组织、时间等单数名词。 He is the tallest in his class/of the three. 2、Which (Who) is the+ 最高级, A, B or C? Which (Who) like best, A, B or C? 3、one of the + 形容词的最高级 + 复数名词,表示“是最之一者” The Great Wall is one of the greatest wonders of the world. 4、the + 序数词 +形容词的最高级 + 名词the second longest river. 方法:通过例子的呈

8、现来启发学生归纳句型结构,并尽量结合情景来练习句型。 Step 4 实战演练 选择填空 1.-How do you think of the English song Yesterday Once More. -It sounds _. A.well B.sadly C.beautiful 2.-Is the math problem _? -Yes. I can work it out _. A.easy; easily B.easy; easy C.easily; easy 3.-Mike, I dont like this; its too noisy here. -Well, lets

9、 go_ . A.something quiet B.quiet something C.anything quiet 4.Dont worry about your son . He is _ to look after himself. A.enough old B.too old C.old enough 5. - _ do you go to the evening school? -Twice a week. A.How long B.How often C. How much 6.We shouldnt spend _ time on the Internet. A.too muc

10、h B.too many C.much too 7.English is as_as Chinese.You should learn it well. A.much more important B.important C.the most important 8.-Who is _ , Yao Ming, Liu Xiang or Michael Jordan ? -Yao Ming, of course. A.tall B. taller C. the tallest 9. - Its very_ today. -Yes, and it will be much _ tomorrow. A.hotter ; hot B.hot ; hoter C.hot; hotter 10. -What do you think of Beijing? -It is becoming _. . A.beautiful and beautiful B.more and more beautiful C.beautifuler and beautifuler Step 5 小结本节课主要内容。 Step 6 布置作业:练习册第一题。


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