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1、保险合同英文 篇一:保险词汇和条款中英文对照 保险词汇和条款中英文对照 insurance policy (or certificate) 保险单 1.risks coverage 险别 (1)free from particular average (f.p.a.) 平安险 (2)with particular average (w.a.) 水渍险 (3)all risk 一切险 (4)total loss only (t.l.o.) 全损险 (5)war risk 战争险 (6)cargo(extended cover)clauses 货物条款 (7)additional risk 附加险

2、 (8)from warehouse to warehouse clauses 仓至仓条款 (9)theft,pilferage and nondelivery (t.p.n.d.) 盗窃提货不着险 (10)rain fresh water damage 淡水雨淋险 (11)risk of shortage 短量险 (12)risk of contamination 沾污险 (13)risk of leakage 渗漏险 (14)risk of clashing breakage 碰损破碎险 (15)risk of odour 串味险 (16)damage caused by sweating

3、 and/or heating 受潮受热险 (17)hook damage 钩损险 (18)loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing 包装破裂险 (19)risk of rusting 锈损险 (20)risk of mould 发霉险 (23)deterioration risk 腐烂变质险 (24)inherent vice risk 内在缺陷险 (25)risk of natural loss or normal loss 途耗或自然损耗险(26)special additional risk 特别附加险 (27)failure t

4、o delivery 交货不到险 (28)import duty 进口关税险 (29)on deck 仓面险 (30)rejection 拒收险 (31)aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险 (32)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination hongkong, including kowloon, or macao 出口货物到香港或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款 (33)survey in customs risk 海关检验险 (34)survey at jetty risk 码头检验险 (35)institute war

5、 risk 学会战争险 (36)overland transportation risks 陆运险 (37)overland transportation all risks 陆运综合险 (38)air transportation risk 航空运输险(39)air transportation all risk 航空运输综合险 (40)air transportation war risk 航空运输战争险 (41)parcel post risk 邮包险 (42)parcel post all risk 邮包综合险 (43)parcel post war risk 邮包战争险 (44)in

6、vestment insurance(political risks) 投资保险 (45)property insurance 财产保险 (46)erection all risks 安装工程一切险 (47)contractors all risks 建筑工程一切险 2.the stipulations for insurance 保险条款 (1)marine insurance policy 海运保险单 (2)specific policy 单独保险单 (3)voyage policy 航程保险单 (4)time policy 期限保险单 (5)floating policy (or ope

7、n policy) 流动保险单 (6)ocean marine cargo clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款 (7)ocean marine insurance clauses (frozen products) 海洋运输冷藏货物保险条款 (8)ocean marine cargo war clauses 海洋运输货物战争险条款 (9)ocean marine insurance clauses (woodoil in bulk) 海洋运输散装桐油保险条款 (10)overland transportation insurance clauses (train, trucks) 陆上运输货

8、物保险条款 (11)overland transportation insurance clauses (frozen products) 陆上运输冷藏货物保险条款 (12)air transportation cargo insurance clauses 航空运输货物保险条款 (13)air transportation cargo war risk clauses 航空运输货物战争险条款 (14)parcel post insurance clauses 邮包保险条款 (15)parcel post war risk insurance clauses 邮包战争保险条款 (16)live

9、stock poultry insurance clauses (by sea, land or air) 活牲畜、家禽的海上、陆上、航空保险条款篇二:英文合同英-文保险合同 master lease agreement number 12809 this master lease agreement is dated and effective as of _,_,_(m,d,y) , (the effective date), by and between aaa inc., a _ corporation, located at _ (together with any successo

10、rs or assigns, the lessor), and the lessee indicated below (the lessee). lessee full legal name trade name bbb mailing address city state zip _ _ city _ _ type of legal entity state of organization date of establishment corporation _ _ 1. lease. lessor hereby leases to lessee and lessee hereby lease

11、s from lessor all of the tangible personal property listed on each equipment schedule executed from time to time pursuant to this agreement (each, an equipment schedule). each equipment schedule shall be substantially in the form annexed hereto as annex a, shall incorporate by reference therein all

12、of the terms and conditions of this agreement and shall include such other terms and conditions upon which the parties have agreed (each equipment schedule, together with this agreement as it relates to such schedule, is referred to herein as a lease). with respect to each lease, capitalized terms n

13、ot defined in this agreement shall have the meanings stated in the applicable equipment schedule. 2. net lease. each lease is a net lease, and lessee shall pay all costs and expenses of every character, whether foreseen or unforeseen, ordinary or extraordinary, in connection with the use, possession

14、, storage, maintenance and repair of the equipment. lessee is unconditionally obligated to pay periodic rent and all other amounts due under each lease regardless of any defect in or damage to the equipment, loss of possession or use of the equipment or destruction of the equipment from any cause wh

15、atsoever. lessees obligations under each lease shall continue until specifically terminated as providedtherein. lessee is not entitled to any abatement, reduction, recoupment, defense, or set-off against periodic rent or other amounts due to lessor under each lease, whether arising out of such lease

16、 (including any breach, default or misrepresentation of lessor) or out of lessors strict liability or negligence, or otherwise. 4. rent. lessee agrees to pay periodic rent in the amount specified in each equipment schedule (the periodic rent). the initial periodic rent payment for each lease shall b

17、e due on the date the equipment is accepted by lessee and subsequent periodic rent payments shall be due as specified on the applicable equipment schedule. all periodic rent and other amounts payable under each lease (collectively referred to herein as rent) shall be paid to lessor at the address sp

18、ecified on the applicable equipment schedule or at such other address as lessor may specify thereafter in writing. if any periodic rent or other rent payment is not paid within 10 days of its due date, lessee agrees to pay as additional rent a late charge equal to 5% of such unpaid rent payment plus

19、 1 1/2% per month of any amount due and unpaid for more than 30 days, or, if less, the maximum amount permitted under applicable law. periodic rent payable during any automatic renewal period described in section 3 hereof shall be equal to the highest periodic rent payable during the initial lease t

20、erm. lessee hereby agrees that the amount of the periodic rent payments and purchase option price under each lease shall be adjusted to reflect any change in the cost to lessor set forth in the applicable equipment schedule as a result of equipment change orders or returns, invoicing errors or other

21、 similar events. in the event of any such adjustment, lessor willfurnish to lessee a written notice stating the final cost to lessor, periodic rent and purchase option price. 6. use, operation and return of equipment. (a) lessee agrees at its own expense to: (i) maintain the equipment in good appear

22、ance and condition, reasonable wear and tear (b) lessee agrees not to attach to the equipment any accessory, (c) provided that no default, as defined herein, has occurred and is continuing, lessee is authorized on behalf of lessor to enforce in its own name (and at its own expense) any warranty, ind

23、emnity, or rights to damages relating to the equipment which lessor has against the supplier of such equipment.(d) not later than the expiration date of each lease term, lessee agrees, at its own expense and risk, to: (i) effect any repairs necessary to place the applicable equipment in the same con

24、dition as when received by lessee, reasonable wear and tear excepted; (ii) cause such equipment to be disassembled and crated in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the manufacturers freight prepaid, to a carrier selected by lessor for shipment to a location in the continental u.s. selected by l

25、essor. reasonable wear and tear does not include (i) burns, tears in material or large scratches, gouges, dents, discolorations or stains, (ii) damage to drawers, runners, or locks such that they are not in good working order or (iii) the loss of all keys for any locks. (e) if lessee shall, for any

26、reason whatsoever, fail to return any equipment at the time required by the applicable lease, the obligations of lessee as provided in such lease shall continue in effect with respect to such equipment until such equipment is returned to the lessor, and the amount of each periodic rent payment shall

27、 be equal to the highest periodic rent payment during the lease term of such lease. however, this section 6(e) shall not be construed as permitting lessee to fail to meet its obligation to return the equipment in accordance with the requirements of the applicable lease or constitute waiver of any de

28、fault. 保险 保 险 术 语 从法律角度来看,保险是保险人和投保人双方的合同安排,保险人同意赔偿损失或给付保险金给被保险人或收益人,投保人通过购买保险单位把风险转移给保险人。 保险法 调整保险活动中保险人与投保人、被保险人以及收益人之间的法律关系的重要民商事法律,是国家对保险企业、保险市场实施监督管理的法律。保险法具体可分为以下四种: 保险契约法,也叫保险合同法,是构成保险法的核心内容; 保险业法,又叫保险业监督法,是国家对保险业管理、监督的法律规范; 保险特别法,是相对于保险合同法而言的,具体是指保险合同法以外,规范于民商法中特殊保险关系的法律和规范,如海商法中的海上保险法; 社会保险

29、法,是国家就社会保障所颁发的法令总称。 我国XX年6约30日通过的保险法,是建国以来的第一部保险基本法,采用了国际上一些国家和地区集保险业法、保险合同法为一体的立法体系,形成了一部较为完整、系统的保险法律。我国保险法共8章,分别为总则、保险合同、保险公司、保险经营规则、保险业的监督管理、保险代理人和保险经济人、法律责任和附则,共计152条。 指经*有关当局批准,依照法律要求设立的从事经营商业保险业务的法人。通常意义上来讲,保险公司就是保险人或承保人。保险公司经营保险业务,与投保人订立保险合同,收取保险费,组织保险基金,并在保险事故发生或保险期限届满后,对被保险人赔偿损失或给付保险金。 保险合同

30、 指投保人支付规定的保险费,保险人对承保标的因保险事故所造成的损失,在保险金额范围内承担赔偿责任,或者在合同约定期限届满时,承担给付保险金义务的协议。 保险单 保险人与被保险人顶立保险合同的正式书面证明。保险条款 保险单上规定的有关保险人与被保险人的权利、义务及其他保险事项的条文。 保险标的 指保险合同载明的投保对象,或者是保险保障的对象。例如家庭财产险中的有关家庭财产,人寿险中的人的寿命等等。 不同的保险标的,面临的危险种类、性质和程度是不同的,所适用的保险费率也有差别。 保险金额 又称保额,指保险合同双发当事人确定并在合同中载明的金额,也是保险人计算保险费的依据和负责赔款或给付保险金的最高

31、限额。财产保险的金额可以按照保险财产的实际价值、重置、重建价格或估计等方法来确定。人身保险的保险金额是根据被保险人的实际需要和缴付保险费的能力来确定的,因为人的生命价值很难有客观标准。 保险期限 又称保险期间,指保险合同的有效期限,也即保险人依约承担保险责任的期限,也叫保险责任的起讫期限。 保险费 签定保险合同的投保人或被保险人为取得保险保障而缴付给保险人的费用。保险费可以根据双方约定分年、分季、分月收取。 保险人 又称承保人,保险合同当事人的一方,与投保人订立保险合同并承担赔偿或者给付保险金的责任。 被保险人 又称保户,保险合同的重要关系人,受保险合同保障,享有保险金请求权的法人或自然人。

32、保险代理人 依据保险人的委托,向保险人收取代理手续费,并在保险人的授权范围内代为办理保险业务的单位和个人。 保险经纪人指基于投保人的利益,为投保人与被保险人订立保险合同,提供中介服务并依法收取佣金的人。在再保险市场上则有再保险经纪人,即基于原保险人的利益,为原保险人安排分出、分入业务提供中介服务并依法收取佣金的人。保险经纪人必须具备一定的保险专业知识和技能,通晓保险市场规则、构成和行情,为投保人设计保险方案,代表投保人与保险公司商议达成保险协议。 财产保险 又称损害保险,保险业务的一大分类,是以财产以及有关利益为保险标的的一种保险。我国保险法第91条把财产保险业务的范围规定为包括财产损失保险、

33、责任保险、信用保险等保险业务。 产品责任保险 承保生产者或销售者因产品缺陷引起的依法承担赔偿责任的保险。 劳工保险和雇主责任保险 指保险人对雇主依照法律或雇佣合同对受雇员工因工作遭受伤害或死亡应承担经济责任的保险。 年金保险 固定的年期内按一定的间隔期提存或支付的款项称为年金。年金保险则是指保险人承诺在一个约定时期以保险人生存为条件定期给付保险金的一种保险。 人寿保险 人寿保险是人身保险的一种,但不包括意外伤害保险和健康保险,仅是以人的生死为保险事件,保险人根据合同的规定负责对被保险人在保险期限内死亡或生存至一定年龄时给付保险金。 两全保险 又称“混合保险”或“储蓄保险”,以被保险人在保险期限内死亡或期满生存为条件,都可获得保险金的一种保险。两全保险是人身保险中最受欢迎的一个品种,可以作为储蓄的一种手段,也可为养老提供一种保障,还可以用于为特殊的目的积累一笔资金。 现金价值又称“解约退还金”或“退保价值”,被保险人要求解约或退保时,寿险公司应该发还的金额。 终身寿险 又称“终身死亡保险”或“终身人寿保险”,是终身提供保障的保险。 再保险


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