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1、六级听力Section A 11. A The movie was really wonderful. B The movie was full of violent scenes. C The movie wasnt as good as he had expected. D The movie was overly concerned with romantic relationships. 12. A He left it at the airport. C He lost it on his trip. 13. A At 9:00. C At 9:25. B He enjoyed us

2、ing it. D He left it in his friends car. B At 9:15. D At 10:00. B In a restaurant. 14. A In an office. C In a theatre. D At the information desk. 15. A Tony could not continue the experiment. B Tony finished the experiment last night. C Tony thought the experiment was well done. D Tony had expected

3、the experiment to be easier. 16. A She cant even decide what she will do tonight. B She wants to hand in her report as soon as possible. C She will be very likely to go to the symphony with the man. D She cant go to the symphony because of her unfinished report. 17. A He is always punctual for his c

4、lass. B He rarely notices which students are late. C He wants his students to be on time for class. D He doesnt allow his students to tell jokes in class. 18. A The man doesnt know how to vote. B The man is going to reveal his vote later. C The man refuses to answer the womans question. D The man do

5、esnt understand the womans question. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A He cant find his office key. B He has misplaced some exams. C He is unable to speak. D He doesnt like his classroom. 20. A Mark the latest homework assignment. B Put a cancellation notice

6、 on the classroom door. C Make an appointment with the doctor. D Return some exams to his students. 21. A Teach Davids class while he is absent. B Give Professor Winston the key to Davids office. C Leave a message on the board in Davids classroom. D Bring David the homework that was due today. 22. A

7、 To put the homework on Davids desk. B To leave the master key for David. C To give Davids students the next assignment. D To call David at the end of the afternoon. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. A They are going to buy tickets. B They are going to buy a v

8、iolin. C They are going to City Hall. D They are going to Peters Home. 24. A She enjoys them very much. B They sound more or less like a human voice. C They are complicated but soft. D She cant understand them. 25. A There is a ticket free of charge. B She loves violin. C She can listen to some musi

9、c outside. D She has nothing to do tonight. Section B Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. A Making the problem of food shortage even more serious. B Increasing the awareness of the worlds large population. C Increasing the number of babies who survive ear

10、ly childhood. D Providing world population with more nutrition ever before. 27. A 2%. B 3%. C 4%. D 5%. D Europe. 28. A Latin America. B Africa. Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. A They didnt care. B They hated it. C They loved it. D They have mixed fee

11、lings. 30. A There was not enough maintenance. B People didnt care whatever mess it might be. C There were no effective regulations over visitors. D It was constructed badly. 31. A It was more respected. B More people used it. C It was damaged by tourists again. D It quickly got worse again after Li

12、ncolns death. Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. A It is easy for a couple to afford a child in Asia. B The prices of houses in Asia are quite low now. C The word “DINKS” first appeared in an Asian country. D Fewer and fewer married women want to have

13、a job. 33. A $900. B $5,000. C $10,800. D $15,800. 34. A Let women stay at home and have a baby. B Care for the growing needs of women for job. C Allow only one of the parents to go out to work. D Punish the companies that permit women to leave. C Asia. 35. A The small number of newborn babies. B Th

14、e changing social situation of women. C The high prices of houses and education. D The necessary steps of Asian governments. Section C No event has had such a decisive effect in shaping the attitude of the Irish people towards the British as the Irish Famine. Looking back on the famine, the most (36

15、) _ fact was that it should ever have reached such (37) _. Although the potato crop failed, there was plenty of food left in Ireland, and while thousands died some of it was being (38) _. Even if the local organizations for dealing with a crisis of such magnitude were completely (39) _, more positiv

16、e and generous action by the British Government could have (40) _ some of the worst effects. In the light of the large scale Government relief projects (41) _ today, the supreme irony of all was that the richest nation in Europe should have allowed one of the poorest to starve on its doorstep. Yet t

17、he famine looked very different through nineteen-century eyes. Then, the (42) _ of letting people do things without the governments (43) _ were generally accepted in fact, were regarded as almost sacred. (44) _. In the case of the Irish famine, it was argued, the Government had done all it could to

18、help. (45) _, and it seems strange that the reports of suffering could have failed to move the Government towards a greater use of its resources. (46) _. Few Irish families had not been severely hit by the famine, and there were even fewer who did not lay the blame fairly and directly at Britains do

19、or. Section A 11. W: How was the movie that you 选项中的movie,went to last night? I know how wonderful,wasntgood等表明,对much you wanted to see it. 话可能与对电影的评价有关。 M: Well, I was hoping for something really wonderful. 选C。对话中男士提到I But the movie was full of was hoping for something really stereotypes, and relat

20、ionships wonderful. But,由but表转折可知,Q: What does the man mean? 电影没有男士期望的那么精彩,故答案为C。 12. W: You must have enjoyed using 由选项中的He left/lost ityour new camera on your trip. 对话可能与男士丢了it有关,M: I would have, but after buying the 等可知,new camera especially for that 听音时注意it指代什么。 trip, I left it in the car with m

21、y friend who drove me to the 选D。对话中男士提到left airport. it in the car with my friend,D是对男士的话的同camera? 义转述,故为答案。 13. M: Hello. This is Tom Davis 由选项内容可知,本题speaking. I have an appointment 考查时间,听音时应记录相应的时with Mrs. Jones for nine oclock 间。 this morning, but Im afraid Ill have to be about fifteen minutes 选B

22、。根据对话中男士提到的nine oclockbutfifteen late. W: Thats all right, Mr. Davis. She minutes late和女士提到的Thats all right可知,见面时间应为9:15,故oclock. Q: When will Mr. Davis most 答案为B。 probably meet Mrs. Jones? 14. W: I have a complaint to make, sir. I 由选项均为地点可知,had waited ten minutes at the 本题可能考查对话的地点或场景,问table before

23、 the waiter showed 题以Where开头。 up, and I finally got served. And I found it was not what I 选B。对话中女士提到waiter、orderedordered. M: I am terribly sorry, madam. Its a 以及meal,B中的“restaurant”bit unusually busy tonight. As 与此对应,故答案为B。show up意compensation, your meal will 为“出现”;as compensation意为“作为be free. Q: W

24、here does the conversation 补偿”。 most probably take place? 15. W: Hi, Tony. How did your 由选项中重复出现的experiment go yesterday? M: Well, it wasnt as easy as I had Tony和experiment可知,对话与Tonythought. I have to continue 做实验有关。 doing it tonight. 选D。对话中男士提到Q: What do we learn from the it wasnt as easy as I had

25、thought,D是对男士的话的同义转述,故为答案。 16. M: I thought youd finished your 选项中的She cant/wantsreport. So I got tickets for the 表明,女士的话为听音重点。 symphony tonight. W: Well, its not done. But its not 选C。女士的话But its not due until next weekdue until next week. Q: What can be inferred about the 为听音重点。not due until说明时间wom

26、an? 充裕,即女士今晚可能会和男士去听交响乐,故答案为C。 17. M: Uh, looks like Im going to be a 由选项中的He little late for class. I hope wants/doesnt allow,his students,Professor Clark doesnt start on punctual,late等可知,对话可能与time today. He或其学生是否准时有关。 W: Are you kidding? You can set 选A。对话中女士提到your watch by the time he starts You c

27、an set your watch by the time he his class. starts his class,A项是对女士的话的Q: What can be inferred about 同义转述,故为答案。set the watch by Professor Clark? the time sb. does sth.直译为“以某人做 某事的时间来调时间”,形容某人做某事非常准时。 18. W: Can you give me an indication 由The man doesnt know as to which way youre going to /refuses可知,男

28、士的话为听音重点。 vote, sir? M: I thought that constitutionally I 选C。男士的话I had the had the right not only to vote but rightnot to reveal为听音重点。C中的refuses to Am I right or not? 故Q: What do we learn from the answer是对男士的话的同义转述,答案为C。 conversation? Now youll hear the two long conversations. Conversation One 预览四道题

29、各选项,由Davids class,Davids students等可知,David可能是一位老师,对话可能与David的上课情况有关。 M: Maths Department, Doctor Winston Questions 19 to 22 are based on the speaking. conversation you have just heard. W: Hello, Prof. Winston. This is Eliza 19. Whats Davids problem? Smith calling. Im living two doors 选C。由对话中女士提到的dow

30、n from your teaching assistant, David Williams. David asked me to Davidlost his voice and cant talkcall you because he lost his voice 可知,David声音哑了不能说话,故and cant talk to you himself. 答案为C。 M: Lost his voice? Oh, what a shame! Is C中的unable to speak是对there anything I can do for him? 对话中lost his voice a

31、nd cant talk的W: Well, he has a class this afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00 and he wont be 同义转述。 able to teach it, but he doesnt want to cancel it either. M: Want me to try to find somebody 20. What favor does David want else to teach the class? someone to do for him? W: No, not exactly. What he wants to

32、选D。选项均以原形动词do is to get someone to go in for 开头表明,本题考查行为动作或观点him, just to pass back the mid-term 对话中女士说What he wants to exams. Hes already marked them 建议。and they are on the desk in his do is to get someone to go in for him, office. The whole thing wouldnt just to pass back the mid-term exams,take m

33、ore than ten minutes. 也就是找人帮忙把期中考试试卷发M: His class is at 2:30, eh? Well, at that 下去,故答案为D。 time I am going to be on campus anyway, so I can do it for him. What D中的return是对对话中pass back的同义转述。 room is his class in? W: Building 4, Room 214. Will you need his office key to get the 21. What does Eliza offe

34、r to do? exams? Hes given it to me and I 选B。Eliza在提到office keycould bring it to you. M: Actually, that wont be necessary. 时说I could bring it to you,由此可We have a master key in the Maths 知,答案为B。 Department. So I can get into his 解答本题的关键是听清题目office if necessary. 问的是Eliza而不是Professor WinstonW: Thanks ve

35、ry much, Prof. Winston. David doesnt have another class to 愿意做什么。 teach until Tuesday, and hopefully, he will be able to talk by then. Hell 22. What does Eliza almost forget to call you as soon as he can. Oh, yes, ask Prof. Winston to do? I almost forgot. Could you put up the next assignment on the

36、board, 选C。Eliza最后又提到I too? Its all the problems on Page almost forgot,还需请对方put up the 45, and they are due at the next next assignment on the board,C的内容是M: No trouble at all. Thanks for passing all the news about David, and please 对该句的同义转述,故为答案。 tell him not to worry about board指“黑板”;due意为“到anything

37、. 期的”。 Conversation Two 选项中的listen to some music,violin,complicated but soft等表明,对话可能与演奏会有关,涉及到小提琴表演。 M: Would you like to go hear some Questions 23 to 25 are based on the music tonight? conversation you have just heard. W: Where? To Peters Home again? 23. What are they going to do? M: No, lets go to

38、 City Hall. There will be a concert there starting at nine. 选C。选项均以They are 本题考W: Dont tell me it is the same thing we going to+原形动词开头表明,heard last time at Peters Home. 查对话双方的打算。对话一开始男士M: No, those are symphonies we heard. 问女士Would you like to go hear But this time some music tonight?接着女士问To W: Yes,

39、 symphonies. Frankly speaking, Peters Home again?男士回答No, they are too heavy and complicated for me. I didnt enjoy them really; I lets go to City Hall,故答案为C。 should say I dont understand D中的Peters Home是根据classical music. To Peters Home again 设的干扰项,M: Neither do I. I feel like hearing it 听清男士的回答No即可排除

40、。 sometimes, thats all. I dont want to talk you into going. Butyou 24. What does the woman think of know, someone gave me two tickets this afternoon, I should make use of symphonies? them, shouldnt I? So here I am! 选D。预览选项可知,本W: Well, what sort of music will the 题可能考查女士对them的看法,且由concert have tonigh

41、t? M: String Quartets. The composers are B和C可推测They指某种乐器。女Haydn, BeethovenI remember 士对symphonies发表了看法:I dont you told me the other day that you understand classical music,故答案为liked the violin better than any other D。 musical instruments. W: Yes, I did say that. The violin is 听清问题中的symphonies是rather

42、 soft and sounds more or less 解答本题的关键。 like a human voice. M: I suppose you will like this concert, 25. Why does the woman finally then the string quartet is a kind of agree to go with the man? delicate chamber music played by 对话中男士说记得女four musicians, lets say, by a small 选B。four-men orchestra, with

43、 two 士说过她喜欢听小提琴,然后介绍了violins, one viola and one cello 这场音乐会就有小提琴,女士听后说W: In that case, Ill goBy the way, In that case, Ill go,由此可知,女士是因为喜you? M: Doris? She hates anything 欢小提琴才去的,故答案为B。 “classical”. 由男士提到的you liked the violin better than any other musical instruments可知,女士喜欢小提琴。 Section B Passage One

44、 预览三道题各选项,结合26题中的food shortage,large population等可知,短文应与世界人口及其引发的问题有关。 Nowadays, there is a growing Questions 26 to 28 are based on the awareness of the problem of a rapidly passage you have just heard. increasing world population. This is 26. Which is one of the results of improved medical skills? l

45、argely the result of improved medical skills, which have lowered the death rate 选C。短文中提improved medical and at the same time raised the birth rate 到by increasing live births and the number skillsincreasingthe number of of babies who survive early childhood. babies who survive early childhood,There i

46、s a growing realization that food 由此可知,答案为C。 production cannot keep pace with these 27. At what rate is the world increases, the result of which is that in population increasing per year? some countries people are already 选A。本题考查数字,故starving to death while millions more suffer from lack of nutrition


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