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1、新托福阅读背景知识 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理新托福阅读背景知识汇总,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新托福阅读背景知识:英属北美殖民地的建立The continents first inhabitants walked into North America across what is now the Bering Strait from Asia. For the next 20,000 years these pioneering settlers were essentially left alone to develop distinct and dynamic cul

2、tures. In the modern US, their descendants include the Pueblo people in what is now New Mexico; Apache in Texas; Navajo in Arizona, Colorado and Utah; Hopi in Arizona; Crow in Montana; Cherokee in North Carolina; and Mohawk and Iroquois in New York State.The Norwegian explorer Leif Eriksson was the

3、first European to reach North America, some 500 years before a disoriented Columbus accidentally discovered Indians in Hispaniola (now the Dominican Republic and Haiti) in 1492. By the mid-1550s, much of the Americas had been poked and prodded by a parade of explorers from Spain, Portugal, England a

4、nd France.The first colonies attracted immigrants looking to get rich quickly and return home, but they were soon followed by migrants whose primary goal was to colonize. The Spanish founded the first permanent European settlement in St Augustine, Florida, in 1565; the French moved in on Maine in 16

5、02, and Jamestown, Virginia, became the first British settlement in 1607. The first Africans arrived as indentured laborers with the Brits a year prior to English Puritan pilgrims escape of religious persecution. The pilgrims founded a colony at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, in 1620 and signed the f

6、amous Mayflower Compact - a declaration of self-government that would later be echoed in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. British attempts to assert authority in its 13 North American colonies led to the French and Indian War (1757-63). The British were victorious but were le

7、ft with a nasty war debt, which they tried to recoup by imposing new taxes. The rallying cry no taxation without representation united the colonies, which ceremoniously dumped caffeinated cargo overboard during the Boston Tea Party. Besieged British general Cornwallis surrendered to American command

8、er George Washington five years later at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781. In the 19th century, Americas mantra was Manifest Destiny. A combination of land purchases, diplomacy and outright wars of conquest had by 1850 given the US roughly its present shape. In 1803, Napoleon dumped the entire Great Plai

9、ns for a pittance, and Spain chipped in with Florida in 1819. The Battle of the Alamo during the 1835 Texan Revolution paved the way for Texan independence from Mexico, and the war with Mexico (1846-48) secured most of the southwest, including California.The systematic annihilation of the buffalo hu

10、nted by the Plains Indians, encroachment on their lands, and treaties not worth the paper they were written on led to Native Americans being herded into reservations, deprived of both their livelihoods and their spiritual connection to their land. Nineteenth-century immigration drastically altered t

11、he cultural landscape as settlers of predominantly British stock were joined by Central Europeans and Chinese, many attracted by the 1849 gold rush in California. The South remained firmly committed to an agrarian life heavily reliant on African American slave labor. Tensions were on the rise when a

12、bolitionist Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860. The South seceded from the Union, and the Civil War, by far the bloodiest war in Americas history, began the following year. The North prevailed in 1865, freed the slaves and introduced universal adult male suffrage. Lincolns vision for reco

13、nstruction, however, died with his assassination. Americas trouncing of the Spaniards in 1898 marked the USAs ascendancy as a superpower and woke the country out of its isolationist slumber.The US still did its best not to get its feet dirty in WWIs trenches, but finally capitulated in 1917, sending

14、 over a million troops to help sort out the pesky Germans. Postwar celebrations were cut short by Prohibition in 1920, which banned alcohol in the country. The 1929 stock-market crash signaled the start of the Great Depression and eventually brought about Franklin Roosevelts New Deal, which sought t

15、o lift the country back to prosperity. After the Japanese dropped in uninvited on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the US played a major role in defeating the Axis powers. Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 not only ended the war with Japan, but ushered in the nuclear age. The end of WWII s

16、egued into the Cold War - a period of great domestic prosperity and a surface uniformity belied by paranoia and betrayal. Politicians like Senator Joe McCarthy took advantage of the climate to fan anticommunist flames, while the USSR and USA stockpiled nuclear weapons and fought wars by proxy in Kor

17、ea, Africa and Southeast Asia. Tensions between the two countries reached their peak in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis.The 1960s was a decade of profound social change, thanks largely to the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam War protests and the discovery of sex, drugs and rock roll. The Civil Ri

18、ghts movement gained momentum in 1955 with a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. As a nonviolent mass protest movement, it aimed at breaking down segregation and regaining the vote for disfranchised Southern blacks. The movement peaked in 1963 with Martin Luther King Jars I have a dream speech in Wa

19、shington, DC, and the passage of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act. Meanwhile, Americas youth were rejecting the conformity of the previous decade, growing their hair long and smoking lots of dope. Tune in, turn on, drop out was the mantra of a generation who protested he

20、avily (and not disinterestedly) against the war in Vietnam. Assassinations of prominent political leaders - John and Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jar - took a little gloss off the party, and the American troops mired in Vietnam took off the rest. NASAs moon landing in 1969 did li

21、ttle to restore national pride. In 1974 Richard Nixon became the first US president to resign from office, due to his involvement in the cover-up of the Watergate burglaries, bringing American patriotism to a new low.The 1970s and 80s were a period of technological advancement and declining industri

22、alism. Self image took a battering at the hands of Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini. A conservative backlash, symbolized by the election and popular two-term presidency of actor Ronald Reagan, sought to put some backbone in the country. The US then concentrated on bullying its poor neighbors in Central Am

23、erica and the Caribbean, meddling in the affairs of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama and Grenada. The collapse of the Soviet Blocs Evil Empire in 1991 left the US as the worlds sole superpower, and the Gulf War in 1992 gave George Bush the opportunity to lead a coalition supposedly representing a new

24、world order into battle against Iraq. Domestic matters, such as health reform, gun ownership, drugs, racial tension, and gay rights, balancing the budget, the tenacious Whitewater scandal and the Monica Lewinsky Fornicate affair tended to overshadow international concerns during the Clinton administ

25、ration. In a bid to kick start its then-ailing economy, the USA signed NAFTA, a free-trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, in 1993, invaded Haiti in its role of upholder of democracy in 1994, committed thousands of troops to peacekeeping operations in Bosnia in 1995, hosted the Olympics in 1996 an

26、d enjoyed, over the past few years, the fruits of a bull market on Wall St. The 2000 presidential election made history by being the most highly contested race in the nations history.The Democratic candidate, Al Gore, secured the majority of the popular vote but lost the election when all of Florida

27、s electoral college votes went to George W Bush, who was ahead of Gore in that state by only 500 votes. Demands for recounts, a ruling by the Florida Supreme Court in favor of partial recounts, and a handful of lawsuits generated by both parties were brought to a halt when the US Supreme Court split

28、 along party lines and ruled that all recounts should cease. After five tumultuous weeks, Bush was declared the winner. The early part of Bushs presidency saw the US face international tension, with renewed violence in the Middle East, a spy-plane standoff with China and nearly global disapproval of

29、 US foreign policy with regard to the environment. On the domestic front, a considerably weakened economy provided challenges for national policymakers. Whether the US can continue to hold onto its dominant position on the world stage and rejuvenate its economy remains to be seen.英属北美殖民地的建立(1607-173











40、无反顾地抛弃文明世界,投身荒野,踏上荒无人烟、一无所有的海滩,其悲壮的情景不仅是欧美历史上的骄傲,也应是整个人类文明史上的骄傲。那是人类反抗君主专制、争取信仰自由的壮丽篇章。新托福阅读背景知识:独立战争独立战争 (17741783)英法为争夺海上霸权和掠夺殖民地而进行的七年战争,以英国胜利告终。英国在北美接管了加拿大,控制了密西西比河以东的新法兰西,对北美殖民地全面加强控制,宣告阿巴拉契亚山脉以西为王室产业,禁止殖民地人民染指;并征收重税,严厉缉私,限制经济活动,严重损害了殖民地各阶层人民的经济利益。从1619年弗吉尼亚建立议会起,各殖民地相继成立议会,与英国相抗衡,1765年9个殖民地举行抗


42、抗的枪声,揭开了独立战争的序幕。5月,第2届大陆会议召开。次年7月大陆会议通过独立宣言,宣布13个殖民地脱离英国独立。独立战争开始时,双方实力悬殊,战争进行了8年。到1781年10月,美、法联军攻下英军最后据点约克镇,独立战争基本结束。1783年英美签订巴黎和约。独立战争时期涌现出一批杰出的政治家,如大陆军的总司令G.华盛顿、独立宣言的起草人T.杰斐逊、外交家B.富兰克林、文化战士T.潘恩。印花税条例 (Stamp Act)波士顿惨案 (Boston Massacre)大陆会议 (Continental Congress)独立战争 (War of independence)独立宣言 (Decl

43、aration of Independence)独立的民族主权国家的建成(1781-1814)在战争过程中,大陆会议制订了邦联条例,1781-1787年13州组成了邦联国会,宣布成立美利坚共和国。1787年,在费城召开制宪会议,大州和小州的代表经过争论,同意每州均选出两名参议员;在蓄奴制问题上,北部对南部作出了重大妥协,默认奴隶制存在,在征税及分配众议员席位方面,南部黑奴均以3/5的人口计算。会议最后制定了宪法草案。这是世界上第1部成文宪法。1788年6月由9个州批准生效。根据宪法,美国建成立法、行政、司法三权分立、相互制衡的联邦制国家。后又增加了宪法前10条修正案(后即以“权利法案”著称)。



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