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1、人教七年级英语下册知识整合与知识点精讲Unit2SectionA人教版七年级英语下册知识整合与知识点精讲Unit2 Section A 知识清单 核心词汇:你能拼写出下列单词吗? 11.从不 12.早的 13.五十 14.工作,职业 15.工作16.电视台,车站17.点钟 18. 晚上 19.组,群 词汇专项练习 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词: 1.Rick b_ his t_every morning. 2.Im very lazy.I n_get up so e_- . 3. -W _does Scott u_get dressed? - He get dressed at seven o

2、 . 4.Mingming is an honest boy.He is n_late for school. 5.Mr. Wang often tell jokesfor us.Hes a f man. (2)必背词组:你能写出下列词组吗? 1.起床 2.穿上衣服 3.洗澡 4.广播电台 5.在周末 6.从.到. 7.在夜里 8.上班 9.因.而迟到 10.在上学期间 词组专项练习 I.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Susan _-(have) a happy family. 2.Jill is good at _(speak)English. 3.-What time _John usua

3、lly _up? -He usually _up at seven thirty(get) . 4.My friend get_(dress) very early in the morning. 5.Tony_(brush) his_(tooth) every day. II.翻译句子。 1.-What time does Ann_ every day? A.go to work B.goes to work C.go work D.go to the work 2.-Li Mei is a good student.She is never late_class. A. at B.for

4、C.on D.in (3)重点句型. 1.-What time do you usually get up? -I usually get up at six thirty. 2.-When does Scott go to work ? -He always goes to work at eleven oclock. 3.Thats a funny time for breakfast. 4.Im never late for work. 专项练习 1.Fang Ming gets up at seven oclock . (就划线部分提问) _ _Fang Ming _ up? 2.Wh

5、en does Anna usually exercise? _ _ does Anna usually _ sports? 3.翻译下面的句子。 -动物世界在几点?-从晚上的10:00到11:00. -_ _ is Animal World? -_ 10:00 _11:00 _ night. 1.介词的用法: 本单元出现了很多介词,大家要注意它们的搭配与用法。如:at six forty,at a station,from twelve oclock to six oclock,at night,in the morning,for breakfast,after that,be late

6、for,on weekends,on school days等。 1)at表示时间的用法 at 常用来表达具体的时刻,辨析when与what time。 when与what time都对时间提问,what time针对具体的时刻提问,而when既可以对具体时间提问,也可以对笼统的时间提问。在对具体时刻提问时可通用。 eg. -When(What time)do you usually go to school? -At about seven thirty. 考点举例: 1.- _does Lingling usually take a shower? -At night. A.What ti

7、me B.How C.Where D.When 2.When do you usually eat breakfsat?(改为同义句) _ _ do you usually _ breakfast ? 3.辨析work与job。 work “工作”,不及物动词。 eg. My father works in a factory. “工作”,名词。抽象意义上的工作,常指繁重的体力劳动,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 eg.His work is hard,but he likes his work. job “工作,职业”,表示具体的职业,常指脑力劳动者的工作,是可数名词,有复数形式变化jobs。

8、 eg.Whats your job?Im a teacher. My sister find a new in town and he very hard. 语法精讲:时刻表达法 时刻表达:时刻表达有两种方法。 1)顺读法:直接用基数词来表示,小时在前,分钟在后。小时+分钟。 eg. 6:30 six thirty 11:46 eleven forty-six 2)逆读法:先读小时,再读分钟,中间要加上介词past或to.分钟+past/to+小时。 a)当分钟小于或等于30分,用past。 eg. 7:20 twenty past seven 5:13 thirteen past five

9、 b) 当分钟大于30分时,要用to。 eg. 9:48 twelve to ten 9:53 seven to ten 3)整点表达法:用基数词+oclock来表示,基数词+oclock eg. 8:00 eight oclock 19:00 nineteen oclock 4)特殊时刻法: a)几点半”:half past . 9:30 b)几点十五”:a quarter past. 11:15 c)几点四十五”:a quarter to +下一点 13:45 注意:1)在几点几分前面要用介词at. 2)对时刻提问可以用when或what time. 阅兵场 1.你能用顺读法和逆读法读出下

10、列时刻吗? 7:15 8:26 9:30 10:37 11:45 12:59 20:00 1:58 2. 6:45读作 . A.a quarter to six B. a quarter past six C. a quarter to seven 阅兵场 3. I usually get dressed _seven thirty. A.at B. on C. for D.in 4.Mr.Zhang often goes to work at six forty. _ _ does Mr. Zhang _ to work? 语法精讲:频度副词与一般现在时 频度副词: 表示“多久一次”,是一种

11、表示频繁程度的副词,通常放在句子的中间,也可以放在句子的开头或末尾。较常见的频度副词有:always-usually-often-sometimes-never Mark is always busy on Sunday. I sometimes go to school late. They cant always do right. 语法精讲:频度副词与一般现在时 频度副词经常与一般现在时连用,使用动词原形或动词的三单形式。 I always have breakfast at home. He sometimes goes to school on foot. 考点举例: -Alice

12、is_ late for school.-Yes,she is so hard-working. A. always B.sometimes C.never D.often 频度副词专项练习 2.句型转换。 1).Maria always plays volleyball after school. Maria_ _ volleyball after school. 2).He usually plays computer game after he finishes his homework._ _ he usually _ after he finishes his homework? 频度副词专项练习 1.单项选择。 1.He sometimes the violin for fun. A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing 2.- _-does Bill exercise? -He usually in the morning. A.How,runs B.When,run C.What time,run D.When,runs


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