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1、控失型复合肥在棉花生产上的应用研究中英文翻译Control loss type compound fertilizer application research on cotton production in both Chinese and English translation 摘要控失型复合肥在棉花生产上的应用研究结果表明,控失型复合肥可减少肥料流失,较好地调节棉花生长;补施花铃肥、盖顶肥,符合棉花需肥规律,促进棉株多结优质桃,提高霜前花比例,可实现省工节本、增产增收。The control type of compound fertilizer application in cotto

2、n production research results show that the control type compound fertilizer can reduce fertilizer loss, better regulation of cotton growth; Fill ShiHua fluid fertilizer, topdressing, conforms to the cotton fertilizer law, promote the cotton leaves multi-junction high-quality peach, improve before f

3、rost flower ratio, save work can be reduce cost, increase production. 关键词控失型复合肥;棉花;生长发育;产量;经济效益Type keywords control loss compound fertilizer; Cotton; Growth and development; Production; Economic benefits 棉花生产中人力投入较多,既限制了棉花生产,又影响农民增收。发展轻型节本增效生产技术是现阶段棉花生产发展的现实需求。通过棉花控失型复合肥肥效试验,检验控失型复合肥控制营养元素流失的效果1-4,

4、以提高化肥利用率和棉花产量,达到节约工本的效果,从而为棉花简化栽培提供科学的施肥依据。Human input in the cotton production is more, it limits the cotton production, and increasing farmers income. Development of light reduce cost increase efficiency production technology is the real needs of the development of cotton production at the moment.

5、 Through cotton type compound fertilizer fertilizer effect test, inspection control type compound fertilizer loss control of nutrient loss effect 1-4, in order to improve the utilization rate of fertilizer and cotton yield, achieve the result of saving trend, so as to provide a basis for scientific

6、fertilizer application in cotton simplified cultivation. 1材料与方法1 materials and methods 1.1试验材料1.1 test materials 供试作物为棉花,品种为中棉所63。供试肥料为安徽合肥红四方生产的42%控失型复合肥(16-10-16)。For cotton, selected crops varieties of cotton in 63. Selected fertilizer for anhui hefei red square production control 42% of the type

7、 of compound fertilizer (16-10-16). 1.2试验地概况1.2 testbed 试验设在安徽省宣城市宣州区水阳镇长沟村朱村组,田块土壤为冲积壤土,养分含量为:有机质1.13%,铵态氮15.14mg/kg,有效磷14.35mg/kg,有效钾94.74mg/kg,锌1.4 mg/kg,硼1.46mg/kg,pH值7.59,前茬作物为油菜。Test in anhui xuanzhou district water Yang xuan city mayor zhu ditch village schiscosomiasis, field for alluvial loa

8、m soil and nutrient content as follows: 1.13% organic matter, ammonia nitrogen, 15.14 mg/kg, 14.35 mg/kg, effective phosphorus and effective potassium 94.74 mg/kg, zinc 1.4 mg/kg, 1.46 mg/kg, boron pH 7.59, the previous for rapeseed crop. 1.3试验设计1.3 design of experiment 1.3.1肥料运筹试验。设4个处理,分别为:5月20日施控

9、失肥1 800kg/hm2、硼肥15kg/hm2作基肥一次性施入(A);基肥施控失肥1 440kg/hm2、硼肥15kg/hm2,花铃肥施于7月2日施氯化钾97.5kg/hm2,盖顶肥于8月7日施尿素126 kg/hm2(B);基肥施控失肥1 440kg/hm2、硼肥15kg/hm2,盖顶肥于8月7日撒施尿素126kg/hm2(C);常规施肥,5月20日施三元素复合肥112.5kg/hm2,提苗肥于6月3日施尿素75 kg/hm2,花铃肥于7月2日施尿素225kg/hm2、48%复合肥750 kg/hm2、氯化钾300kg/hm2、硼肥15kg/hm2,7月20日补施尿素112.5kg/hm2

10、,8月7日撒施盖顶肥187.5kg/hm2(CK)。3次重复,共12个小区,每小区30m2,株行距47cm74cm,每小区栽54株棉花。区内土壤条件一致,四周设有保护行。除施肥外,其他田间管理均一致。1.3.1 the fertilizer logistics test. Set 4 processing, respectively: on May 20, controlling fat loss 1, 800 kg/hm2, 15 kg/hm2 boric fertilizer as basal one-time Muse into (A); Basal controlling fat lo

11、ss 1 440 kg/hm2, boron fertilizer 15 kg/hm2, the blooming of fertilizer applied to on July 2, potassium chloride 97.5 kg/hm2, coping fertilizer applied urea on August 7, 126 kg/hm2, (B); Basal controlling fat loss 1 440 kg/hm2, boron fertilizer 15 kg/hm2, coping broadcast urea fertilizer on August 7

12、, 126 kg/hm2 (C); Conventional fertilization, on May 20, the three elements in the compound fertilizer of 112.5 kg/hm2, make seedling fertilizer applied urea on June 3, 75 kg/hm2, flower fluid fertilizer applied urea on July 2, 225 kg/hm2, 750 kg/hm2 48% compound fertilizer, potassium chloride, 300

13、kg/hm2, boron fertilizer 15 kg/hm2, patch applied urea on July 20, 112.5 kg/hm2, August 7, broadcasting coping fat 187.5 kg/hm2 (CK). Repeat three times, a total of 12 village, every village 30 m2, plant spacing 47 cm x 74 cm, each district of 54 strains of cotton. Zone soil conditions are consisten

14、t, all around has protected lines. Besides fertilizer, other management field. 1.3.2控失肥与常规施肥棉花大田示范对比试验。设2个处理,即控失肥和常规施肥,面积共1 334m2,每个处理667m2,株行距75cm56cm。控失肥作基肥一次性施入,控失肥用量为1 800kg/hm2,常规施肥按当地施肥习惯施肥。除施肥外,其他田间管理措施均一致。1.3.2 accused of losing fat compared with conventional fertilization in cotton field de

15、monstration experiment. Two processing, is accused of losing fat and conventional fertilizer application, with a total area of 334 m2, 1 each processing 667 m2, plant spacing 56 cm 75 cm x. Controlled fertilizer as basal one-time loss into, loss of fertilizer dosage is 1, 800 kg/hm2, fertilizing rou

16、tine fertilization according to the local habits fertilization. Besides fertilizer, other field management measures are consistent. 1.4试验实施1.4 test the implementation 4月16日育苗,5月20日移栽,移栽苗龄为3叶1心(齐苗至移栽28d),5月21日浇定根水,6月17日整枝,8月5日打顶。8月15日台风后采用清沟、扶正等补救措施。各处理分别于6月15日、7月4日、7月25日、8月10日喷施缩节胺原粉15、30、45、60g/hm2

17、化控。分别于6月2日、28日中耕除草1次。5月30日、6月20日、7月19日、8月16日、8月30日、9月8日各治虫1次。On May 20, on April 16, seedling, transplanting, transplanting age of seedling of 3 leaf 1 heart (good seedling emergence to 28 d) transplanting, watered set root on May 21, June 17, pruning, superscript th August 5th. On August 15, adopt

18、remedial measures such as ditch cleaning, centralizer after the typhoon. Each treatment separately on June 15, July 4, July 25, August 10, spraying shrink festival amine by 15, 30, 45, 60 g/hm2 control. Respectively, on June 2, 28 1 row weeding. On May 30th, on June 20, on July 19 and August 16th, A

19、ugust 30, on September 8, the pest 1 times. 2结果与分析2 the results and analysis 2.1对棉花生育进程的影响2.1 impact on cotton development process 由表1可以看出,控失肥3个处理移栽至返苗、返苗至现蕾生育进程分别均比常规施肥(CK)推迟1.01.7d、1.32.0d,现蕾至开花各处理生育进程差距逐渐缩小;开花至结铃、结铃至吐絮,控失肥3个处理棉花生育进程加快,比常规施肥(CK)少12d。说明控失肥是逐步释放的,前期肥效释放较慢,但肥料流失少,不易造成脱肥环节,可促使后期生育进程加快

20、。Can be seen from table 1, accused of losing fat three processing transplanting to miao, miao credit to budding reproduction process compared to the conventional fertilizer (CK) respectively were delayed 1.0 1.7 d, 1.3 2.0 d, from budding to flowering treatment process gap narrowing; Boll to floweri

21、ng and boll open bolls, accused of losing fat three processing cotton development process faster, smaller than the conventional fertilizer (CK) 1 2 d. Accused of losing fat is gradually release, applied early release is slow, but the fertilizer loss less, not easy to cause to take off fat, links can

22、 spur late birth process. 2.2对棉花生长发育的影响2.2 impact on cotton growth and development 由表2可以看出,常规施肥(CK)前期结铃早,伏前桃比控失肥处理多,但伏桃较控失肥少2.24.3个;秋桃处理B比常规施肥(CK)增加1.0个,处理A、处理C反而比常规施肥(CK)少2.23.8个。调查表数据说明,由于处理B适当减少了基肥中的控失肥量,7月2日补充了钾肥作花铃肥,8月7日又补施了氮肥作盖顶肥,使得伏桃和秋桃比对照均有增加。从株高长势来看,控失肥各处理株高比常规施肥(CK)高,说明控失肥肥料释放缓慢,有利于作物全程吸收利

23、用和生长发育。纵观各处理棉花生育情况的表现说明,控失肥能调节棉花生长,结合棉花需肥规律加以人为施肥调节,可以促进棉花多结优质桃,从而增加产量。Can be seen from table 2, the conventional fertilizer (CK) early boll early and fell before the peach control fertilizer processing loss, but FuTao is accused of losing fat less 2.2 2.2; Autumn peach processing compared to the co

24、nventional fertilizer (CK) increased 1.0 B, rather than the conventional fertilization treatment A, C (CK) was 2.2 3.8. Survey data shows that, due to processing B reduced control of basal fertilizer consumption, on July 2 for flower bell added potash fertilizer, August 7 and fill the topdressing ni

25、trogen fertilizer as a cover, make FuTao and autumn peach than controls all have increased. Judging by looks like the plant height, fat loss control the processing plant height ratio of conventional fertilizer (CK), control of slow release fertilizer fertilizer, promote the whole crop uptake and gro

26、wth and development. Throughout the processing of cotton birth situation suggests that fat loss control regulates the growth of cotton, cotton fertilizer rule is artificial fertilization to adjust, can promote cotton knot high-quality peach, thus increasing production. 2.3 对棉花产量及效益的影响2.3 impact on c

27、otton yield and benefit 由表3可以看出,处理B单株成铃数最多,为40.63个,单铃重最大,为6.27g,实收皮棉产量比常规施肥(CK)多73.5 kg/hm2,实收籽棉产量比常规施肥(CK)多189kg/hm2。控失肥3个处理霜前花率均比常规施肥高。各处理籽指基本相同。根据各处理实收籽棉情况和当地籽棉均价6.4元/kg计算,4个处理的产值分别为22 070.4、24 940.8、23 731.2、23 731.2元/hm2,4个处理的肥料投入成本分别为4 195.5、3 936.0、3 594.0、4 255.5元/hm2,治虫化控费用为645元/hm2,则4个处理净产

28、值分别为17 229.9、20 359.8、19 492.2、18 830.7元/hm2。处理B比常规施肥(CK)节本增收1 529.1元/hm2,处理C比常规施肥(CK)节本增收661.5元/hm2。由此可见,处理B的施肥效果最为显著,处理C由于节约肥料投入也达到了节本增效的目的。Can be seen from table 3, processing plant into the bell, the maximum number of B is 40.63 a, single boll weight, 6.27 g, paid-in ginned cotton than conventio

29、nal fertilizer (CK) more than 73.5 kg/hm2, paid-in seed cotton output in conventional fertilizer (CK) more than 189 kg/hm2. Accused of losing fat three processing before the frost flower rate are higher than normal fertilization. Each processing seed means basically the same. Paid-in seed cotton acc

30、ording to the processing conditions and local seed cotton price 6.4 yuan/kg, 4 processing production value respectively, 22, 23, 24, 940.8, 940.8, 070.4 and 731.2 yuan/hm2, four treatments of fertilizer input costs are respectively 195.5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 594.0, 936.0 936.0 yuan/hm2, pest control cost is

31、 RMB 645 / hm2, four processing net output of 17 respectively 229.9, 359.8, 19, 20, 18, 492.2 to 830.7 yuan/hm2. Compared to the conventional fertilizer (CK) treatment B 1 529.1 yuan/hm2, reduce cost increase compared to the conventional fertilizer (CK) treatment C reduce cost increase 661.5 yuan/hm

32、2. Processing B fertilizer effect, therefore, is the most significant, with C because of saving fertilizer inputs also achieved the purpose of reduce cost increase efficiency. 2.4棉花一次性施用控失肥与常规施肥大田示范对比2.4 the cotton one-time use accused of losing fat compared with conventional fertilization field dem

33、onstration 从表4可以看出,控失肥前期营养生长较快,结桃慢,但中后期控失肥结桃快,结铃多,产量增加,说明控失肥营养元素稳步释放原理,对棉花的生长发育起到较好的调节作用。Can be seen from table 4, accused of losing fat early vegetative growth faster, peach is slow, but later accused of peach fast weight loss, the boll number, production increase, the loss of fertilizer nutrient r

34、elease steadily control principle, has a better adjustment of cotton growth and development. 3结论与讨论3 results and discussion 棉花施用控失肥一次性作基肥,减少了施肥次数4次,节约了用工,但不具增产效果;适当减少基肥中控失肥的数量,补施花铃肥、盖顶肥,较好地满足了棉花肥料需求5,6,有较好的增产效果,同时减少施肥次数2次,节约一定的用工;适当减少基肥中控失肥的数量,只施盖顶肥,比单纯作基肥好,节约用工也可实现一定的增产。试验示范表明,控失肥能较好地控制营养元素流动,肥料流失少

35、,不易造成脱肥,对棉花全程生长有较好的调节作用。补施花铃肥、盖顶肥,符合棉花需肥规律,能促进棉株多结优质桃,提高霜前花比例。既达到了省工节本的目的,又实现了增产增收,值得推广应用。Accused of losing fat disposable cotton application as basal, reduced fertilization times 4 times, saves labor, but do not hold production effect; Appropriate to reduce the amount of the basal control fat loss,

36、 fill ShiHua fluid fertilizer, topdressing, better meet the demand of the cotton fertilizer 5, 6, have good production effect, at the same time reduce the fertilizing times 2 times, save some labor; Appropriate to reduce the amount of the basal control fat loss, only cover top fertilizer, better tha

37、n simple as basal, saving labor also can achieve a certain output. Experiment and demonstration showed that accused of losing fat can flow better control of nutrient elements, less fertilizer loss, is not easy to cause to take off fat, has better control effect to cotton growth all the way. Fill Shi

38、Hua fluid fertilizer, topdressing, accords with cotton fertilizer, could promote cotton leaves multi-junction high-quality peach, improve before frost flower ratio. Both reach the purpose of the province heading, and realized the increase production, is worthy of popularization and application. 4参考文

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