仁爱英语年级上册导学学案Review of Units.docx

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《仁爱英语年级上册导学学案Review of Units.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《仁爱英语年级上册导学学案Review of Units.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、仁爱英语年级上册导学学案Review of Units仁爱英语八年级上册导学学案 Review of Units 1-2 一、 学习目标 Aims and demands 1、Learn some new words and phrases in review of units 1-2; 2、Do some exercises and master the important sentences. 二、 重点难点 Key points 1、 复习字母的发音规则; 2、 训练学生词汇分类能力; 3、 复习反身代词; 4、 复习情态动词的用法; 5、 复习时态:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时和

2、一般将来时; 6、 训练学生听特定信息并进行信息的转化; 7、 完成文章,训练学生对主题句的把握; 8、 读文章,回答后面的问题,培养阅读理解的能力; 9、 完成请假条,并独立完成给老师写请假条的写作任务; 10.对比图片写文章,复习健康生活和提建议的表达,训练学生的综合语言运用能力。 三、 学法指导 How to study 1、独立完成Review of Units 1-2,并对语言点、难点做出标记; 2、学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。 四、 自主预习 按要求,独立完成P51-54练习题。 1、 画出每组中红色字母部分发音不同的单词,复习字母的发音规则。 2、 全出每组中不属于该组的单词

3、。 3、 用反身代词完成句子。 4、 观察图片用情态动词的正确形式填空。 5、 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。 6、 听对话完成短文。 7、 从方框中选择正确的句子完成文章。 8、 读文章,回答后面的问题。 9、 用方框中所给词或短语的正确形式完成请假条,并独立完成给老师写请假条的写作任务。 10、观察图片,对比图中两个男孩的生活方式写一篇文章,复习健康生活和提建议的表达。 五、 知识链接 Hot links 1. 字母组合oo的发音规则: 字母组合oo发短音/u/的单词有:classroom(教室),bedroom(卧室),good(好),foot(脚),stood (understood

4、),wood,wool(羊毛),book(书),look(看), took, cook。 口诀记忆:教室、卧室、好、脚、站在木毛上,遇到老K发短音。 特别要注意room和classroom中字母组合oo的发音区别,我们可以记忆为长词发短音,即classroom /u/, 短词发长音room /u:/。 字母组合oo发长音u:的单词有:too(太;也),zoo(动物园),room(房间),choose,loose ,roof(屋顶),school(学校),soon(不久),goose(鹅),boot(靴子),tooth(牙齿)等。 在字母l和d之间的字母组合oo发音素的音。如:blood(血),

5、flood(洪水)等. 2、复习以下反身代词短语: (1)enjoy oneself = _ =_ “_” (2) teach oneself sth.=_ “_” “教某人学习.”_ teach sb. (how) to do sth. “_” learn sth. “_” learn (how) to do sth. “_” I have to teach myself to use the computer.单选 ( )1. Do you teach _ at home at weekends, Lucy and Lily? Yes, we do. A. you B. your C. y

6、ourselves D. yourself ( )2. There are several _ students in our school. A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands of D. thousands ( )3.They found out the answer to the question _. A. easily B. easy C. loudly D. quick ( )4. Now Sally very well. Nobody taught her. She _. A. taught herself B. taught her

7、C. learned herself D. learned from her ( )5.The hotel is the only white building on the road. You cant _ it. A. see B. find C. miss D. look for 阅读理解 Helen Keller lived in the USA. She was a great woman. When Helen was a baby, she got very sick. Many weeks later, the doctor said she was better, but n

8、ow she couldnt see or hear any more. A few years later, things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She didnt understand anything. Then one day, a teacher came to live with Helen. The teacher helped Helen learn words. Helen was a very clever child and soon she learned to s

9、pell her first word. When she was older, she went to college. Helen was a very old woman when she died. The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person. She couldnt see or hear but she found a way to do this. 1. 判断正误 ( )Helen Keller was a great woman and there was something wrong with

10、her ears and eyes. ( )Helen couldnt hear anything but could see everything. 2. 回答问题。 (1) Who helped Helen learn words? _ (2) Why does the world still remember Helen? _ 3.根据短文补全句子。 At first she couldnt _ anything and later a teacher _ her to spell the first word. The teacher found her very _, and Helen found a _ to do things.


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