仁爱英语七年级上册 Unit Topic习题及答案.docx

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1、仁爱英语七年级上册 Unit Topic习题及答案仁爱版英语七年级上册 Unit 2 Topic 3 (满分100分 时间90分钟) 题号 得分 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 总分 第一部分 听力(20分) .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分) A. B. C. D. E. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ .听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(5分) ( )6. Are Mikes eyes small? A. No, they are big. B. They are small. C. Yes, they are. ( )7. Whose black sh

2、oes are these? A. They are Jims. B. They are Peters. C. They are theirs. ( )8. Who is Lucy? A. She has a round face and a small mouth. B. His teacher. C. The boys classmate. ( )9. Whose clothes are new? A. The mans. B. The womans. C. Hers. ( )10. What color is Toms hair? A. Its black. B. Its blond.

3、C. Its brown. .听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(5分) ( )11. A. Its Peters. B. Its Amys. C. Its Anns. ( )12. A. Yes, she does. B. Hers is white. C. Sorry, I dont know. ( )13. A. Brown. B. Black. C. Blue. ( )14. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Its hers. ( )15. A. I dont know. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it

4、isnt. .听短文,填入所缺单词,每空一词。短文读三遍。(5分) The boy is from Japan. He has big eyes and a 16 nose. He is 17 and 18 yellow hair. He is in a 19 coat and black 20 . Please help his mom to find him. 16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _ 第二部分 基础知识运用(55分) .单项选择。(10分) ( )1. Is the girl in red Jims sister? 1 _ A. Yes, she is.

5、 B. Lucys. C. No, Jims sister. D. Yes, Lucys. ( )2. These are my pants. His _ yellow. A. is B. am C. are D. / ( )3. Does Mary know _? Yes, she knows _. A. yours; me B. your; us C. you; us D. yours; us ( )4. Whose cap is this? I _ its Li Mings. A. think B. help C. find D. welcome ( )5. _ apples are t

6、hose? They are mine. A. What B. Who C. Whose D. These ( )6. Is this coat yours? No, my coat is white and blue. This _ is blue. Its Lilys. A. coat B. one C. color D. clothes ( )7. Are the black shoes _? No. Its _. A. Tom; her B. Toms; her C. Tom; hers D. Toms; hers ( )8. My dress _ blue _ yours. I li

7、ke (喜欢) its (它的) color, but it is too short. A. are; like B. is; looks C. is; like D. am; looks like ( )9. Ill help you find him, Mary. _ A. Not, it doesnt. B. Thats right. C. Thank you. D. Youre welcome. ( )10. Please help Jack _ his bike. Its missing(不见了). A. finds B. gives C. find D. give .情景交际。(

8、5分) 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。 A: Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Tony? B: No. 11 Mine is here. 12 A: Hi, Steve. C: What? A: 13 C: No, my jacket is blue. Its Johns. 14 A: Please give it to him. C: 15 A. OK. B. I think its Steves. C. Johns is green. D. Is this jacket yours? E. Its not mine. F. Thank y

9、ou. G. Goodbye. .完形填空。(10分) 2 Liu Mei is a nice girl. She is twelve 16 old. She is tall and 17 long black hair. 18 eyes are big. She 19 a wide mouth. She is in blue clothes. She likes this 20 . Now guess, whose skirt is blue? Yes, you are right. The skirt is 21 . Liu Meis mom is a teacher. She is ta

10、ll and 22 . She 23 white. She 24 a new car. Do you know its (它的) color? Yes. It is 25 . It is very nice. ( )16. A. very B. years C. too D. year ( )17. A. are B. is C. has D. have ( )18. A. Her B. She C. He D. His ( )19. A. is B. looks C. have D. has ( )20. A. student B. teacher C. color D. dress ( )

11、21. A. their B. hers C. her D. his ( )22. A. strong B. short C. round D. wide ( )23. A. likes B. thinks C. finds D. guesses ( )24. A. have B. has C. is D. / ( )25. A. red B. black C. yellow D. white .阅读理解。(30分) (A) This is Lucy and this is Lily. They are sisters. They are eleven. This is their bedro

12、om(卧室). Its nice. The green bed(床) is Lilys and the blue one is Lucys. They have two desks. Lucys is yellow, but Lilys is red. Look! Here is a photo. The girl in purple is Lucy and the one in white is Lily. Their bags are on the bed. Lucys is small, but Lilys is big. They have the same color. 根据短文内容

13、,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )26. Lucy and Lily arent sisters. ( )27. Lilys bed is green. ( )28. Their desks colors are the same. ( )29. Their bags colors are the same. ( )30. Lucys coat is white and Lilys is purple. (B) My name is Bill. Im an English boy. Im in No.8 High School. Sam is my good friend. He is thir

14、teen. Im thirteen, too. But we are in different looks. Miss Zhang is my English teacher, and shes Sam s English teacher, too. We dont know her age(年龄). But she looks young. Look at this photo. It is white and black. It is mine. ( )31. Bill is _. A. eight B. four C. thirteen D. fourteen ( )32. Sams g

15、ood friend is _. A. Miss Zhang B. Bill C. a teacher D. an English girl ( )33. The two boys are _. A. in the same class B. in the same looks C. in different looks D. in different schools ( )34. Miss Zhang is _. A. Bills good friend B. Sams mom C. old D. young ( )35. What color is this photo? _ 3 A. W

16、hite. B. Black. C. A and B. D. I dont know. (C) Hello, boys and girls. Please look at me. I am a robot(机器人). My name is Lucy. This is my head. Its big and round. I have two eyes, and they are very big. I have three hands and two legs. This is my friend. Its a robot, too. Her name is Lily. We look di

17、fferent. Her head is small and square(方形的). She has one eye, and it s small. She has two hands and three legs. Do you like us? 根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。 36. Whose head is big and round? _ 37. Does Lucy have two hands, three legs and two eyes? _ 38. Is Lilys eye small? _ 39. Do their heads look the same? _ 40.

18、 Do you like Lily? Please draw a picture of her.(请把她画出来) 第三部分 写作(25分) .词汇。(10分) A. 根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5分) 1. This bike is mine. That one is my sisters. Our bikes are d_. 2. What c_ is your cap? Blue. 3. Please h_ him find his classmate. 4. What does he l_ like? Hes tall and strong. 5. Are those girls c_?

19、 Yes, they are. They are nice. B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 6. Whose dress is this? Its _ (I). 7. This bike isnt Marys. _ (she) is over there (在那边). 8. Are those _ (you) apples? 9. These are our oranges. Those are _ (their). 10. Mr. Gao is _ (he) teacher. .连词成句。(5分) 请将下列词语组成完整的句子, 注意字母大小写。 4 11. like, what,

20、Jim, does, look _ 12. tall, she, is, _ 13. old, his, thirteen, sister, years, is _ 14. does, he, have, hair, brown _ 15. color, is, what, coat, your _ .书面表达。(10分) 请用英语介绍一下你母亲的体貌, 爱好的颜色, 服饰等。50字左右。 _ 5 听 力 材 料 Unit 2Topic 3 .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。 1. The new bag is mine. 2. Whose bananas are these? 3. T

21、he girl in a red coat is my classmate. 4. Its not a coat, its a jacket. 5. The bike is Mikes. .听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。 6. W: Are Mikes eyes big? M: No, his eyes are small. 7. W: Are these black shoes yours, Jim? M: Yes, they are mine. And those blue shoes are Peters. 8. M: Please help me find my classma

22、te. She is Lucy. W: OK. 9. M: My clothes are new. Are yours new, too? W: No, mine are old. 10. W: Is Toms hair black? M: No, its brown. .听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。 11. W: Peter, the pen is new. Is it yours? M: No, its not mine. Its Amys. Q: Whose pen is it? 12. W: Is Lucys dress purple? M: No, hers i

23、s white like Lilys. Q: Does Lily have white dress? 13. M: You are nice in the blue skirt. W: Thank you. Its my favorite. Q: What color is the skirt? 14. M: Are these your bananas? W: Yes. But the apples arent mine. Q: Does the woman have apples? 15. W: Whose bag is it? M: I dont know. Do you know, M

24、aria? W: Its Mikes. Q: Is the bag Marias? .听短文,填入所缺单词,每空一词。短文读三遍。 The boy is from Japan. He has big eyes and a small nose. He is short and has yellow hair. He is in a white coat and black pants. Please help his mom to find him. 6 参考答案及解析 Unit 2Topic 3 第一部分 听力 .1. C 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. B .6. C 7. A 8.

25、C 9. A 10. C .11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C .16. small 17. short 18. has 19. white 20. pants 第二部分 基础知识运用 .1. A 本题是考查人名+s构成的名词所有格在一般疑问句中的用法。Jims sister是指Jim的妹妹,是第三人称单数,虽然此句中有介词短语in red“穿着红色衣服”使句子略显复杂,但理解了整个句子的意思,便知其也是用一般疑问句的肯定Yes, she is. 或否定No, she isnt. 回答,所以应选A。 2. C his在这里是名词性物主代词, 其后面不跟名词但相当于“形容

26、词性物主代词+名词”即表示的是his pants,是复数,故选C。 3. C 本题主要考查第一人称和第二人称的宾格形式。因为不管you是第二人称单数还是复数其宾格都是you;I的宾格为me;we的宾格为us。由句意可知问“Mary认识你/你们吗?”则答语应为“是的,她认识我/我们”,因此选C。 4. A 本题考查词义的掌握。think“认为,考虑,想”; help“帮助”; find“发现”; welcome“欢迎”,由句意可知应选C。 5. C 根据答语可知是问“那些是谁的苹果?”对物品的主人提问可用疑问词whose,故选C。 6. B one在这里代指coat, 避免重复,故选B。 7.

27、D 前一空要用名词所有格, 后一空要用名词性物主代词, 故选D。 8. C 本题主要考查like的介词用法be动词的用法。根据句意可知我的裙子是蓝色的和你的一样。我喜欢它的颜色,但它太短了。因为look是动词表示看,look like是固定搭配表示看起来像,所以排除B、D。又因My dress是第三人称单数,be动词应用is,故排除A选C。 9. C 在英语国家, 当别人给你提供帮助时, 要说谢谢。上句意义:我会帮助你找到他,是提供帮助,应选C。 10. C 由句意可知本题要填“找, 找到”的词, help后面要用to+动词原形, 通常to可以省掉, 故选C。 .11. E 12. B 13.

28、 D 14. C 15. A .16. B year(s) old表示年龄, 当年龄超过一岁, year就要用复数, 故选B。 17. C and是连词,连接两个并列结构,由句意可知long black hair的主语也是she,即她有长长的黑发。此处应为have“有”的单数形式has,故选C。 18. A 由短文内容可知Liu Mei是女孩, 而且此空后有名词需用形容词性物主代词, 故选A。 19. D 据句意可知此句是说她有一张大嘴巴, 所以用have。因主语she是第三人称单数, have变has, 故选D。 7 20. C 由本句所提供的信息可知,此句是说“她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色”,故选

29、C。 21. B 由上文语境可知Liu Mei最喜欢蓝色, 所以这件蓝裙是“她的”, 空后无名词, 应用名词性物主代词,故选B。 22. A C、D两选项不能用来形容人的身材, B和前面的tall相矛盾, 故选A。 23. A 由上下文语境可知,此处应是她喜欢白色,其他选项不合题意,故选A。 24. B 根据句意,“她有一辆新车”可知应选have或has,又因she是第三人称单数,故选B。 25. D 由文中She likes white. 可知,此项应选D。 .(A) 26. F 27. T 28. F 29. T 30. F (B) 31. C Sam是13岁, 而Bill和他同岁,故选C

30、。 32. B 由Sam is my good friend.可知Sam和Bill是好朋友,故选B。 33. C 由But we are in different looks可知选C。 34. D 由. she looks very young可知选D。 35. C 由Look at this photo. It is white and black.可知选C。 (C) 36. Lucys head is big and round. 37. No, she doesnt. 38. Yes, it is. 39. No, they dont. 40. 略。 第三部分 写作 .A. 1. dif

31、ferent 2. color 3. help 4. look 5. clothes/coats B. 6. mine 7. Hers 8. your 9. theirs 10. his .11. What does Jim look like? 12. She is tall.或Is she tall? 13. His sister is thirteen years old.或Is his sister thirteen years old? 14. Does he have brown hair? 15. What color is your coat? .参考范文: Hello, girls and boys. This is my mom. She is a teacher. She is tall. She has a long face, big eyes and a wide mouth. Blue is her favorite color. Now she is in a blue coat. 8


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