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1、TOEFL作文 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了TOEFL真题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。TOEFL真题1INDEPENDENT WRITING新托福独立写作解析:话题类别:儿童教育类What is the most important do you think to share with a young child (age 5-10)?1. Being well organized2. Being honest3. Being helpful to others题目翻译:分享给5到10岁的孩子以下三个价值观,哪一个是最重要?1.乐于助人2.诚实3.组织有序新托福写作考试 点

2、评:本次托福独立写作是儿童教育类,新题,但也是传统的儿童教育类,意思是你认为要跟小孩分享的事情最重要的是哪一个,第一是要让他们生活有条理,第二是要诚实,第三是要乐于助人,典型的三选一题型,还是用上课时候讲过的*结构和方法去写作即可,可以两段支持段加一段反证段,也可以一段支持段加两段反证段,灵活使用即可。这里选择第一个。首先,being organized是他们今后独立生活的必备能力。其实现在很多孩子的小时候的生活都是父母在安排,孩子只要被动的接受并且执行,其实没有自己的想法,而这则会使他们对父母产生过度的依赖,会对他们独立生活会产生消极影响,导致自己无法自理生活,而如果从小就学习如何能够井井有

3、条的安排自己的生活的话,他们以后就可以自己很独立很好的生活。其次,being organized能减轻他们以后生活和学习的压力。其实,现在很多学生都有拖延症,就是因为不会安排自己的时间,导致拖到最后自己压力很大,这甚至到high-level education还会发生,所以being organized是一种管理生活和学习的能力,能够考虑好每件事情要做的时间点,知道在正确时间做正确的事情,这样的话不仅可以按时完成自己的学习或者工作任务,还可以让自己的生活压力减缓很多。另外,being honest虽然也很重要,但其实在今后的生活中,一个人是很难保持百分之百诚实的,因为有一些场合是需要说谎的,比

4、如说有些善意的谎言,而且在某些情况下,诚实反而会冒犯到他人,比如直接指出他人的缺陷或者短处,所以说孩子应该要在自己的生活和社交过程中去体会如何在不冒犯他人的情况下去保持诚实,这是在他们小时候可能无法理解的事情,这是需要时间去磨练和积累的。当然,being helpful也是一个很重要的品质,但同样地,帮助他人也要看情况,不能一味的帮助他们,这样的话有时候使得他人对自己产生过度的依赖,反而对他们的能力产生负面效果。而这些也是孩子在小时候难以学习的道理。词汇:1. traditional virtue 传统道德2. absolute truth 完全的事实3. Confrontation 对抗4.

5、 Blotch 弄脏5.dilemma 困境、窘境6. in the long run 长期7. betrayal 背叛8. overwhelm 胜过9. derive from 从.获得新托福独立写作范文一:The traditional virtue of honesty in all situations is increasingly doubted by many in todays world. Many believe that being honest is not always the best policy when dealing with people and shal

6、l not be shared with children. Be that as it may, this essay will explore the importance of being honest in relationships between people.Undeniably, Sharing values of being honest exposes children to the cruel world. We all understand that often the truth is offending and may not be a very nice thin

7、g to both hear or say. Even, many would agree that if a company is to tell the absolute truth about its products, no one would be interested in even having a look at the products. The same logic also applies to human relationships. if your friend had worn a newly purchased dress on her birthday and

8、energetically asked you if it was a worthy buy, would you freely express your opinion that you had never seen a dress as the one shes currently wearing? and spoil her birthday? unarguably, hiding(entirely or particularly) the truth in some situations can be quite handy indeed. confrontations and dis

9、putes can seemingly be avoided.However, there is always the risk factor of the truth emerging sooner or later when telling an untruth. the basic trust in any relationships friends,parents and children will be blotched, and would have an impact on the future relationship between both parties. the sto

10、ry of the “the boy who cried wolf” fully illustrates the consequences of telling lies. no one will believe you when youre telling the truth. Therefore, after presenting the value of honesty to children, they will avoid falling in the dilemma.In addition, another “bad factor” of telling untruths is t

11、hat you have absolutely no control over when the truth will emerge. untruths breed pain in both parties: tears when the truth is uncovered after a period of time; in the long run, it seems that hiding the truth is not beneficial to either party. In contrast, delivering the value of being honest to c

12、hildren, children will have no worries of fearing the truth to be exposed. Therefore, the life will be easier than those choosing to cover up the secrets.Everyone hates betrayal. even if it is the trend to occasionally hide the truth in relationships, it is strongly recommended that not to follow th

13、at trend as the risk and the consequences of the truth unfolded overwhelms the minimal advantages one can derive from not telling the truth. After all, it is understood that relationships are founded on “trust” which goes hand in hand with “truth”. Indeed honesty is the most important consideration

14、in any relationship between people. As a result, this value should be shared greatly.(word count: 472)新托福独立写作范文二:As the first teacher of a child, parents play a pivotal role in childrens growth, which is not just restricted to physical well-being but includes personality-building and psychological h

15、ealth. Especially for young children aged 5 to 10, parents are like role models that children admire and try to imitate. So, there are many good traits that parents are supposed to help children develop, such as being honest, being helpful and being organized. In my mind, the first lesson children a

16、t this age should learn is honesty.To begin with, honesty is the valuable character for a child to be accepted by others. To maintain friendly relationship, people need mutual trust. It is vital that a child is honest to parents, playmates, teachers and anyone they meet. At young age, they may be si

17、mply blamed for telling lies, but when they grow up, what dishonesty costs them is the loss of trust, and gradually they may be isolated. In a word, parents should timely point out childrens lies and appropriately help them correct the mistake. For instance, the reason why a child refuses to admit h

18、e breaks the vase is he fears parents punishment. But, if he finds his lies can help him avoid punishment and thus gets used to lying, the loss will finally become unbearable and irreversible in future work or study.Secondly, children should also learn to be honest to themselves. Inevitably, people

19、will encounter some situations or consequences that they are unwilling to confront. At this moment, someone may choose to deceive themselves and escape from reality. Through constantly lying to themselves, they may finally forget the truth and accept lies they make up as facts. For example, when a c

20、hild does not want to admit he loses a game at school, he may make up some excuses to cheat himself, such as unfair referee, and refuses to admit the competitor actually is stronger. Consequently, once he finds sanctuary in lies, the dishonesty to inner heart stops him from training harder to win th

21、e game but encourages complaints and self-abandonment. Parents at this time have the duty to motivate children to break lies and be honest to themselves bravely.Admittedly, being cooperative and organized is also significant characteristic that children ought to possess since young. To keep everythi

22、ng in order is the prerequisite for one to maintain high efficiency in work or study. In addition, kind-hearted people are usually popular among people and can easily expand social circle. For example, parents can encourage children to keep their room tidy and organized, and organize children in the

23、 neighborhood to join in community services. However, for all the valuable traits that children should share, what comes first must be honesty. An organized and helpful lier can never be called a respectful person.In summary, good parenting is of great significance in childrens growth. It is parents

24、 responsibility to equip children with good personalities at formative years. Among all the desirable traits children should cultivate, honesty is always the most valuable one.TOEFL真题2x0916托福独立写作题目:电脑,手机,电脑游戏:有趣,帮助孩子放松但是缺点明显,孩子缺乏锻炼,缺乏与人沟通简单玩具:益智,激发想象力,例如乐高和朋友一起玩:锻炼沟通能力,拓展社交圈Nowadays, children rely t

25、oo much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simple toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the childrens development.范文:Undoubtedly, children today, as the most tech-savviest generation in history, can hardly live a day witho

26、ut computers and smartphones which play an important role in their study and entertainment. However, as the time children spend with digitals devices skyrockets, both parents and educators start to worry about the perils of new technology and advocate that it is more meaningful for children to play

27、with simple toys and meet friends.Admittedly, children acquire much joy from computers and smartphones. The well designed computer games never fail to fascinate their players with vivid figures, attractive rewards, and cheerful music. It is even more joyful when classmates are playing together onlin

28、e. In addition, almost every child who has a smartphone will install chatting software. As they also have the strong desire to be connected, they keep talking with each other even after school on the phone. If there is anything that they are reluctant to communicate with parents or brothers and sist

29、ers at home, it is more fun to chat with classmates.However, as there are self-evident disadvantages of playing computers or smartphones, such as lack of exercises, poor eyesight and isolation from real world, parents and educators advocate replacement: simple toys and meeting friends. To begin with

30、, there are many toys that not only bring as much joy as computers and smartphones do, but also help children provoke thinking and activate imagination. Compared with computer games which require few thoughts but simple exercises of fingers, those toys encourage children to make more efforts in the

31、game and rewards them with stronger sense of achievement. One of the best examples must be Lego, a toy welcomed by many families globally. With numerous small pieces of different colors piled up, children are able to build anything in their mind, like an architecture, an animal and a cartoon charact

32、er.Secondly, communication and interaction with friends is absolutely more important in childrens development. While entertaining with computers or smartphones, children are usually absorbed in their own inner world and pay little attention to others. The unwillingness of talking to others will grad

33、ually make children isolated and weaken their communication ability. This is exact reason why it is vital for parents to motivate children to play outdoors with friends. Through gaming with friends, children learn how to get along well, compete, and cooperate with playmates. For example, playing bas

34、ketball teaches children the significance of team spirits; playing chess allows children to discuss strategy. Whats more, the company and reliance of friends makes children feel needed, which also encourages them to expand social circle and improve interpersonal skills.To sum up, children benefit mo

35、re from playing simple toys and meeting friends than from playing with computers and smartphones.TOEFL范文320x.x0715(上午)托福独立写作题目:范文:For young children who have just begun their study at school, it is important for them to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible. Therefore, many schools choose

36、 to arrange one good-tempered and amiable teacher to take care of them and teach all subjects, in case that young children cannot get used to styles of different teachers in a short time. This surely works by alleviating childrens pressure of meeting different people. However, to provide children wi

37、th more effective education, schools ought to equip them with more than one teacher.From the perspective of teachers, it is important that teachers just teach the subject that they are best at. Undoubtedly, for different courses of young children, teachers should possess different skills to effectiv

38、ely arouse childrens interests and convey knowledge. For example, a music teacher is supposed to be able to sing, dance, and play musical instrument; a PE teacher ought to be familiar with many sports training and competition. It is much too demanding for a teacher to be well prepared for all subjec

39、ts. On the contrary, with only one or two subjects, a teacher is able to invest more time and energy to do research and refine their teaching. Therefore, young children will have education with higher quality.From the perspective of children, it is also teachers duty to help young children get along

40、 well with different teachers and get used to their various styles. With sincere smile and appropriate encouragement, it is actually not difficult for teachers to win childrens favor. At the same time, teachers set their rules according to courses and guide children to study of different fields. For

41、 example, when subjects are taught by teachers with divergent personalities, children will be exposed to a math teacher who is humorous but strict with knowledge, a history teacher who has packed him mind with enlightening stories, and a science teacher who is willing to guide them to discover the w

42、orld through interesting experiments. With teachers help, children will understand they need to learn how to get accustomed to teachers but not require teachers to adjust according to their preferences and habits, given the large number of students in a class. Then, as they enroll in higher grades w

43、hen subjects are also taught by different teachers, they will not feel upset.To sum up, even for young children, schools should arrange different teachers to teach different subjects, in order to guarantee education quality.Children aged 12-16 are taught different subjects by different teachers, whi

44、le younger children always stay with one teacher all the time. Do you agree or disagree that younger children today should be equipped with more than one teacher?老师教授所有科目:1)孩子小,适应能力差,只有一个老师,减少孩子面对不同人的压力2)更容易与孩子相处好,赢得信任老师教授不同科目1)一个老师很难精通所有科目,应该教授自己最擅长的2)孩子也应该学会如何适应不同的老师,为以后做准备TOEFL范文4独立写作话题分类政府类考题回忆【

45、题目】Do you agree or disagree with following statement?The government and the corporation should share all their scientific discoveries with other countries in the world?Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.解题思路Disgree:1.分享军

46、事方面的科学突破分享会对国家造成负面影响。2.科学发现会被盈利公司利用,对社会造成不好影响。托福独立写作范文Nowadays numerous scientists in a country or in a large firm are continuously engaged in different researches. Under such circumstance, many new discoveries would be unveiled every day. As for these scientific treasures, there is a claim arises.

47、Some people argue that the government or the corporation should share all its scientific discoveries with the world. From my point of view, however, I can hardly stand in line with the claim. Ill support my standpoint with following aspects.Firstly, some scientific breakthroughs which can lead to tr

48、emendous technological progress should not be shared. It is known to all that some scientific discoveries have greatly changed our way of life. These findings can promote a rapid development in different industrial fields of a country. However, the findings that can breed critical progress in the areas like military industry or aeronautic and astronautic industry should be held carefully by the government, because they may cause terrible or even devastating consequences to the country, For example, if American government had re


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