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1、从零开始学口语我身边的英语口语我的一天wake up - 睡醒 get up - 起床 go to the bathroom - 去浴室 have a shower - 淋浴 brush my teeth - 刷牙 wash my face - 洗脸 get dressed - 穿衣服 listen to CDs/ MP3 - 听CD/MP3 read the newspaper - 看报纸 have breakfast - 吃早餐 go to school - 去学校 go to work - 去上班 have lunch - 吃午饭 go home - 回家 make dinner - 做

2、晚饭 phone a friend - 打电话给朋友 get on line - 上网 play computer games - 玩电脑游戏 often - 常常,经常 usually - 通常 sometimes - 不时,有时 never - 决不,从未 I usually get up at 7 oclock. 我一般七点起床。 Today I got up at 8:30. Because its Sunday. 因为今天是星期天,我八点半才起床。 I normally wash my face and brush my teeth at 7:15 a.m. 我一般在七点十五刷牙洗脸

3、。 I usually eat breakfast at 7:30 a.m. 我一般七点半吃早点。 I usually have an egg, milk and orange for breakfast. 早餐我一般吃鸡蛋,牛奶和桔子。 I go to work/school by bus. 我搭巴士去上班/上学。 I often drive to work. 我通常开车去上班。 I like to have a sleep after lunch. 午饭后我喜欢睡一会儿。 Sometimes I just do nothing. 有时候我什么都不做。 I really like cooki

4、ng. 我真的很喜欢烹饪。 I often listen to CDs when I am relaxing. 我放松休息的时候常爱听CD。 I go for a walk every evening. 我每天晚上都会去散步。 I watch CCTV news report every evening. 我每天晚上看中央电视台的新闻报道。 I read the computer magazine every weekend. 每个周末我都阅读计算机杂志。 I take a shower at 9:00 oclock p.m. 我晚上九点洗澡。 I read some news on the

5、internet. 我上网看看新闻。 I go to bed at 10 oclock in the evening. 我晚上十点睡觉。 SHOW TIME ONE A: When do you usually leave home in the morning? 你早晨一般什么时候离开家? B: Well, I only need to wash my face and brush my teeth, so usually 8:15. 我走之前只需要洗脸和刷牙,所以经常是八点一刻走。 A: Wow, thats late. You dont like to read the newspape

6、r, or have breakfast? 哇,这么晚。你不看报纸,吃早点吗? B: Oh, I like to read the newspaper, and its so nice to eat breakfast before work. 哦,我喜欢看报纸,在工作前吃早点也很好。 A: So why dont you do that? 那你为什么不呢? B: I like to do those things, but I love to sleep! 我是喜欢做这些事情,但是我更喜欢睡觉! SHOW TIME TWO A: Did you sleep well? 睡得好吗? B: Ye

7、s, I slept like a baby. 很好,我睡得像个小孩一样。 A: Its time to get up. 那该起床了。 B: Just give me five minutes. 再给我五分钟好了。 A: Dont forget to wash your face and brush your teeth. 别忘了洗脸刷牙。 B: Im going to take a shower instead. 我直接去洗个澡算了。 SHOW TIME THREE I go to work at 8:30 AM and come back at 6:00 PM. After one day

8、 work, I usually have a very good dinner. I enjoy cooking. So I often invite friends to have dinner together. I cook, they wash the plates. I watch CCTV news every evening. Sometimes I listen to CDs or get on line. I usually go to bed at 10 at night. I love Friday evening for Ill have nothing to do

9、in the next two days. 我早上八点半上班,下午六点下班。一天工作之后,我会想用一顿好的晚餐。我喜欢烹饪。所以我经常请朋友一起吃饭。我做饭,他们洗碗。我每天晚上都看中央电视台新闻。我有时候也听CD或者上网。我一般是晚上十点睡觉。我喜欢星期五的到来,因为接下来两天我什么事都不用做。 A dogs foreign language 一只狗的外语 A dog was so clever, his owner sent hime to college. Home for vacation, the dogadmitted he had learned neither history nor science, but added proudly, I did make a good start in foreign languages.Okay, replied the owner,Say something in a foreign language. The dog said, Meow! 有一只狗非常聪明,于是主人送它去上大学。放假回家时,狗承认他既没有学会历史也没有学会科学,但是它却特别骄傲的声称,“我在学习外语方面有了一个好的开始。”“好啊,”主人回答道,“用外语说点什么吧。”那只狗说道,“喵!”


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