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1、六年级英语练习题六年级英语练习题 一、.读单词,选图片。(多 选) A. younger B. taller C. shorter D. older E. longer 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 二.按要求写单词。 1.写出下列词的比较级。 young _ short _ tall _ old _ long_ nice _ fine_ 2.meter(复数)_ foot (复数)_mouse (复数)_ 三、 情景会话:根据情景选择句子。 1. 我有1.61米高可以说: A.I am 1.61 meters. B. I am 1.61 meter . 2. 你比我大,可以说: A. You

2、are old than me. B. You are older than me. 3. 你比我矮,可以说: A. You are shorter than me. B. You are short than me. 四、 找出栏中与栏中相对应的答语,把标号填入提前括号。 ( ) 1. How are you? A.I have fifteen. ( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. Im 15 years old. ( ) 3. How old are you ? C. Im fine. ( ) 4. How many books do you have? D. Im

3、1.49 meters. 读一读,译一译; 1.younger_ 2.older _ 3.taller_4.shorter_ 5.longer _6.dinosaur_7. first_8.second_ T: How tall are you? Ss: Immeters. T: Who is taller? S: Im taller than S: Im shorter than Step 2. 新课内容展示 1 1. Lets try:Listen to the tape and circle 1. )The first dinosaur eats_ . A. vegetables B.

4、meat 2. )The_ dinosaur is taller. A. first B. second 2.教读板书下列单词和重点句子:dinosaur , Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall. Its taller than both of us together . 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.LHow tall are you ? Im 1.65cmeters. 3. Lets learn page 5. 听录音,分角色读对话 4 .Ask the students to read the dialogue 4times. T: W

5、hat are Zhang Peng and Mike talking about? S: They are talking about the dinosaurs. T: How tall is Zhang Peng ? S:He is 1.65 meters. T: Who is taller,Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur? S: Zhang Peng. 2 5.请学生翻译重点句子并做好笔记,全班齐读对话。 Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建 1.分角色表演对话。灵活运用所学单词句子造句。 提示:tallest 是tall的最高级。more 是many的

6、比较级。 Step 4. 达标检测 一、根据汉语提示选一选,填一填。 1.那是这个厅里最高的恐龙Thats the_( tallest, taller) dinosaur in this hall. 2.它比我两加起来还高。Its _( tall, taller) than both of us together. 3.你有多高? How _( taller, tall) are you? 4. 我身高1.65米。 Im 1.65 _( meter, meters) 二、读一读,选一选 1. Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall. A. 我身高1.65

7、米。 2. Its taller than both of us together. B.你有多高? 3. How tall are you? C.那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。 4. Im 1.65 meters. D.它比我两加起来还高。 三、选一选,填一填,译一译 1. Peter is _ than Chen Jie. 2. The maths teacher is_than the Chinese teacher. 3. The _ teacher likes playing football. 4. The ruler is_ ( shorter , short). 5. The yel

8、low pencil is _(shorter, short) than the red one. 一、写出下列形容词的比较级 1.big_ 2. small _ 3.thin_ 4. Heavy_ 5.strong_ 6.happy_ 7. angry_8.hot_ 二、读句子,选图片 A. B. C. D. 3 1.The Englishman is very strong. 2.This egg is bigger than that one. 3.The girl is shorter than the boy. 4. The panda is heavier than the duc

9、k. 三、把汉语和英语匹配 1. 你体重多少? A. Sarahs fish is smaller than Amys. 2. 我体重48公斤。 B. He is stronger than her. 3. 你比我重。 C. How heavy are you? 4. John 比Mike瘦。 D. Im 48 kilograms. 5. 他比她强壮。 E. Youre heavier than me. 6. Sarah钓的鱼比Amy 的小。F. John is thinner than Mike. 四、连词成句 1. the. is that, giraffe, tallest(.) 2.

10、taller, than, he, is, me(.) 3. heavy, you, are (?) 一、 英汉匹配绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L 一、选择适当的词填空 1. I am 1.52 _ Im tall. 2. My friend is shorter _ me. 3. _ tall are you? 4.Im 12. Lily is 11. Im _ than her. (shorter, older) 二、 阅读理解。 Girl: Mom, look, there are some birds. Mom: Which bird do you like? Girl: I

11、 like the green one. Its taller than the blue one. Mom: Which bird is stronger? Girl: The blue one is stronger. Mom: I like the blue bird. I think its younger. Girl: But the green birds tail is longer than the blue one. Mom: I think its about 20 cm long. 判断正误 4 1. What size are your shoes? A.我穿37码的鞋

12、。 2. Your feet are bigger than mine. B. 你看起来比我高。 3. My shoes are size 37. C. 你穿多大码的鞋? 4. You look taller than me. D. 你比我重。. 5. You are heavier than me. E 你的脚比我的大。 二根据对话P6判断对错。(对的写A.错的写B) ( )1. Mikes shoes are size37. ( )2. Wu Yifans shoes are size38 ( )3. Mikes feet are bigger than Wu Yifans. ( )4.

13、Wu Yifan looks taller than Mike. ( )5. Wu Yifan, is two kilograms heavier than Mike 一、读一读,写一写(比较级) 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/tall_ short_ young_ old_ thin_ long_ small_ strong _big_ heavy_ ( )1. The green bird is shorter than the blue one. ( )2. The blue bird is stronger than the green one. ( )3. The green bir

14、d tail is about 20cm long. ( )5.How tall is Chen Jie? A.He is 12 years old. B.Im 147cm. C .She is 150cm. 二、找出栏中与栏中相对应的答语把字母序号填入提前括号。 ( )4. The mom likes the green bird. ( )5. The girl likes the blue bird. 一、选择正确的答案。 ( )1.Im two years _than you . A. young B.shorter C.younger ( ) 2.How big _ your feet

15、 ? A. is B. are C .it ( )3 ._ ? -80cm A.How tall are you ? B.How long are your legs ? C .How old are you ? ( ) 4.How _is your best friend ? - Thirteen years old . A.old B .tall C.heavy 5 ( ) 1. How heavy are you? A. They are size 39. ( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. Im 15 years old. ( ) 3. How old are y

16、ou ? C. Im 45 kg. ( ) 4. What size are your shoes? D. Im 158cm tall. ( ) 5. How long are your bed? E. It is 200cm. 1. you, tall, are, how (?) 2. 1.65, meters Im,(.). 3. size, shoes ,are, what, your(?) 4. mine ,are, your, bigger, feet, than(.) 5. size ,my , 37,shoes, are, (.) 三、连词成句。 一、看图片,选词组。 Awatc

17、hed TV B.stayed at home C.cleaned my room D. washed my clothes E. played football A.How heavy are you ? B.How old are you ? ( )3.你想告诉同学:你周末过得很好,可以说:_. A. Im taller than you . B. It was fine. ( ) 4.你想问同学上周末做了什么?可以说_. A . What did you do last weekend ?B.What are you going to do next 1_ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5

18、. _ 二、写出下列动词的过去式。 1. wash_ 2.stay_ 3.watch_ 4.clean_ 5.do _ 三、读一读,选一选。 1.你想问同学周末过得怎样,可以说:_. A. How was your weekend ? B. How old are you ? ( ) 2.你想问同学有多高,可以说:_. 6 weekend ? 5.你想说:它比我们俩加起来还高,可以说:_. A. Its taller than both of us together. B.Its taller than the elephant. 一、读一读,选一选。 1.How was your weeke

19、nd ? A.我们喝了下午茶还看了电视。 2. How are you ? B.你还做了其他什么事吗? 3.I stayed at home with your grandma. C.你周末过得怎么样? 4.We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV. D. 你好吗? 5.Did you do anything else ? E.我和你奶奶在家里。 二、填一填,读一读,译一译。绿色圃中小学教育网 1.What _you do last weekend ? 2.I _ (stay/stayed)at home with my mother yeste

20、rday. 3.How _ (is/was) your weekend ? 4.Did you do _(anything/any)else ? 5.We _(drink/drank)tea last Sunday. 三看图片,选句子。 5._ AMike cleaned his room last Sunday. B.Yao Ming is taller and stronger the man. C.This egg is bigger than that one. D.I drank tea in the afternoon. E.Chen Jie stayed at home yest

21、erday . 一、写出下列动词的过去式。 1. sleep_ 2. have _ 3. do _ 4.read._ 5 is_ 6.see_ 二、看图片,选词组。 Astayed at home B. had a cold C. slept D. saw a film E.read a book 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 三根据中文提示,选短语完成句子。 7 A. had a cold B. yesterday C. saw a film D. draw some pictures E. slept all day 1.My parents _(

22、看电影)last night. 2.Some children _(感冒)last month. 3.Where did you go _ (昨天)? 4.Tom was very tired .So he _(睡了一整天). 5.Im going to _(画画)in the park. 一、看图片,选句子。 A.They saw a film last night. B. John had a cold. C.He slept all day .D.She stayed at home last weekend . E.She read a book 3.My father usually

23、 _ to work by car . A go B goes C going 4.I played the pipa _ .A tomorrow B every day C yesterday 5.We want to _the Great Wall . A visit B visits C visited 6.His schoolbag is _than mine . A cute B bigger C small 三、根据Lets talk 判断正误(B)。 1.Amy wants to buy the new magazine. 2.John saw a film last weeke

24、nd . 3.John had a cold . 4.They will go to the bookstore on foot. 5.John stayed at home and slept all weekend. 一、选出与正文意思相符的单词。 1.旅馆 A hotel B home 2.更好的 A good B better 3.演出 A film B show 4.台灯 A light B lamp 5. 更快的 A faster B lower 1 ._ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. 喧闹的 A loud B broken 二、选择填空。 二、给下列问句找出正确的答

25、句。 1.-_you sing English songs yesterday ? ( ) 1. How old are you ? A No ,I had a cold. -No,I didnt. A Do B Did C Will ( ) 2. What did you do yesterday ? B. It was fine , thanks. 2.They _ a flower show last weekend . A saw B seeing C see 8 ( ) 3. How was your weekend ? C. Im 12 years old. ( ) 4. How

26、tall are you ? D.I washed my clothes. ( ) 5.Did you see a film ? E. Im 1.62 meters. 三根据P18Read andwrite判断正(A)误(B). ( ) 1.Wu Yifan and his family had a happy time at the Holiday Hotel. ( ) 2.His father wanted to read a book but the lamp was small. ( ) 3.The hamburgers were cold and tasted bad. ( ) 4.

27、Wu Yifan could watch TV at the hotel. ( ) 5. Wu Yifan didnt sleep all night. 一、选择填空。 1. Did he _ the library on Tuesday ? A .clean B. cleaned C .cleaning ( )2.Tom visited his uncle _. A. now B .next week C .last weekend 3.My father _dinner at six oclock. A .washed B .cooked C. lived 4.It _good ,than

28、k you . A .did B. are C .was 5.-_did you go yesterday morning ? - I went to the library . A . Where B. What C .When 二、听音,将短文补充完整。 9 A .cleaned B. visited C. had D. last weekend E .saw Mike was very busy _. He_ breakfast at seven oclock .He_ his bedroom at eight oclock. Then he _the zoo with his pare

29、nts. He _many animals there. On the way home , they had their dinner at an Italian restaurant. 三、连词成句。 1. you / anything /Did /else / do ( ? )_ 2.on / clothes / She / washed / Sunday / her ( . )_ 3.new / wants / to / buy / He / the / dictionary ( . )_ 4.was /How /your/weekend ( ? )_ 5.My / stayed /

30、home / at / father / all / weekend ( . )_ 6.did/day/what/yesterday/do/you/the/before (? )_ Step 4. 达标检测 一、看图片,选词组。 Awatched TV B.stayed at home C.cleaned my room D. washed my clothes E. played football 5.你想说:它比我们俩加起来还高,可以说:_. B. Its taller than both of us together. B.Its taller than the elephant. 二

31、问与答,连连看。 1. What size are your shoes? A. I wnet to the bookstore. 2. Where did you go yesterday? B. I am 45 kg. 3. How heavy are you? C. Size 7. 1_ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 二、写出下列动词的过去式。 1. wash_ 2.stay_ 3.watch_ 4.clean_ 5.do _ 三、读一读,选一选。 1.你想问同学周末过得怎样,可以说:_. A. How was your weekend ? B. How old are you

32、? ( ) 2.你想问同学有多高,可以说:_. A.How heavy are you ? B.How old are you ? ( )3.你想告诉同学:你周末过得很好,可以说:_. A. Im taller than you . B. It was fine. ( ) 4.你想问同学上周末做了什么?可以说_. A . What did you do last weekend ?B.What are you going to do next weekend ? 10 4. What did you do last night? 5. How was you weekend? D. It was fine. E. I watched TV.


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