人教九年级英语Unit 教案.docx

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1、人教九年级英语Unit 教案 教案 Unit 3Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 东城区邓庄中学 杨笑丽 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 1.Language goals: A. Key words and phrases: allow, pierce, license, silly, earring, instead of, drive, drivers license, B. Target language: I t

2、hink students should be allowed to do homework with friends. I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework. Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes? Yes, I do./No, I dont. 2. Ability goals: Students can learn to talk about what they are allowed to do. They also

3、 learn to agree and disagree. I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Learn to talk about what they are allowed to do ; agree and disagree. Scene teaching, activities teaching, task-based teaching method and so on. A tape recorder, a little bla

4、ckboard, pictures, CAI and so on. Warm-up: 1、show some pictures about a few activities, go out at night, surf the Internet, play basketball, drive a car, have part-time jobs. What do you usually do after school? Can you surf the Internet at home after school? 2、Let students talk about what he/she ca

5、n do or what he/she cant do at home and show “can do” /”cant do”. can do cant do play basketball surf the Internet Presentation: 1、Introduce the new structure: be allowed to do Cross out the headings and write these headings in their place: “is allowed to” and” isnt allowed to”. Say each sentence fi

6、rst with “can do “or “cant do”, then withSection A“ is allowed to” or “isnt allowed to”, and ask students to repeat each one. is allowed to isnt allowed to play basketball surf the Internet S: Mike can play basketball at home, that means he is allowed to play basketball at home Let the students prac

7、tice with all items on the lists. 2、Read the instructions in1a to the class. Say: all the sentences are things students are or are not allowed to do. Then read each item to the class. Ask students to explain what each sentence means in their own words: When students have explained all the items, ask

8、 students to circle A for agree or D for disagree for each item. Raise your hand if you circled A. Write the total of As and Ds for each item and discuss the results with the class. 3、Read the instructions in1b to the class. Say: you will hear a conversation between Anna and her mother. They dont ag

9、ree about everything. Play the recording two times, and then check the answers: 4、Use the statements in 1a to make conversations like this: A: I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. B: I agree, they arent serious enough. 5、Point to the picture of 2a and ask students to say someth

10、ing about it. What is the boy doing? What are the girls doing? Read the instructions and point to the sentences. Ask a student to do it. Then point to the list of responses: Agree, Disagrees, and Doesnt know. Youll hear two girls having a conversation. Kathy will make some statements. Listen to what

11、 Kathy says and see if Molly agrees, disagrees, or doesnt know what she thinks. Play the recording and then check the answers. 6、Read the instructions in 2b and point to the list of reasons from the conversation. Ask different students to read the sentences to the class. Say: you will hear the same

12、recording again. This time please number these reasons in the order you hear them on the recording. Point the sample answer. Say: Young people need to sleep is the first reason you will hear on the recording. Play the recording and then check the answers. 7、Read the instructions in 2c to the class.

13、Point to the sample conversation in the box. Ask two students to read it to the class. For example: A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to get their ears pierced? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Consolidation and extension: Say: you can look back at activities 1a and 2a to get ideas for your lis

14、t. Ask students for suggestions for their lists and write some of their statements on the board. For example: go out at night, have part-time jobs, smoke, surf the Internet, play basketball, get their ears pierced, drive, watch TV Next give students five minutes to make their own lists. Then ask stu

15、dents to work in pairs and discuss their lists. Ask one or two pairs to present their conversations to the class. Homework: 1、Review grammar focus. 2、List some other things about what they can do or cant do using the structure “be allowed to” Blackboard Design: Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to

16、choose their own clothes. Section A He is allowed to play basketball at home. He isnt allowed to surf the Internet. Teenagers should be allowed to get their ears pierced. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to work on school nights. be ( not ) allowed to do should ( not ) be allowed to do get something done / have something done not calm enough instead of


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