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1、托福阅读长难句解析 托福阅读长难句一直都是一些同学的痛点,为了让同学们更好掌握长难句,整理了长难句分析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。长难句解析外在信号与内在循环原句案例:The disorienting effects of this mismatch between external time cues and internal schedules may persist, like our jet lag, for several days or weeks until certain cues such as the daylight/darkness cycle reset the

2、 organisms clock to synchronize with the daily rhythm of the new environment.词汇讲解:disorient /d?s?r?ntet/ vt. 使(人)迷失方向,使(人)混乱persist /p?s?st/ vi.坚持;持续jet lag时差反应synchronize /?s?kr?na?z/ v. 同时发生,与.一致结构划分:The disorienting effects(of this mismatch)(between external time cues and internal schedules)may p

3、ersist, (like our jet lag), (for several days or weeks) (until certain cues such as thedaylight/darkness cycle reset the organisms clock) (to synchronize with the daily rhythm of the new environment).深度分析:这个句子主干部分就是The disorienting effects may persist修饰一:(of this mismatch) ,介词短语中文:这种不匹配修饰二:(between

4、external time cues andinternal schedules) ,介词短语中文:在外在信号与内在循环之间修饰三:(like our jet lag) ,介词短语中文:像时差反应一样修饰四:(for several days or weeks) ,介词短语中文:几天或几周修饰五:(until certain cues such as thedaylight/darkness cycle reset the organisms clock) ,从句中文:直到一些外在信号像白天或黑夜重置了生物钟修饰六:(to synchronize with the dailyrhythm of

5、 the new environment) ,非谓语动词中文:以便和新环境的日常循环同步参考翻译:外在信号与内在循环不匹配引起的错乱反应可能会持续(像时差反应一样)几天或几周,直到一些外在信号像白天或黑夜重置了生物钟以便和新环境的日常循环同步。长难句解析气候揭露人类活动影响原句案例:One of the most difficult aspects of deciding whether current climatic events reveal evidence of the impact of human activities is that it is hard to get a me

6、asureof what constitutes the natural variability of the climate.结构划分:One of the most difficult aspects (of deciding)(whether current climatic events reveal evidence of the impact of human activities) is that it is hard to get a measure of (what constitutes the natural variability of the climate).深度分

7、析:这个句子的主干就是: One of the most difficult aspects is that修饰一:(of deciding) ,介词短语,修饰aspects中文:确定修饰二:(whether current climatic events reveal evidence of the impact of human activities) ,宾语从句,中文:现在气候事件是否揭露了是人类活动影响的证据修饰三:(what constitutes the natural variability of the climate) ,宾语从句中文:什么组成了气候的自然可变性参考翻译:确定

8、现在气候事件是否揭露了是人类活动影响的证据,其中最大困难之一在于很难去测量是什么组成了气候的自然可变性。长难句解析雕塑上描绘的各种行为原句案例:Unlike formal statues that are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling, these figures depict a wide range of actions, such as grinding grain,baking bread, producing pots, and making music, and they are shown i

9、n appropriate poses, bending and squatting as they carry out their tasks.词汇讲解:appropriate /?pr?pr?t/ adj. 适当的,合适的squat /skw?t/ v. 蹲,伏下身子结构划分:(Unlike formal statues) (that are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling), these figures depict a wide range of actions, (such as grinding

10、grain, baking bread, producing pots, and making music,) and they are shown in appropriate poses, (bending and squatting)(as they carry out their tasks).深度分析:这个句子的主干就是:these figures depict a wide range of actions and they are shown in appropriate poses修饰一:(Unlike formal statues) ,介词短语中文:不像正式的雕塑修饰二:(t

11、hat are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling) ,从句,修饰statues中文:这些雕塑局限于站、坐或者跪的静态姿势修饰三:(such as grinding grain, baking bread, producing pots, and making music,) ,介词短语中文:例如磨谷物、烤面包、制壶或者奏乐修饰四:(bending and squatting) ,非谓语动词中文:弯腰或蹲下来修饰五:(as they carry out their tasks) ,从句中文:当他们做工作时参考翻译

12、:不像正式的雕塑,他们局限于站、坐或者跪的静态姿势,而这些图像则描绘了各种行为,例如磨谷物、烤面包、制壶或者奏乐,他们以适当姿势呈现,当他们做工作时弯腰或蹲下。长难句解析蓄水层水量不足Estimates indicate that the aquifer contains enough water to fill Lake Huron, but unfortunately, under the semiarid climatic conditions that presently exist in the region, rates of addition to the aquifer are

13、 minimal, amounting to about half a centimeter a year.句子分析本句逗号比较多,容易使人看不清主要意思。本句中的but unfortunately引起前后两句的转折关系,在前半句中,indicate that引导的宾语从句,表达观点。在后半句中,核心意思是rates of addition of the aquifer are minimal,而其前面under the semiarid climatic conditions这个介词短语后有that引导的定语从句,修饰前面的conditions,最后amounting to(相当于)是现在分

14、词作状语,对核心意思进行补充说明。单词回顾本句有一些地质学的词汇,比如:aquifer 蓄水层,semiarid 半干旱的,rates of addition 补水的速率。另外,请注意rate除了有“比率”的意思,还可以作动词,表示“评估,评价”,比如:This is rated as a five-star hotel. 这家酒店被评为五星级。She doesnt rate herself very highly. 她自视不高。最后,amount to表示“相当于”,比如:a cargo amounting to 2,000 tons 共计2,000吨货物。句子翻译我们可以这样翻译:“据估计


16、段:获取主题和重点信息,即大的框架结构第三阶段:能找出观点理论并确定观点的支撑细节;能分析整体框架。第四阶段:针对某个特定主题,在很多相关资料中寻找需要的信息。为什么需要这四个阅读阶段呢?是由阅读的三个特征来决定的:1. 多书面语:词汇句式复杂2. 论证严密:观点阐述严密,逻辑环环相扣3. 结构复杂:多观点结构下面通过一个段落具体讲解。3分钟来读以下段落:Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct about 65million years ago as part of a mass extinction known as the K-T event, because i

17、t is associated with a geological signature known as the K-T boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world (K is the traditional abbreviation for the Cretaceous, derived from the German name Kreidezeit).S1 Many explanations have been proposed for why dinosaurs be

18、came extinct. S2 For example, some have blamed dinosaur extinction on the development of flowering plants, which were supposedly more difficult to digest and could have caused constipation or indigestionexcept that flowering plants first evolved in the Early Cretaceous, about 60 million years before

19、 the dinosaurs died out.S3 In fact, several scientists have suggested that the duck bill dinosaurs and homed dinosaurs, with their complex battery of grinding teeth, evolved to exploit this new resource of rapidly growing flowering plants.S4 Othershave blamed extinction on competition from the mamma

20、ls, which alleged lyate all the dinosaur eggsexcept that mammals and dinosaurs appeared at the same time in the Late Triassic, about 190 million years ago, and there is no reason to believe that mammals suddenly acquired a taste for dinosaur egg safter 120 million years of coexistence. S5Some explan

21、ations (such as the one stating that dinosaurs all died of diseases) fail because there is no way to scientifically test them, and they cannot move beyond the realm of speculation and guesswork.S6全段一共241个字,6句话,平均每句话都40个字左右。拿第一句话Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct about 65 million years ago as part of a

22、 mass extinction known as the K-T event, because it is associated with a geological signature known as the K-T boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world (K is the traditional abbreviation for the Cretaceous, derived from the German name Kreidezeit)为例子,这句话出现了K

23、-T boundary,sedimentation,Cretaceous等词,不是常见词汇,而且这句话中包含了原因状语从句(becauseit is associated.),非谓语(known as./found in.),同位语(usually a thin band of sedimentation.),插入语(K is the tradition abb.),所以总结一下,就是生词多,句式复杂。第二点观点阐述严密,逻辑环环相扣。这一段第一句话的意思是恐龙灭绝了,紧接着第二句话说到Many explanations have been proposed 。第一个explanation是把

24、恐龙的灭绝归咎于开花植物的发展,但是(except)开花植物在恐龙灭绝前6千万年前就已经进化了,进而否定了恐龙因为开花植物而灭绝这一解释。后面in fact这一句话更加证实了恐龙不是因为开花植物而灭绝。第二个explanation是因为哺乳动物吃恐龙蛋导致恐龙灭绝,但是(expect)在其灭绝前,恐龙和哺乳动物共处了1.2亿年,进而否定了恐龙因为哺乳动物而灭绝。最后一句话Some explanations fail既做了总结,又表达出态度:一些原因不能解释恐龙灭绝,呼应开头。第三点结构复杂,多观点结构。第一句话Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct 呼应主题,交代背景。紧接着Many explanations.,for example后面来列举解释恐龙灭绝的原因。some.原因解释1,破折号后面except表示转折,否定前面的原因;in fact 表示递进关系,进一步解释说明前面一句话的意思-否定恐龙灭绝是因为开花植物。others.原因解释2,破折号后面except表示转折,否定原因2。最后一句话Some explanations fail总结上文,明确表达出态度。整段是分(some.others.)总(explanations fail)结构


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