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1、如何做到托福作文满分 那个托福作文考了满分的姑娘,到底是怎么做到的?我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。那个托福作文考了满分的姑娘,到底是怎么做到的?这次托福写作满分、总分106,有想到这个成绩吗?A:总分是有的,因为之前有参加过模考,自己也有刷整套的tpo,出来的成绩跟平时练习的差不多。但是写作满分这个确没有想到,可能考场上会比平时更加细心一点,犯的错误更少。Q:托福作文如何拿到满分的,讲讲你的备考经验吧A:综合写作的话比较简单,主要考的是听力和速记能力。背好模版,听出来内容以后往上一填,在没有什么低级错误的前提下得分都会比较高。独立写作我觉得主要还是少犯错和多打字,还有平时积


3、一些能打到550+的大神来说也不算多)我建议是先在模考界面限时打字,然后复制到word里面,让机器帮你检查你的拼写和语法问题,把自己常犯的错误(比如某个单词老是打错,老是忘了主谓要一致)记下来提醒自己,坚持一两个月犯错误的几率会小很多。除此之外就是平时的积累了,我之前有翻墙去看过一些native speaker写的*,发现他们会用很多的并列结构,所以平时可以积累一些同义的词组,写作的时候能用上并列尽量用并列,一方面能强调语气一方面也能凑字数。在用特殊句式的时候,比如倒装,一定要保证自己能用对的前提下再用,如果不确定就宁可别用,用高级的词汇短语也是这样,如果不确定拼写或者用法就不要冒险,否则不但

4、不会加分反而会扣分。最后就是刷机经了,可以刷一下185道老托福写作题和最近的考试真题,练一下思路,这样考试的时候想思路也会很快。我这次考试的题很幸运的就是一道考过的老题,在课堂上见过了,所以我没有费时间想思路,为打字争取了时间。补充一个可能会被很多人忽略的小点,托福考试写作是不允许缩写的,比如“dont”或者“its”要展开为“do not”和“it is”,大家考试的时候注意一下啦Q:当初为什么会选择新航道?对授课老师的印象?A:因为新航道本身牌子比较大,比较相信它的师资。我报名的时候,因为时间很紧,觉得自己的基础也还行,想报提分班、冲刺班之类的,时间上新航道的班级时间也比较吻合,最后选择了


6、词。当然不排除你对某部剧真的很感兴趣,想要看很多遍钻研的情况。适合学习的剧的话除了已经被推烂了的老友记,进阶的我推荐绝望的主妇,里面可以听到非常纯正的美音,里面人物的语速、用的词语都非常适合学习。在看剧的时候可以尝试跟读,第一遍可以看剧情、听发音,第二遍就是主要看单词、听听力了,有些人看4、5遍吃透这部剧,但就我个人来说看完第二遍已经是极限了,备考时间充裕的同学可以尝试多看几遍。看过的同学可以考虑看老爸老妈浪漫史,不过语速会更快一些。Q:你英语基础挺不错的,是从小就爱学习英语吗?A:小时候英语真的挺差的,但是初中的时候被风靡全球的少女杀手Justin Bieber俘虏,抱着“万一见了面起码能跟




10、放平心态,我考前两个星期听力做的极差,觉得自己越学越退步真的很崩溃,虽然听力后来成绩也没有很好,但是也不算考砸,所以还是要稳住啊!备考都是辛苦的,但是相信自己一定会有所获,希望大家都能一次过啦2020年1月11日托福写作考试真题答案综合写作Reading:Three solutions toprevent bats from being harmed by wind turbines.1.不造在bats的迁移路径上2.不在晚上运行3.制作bats不喜欢的雷达让它们不能接近Listening:阅读所说的三种方法都无法实现turbines 需要造在风很大的地方,如果把它建在了蝙蝠飞不到的地方例如平

11、原,那就没有足够的风可以让它运行起来。2.晚上bats会栖息在高的东西上面,有可能会栖息在wind turbines上面。所以如果白天wind turbines开启就可能会伤害到这些bats。之所以会远离雷达是因为雷达会损害它们的生殖能力,只要碰到一点就会带来永久的伤害。所以如果在那边放置雷达,他们的生育率会更加低,从而蝙蝠的population会更低。独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? It is more important for governments to spend money building new

12、housing than preserving historical or traditional buildings and homes.立场:同意。政府花钱建造新房子比花钱去保护历史或传统建筑房屋好。理由:1.经济:政府花钱建造新房子-建成之后可以出售这些房屋-鼓励人们购买-从而不但能增加政府的财政收入,还能扩大内需,为经济增长创造良好的条件;但如果花钱去保护历史或传统建筑房屋-只会带来部分的旅游收益-相较于建造新房屋带来的收益还是比较少的。2.工作:政府花钱建造新房子-提供非常多样化的岗位,从初期设计师到建筑过程中的普通建筑工人再到后期销售-解决许多人的就业问题-能够促进就业;但如果花钱

13、去保护历史或传统建筑房屋-需要比较专业的考古或建筑修复人员-专业有限制,能提供的岗位没有建新房子来得多。3.治安:政府花钱建造新房子-因为现在的城市越来越拥挤,建造新房屋意味着低矮楼房会渐渐被高楼大厦所替代,每个楼都能容纳更多的住户,不会出现市区拥挤,并且发生入户盗窃等危害社会治安的事情;但如果花钱去保护历史或传统建筑房屋-需要将周围的街道等都圈起来才能进行修复,严重影响交通和市民的正常生活。2019年3月9日托福写作考试真题及答案Agree or disagree: the most important problems of the society can be solved during

14、 my life time?综合写作影响sauropds进化比较大的三个环境因素阅读high levels of oxygenplentiful food resourcewarm climate听力反驳那时的氧气含量根本不高,甚至比现在的还低虽然plenty但是营养少了,poor quality有时会有overheat,他们需要想办法躲避,所以温暖气候更不利于恐龙生长2019年2月23日托福写作考试真题及答案综合写作话题分类生物考题回忆1-总论点:想eat more healthy 到底要不要摄入gluten2-阅读部分分论点一stive system cannot adapt.人们的消化系

15、统不能适应gluten分论点二:Stomach pain and fatigue.分论点三:阅读 gluten导致 blood-sugar,这个东西和memory skill 有关3-听力部分总论点:gluten 有助于身体健康分论点一:虽然gluten is new,但是digestive system 可以释放bacteria 有益细菌,可以经过一段时间适应食物,包括gluten,让gluten 快速适应分论点二: 实验中,用的是两种bread,gluten不是唯一的因素,里面还有carbohydrate,所以也可能是carbohydrate cause stomach pain and

16、fatigue,所以可能是A而不是gluten导致胃病。分论点三: 造成risk of memory 是因为levels of blood 的升高,而gluten 只会造成 levels of blood temporary 升高,然后回到average level ,那些好几年都是high level of blood 才会导致memory risk,所以他们是没有关系的 而且不同gluten,一个人的blood sugar 以及一些问题都不会改善,所以gluten 和 以上那些疾病是没有关系的。解题思路论 述清楚阅读总观点和分论点,以及听力分论点以及反驳细节。参考范文The article

17、 discusses that the gluten cannot be conducive to a healthier diet, while the lecture disputes this idea with the following proofs.First, the writer in the reading passage holds that digestive system cannot adapt the gluten. However, the professor disagrees with it, because although the gluten is ne

18、w, the probiotics released by the digestive system can help the system to adapt the new foods, including the gluten.In addition, in the material, the writer believes that stomach pain and fatigue. While in the lecture, the speaker deems that the idea in the passage does not hold the water. In the ex

19、periment, there are two kinds of bread, including both gluten and carbohydrate. As a result, it is the carbohydrate that causes stomach pain and fatigue rather than the gluten.Finally, it is depicted in the material that the gluten leads to the blood sugar, which is related with memory skill. On the

20、 contrary, the professor holds that this is not true. Levels of blood increasing may cause the risk of memory. However, the gluten can only result in the rise of levels of blood, leading to the memory risk. As a consequence, they have nothing to do with each other, and the gluten is not associated w

21、ith the diseases above. 话题分类教育类考题回忆Some first year college students do not have good study habits. Some people believe that colleges should provide all of the first year students with a required course to develop their good study habits. Other people believe that providing this kind of course is unn

22、ecessary. What is your opinion and why?解题思路agree:1.可以促使大一学生更好地适应大学生活。2.缓解大学新生的焦虑和压力参考范文Nowadays numerous students are admitted by kinds of universities. Under such circumstance, many first-year students may not adapt the new learning environment well due to the bad study habit. In order to improve t

23、his situation, there is a claim arises. Some people argue that the college should offer students the compulsory courses to develop their learning habit, while others hold an opposite view. From my point of view, however, I can stand in line with the former claim. Ill support my standpoint with follo

24、wing aspects.Firstly, such courses serve the first -year students well, which can facilitate the process of their adaption to college. As we all know, there is huge difference between the high school courses and college curriculum, which are more extensive and abstract. Besides the regular culture c

25、ourses,there also are psychology, sociology and so on being included in their majors, which need more researches and exploration. In this case, if the freshmen still keep their old study habits, such as learning by rote, reviewing courses just several days before exams, rather than take initiative t

26、o refer to more reference and communicate with professors, they may fail to pass the achievement examinations to a large extent. consequently, it is necessary to show the first-year students the right study habit to improve their academic performance.Secondly, those courses can also relieve first-ye

27、ars anxiety to some extent. entering a brand new environment, along with high peer pressure, many freshmen are more likely to be anxious and lose self-confidence, especially when they fail in quizzes in class or the achievement tests. Worse still,some of them may choose to quit school in some extrem

28、e cases. By contrast, if students with this problem attend the course, they will find the others may have the same problem, and only by correcting the study habit, can they improve their performance. For example, if they learn how to balance the academic study and social research when confronted wit

29、h sociology, how to do the research and so on, they will feel more competent to accomplish their tasks. Finally, this will reshape their self-confidence and help them cope the stress properly.Admittedly, there must be difference leaning habit among students, which means the required course is not fi

30、t for and work perfectly fine for everyone. For example, some prefer the early birds modes, while others prefer focusing on study at night; some may study effectively by the instruction of teaching stuffs, while others tend to learn by themselves. there is no a standard to ask all students to follow

31、 suit. However, as undergraduates, they have the abilities to identify which way is best for them, and adjust and improve their learning habit accordingly, which is largely beneficial for their long-term study.According to the discussion mentioned above, a conclusion can now be reached that the college should offer the freshmen required courses to modify their learning habits, which will exert a positive impact on their adaptation to university and dealing with stress.推荐阅读:托福听力考试生词破解指南如何调整托福口语语音语调如何快速提高托福写作能力


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