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1、九级英语下册ModuleUnitItsalongstory练习外研课件Its a long story 重点单词 1. sir n. 先生;长官 sir的基本意思是“先生”,是对男士的一种尊称,多用于长者、上级或服务业中对男顾客的称呼。sir不可同姓氏连用,但可用于名字之前或名字与姓之前。sir通常用于正式书信的开头,如Dear Sir或Sirs,首字母要大写。 sir的另一意思是“爵士”。 如:I am sorry, sir, you are five kilo overweight. 对不起,先生,您的行李超重5公斤。 “Both, sir!” cried the Swede proudl

2、y.“两个都,长官!”瑞典人自豪地大声说。 “Good night, Sir John,” said the parson.“晚上好,约翰爵士。”牧师说。 2. officer n. 军官;官员;警察 officer的基本意思是“军官;警官”,在现代英语中也指穿特殊制服的工作人员。 officer还可在其前面加具体的部门或负责事项,作“公司高级职员、*机关的官员”解。如: Hes not an officer, but a common soldier. 他不是军官而是普通士兵。 His father is a customs officer. 他父亲是一位海关官员。 Hes heavily

3、horsed by the officer.他被上级长官狠狠鞭打了一顿。 常考短语 1. take care 当心;小心;保重 2. take off 脱去 3. look for 寻找 . 根据首字母或汉语提示,完成句子。 1. The o ordered his men to fire at the enemy. 2. From Beijing to Guangzhou is a long j . 1 3. My home isnt very big, but very c . 4. Would you like to try this j (夹克) on for size, sir? .

4、单项填空。 ( ) 1. I was so tired this morning that I couldnt _ early as usual. A. get up B. get on C. get off ( ) 2. What are you doing? Im the key to the door. A. finding out B. looking after C. looking for ( ) 3. John had a short walk after lunch, _? A. did he B. didnt he C. had he ( ) 4. Excuse me. Ca

5、n I take a seat here? _. The woman who sat here will be back soon. A. Wed better not. B. No, thank you. C. Im afraid you cant. ( ) 5.I hope the summer vacation will come soon. _.Its really relaxing. A. So do I B. So I do C. So did I .根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 你真好,来帮助我们。 It _ _ _ you to help us. 2. 他大了,能

6、照顾自己了。 Hes old enough to _ _ _ himself. 3. 无论多热,他也不会脱掉外衣。 However hot it is, he will not _ _ his coat. 2 4. 让我们瞧一瞧你们的电子机算机。 Lets _ _ _ your electronic computer. 5. 她上了公车,找了个最前面的座位。 She _ _ the bus and picked a seat up front. 4. have a look at 看一看 核心句型 1. And so am I! 我也是! 在这个句型中, so常用来代替上文中的形容词、名词或动

7、名词,表示赞同。 “Sobe动词主语”结构用以承接前一句的内容,表示“,乙也如此”。be动词、助动词、情态动词要和前一句的谓语动词保持一致。如: He can swim, and so can I.他会游泳,我也会。 “So谓语主语”与“So主语谓语”的区别 当两个句子指的是两个人时,So后句子要倒装。如: He is a student. So am I.他是个学生。我也是。 当两个句子指的是同一个人时,So后句子不倒装。如: Lucy likes dark blue.露西喜欢深蓝色。 So she does.是的。(她是喜欢深蓝色) 2. Now, take off your jacket

8、. 现在把外套脱掉吧。 take off作为“脱下”讲,反义词为put on。如: Put on your clothes. Dont take them off. 把衣服穿上,别把衣服脱下。 I took off my overcoat since it was warm. 天气很暖和,我就把大衣脱了。 take off意为“起飞”。如: When will the plane take off? 飞机何时起飞? What was the girl doing when the UFO took off? 当飞碟起飞时,女孩在干什么? .阅读理解。 While travelling, you

9、ll be taking money, license or passport. Or you will buy something expensive to take back home with you and you dont want it to get stolen. Here are some ideas on how to keep your valuables(贵重物品) safe while traveling. 3 Plan ahead of time Think of what you really need and dont need to take on your t

10、rip. Only take the valuables that you must have, not just ones that you would like to have. Carry your valuables on your person Something that is small, like cash and credit cards and your passport, can be carried in a money wallet around your neck or in a money belt. This way, your valuables are hi

11、dden and right next to you, where you know where they are at all times. Wear clothing that can hide the money belt. Carry larger valuables in your carry-on bag If you cant fit it in your money wallet like some large valuables, youd better put them somewhere that you will keep touch with them. Your c

12、an put them on the plane, so you dont have to worry about the airline losing your bag or someone stealing it from the belt after the flight before you get to it. Choose a hotel that has the front desk for valuables This way, you dont have to worry about housekeeping getting hold of your valuables, o

13、r someone stealing your valuables if your room is broken into. If you give the valuables to the front desk to keep for you, choose a time when others are not looking. ( ) 1. The passage is mainly about _. A. what to do while traveling B. how to carry your valuables on your person C. how to keep your

14、 valuables safe while traveling ( ) 2. You can carry all of the following valuables on your person EXCEPT _. A. your cash B. credit cards C. your large valuables ( )3.Which kind of hotel can you choose while traveling according to the text? A. You can choose a hotel with a lot of housekeepers for va

15、luables. B. You can choose a hotel with the front desk for valuables. C. You can choose some cheap hotel. ( ) 4.When you plan your travel ahead of time, you should make sure that _. A. you take valuables that you must have 4 B. you take valuables as many as possible C. you take valuables that you wo

16、uld like to have ( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? A. Anything small must be carried in a money wallet around your neck. B. You give valuables to the front desk at a hotel when others are looking. C. Youd better put some large valuables in your carry-on bag. 重点单词 1. stupid

17、 adj. 笨的;糊涂的 stupid主要指缺乏理智,指先天迟钝、智力低下,也可指因醉酒或疾病而导致头脑麻木。在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。 stupid用作表语时,如主语是动词不定式,则通常用形式主语it结构,该动词不定式的逻辑主体由介词of引出。如: He is so stupid that he cant so much as eat. 他蠢得甚至连吃饭都不会。 Ill have none of your stupid ideas! 我决不同意你的愚蠢想法。 It is stupid of him to make the same mistake twice. 他真实傻瓜,两次犯同样的

18、错误。 常考短语 1. tooto 太而不能 2. ask for 请求;要求 3. get off 下车 4. say goodbye to和说再见 5. sit down 坐下 核心句型 1. Li Lin says goodbye to his brother Li Wei. 李林向他哥哥说再见。 say“说”, 是及物动词必须带宾语,强调说话的内容。 Did he say anything? 他说什么事情了吗? 5 I want to say nothing but sorry. 我只想说对不起。 Id like to say goodbye to you all. 我想向你们大家告别

19、了。 say构成的短语有: say a few words 说几句话 say goodbye to 和说再见 say hello to 向表示问候 .根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。 1. However hot it is, he will not (脱掉) his coat. 2. You must (小心) not to hurt yourself. 3. Mr. john, will you like to (看一看) our showroom? 4. You can (寻找) the book in the library catalog. 5. It (非常好) yo

20、u to give me the book. . 口语运用。 A: Hi, youre traveling here, arent you? B: Yes, I am. (1) A: Im traveling here, too. When did you arrive? B: (2) A: Ive just arrived. (3) B: Yes. I enjoyed it very much. A: How long will you stay here? B: (4) Then Ill go to France and England. A: Oh, thats great! Ill g

21、o there, too. Can I go with you?B: Of course. (5) A. Im glad to go with you. B. Last night. And you? C. How about you? D. About two days. 6 E. Did you have a good journey? .阅读短文,根据短文内容和首字母提示写出文中所缺单词。 A young man was traveling. It was getting late in the day, and he was t 1 . When he met an old man o

22、n the road, he asked him, “Excuse me, where can I get w 2 , sir?” The old man told him, “Walk along the road and youll see a small r 3 .” Then the old man added, “If you pick up some pebbles(卵石;小圆石) from the river bed, you will get both glad and s 4 .” The young man t 5 the old man and went on his w

23、ay. When it got dark, he found the river and took a d 6 . He thought it was silly to pick up pebbles, b 7 he still picked some up. He then found a p 8 to sleep. The next morning the young man found those pebbles became beautiful, bright jewels (珠宝)。So he ran back to the river q 9 to get more, but there were only sands. Looking at the beautiful jewels, he felt s 10 that he hadnt picked up more. At that time he was happy that he had picked some up. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7


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