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1、交际英语_49._50._ 语言功能 从下列各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 1.My daughter has passed the exam. Congratulations! Shes really intelligent. _ A. No, no, she is intelligent. B. Oh, thank you! C. Sometimes she is intelligent. D. You are right. 2.You forgot to feed the cat again! _ A. I cant remember. B. I dont mind

2、feeding her again. C. Ill do it now. D. Yes, I did. What about you! 3.Mum, Ive cut my finger. Its bleeding! _ A. Let me see. B. Dont worry. C. Be careful D. Let me have a look 4.Whats happened to my library book? _ A. Ive no idea. B. You borrowed them from the library. C. You bought them yesterday.

3、D. Theyre about long life. 5.Where is Tom this morning? Hes got a cold. _ A. Just tell him to take it easy. B. Whats the matter with him? C. Hes absent. D. What? Where is he? 1.B; 2.C; 3.D; 4.A; 5.A 1、Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 50 句 对某件事情的真实性是否肯定,是否有把握,在英语中常用 sure , certain , doubt 等词或may , might , mu

4、st 等情态动词表达。may , might 具有试探性,must 表示一种逻辑推断的必然。此外,Its certain 这类非人称句常用来代替 Im certain 的表达法,以缓和口气。为了增强客气的口吻,表示不肯定时可以伴随一些表示遗憾或歉意的表达方式。 1) Are you certain / sure ? 你能肯定吗 ? 2) Are you sure / certain about the result ? 你对结果有把握吗 ? 3) There is no doubt about it . 这是毫无疑问的。 4) Im one hundred percent certain .

5、我百分之百地肯定。 5) Im sure of heavy rain in the afternoon . 我确信今天下午要下大雨。 6) Im certain that itll snow this evening . 我敢说今天晚上会下雪。 7) I have no doubt about it 对此事我敢肯定。 8) Its hard to say . 这很难说。 9) I cant decide . 我拿不定主意。 10) Theres a chance that a cure will be found for cancer . 治疗癌症的方法可能会找到。 11) No one ca

6、n say for certain that the method will soon be found . 没有人能肯定说方法会很快找到。 12) Im sure that hell succeed . 我肯定他能成功。 13) Were not sure whether well win the game . 能否赢这场比赛,我们不太有把握。 14) He doubts if that is you want . 他不知道那是否是你要的东西。 15) Im quite (dead , absolutely ) sure / certain hes living in Beijing . 我

7、绝对肯定他住在北京。 16) This conference will be a success , Im sure . 会议会成功的,我肯定。 17) That must / cant be the right way . 这条路肯定对。 18) They must have taken the short cut . 他们肯定抄近路了。 19) He may / might be there . 他可能在那儿。 20) Yes , certainly . / No , certainly not . / Yes , it sure / certainly is . / No , it ce

8、rtainly isnt . 21) Yes , no doubt at all . / Yes , without a doubt . 对,毫无疑问。 22) Not a hope . 不可能。/ No chance at all . 一点也不可能。 23) Theres very little doubt that well have the order tomorrow . 我们明天拿到定单没有什么疑问的。 24) We do not doubt that he is honest . 我们并不怀疑他是一个诚实的人。 25) Its certain ( obvious , clear ,

9、 plain ) that he will win the game . 很明显我们队将在这场比赛中获胜。 26) Its certain ( obvious , clear , plain ) that hes suffered a great deal . 很明显他蒙受了极大的痛苦。 27) Without doubt , she is one of the best teachers in the school . 不可否认,她是该校最优秀的教师之一。 28) I cant say for certain , but I think ( have a feeling , have an

10、idea ) he might be from the States . 我不能肯定,但我觉得他也许是从美国来吧。 29) Im afraid I cant know ( make up my mind ) which one to buy . 恐怕我不能决定买那个好。 30) It seems clear to me (pretty obvious) that we are getting lazy in our old age . 人老了渐渐懒惰起来,这一点在我看来是很清楚的。 31) Can you really be sure of his honesty ? 你真的能确信他的诚实 ?

11、 32) You are sure he will get the first prize ? 你能肯定他会得一等奖 ? 33) Do you think you have no doubt of his arrival in time ? 你认为他无疑会按时到达吗? 34) Forgive me , but are you really certain ? 对不起,不过你真的能肯定吗? 35) Theres no doubt in your mind about his aim ? 对他的目的你心里不存疑虑吧? 36) He must be there in the kitchen . 他一

12、定是在厨房里。 37) He will certainly die if you dont get a doctor now . 如果你现在不请医生他一定会死的。 38) I bet . 我敢断定。/ I bet hes been back now . 我敢打赌他已回家了。 39) Theres no room for doubt about it . 此事无可怀疑。 40) Im in two minds about which to choose . 我决定不了挑选哪个好。 41) Hard to tell . It could be the name of a magazine . 难说

13、。这可能是一份杂志的名称。 42) I find it difficult to reach a conclusion . 我觉得难下结论。 43) I wonder whether I can get the money back . 我不知道我能否把钱取回来。 44) Is that true ? Maybe , Im not sure . 45) Will he come ? Perhaps not . 46) Can you play basketball with me now ? Im afraid not . Ill have to finish my homework firs

14、t . 47) May I borrow your bike ? Certainly . / Sure . 48) Can you dance ? I certainly can . / I sure can . 49) I think hes coming , but Im not quite sure . 50) She is certain to do well in the examination . 交际测试一角 1) Wll the talk last long ? . A. Im afraid it will . B. Yes , the talk lasts . C. No ,

15、 the talk doesnt last D. Not at all . Im sure to 答案选 A 2) Where does she come from ? , but her accent suggests Beijing . A. You can know with your eyes and ears B. She comes from a hospital C. Perhaps she is a Beijinger D. Im not sure 答案选 DUnit 2中的交际要点: Determination , Decision And Insistence (决断和坚持

16、) 在表明自己对事物的判断时,好坏要明确,是非要分明。对就是对,错就是错,决不要含糊其辞。尤其在对方干得比较出色时,要多加鼓励。如:Well done ! Good job ! Quite perfect ! 等。 如果要陈述自己的某些观点时,英语中一般要使用一些较委婉的短语,如:In my opinion (依我看);As I see it (在我看来) ;So far as I know ;Personally speaking (就我个人而言) 等。 在中国的文化背景里,陈述自己的看法、观点之前,常常这样说:依本人之愚见、我谈一点不太成熟的看法、跟大家交换一点肤浅的认识、我发言的目的是抛

17、砖引玉,等。如果直译过去,西方人会大吃一惊,他们认为:既然是“未成熟的”、“肤浅的”,为何不以后再谈,现在不是没必要吗?既然是砖,又何必要抛呢?因此。在跨文化交际中,切忌用词的过分谦虚或委婉。下面是有关如何进行决断和坚持的相关知识: 1、Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 30 句 1) How do you like the exhibition ? 你认为展览怎样 ? 2) What do you think of the conference ? 这次会议开得如何 ? 3) Whats your opinion about the speech contest ? 演讲比赛

18、办得如何? 4) Id like to have your view on this article . 关于这篇文章我倒想听听你的意见。 5) As I see it , the author was very careful . 在我看来,作者是非常细心的。 6) From what I know , it is a practical plan . 就我所知,这是一个很实际的计划。 7) Personally , I dont like it . 就我个人而言,我不太喜欢。 8) Its quite likely that the film will be popular . 很有可能,

19、这部电影会大受欢迎。 9) Its impossible to reach an agreement , I think . 我认为,不可能达成协议。 10) Its not correct to refuse the proposal . 拒绝这一提议是不正确的。 11) I have decided to take live animals . 我决定带些活动物。 12) I insist on taking proper food for this expection . 我坚持认为这次远征要带适当的食物。 13) Have you decided which boat to take

20、? 你已经决定乘坐哪艘船了吗 ? 14) I suggest taking a lot of vinegar . 我建议带些醋。 15) He will be willing to accept it . 他会愿意接受的。 16) Its difficult to decide between the two . 很难在两者之间作一取舍。 17) With so many choices , its hard to decide what to buy . 有这么多的商品可供选购,倒让人拿不定主意买什么。 18) Ive made up my mind to be a doctor when

21、I grow up . 我已决定长大后当医生。 19) Have you made up your mind where to go for your holiday ? 你已经决定到哪里去度假了吗? 20) I insist on him marrying that PLA man . 我坚持认为他和那个军人结婚。 21) I will do it in my own way . 我将按照我自己的方法去做。 22) My father has decided to buy a PC. 我爸爸决定买一台家用电脑。 23) They have decided when to start out

22、. 他们已经决定了出发的时间。 24) I dont think anybody can keep me from marrying Jane . 我认为没有人能阻止我同简结婚。 25) I am fixed on going abroad for my holiday . 我已经决定出国度假 。 26) Nothing can stop me from carrying out my plan . 没有什么能阻止我执行我的计划。 27) I am determined to pay him 100 dollars . 我决心付给他 100 美圆。 28) Weve come to a dec

23、ision that the meeting be put off . 我们已经决定推迟会议的举行时间。 29) As far as I am concerned , the hotels service is very poor . 就我而言,这家旅馆的服务很差。 30) They have settled where to camp . 他们已经决定到哪里去野营。 3、交际测试一角 1) Would you go and see the film this weekend ? . A. No , I dont B. Yes , I think I will C. Yes , I would

24、 D. No , I wouldnt 答案B 2) Why did you get home so late last night ? Because they my staying there for supper . A. stuck B. stopped C. kept D. insisted on 答案DUnit 3 中的交际要点:Prohibition And Warnings (禁止和警告) 禁止和警告通常是在一种紧急的语境中发出的,而且语言要简洁,因此祈使句是常见的表达方式。禁止和警告这一功能有时相当于威胁,但口气强弱有所不同。表示禁止时常用:You mustnt / You c

25、ant 。表示警告时常用和:Take care . / Be careful ! / Look out ! / Watch out ! 等。在接受了别人的警告后要向对方表示感谢。下面是在表达禁止和警告时常接触的言语。 1、Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 30 句 1) No touch ! 请勿触摸展品 ! 2) No Smoking ! 禁止抽烟 ! 3) Look out ! / Take care ! / Mind out ! 小心! 4) Wet Paint ! 油漆未干 , 请勿触摸 ! 5) Stand back , please . 请退后些 ! 6) What

26、ever you do , dont touch the wire ! 你无论如何别碰这电线 ! 7) Mind your own business ! 别管闲事 ! 8) Dont touch it , please . 不要触电 ! 9) Watch out for pickpockets ! 当心扒手 ! 10) Be careful not to make much noise . 当心不要太吵 ! 11) Dont lose your temper . 不要发脾气。 12) Be sure to be on time . 务必准时到。 13) Be sure not to be la

27、te again . 千万不要再迟到。 14) Its important not to touch the machine . 15) Its a safety requirement to wear this . 戴上这个是安全的要求。 16) Dont throw your cigarette out of the window . 千万不能把烟蒂仍在车窗外。 17) Dont tie it to that old branch . 不要把那系在枯树枝上。 18) You mustnt smoke while you are walking around in the bush eith

28、er . 在灌木从中穿行时无比一定不能抽烟。 19) You mustnt touch the machine . 20) If you spit on a bus , youll be fined . 在公共汽车上吐痰是要被罚款的。 21) Youd better not do it . 22) Mind / watch your step ! 当心台阶 !走路小心! 23) If I were you , I should be careful . I wouldnt do that . 24) If you do that again , youll be in trouble . 如果

29、再那样做,你会惹麻烦的。 25) If you dont stop making that noise , I will call the police . 26) Be careful ! Dont break your neck ! 27) Make sure you lock the door when you leave ! 28) Mind you dont step on the broken glass ! 29) Watch out where you are walking , the ground is muddy ! 脚底留神,这地满是泥泞。 30) Mind ! The

30、res a truck coming ! 注意 !有辆卡车过来了 ! 31) The teacher says they mustnt talk during lessons . 32) We mustnt open the oven door before the cake is ready . 蛋糕做好一前不要打开炉门。 33) Look out ! You could fall off the edge here ! 小心! 你会从这边缘掉下的。 34) Take care that you dont drink too much . = Take care not to drink t

31、oo much . 当心别喝多了。 35) Be careful not to hurt her feelings . 36) Be careful with the glasses . 37) Be careful of the dog ; it sometimes bites people . 38) Be careful when crossing the road . 39) Look out for snakes ! 40) Mind your own head ! 小心别碰住头了。3、交际测试一角 1) May I the book for another week ? No ,

32、you . You must return it right now . A. lend ; mustnt B. keep ; cant C. have ; neednt D. borrow ; mustnt 2) when you cross the street . Theres so much traffic . Yes , I will . A. Take care B. Make sure C. Look out D. Be carefulUnit 4 中的交际要点:Taking Meals (就餐) 1、Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 77 句 Finding a

33、 table for dinner 找餐桌 1) Excuse me , Miss , could we have a table over there by the window ? 对不起,小姐,我们可以坐在那儿窗边的桌子吗 ? 2) Have you got a table for two ? 你们有一张两人用餐的桌子吗? 3) A table for four , please . 请安排一张四人用餐的桌子。 4) Can we have the table oer there ? 我们可以坐那边吗 ? 5) I prefer the one in that quiet corner

34、. 我喜欢在安静角落里的那张桌子。 6) Is it possible to have dinner now ? 现在可以就餐了吗? 7) It doesnt seem to matter much . Well take it . 这没多大关系。我们就坐这儿。 8) No , its too close to the door . 不行,这离门太近了。 9) This one is good . Lets take it . 这张桌子不错,就坐这吧。 10) We want to be near the dance floor . 我们希望离舞池近些。 Seating the diner 给

35、就餐者安排座位 1) Could you follow me , please ? 请跟我来。 2) Here is your table . Is it all right ? 3) Im afraid theres no other places free at the moment . 4) Im sorry , sir , the one by the window has been booked by telephone . 5) Theres a table for four over there . Would you like it ? 6) Would you like to

36、 sit over there near the door ? 7) Would you like to take the one in the corner ? 8) You can sit in the bar if you like and well call you when we have a table . 9) You can sit where you like . 10) What about this one ? Asking if the diner is ready to order 询问就餐者是否准备点菜了 1) Are you ready to order , si

37、r ? 您准备好点菜了吗 , 先生 ? 2) Can / May I take your order now ? 现在可以请您点菜了吗 ? 3) Have you decided what youd like ? 您决定吃什么菜了吗 ? 4) Would you like to order now , sir ? 现在您想点菜吗,先生 ? Asking what the diner would like to have 询问就餐者想吃什么 1) And what to follow ? 接下来要什么 ? 2) Anything else ? 别的还要什么 ? 3) And any vegeta

38、bles ? 要点些蔬菜吗 ? 4) Anything to drink ? 5) Do you want anything to start with ? 你想开始先来点什么 ? 6) What soup would you prefer ? 7) Would you care for a dink before you order , sir ? 8) What dishes would you like ? 您要什么菜 ? Finding out what the restaurant has today 了解餐馆今天有什么菜肴 1) Anything cold ? 有冷菜吗 ? 2)

39、Could we see the menu , please ? 请给我看看菜单好吗 3) Lets have a look at the menu first . 4) What do you have today for breakfast ? 5) What else have you got on the menu ? 6) Whats special for tonight ? 今晚有什么特色菜 ? 7) Whats the soup of the day ? 这一天供应什么汤 ? 8) Whats todays special ? 今天的特色菜是什么 ? Oording a mea

40、l 点菜 ? 1) All right . Ill order the same . 行,我也点同样的菜 。 2) And two coffees with cream after that , please . 那以后请来两杯加油咖啡。 3) Bring me two beers , please . 请来两杯啤酒。 4) Coke for me too , please . 5) Get me some chicken salad , please . 请个我来点鸡肉色拉。 6) I dont want to have a full meat . 我不想吃全餐 。 7) I think I

41、 ll have soup to begin with . 8) Id like to try the chicken , please . 9) It sounds good , but Id prefer some seafood today . 10) Let us have seafood for a change . 我们来点海味换换口味吧 。 Asking how the diner would like something 询问就餐者对菜肴有什么要求 1) Do you like your tea strong or weak ? 您喜欢茶浓点还是淡点 ? 2) How do y

42、ou like your coffee ? 你喜欢什么样的咖啡 ? 3) How would you like them prepared / done ? 你喜欢怎么个做法 ? 4) Would you like it rare , medium , or well-done ? 你喜欢做得生一点,中等程度,还是老一点? 5) You want it now or after dinner ? Expressing hospitality 表示殷勤款待 1) Another piece of fried steak ? 再来一块炸牛排好吗 ? 2) Do have some more , t

43、heres plenty left . 3) Eat a little fish , please . 4) Have some and Im sure youll like it . 5) Help yourself to anything you like . 6) Here , have another one . 7) Let me get you some more wine . 让我来再给你斟点酒。 8) Wont you have some more ? Responding to hospitality 对殷勤款待的应答 1) All right , but only a sm

44、all piece . 好的, 不过只要一小块 。 2) I dont feel like any , thanks . 我不想吃,谢谢。 3) I dont think I could eat another bite . 我想我一口也再吃不下了。 4) I will have another glass if you insist . 如果你一定要我喝,我就再喝一杯。 5) I will trouble you for a little . 那就麻烦你给我一点儿。 6) I am quite full . / Ive had more than enough . / Ive had too

45、 much already . / No , thanks . I just couldnt eat any more . / No , thanks . I dont drink any wine . / No , thanks . I m getting full . 谢谢,我吃饱了。 7) No , thanks . I m on a diet . 不,谢谢。我在节食。 8) Yes , please , just a little . Paying the bill 付帐 1) Can I have the bill , please ? 请把帐单给我好吗 ? 2) Give me the bill , please . 请把帐单给我。 3) Its my treat this time . Ill pay . 今天我请客,我来付帐。 4) Let me pay this time . You can pay next time .


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