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1、习思能力竞赛二级A样题全国基础教育英语综合能力竞赛二级 A 样题 第一部分 听力 第一节 Look, listen and circle. 看一看,听一听,圈一圈。 看 My Vocabulary Bank中的词语。你将听到一段小韵文。请在答题纸上 My Vocabulary Bank 的三个词库中圈出你所听到的词语。录音读两遍。 My Vocabulary Bank 第二节 Look, listen and choose. 看一看,听一听,选一选。 看图片。你将听到五个问题。请从每小题的 A、B、C三幅图片中选出 能够回答所提问题的图片,并将代表该图片的字母填入答题纸的相应位置。录音 读两遍

2、。 1 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version (1) A (2) B C A (3) B C A (4) B C A (5) B C A B C (1) _ (2) _ (3) _ (4) _ (5) _ 2 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 第三节 Look, listen and tick. 看一看,听一听,勾一勾。 看图片。你将听到五段对话。请在答题纸的图片中勾出与你所听对话内容相 符的图片。录音读两遍。 第四节 Look, listen and do. 看一看,听一听,做一做。 看所给的词语

3、和地图。你将听到一段独白。请根据所听的内容,把所给词语 前的字母填入答题纸上地图中的相应位置。录音读两遍。 A. Red Hotel D. Restaurant B. Bookshop E. Bank C. Hospital F. Cinema 3 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 第五节 Look, listen and write. 看一看,听一听,写一写。 你将听到一段对话。请根据所听的内容,在下面(1)(5)句中的空白处填入 适当的词语,使句子意义与所听的内容相符。请将答案填 在答题纸的相应位置。 录音读两遍。 (1) Lora is

4、_ years old. (2) Loras grandpa is a teacher of _. (3) Lora often _ _ for her grandpa. (4) Her grandpa often _ _ to her. (5) They went to a _ last _. 第二部分 知识应用 第六节 Look, find and write. 看一看,找一找,写一写。 1. 看下面的找词游戏。请从中找出六个英语单词,其中两个单词是 从左到右拼 ;两个单词是自上而下拼 ;两个单词 是从左上到右下拼 。请圈出你所找到的单词,并把该单词抄 在右边的横线上,横线后面括号中的数字

5、为该单词的字母数。请把答案转抄 到答题纸的相应位置。 V C A C R T U Q Y X C H Y B O O K L (1) _book_ (4) (2) _ (5) I L D L H T K J T R M W D G I R X S P R G Q (3) _ (4) (4) _ (4) L E B H Z I E F Q E K O J D O B (5) _ (3) (6) _ (4) E R Z A X E N Q 4 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 2. 请从第 1 题找到的六个单词中选择合适的词语,并把它们的正确形式填

6、 入下面句子中的横线上,使句子意义完整正确。请把答案转抄到答题纸的相应位 置。 (1) I have many _books_. I often read them. (2) Paul! Its very _ today. Put on your coat. (3) How are you going to school today, Dick? Im _ my new bike. How about you? (4) Its spring. The _ turn green, and flowers come out. (5) Therere many _ in the park. They

7、re having fun! (6) Here are two _ on the desk. One is big, and the other is small. 第七节 Look, read and choose. 看一看,读一读,选一选。 阅读所给的问题和选项。请从右边分别选出能够回答左边问题的最佳选项, 将问题与选项用线段连接起来,并把代表该选项的字母填入答题纸的相应位置。 A. After school. (1) Whats that in English? (2) Are you from Canada? (3) When do you exercise? (4) Do you h

8、ave a sweater? (5) What color is your schoolbag? (6) Is my watch on the table? B. Oh, no, it isnt. C. Its a book. B-o-o-k, book. D. Its pink. Its a beautiful one. E. I have a small new watch. F. Yes, I am. Its far from here. G. I do homework in the evening. H. Yes, its a birthday present. (1) _C_ (2

9、) _ (3) _ (4) _ (5) _ (6) _ 第八节 Look, think and answer. 看一看,想一想,再回答。 请阅读下面的小题,认真思考后,在答题纸的相应位置简短回答每小题的问 题。 (1) Do you like these animals? I like this animal most. It is a bird, but it cant fly. It can swim. It is black and white. It isnt afraid of cold. 5 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version Wha

10、t is it? Answer: _ (2) I need 2 notebooks and a brush. My mom gives me 20 yuan. I also want to buy a box of candy. Do I have enough money? Answer: _ (3) There is a mirror on the wall. You can see a clock like this picture. What time is it? Answer: _ (4) The shapes are ordered like this in the pictur

11、e. What shape will be the next? Answer: _ (5) The woman is your fathers sister. Then, who is she? Answer a: _ What about her daughter? 第三部分 阅读与表达 Answer b: _ 第九节 Read, number and answer. 读一读,排排序,再回答。 1. 阅读下面的故事,理解故事的大意。 2. Sam plays on his computer every day. Today Sam is playing a computer game. Su

12、ddenly, an arm comes out of the computer, takes Sams pizza and eats it up. Sam looks at it with big eyes. Wow, yummy! says the computer. Then, another arm comes out, and then two legs. Now the computer is walking! It goes out of the house. Sam runs after it. The computer goes into the library, follo

13、wed by Sam, and it goes up to a boy reading there. Hi, Im Tom, says the boy. Oh, whats this? A computer with arms and legs? But the computer says nothing. It is getting bigger and bigger. And it is laughing and making terrible noises! That makes other computers there stop working! Hah cries Sams com

14、puter. I am the super computer of the world! 6 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version Hey! We must stop it! Tom says. Yes, its crazy! The two boys hit it hard with sticks. Bang! The computer falls to the ground and breaks up into small pieces. Its gone, says Tom. Tom and Sam are happy! Lets play

15、football, OK? says Tom. OK! says Sam, smiling and smiling. 2. 下面五幅图片是对上述故事内容的描述。请根据故事情节,用数字 排列图片的顺序。请把答案转抄到答题纸的相应位置。 3. 请根据故事内容,简短回答下面的问题。请把答案转抄到答题纸的相应 位置。 (1) Is this a true story or not? _ (2) What does Sams computer have? _ (3) What can Sams computer do? _ 4. 请在下面的空白处给该故事 一个英文标题。标题为 35 个单词。请把 答案转

16、抄到答题纸的相应位置。 The title of the story: _ 7 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 第十节 Look, think and write. 看一看,想一想,写一写。 请仔细观察下面的五幅图片,并在答题纸上 至少 7句话描述图片内容。要 求:语言正确、通顺,情节完整、想象合理。文段的标题已经给出。 Mimis Day 8 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 录音原文 第一节 Look, listen and circle. 看一看,听一听,圈一圈。 看 My Vocabu

17、lary Bank中的词语。你将听到一段小韵文。请在答题纸上 My Vocabulary Bank 的三个词库中圈出你所听到的词语。听录音前,你有 15 秒钟的 时间看题;听完后,你有 15秒钟的作答时间。录音读两遍。 M : Im riding a horse. A fast horse you see. W : Im driving a bus. A small bus you see. M : Over the mountains. W : Through the trees. M&W : Travel the world. And the seven seas. 第二节 Look, l

18、isten and choose. 看一看,听一听,选一选。 看图片。你将听到五个问题。请从每小题的 A、B、C三幅图片中选出 能够回答所提问题的图片,并将代表该图片的字母填入答题纸的相应位置。听完 每个问题后,你都有 10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。录音读两遍。 Number 1 It has a back and four legs, but no arms. You can sit on it. What is it? Number 2 Do you know what meat we should not eat? Number 3 You see a house on fi

19、re near here. What number do you phone? Number 4 Not bad. is the answer to the question Hows it going?. Which face stands for Not bad.? Number 5 Which country is the biggest, Canada, China or America? 第三节 Look, listen and tick. 看一看,听一听,勾一勾。 9 看图片。你将听到五段对话。请在答题纸的图片中勾出与你所听对话内容相 符的图片。听录音前,你有15秒钟的时间看题;听

20、完每段对话后,你都有5秒钟 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 的作答时间。录音读两遍。 Dialogue 1 M : Its very hot, isnt it? W : Yes. Do you want a drink of water? M : Yes, thanks. Dialogue 2 W : Dick, come and join us! M : Oh, sorry. I dont like playing volleyball. Dialogue 3 W : Wheres Maria, Paul? M : Um, look, sh

21、es over there, under the tree. W : Under the tree? Oh, yes, shes reading. Dialogue 4 M : Hi, can I help you? W : Yes, this is too heavy! Its kind of you. M : Its OK. Dialogue 5 W : What do you want, please? M : Umm let me see. A bag of chips and an orange juice, please. W : Here you are. M : How muc

22、h are they? W : Three dollars. (声音淡去) 第四节 Look, listen and do. 看一看,听一听,做一做。 看所给的词语和地图。你将听到一段独白。请根据所听的内容,把所给词语 前的字母填入答题纸上地图中的相应位置。听录音前,你有 15秒钟的时间看题; 听完后,你有 20秒钟的作答时间。录音读两遍。 This is our school. Its on Peach Street. Theres a hospital next to our school. Across from our school you can see a post office,

23、 a bookshop and a cinema. The bookshop is between the post office and the cinema. Go straight along Peach Street, you can see a very beautiful hotel on your left, on the corner of Apple Street. Its Red Hotel. The bank is not far from Red Hotel, on Apple Street. 第五节 Look, listen and write. 看一看,听一听,写一

24、写。 你将听到一段对话。请根据所听的内容,在下面(1)(5)句中的空白处填入 适当的词语,使句子意义与所听的内容相符。请将答案填 在答题纸的相应位置。 听录音前,你有 15秒钟的时间看题;听完后,你有 30秒钟的作答时间。录音读 两遍。 10 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version M : Hi, Lora! How old are you? W : Im eleven. M : Thats good. Tell me something about your favorite person. W : I love my grandpa most.

25、He is an artist, and he teaches Art, too. M : Thats interesting! What do you usually do with your grandpa? W : He often helps me with my lessons, and tells me interesting stories. I often help make tea for him. On weekends, we often read together. Last Saturday we went to Guangzhou Library. We borro

26、wed many books there. 11 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 参考答案 第一部分 听力 第一节 名词:horse; bus; tree; world 形容词:fast; small 动词:ride; drive; see; travel 第二节 (1)(5)BCBAA 第三节 第四节 (1)(5) BFACE 第五节 (1) eleven / 11 (4) tells; stories (2) Art (3) makes; tea (5) library; Saturday 第二部分 知识应用 第六节 1. (1) boo

27、k 2. (1) books (5) children 第七节 (1)(6) CFAHDB 第八节 (Possible answers) (1) Its a penguin. / The penguin. (2) No, I havent got enough money. (3) Its 6:20. (4) A star. / (5) Answer a: Shes my aunt. / My aunt. Answer b: Shes my cousin. / My cousin. (2) child (3) tree (4) ride (5) box (4) trees (6) cold (

28、本节 3、4 小题的答案可互换。) (2) cold (6) boxes (3) riding 12 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 第三部分 阅读与表达 第九节 2. 3. (Possible answers) (1) It isnt a true story. / It isnt true. (2) It has a mouth, two eyes, two arms and two legs. (3) It can speak, walk, eat and laugh. 4. The title of the story: A Craz

29、y Computer / Sams Crazy Computer / Sams Computer Is Crazy! 第十节 (One possible version) Mimis Day Mimi is a lovely cat. Mimi gets up and eats its breakfast at 7:00. In the morning, it plays with its ball. It goes to sleep at 14:30. Then it plays with its friend. They climb a tree together. Mimi goes to bed at 20:15. 13 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version


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