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1、五年级英语上册lesson4Australia冀教版五年级英语上册Unit2 Lesson 14 Australia教学设计 一、教学目标: 1、知识与能力目标 学生能够读、写、说出并听懂Australia这个重点单词,并能表达自己对这个国家的认识和了解。 学生能够读、说出并听懂与Australia有关的单词,如Canberra, kangaroos, beaches. 培养学生自学能力,提高创新和相互协作交流水平。 2、过程与方法 注重强调课堂的英语话,为学生提供浓厚的英语语言学习氛围,培养学生掌握一定的学习策略指导其更好的学习语言,会运用语言。 3、情感态度目标 培养学生的异国文化意识,对

2、其他国家的文化产生强烈的好奇心,丰富学生知识,开阔学生视野。 帮助学生建立自信,让学生喜欢和他人谈论有关国家的话题,愿意用英语与他人交流,体验成功,感受学习英语的快乐, 提高学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点: 掌握单词 Australia,能够听懂、正确说出本课其它相关单词,并用英语相互简单交流。 教学难点: 摆脱书本的限制,能够灵活运用已学的英语知识介绍澳大利亚。 教学准备: 多媒体课件、录音机、与各个国家有关的图片 二、教学过程: Step1 :Class Opening A) Greeting T: Hello! Boys and girls! S: Hello! Miss Zhang!

3、T: How are you today? S: Fine, thanks, and you? T: Im fine too. Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you too! B) Free talk Step 2: Lead in T: Ok, look at here, boys and girls. Guess whats this, do you know? S: its a map. T: What country is this? S: Australia. T: Clever. This lesson, Lets go on our trip

4、! Now, I want to go on a trip to a beautiful country. Do you want to go with me? S: Yes! T: This country is far from China! Lets take a plane. Please close your eyes. 各位乘客大家好,欢迎乘坐五年级01次航班。请大家坐好,系好安全带。飞机即将起航。本次航班的目的地是一个美丽的国家。我们马上即将抵达目的地,您将马上可以欣赏到该国的风光。 T: Now open your eyes, please. Look! This countr

5、y is where we go, its so beautiful. Do you like this country? S: Yes! Step3:New Concepts T: This lesson we will learn more about Australia. Now please look at here, I have some words and phrases, can you read? Read loudly in your team. T: Now Li Ming and his teacher are talking about Australia. Do y

6、ou want to know what they are talking about? S: Yes. T: Lets listen to the radio to see what they are talking about. T: I have some questions, can you help me? S: Yes. T:出示问题1. Where is Australia? ? 2. Do you know the capital city of Australia? ? 3. What do they speak in Australia? ? 4. Do you see a

7、 little flag inside Australias flag? What color is it? ?5. What a nimals live in Australia? Does Australia have beautiful beaches? This time you read the text by yourself and answer these questions, you can talk with your teammates. 小组合作学习,教师巡视指导。 汇报交流,及时进行鼓励,增强学生学习英语的自信心。 Step4: 拓展 T: What else do you know about Australia? Step 5:Game time:Im a little guide T: Good work. Lets play a game. Step 6:Homework Write something about the countries we learned. 搜集更多自己感兴趣的有关澳大利亚的知识。 五、课后反思 本课的学习内容与前几课相似,故采用小组合作学习的方式放手让学生自学,锻炼学生的学习能力,如遇问题可以向身边的同学学习,这样就增加了学生交流语言的机会。


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