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1、仁爱九年级英语U3T3导学案新安县铁门二中九年级英语导学案 课题:U3T3SACould you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 课型:新授课 主备人: 审核:九年级英语组 一、 教学目标: 1、掌握dare, at times, grammar, copy, notebook, keep a diary, pardon, 2、学习“特殊疑问词+to”结构 二、教学重点:目标二 三、教学难点:dare的用法 四、教学过程: 交流预习 1.看见你回来_2.旅途愉快_ 3.使你自己被听得懂_4.遇到麻烦_ 5说得太快_6许多不同的

2、口音_ 7和某人进行长的对话_8.更努力的学英语_ 9.同意你的意见_ 10不敢做某事_ 11感觉瞌睡_12 .口头英语_ 13害怕某事 _14.期末考试_ 15.整个一星期_16取得一些进步_ 17.向某人求助_ 自学指导: 1.I know oral English is very important, but I dare not speak English in public. 点拨:oral English = spoken English - 英语口语 点拨:dare 1)情态动词“敢于”- 否定形式:dare not ; 疑问形式:Dare 提到主语前 2)实义动词“敢于”- d

3、are to do sth. 2. And I always feel sleepy in English classes . 思考:sleepy_ (词性) _(词意) 3.Ive worked hard at it for a whole week, but it seems that I havent made any progress. 点拨: work hard at sth. 努力学习 It seems that + 从句 = sb. / sth. seems to do sth. 似乎,好像 4.I dont know what to do. 点拨: what to do是“疑问

4、词+不定式”结构,在句中作_语 链接:疑问词+不定式结构在句中还可以作主语,宾语,表语等。 5. At times I feel like giving up. 点拨:at times = sometimes-有时 拓展:sometime-_ all the time-_ in time-_ feel like doing sth. - 想要做某事 同义表达法:want _ _ sth. ; would like_ _ sth. give up - 放弃(动词+副词结构) 用法:give sth.up-放弃某事 give up doing sth 确定目标 找出自学导读中含有“特殊疑问词+to

5、动词不定式”的句子,说出它在句子中的成分 分组合作 完成课本的1b和2部分 展示提升 1.Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 2.dare not do sth. 3.Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A.? 4.at times=sometimes 5.I dont know what to do. 6.feel like 7.keep a diary 8. I dont know how to say/spell that in English. 穿

6、插巩固 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 1. -Where is your mother?-She_ _ _Beijing. 2. -Ill go to Mikes birthday party this evening. -_ _. 3. -Sometimes _ _is more useful than _ _. -I _ _you. 达标检测 1.I cant decide where I shall find a pen pal. = I cant decide _ _ _ a pen pal. 2. She didnt know what she would say. = She

7、didnt know _ _ _. 3. I dont know how I can get to the park.= I dont know _ _ _ _the park. 五、作业布置: 同步练习册一、四 六、教学反思 新安县铁门二中九年级英语导学案 课题:U3T3SBCould you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 课型:新授课 主备人:孔金凤 审核:九年级英语组 一、 教学目标: 1 掌握be weak in, aloud, ability, make mistakes, take a breath, tooth

8、past 2 掌握wh- + to do: Could you please tell me how to improve my reading ability? 二、教学重点 1.Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 2.How to improve it was my biggest problem. 三、学习难点:wh- + to do: how to do /what to do/ where to. 四、教学过程 交流预习 1.给我们一些建议_ 2某方面差_ 3.我最大的问题_4.在几张纸上_ 5.提高

9、我的阅读能力_6.做更多的阅读_ . 7猜新单词的意思_8.掌握文章的中心思想_ 9.在课堂上回答问题_ 10.犯错误_ 11考虑_ 12.深呼吸_ 13.试一下_ 自学指导: 1.Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 点拨:give sb. some advice on/about 给某人一些有关的建议 2.Two years ago, I was also weak in English. 点拨:be weak in - 不擅长;在方面薄弱 . 3. I dare not answer questions i

10、n class, because Im afraid of making mistakes. 点拨:be afraid of sth./doing sth.- 害怕某事/做某事 链接: be afraid to do sth. - (因害怕)不敢去做某事 点拨: mistake-错误(名词) - make mistakes - 犯错误 拓展:mistake - 犯错误(动词)_(过去式/分词) 链接:by mistake - 错误地,无意地 - do sth. by mistake_; mistake A for B_ 4.Think about your answer, take a dee

11、p breath and smile, and then answer the question. Smiling is always helpful. 点拨:take a deep breath 深呼吸 对比:呼吸(动词)_ ; (名词)_链接:out of breath -上气不接下气 5.I wonder when is the best time to remember words. 点拨:wonder - 想知道;对感到奇怪;对感到疑惑(动词), 后可跟从句 拓展:wonder -奇观,奇迹(名词) (三)、展示提升 1.Could you give us some advice o

12、n how to learn English well? 2.be weak in 3.Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 4.make mistakes 5.How to improve it was my biggest problem. 6.take a breath 7.wh- + to do 、自我检测 ( )1.This physics problem is too difficult. Can you show me _, Wang Li? Sure. A.what to work it out

13、C.how to work it out B.what to work out it D.how to work out it ( )2.It is important _ the piano well. A.of him to play B.for him to play D.for him to playing C.of him playing ( )3.Sorry, I cant follow you. I beg your pardon? _ A.You are welcome. B.Thats all right . C.Not at all. D.No problem. ( )4.

14、The old farmer felt like _ a big house very much. A.to ge t B.get C.getting D.got ( )5.She _ walk at night. How brave she is! A.dare to B.dares to C.dare not D.doesnt dare to ( )6.I will go to my doctor for _ on healthy diet (饮食). A.an advice B.some advices C.any advice D.some pieces of advice ( )7.

15、Its my honor _ to give a talk here. A.to invite B.to be invited C.inviting D.invite 五、作业布置 同步练习册一、三 六、教学反思 新安县铁门二中九年级英语导学案 课题:U3T3SCCould you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 课型:新授课 主备人:孔金凤 审核:九年级英语组 一、 教学目标: 1.掌握discussion, review, retell, method, as long as, stick to (doing) sth.,

16、 chant, whom, wise等单词, 2.掌握一些学习英语的方法和句子 二、教学重难点 英语学习的策略和方法 三、教学难点 Im sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them. 四、教学过程 、交流预习 1.related to _ 2.举行班会_ 3.汇报他们讨论的结果_ 4.和某人分享某物_ 5.预习一天的功课_ 6.课前_ 7.课后_8.记笔记 9.建议某人做某事_ 10.更喜欢看英语电影 11.尽可能经常_ 12.suit you best_ 13.只要_14.坚持_ 、确定目标 1.Im

17、 very glad to share our groups opinions with you. 点拨:share - 分享,分担 用法:share sth. with sb. - 和某人分享某物 点拨:opinion -意见,看法,主张,见解(名词) 链接:in ones opinion - 依某人的看法 In my opinion, she is the best in our class. 2.Its an honor to talk with all of you here. 点拨: Its an honor to do sth.-做某事感到很荣幸。 3.But remember t

18、o choose the ones that suits you best. 点拨:ones 代词,代替上文的good methods; that suits you best - 定语从句,修饰前面的ones. 4.Im sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them. 点拨:as long as -只要,引导条件状语从句(主将从现) 5.Believing in your self is the first step on the road to success. 点拨:believe in 信任某人或

19、信仰宗教 (三)、展示提升 1.Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 2.share with 3. Its an honor to talk with all of you here. 4.as long as 5.stick to (doing) sth. 6.Im sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them. 、巩固提升 ( )1.This physics problem is too difficult. Can

20、you show me _, Wang Li? Sure. A.what to work it out C.how to work it out A.of him to play C.of him playing _ A.You are welcome. C.Not at all. A.to get A.dare to B.get B.dares to B.Thats all right. D.No problem. C.getting C.dare not D.got D.doesnt dare to B.what to work out it D.how to work out it B.

21、for him to play D.for him to playing ( )2.It is important _ the piano well. ( )3.Sorry, I cant follow you. I beg your pardon? ( )4.The old farmer felt like _ a big house very much. ( )5.She _ walk at night. How brave she is! ( )6. Would you like to share your study experience _ me? Sure, Id love to.

22、 A.of A.to invite A.as soon as A.review, preview A.will tell B.with B.to be invited B.as long as B.preview, review B.telling C.to C.inviting C.as fast as D.for D.invite D.as short as ( )7.Its my honor _ to give a talk here. ( )8. Youll make progress_you study hard. ( )9.If you want to learn English

23、well, its useful to _ before class and _ after class. C.review, to preview D.preview, to review C.tell D.to tell ( )10. I have no idea when_her the bad news. 五、作业布置 同步练习册一、三 六、教学反思 新安县铁门二中九年级英语导学案 课题:U3T3SDCould you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 课型:新授课 主备人:孔金凤 审核:九年级英语组 一、 教学目标:

24、1. 掌握complete, last but not least, keep on, text 2 复习Wh- + to do.的用法 二、教学重点 复习目标二 三、教学难点 掌握本话题的功能句 四、教学过程 、自主预习 1.起初_ 2.和同学说话_ 3.不敢做某事_ 4.嘲笑某人_ 5.在课堂上说英语_ 6.造完整的句子 _ 7.喜欢做某事_ 8.的秘密 _ 9.做许多听力练习 _10.记许多语法笔记 _ 11.为了提高我的写作_ 12.坚持做某事_13.制作词汇笔记本_ 14.大声读课文 _ 15.我所需要提高的 _ 、确定目标 1. I have come to realize tha

25、t it doesnt matter if I dont understand every word. 点拨:come to - 渐渐地,慢慢地 拓展: come to ones life - 逐渐苏醒 come to a stop - 慢慢停下来 2.Last but not least, I keep on trying and never give up. 点拨: last but not least -最后但同样重要的是 点拨:keep on doing sth. - 坚持/继续做某事,反复做某事(强调动作持之以恒) 辨析: keep doing sth. - 一直做某事(强调一种活动

26、的持续不间断) keep sb. doing sth. - 使某人一直做某事 、巩固提升 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.The story is t_ from Chinese into English. 2.The plans have been under d_. 3.He began to feel s_ at night and then had a good dream. 4.I usually use a notebook to keep a d _ . 5.Please speak a _so that I can hear you clearly. 根据句意及汉语提示完成

27、句子。 6.They _ _ _(坚持弹奏) the music late yesterday night. 7.Please _ _ _ _(深呼吸) and relax yourself before you give a speech in class. 8.We can learn from _ _(犯错误). 9. _ _ _ you study hard, you can pass the exam. 10.In order to practice grammar, I _ _ _(记日记). 根据短文内容,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 practice, difficult, co

28、rrect, write, learn, think, easy I fell in love with English at a very young age, because I 11 it was a wonderful language. Full of strong wishes of 12 English, I began to learn it. But soon I found it 13 than expected. There were too many words, expressions and many other things to memorize (记忆). A

29、nd even if you know how 14 them, you cant use them 15 . And I did rather badly in my first English test. While I was in trouble, my English teacher gave me much help. I wish to practice speaking English with foreigners every day! 11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._ 五、作业布置 ( )1.Can I borrow the second science b

30、ook from you? Sure, you return the first one to me next week. A.as soon as B.as long as C.as well as D.as for as ( )2.Do you know where Tom is? Yes. He _ his hometown. A.went to B.goes to C.has gone to D.has been to ( )3.There are many kinds of bikes here. She cant decide _. A.where to buy B.which t

31、o buy C.how to go there D.when to go there ( )4._ you do, I will be on your side. A.Whenever B.Whatever C.However D.Wherever ( )5.Mike will go abroad tomorrow. I am going to _ at the airport. A.sent him off B.saw him off C.see off D.see him off ( )6.Zhang Lili is very brave and she “The most beautif

32、ul teacher”. A.is called B.calls C.are called D.is calling ( )7.Although we have learned English for 3 years, we still have trouble _ the new words. A.learn B.to learn C.learning D.of learning ( )8.A cellphone _ a camera by most young people in China. A.is used by B.used for C.is used as D.is used to ( )9.In the past, the child laborers _ do a lot of hard work. A.forced B.forced to C.was forced to D.were forced to ( )10.Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of good news. I _ America tomorrow. Wow, have a good trip! A.will leave to B.leaves for C.am leaving for D.going leaving for


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