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1、新托福写作易犯错误示例与解析 今天整理了新托福写作易犯错误示例与解析,快来看看有没有踩雷吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新托福写作易犯错误示例与解析学生们写的作文里或多或少都会有一些用词不当的问题,但是要注意的是一些最最基本的错误是不能犯的。In the show, if participators answer twenty problems that the host mentioned correctly, they will get five hundreds thousand U.S. dollars as a prize.problems应改为questions2.拼写错误这里

2、的拼写错误不是指在考试时候的误打,而是本身对词汇拼写记忆的错误。In conclusion, issue of whether parents are the best teachers is a complex one, requiring subjective judgement, consequently, there are no easy or certain answers.judgement应改为judgment3.乱用大词First of all, children can earn money from their jobs, although there isnt too

3、much, but they will keep their salary gingerliness.这里的gingerliness根本是不知所云。该句子还有以下问题:1)该作文题目是讲学生是否应该做兼职,因此children的出现就显得很莫名其妙;2)although和but是不能连用的;3)指代不明,they不知道是指代前面的什么;4.表达中式The second argument-it might have been noticed by others-is that in some occasion, it is quite difficult to compare parents t

4、o teachers because parents are a kind of people, teachers are a kind of vocation.句子中划线部分的表达过于中式化。5.表意重复They shocked their friends, devastated their families, crushed their best friends.前面已经提到了朋友,后面又提到朋友。The show is so compelling but pelling和attractive是同义词,所以这里这么写就让人不明白。6.固定用法错误To some extends, I agr

5、ee with the authors general assertion that if parents also have a comprehensive sense of professional knowledge.To some extends应改为To some extent中 华 考 试 网7.例证夸张For example, when a doctor faces a patient who has got cancer, the doctor cannot tell the truth, for the truth may cause the patients immedia

6、te death.虽然善意的谎言是必要的,但是其功效显然没有这么大。8.成分多余According to a comprehensive investigation which is carried out by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences shows that there is an increase in the number of university students who are taking part-time jobs.该句中的shows that是多余的成分。9.词性混乱However, the questions such as H

7、ave you ever regretted marrying your husband may be very privacy and embarrassingly.句子中的privacy和embarrassingly应该改成private和embarrassing.10.文体不正式All of the players gonna to tell the truth in attempt to win $500,000.gonna过于口语化。In addition, I think people shoudnt always tell the truth to others.在托福作文中尽量

8、不要用缩写,这里应该写should not.11.两个独立句子间无连词Another point is that young people are more aggressive and energetic, and its suitable for them to choose such jobs, which will provide them with rich experience that is essential for their future success.这个错误犯的频率相当高,一定要注意。12.时态错误托福大作文一般使用现在时态,除了拿过去事件作为例子用过去时态。Some

9、 people claimed that news media has enormous influence and is a detrimental creation. claimed应该改为claim13.不知所云They also mention that in modern society there are too much entertainment bothering them as the huge gap lying between them and the success.这句话完全不知道是什么意思,逻辑混乱,这是中国学生经常犯的错误。托福写作地道表达之名词化简单说,名词化

10、即是动词或形容词被用作名词的现象。比如动词转成名词:discovery-discovery, move-movement, refuse-refusal,又比如形容词转成名词:careless-carelessness, difficult-difficulty, intense-intensity。那么什么情况下,我们需要进行名词化呢?A 谓语动词的宾语部分原句:I do not know either what she meant or what he intends.名词化:I do not know either her meaning or his intentions.B 结合被动

11、形式原句:If people decide without enough persuasive information,.名词化:If a decision is made without enough persuasive information,.C 取代诸如从句中“the fact that”的用法原句:The fact that I denied what he accused me of impressed the jury.名词化:My denial of his accusations impressed the jury.更好的名词化:a. When I denied his

12、accusations, I impressed the jury.b. In denying his accusations, I impressed the jury.D 名词化部分用在there is/are的后面原句:We demand that the government stop taxing entertainment.名词化:There is a demand for an end to taxation on entertainment.原句:The floods considerably eroded the land.名词化:There was considerable

13、 erosion of the land from the floods.然而,有些时候,在我们的思维方式中认为理所应当使用“名词化”时,老外认为是没有必要的。比如:A 名词化部分跟在动词后面原句(名词化“冗余”):The police conducted an investigation into the matter.改后:The police investigated the matter.B 名词化部分作为主语原句:Our discussion is concerned with a tax cut.改后:We discussed a tax cut.C 连续进行名词化原句:a. Fi

14、rst, she reviewed the evolution of the dorsal fin.b. There was a first a review of the evolution of the dorsal fin.改后:First,she reviewed how the dorsal fin evolved.D 连接部分名词化原句:Their cessation of hostilities was because of their personnel losses.改后:They ceased hostilities because they lost personnel.

15、原句:The instability of the motor housing did not preclude the completion of the field trials.改后:Even though the motor housing was unstable, the research staff completed the field trials.以上这些情况是我们中国学生很常见的名词化缺失或名词化滥用的例子。对于新托福写作来说,在保证基本的语言语法不出错的基础上,如果能更多地正确使用名词化,*不但更地道,也更易取得高分。当然,熟练掌握名词化不是一蹴而就的事情,平时需要多积







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