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1、六级英语下册UnitThelionandthemouse单元教案牛津译林精The lion and the mouse 单元内容 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元教学总目标 1、能理解、读并复述故事。 2、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:bite, hole, large, sharp, strong, weak, wake up。 3、能听懂、会说、会读表示时间顺序的词组: the next day, just then, from then on。 4、通过课文学习,不轻视别人,学会互相帮助。 课时 1 Story time 集体备课教案 教学目标 1.能理解并会朗

2、读故事。 2.能初步听懂、会读单词large、strong、woke、weak、net、bit、sharp、sadly、hole 3.进一步巩固there be一般过去时,并注意不规则动词过去式的写法和读音。 4.通过学习本课的故事,让学生懂得人与人之间应该互相帮助。 教学重、教学重、难点 1.能理解并会朗读故事。 2.能初步听懂、会读单词large、strong、woke、weak、net、bit、sharp、sadly、hole 3.通过学习本课的故事,让学生懂得人与人之间应该互相帮助。 教学准备 教学设计 Step1: Pre-reading 1. T: Look! Can you gu

3、ess what my hobby is? S: You like reading, I think. T: Yes. I like reading stories. Do you like stories? What stories do you know? S: The kings new clothes T: Today we are going to read another interesting story. Look at the picture. Can you tell me the name? S: The lion and the mouse Unit1 The lion

4、 and the mouse T: Look at the lion. What do you think of it? Teach: large strong heavy T: But what is the mouse like? Is it large?. Teach: small weak light 1 二次备课 Step2: While-reading 1.T: The large and strong lion, the small and weak mouse. What is the story about? First, we know who. What else wou

5、ld you like to know about the story? S: Where? When? What? How? Where? in the forest 2. T: What happened? There are some sentences for you. Lets read them together. The lion caught the mouse but let it go. The lion and the mouse became good friends. The lion could not get out from the net. The mouse

6、 helped the lion get out. The mouse woke the lion up. 3. Read and match 4. Watch and order 5. Read and think Teach: one day, the next day, just then, from then on 6.Read and think Q: Why did the lion let the mouse go? Q: What happened to the lion? Q: How did the mouse help the lion? Picture1&2 Pic2:

7、 How did the mouse say to the lion. Quietly How did the lion say to the mouse? Loudly The mouse was afraid. Picture 3-5 Underline the new words and phrases Teach: bitebit hole How? Sadly happily 7. T: If you were the mouse. What would you say? I am small and weak, but I am clever and brave(勇敢). I ca

8、n help the lion! Step3: Post-reading 1. Lets read. 2. Try to retell. 3. T: What do you learn from the story? Sometimes, the strong can be weak.再高的人也有屈身的时候, Sometimes, the weak can be strong.再矮的人也有垫脚的时候。 Everyone is good at something.每个人都有自己的长处 Lets help each other!让我们互相帮助 Step4: Homework Listen and

9、read the story. Retell the story to your friends or family. Copy and recite the phrases. 板书设计 Unit1 The lion and the mouse 2 One day walked by woke up caught let it go The next day caught with a large net bit couldnt get out Just then saw made a big hole got out From then on became good friends 教学后记

10、 课时 2 Story time (2) Fun time 集体备课教案 二次备课 3 课时 2 Story time (2) Fun time 集体备课教案 教学目标 1.能复述故事 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:bite, hole, large, sharp, strong, weak, wake up, let go。 3.能根据故事内容改编并表演故事。 教学重、难点 1. 学生对课文中重点词汇和句子的掌握。 2. 能根据故事内容改编并表演故事。 教学准备 教学设计 Step1: Revision 1. Greetings 2. Read the story together. 3

11、. T: Long long ago, there was S: There was a lion. He was very large and strong. T: What happened? One daythe next day just then from then on Can you ask some questions about the story? For example, who woke the lion up? Step2: Presentation 1. T: Open your books. Turn to page 8. Lets read the questi

12、ons and answer together. Who woke the lion up? Did the lion eat the mouse? How did the man catch the lion? How did the mouse help the lion? What did the lion and the mouse lion? What did the lion and the mouse become? 2. Try to retell the story according to the blackboard. 3. Do the exercise on page

13、 8: Read and order. 4. key words and phrases: 二次备课 4 课时 2 Story time (2) Fun time 集体备课教案 Large/bigsmall/little Strongweak Sharpblunt Wake up/get up/go to bed/go to sleep Want to do/would like to do Some day Let sb do The next day/the following day/the second day Catch the lion with/use to catch Just

14、 then/just now Get out/get in From then on/from now on Become friends 5. Fun time T: Now we know a lot about the story. We can also retell it. Right? Can you act it? Look at picture 1, the lion was very strong and large. What would he say? T: Turn to page 10. Work in groups and complete the dialogue

15、. S: T: Now lets act! Step3: Practice 1. Act the story. 2. Exercises on Exercise Book 1. Step4: Homework 1. Listen and read Story time. Try to recite. 2. Review the text and notes. 3. Try to retell or act more stories in groups. 板书设计 Unit1 The lion and the mouse Notes 5 二次备课 课时 2 Story time (2) Fun

16、time 集体备课教案 教学后记 课时 3 Grammar time & Checkout time(Look and write) 集体备课教案 教学目标 1.学生能理解副词的用法。 2.学生能掌握副词的构成:quietly, excitedly, fast/slow 3.学生能掌握3个动词过去式的不规则变化:bite-bit,wake-woke,let-let。 教学重、难点 1.学生能理解副词的用法。 2.学生能掌握副词的构成:quietly, excitedly, fast/slow, well 教学准备 教学设计 Step 1 Revision 1. Greetings 2. Qui

17、ck response: 动词过去式 Letlet Bitebit Wakewoke 3. Try to retell the story according to the verbs Step 2 Presentation (Grammar time) 1. T: When the lion caught the mouse, the mouse was afraid. So he said quietly. But How did the lion laugh? S: He laughed loudly. T: The next day, two men caught the lion.

18、He was sad. He asked for help sadly. T: When the mouse help him get out, he became S: He became happy. T: So he thanked the mouse S: happily. say happily T: Open your books to page9. Lets read the sentences together. The lion asked sadly. The lion laughed loudly. 6 二次备课 二次备课 课时 3 Grammar time & Chec

19、kout time(Look and write) 集体备课教案 The mouse said quietly. The mouse said happily. 2. adv. 副词 Sadsadly loudloudly quietquietly happyhappily T: Can you find out the rules? S: 形容词后加ly 形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词或形容词 Summary: 形容词副词 a. 词尾直接加ly excitedexcitedly beautifulbeautifully carefulcarefully b. 去e加ily happyhappi

20、ly angryangrily heavyheavily c. 不变 work hard run fast/slow jump high/low get up early/late d. 不规则goodwell 3. Checkout time T: Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. The boy is running fast. The girl is shouting excitedly. The children are talking loudly. The people are laughing happily. Th

21、e man is reading carefully. The woman is crying sadly. Step 3 Practice 1. Lily is a _ student. She speaks English_. (good) 2. Ben got up _ this morning. He was _ for school. (late) 3. He is a _ boy. He laughs_. (happy). 4. The food in Thailand tastes _.(good) 5. Mary is a _girl. She always talks _.(

22、 quiet) 6. Nancy is a _ girl. She dances _.(beautiful) 7. Tomorrow is New Years Day. The students are _. And the English teacher arent going to assign homework .So the students will shout_. (excited) 二次备课 7 课时 3 Grammar time & Checkout time(Look and write) 集体备课教案 8.Billy slips and falls. He cried _.

23、(sad) Step 4 Homework: 1. Review “Grammar time”. 2. Preview Cartoon time 3. Do some exercise. 板书设计 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 形容词副词 a. 词尾直接加ly excitedexcitedly beautifulbeautifully b. 去e+ily happyhappily angryangrily heavyheavily c. 不变work hard run fast/slow jump high/low get up early/late d. 不规则

24、goodwell 二次备课 教学后记 课时 4 Sound time& Cartoon time 集体备课教案 二次备课 8 课时 4 Sound time& Cartoon time 集体备课教案 教学目标 1.能用wh-词来进行提问。 2.能掌握特殊疑问句的语调。 3.能读、演cartoon time,并能掌握其中的知识点。 教学重、难点 1.能用wh-词来进行提问。 2.能读、演cartoon time,并能掌握其中的知识点。 教学准备 教学设计 Step 1 Revision 1. Greetings 2. T: Boys and girls, do you like sweets?

25、S: Yes/No. T: I like lollipops best. T: Where can we buy sweets? S: In the sweet shop. Step 2 Presentation 1. Sound time T: Look at the picture. Can you say some sentences about it? For example, they are going to the sweet shop. S: T: OK! I have some sentences for you. Lets read them together. We ar

26、e going to the sweet shop right now (马上). We want to buy a lollipop. It is for the boy over there. The boy is sad.划线提问 Where are you going? When are you going to the sweet shop. What do you want to buy? Who is it for? How is the boy? T: Do you think it is rising intonation or falling intonation? S:

27、Falling intonation. T: Lets read together. T: They are going to buy a lollipop for the boy. What will he say? S: Thank you T: Well done. Youre so polite. But I think it doesnt matter. Because they just want to help the boy, and make 二次备课 9 课时 4 Sound time& Cartoon time 集体备课教案 him happy. Read sound t

28、ime together. 2. Cartoon time T: Now we know how to ask questions. Wh- how. S: what, where T: We are going to learn Cartoon time. Before learning, what would you like to know about the story? S: Who? What? Where? When? How?. T: Who? S: Bobby and Sam. T: Who else? Look at the picture. S: Billy and Wi

29、lly. T: What are they doing? S: They are playing table tennis happily. T: Look! Sam plays well! Sam is really good at table tennis. T: What happens? Can you guess? S: T: Lets listen! What happens? S: The ball falls into a hole. S: T: OK. Lets read the story together. Look and say(picture 2) Teach: c

30、heer for them loudly hit the ball hard Pic3: T: At last, finally, they find a hole. Is the ball in the hole? S: Yes. T: But Sam Teach: reach Pic4: T: Sam has an idea. What is the idea? S: Teach: pour in into the hole T: Is there only one ball? S: No. there are so many balls. T: What does it mean? S:

31、 Step 3 Practice 1. Read the story after the recorder. 2. Read in groups. 3. Share the group work. Step4 Homework 1. Listen and read Cartoon time. Prepare for the acting. 2. Listen and read Sound time. 3. Preview Culture time. Search for stories. 板书设计 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Who? be good at 二次

32、备课 10 课时 4 Sound time& Cartoon time 集体备课教案 Where? hit the ball hard What? reach When? pour into How? Why?. 二次备课 教学后记 课时 5 Culture time& Checkout time(Think and write) 集体备课教案 二次备课 11 课时 5 Culture time& Checkout time(Think and write) 集体备课教案 教学目标 1. 能正确完成checkout time 练习。 2. 能表演Cartoon time。 3. 能对外国的语言

33、故事和我们的成语故事有所了解。 4. 能形成互相帮助的好氛围。 教学重、难点 1. 能正确完成checkout time 练习。 2. 能表演Cartoon time。 3. 能对外国的语言故事和我们的成语故事有所了解。 教学设计 Step 1 Revision 1.Free talk 2.Review some phrases Step 2 Presentation 1. T: We learned stories in this unit. What story?S: The lion and the mouse. T: What is this story about? S: Anima

34、ls T: Do you know where it is from? Teach: Aesops Fables T: Look! This is Aesops Fables. You can find many animal stories . What stories do you know in Aesops Fables? Can you tell us ? The Fox and the grapes The Farmer and the snake T: The book is written by Aesop in ancient Greece. We also have our

35、 story book. It is called a Chinese idiom book. We can also find many animal stories in it. Can you tell one? 守株待兔、亡羊补牢 2. T: Do you like stories? You know, Su Hai and Anna are e-friends. Su Hai is writing an email to Anna. Would you like to know her story? S: Yes. T: But her email is not complete.

36、Can you read and complete it? T: Lets check your answers. Whats Su Hais story? What happened to her? T: Su Hai likes helping people. What about you? What did you learn from the lion and the mouse? S: We should help each other. T:We should help others just like Su Hai. Lets read the email. Step 3 Pra

37、ctice 二次备课 12 课时 5 Culture time& Checkout time(Think and write) 集体备课教案 T: Did you help others? Would you like to share us your story? Step 4 Homework 1. Read Culture time and Checkout time. 2. Try to help each other. 板书设计 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Aesops Fable a Chinese idiom book 二次备课 教学后记 课时 6

38、 Ticking time &Exercise 集体备课教案 二次备课 13 课时 6 Ticking time &Exercise 集体备课教案 教学目标 1.复习与巩固前几课时所学单词、句型和日常用语。 2.加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升。 教学重、难点 1.加强语言输出的训练,促进综合语言运用能力的提升。 2.练习中存在的问题 教学准备 教学设计 Step 1 Revision 1. Greetings 2. Free talk Step 2 Presentation 1. Revision T: Boys and girls, we have finished this

39、 unit. What did you learn from this unit? S: We learned 2. Ticking time T: Well done. Open your books. Turn to Page 15. Can you understand “The lion and the mouse”? Can you use “loudly”, “sadly”? Do you know the intonation of wh-questions? Step 3 Practice 1. Do the listening on workbook. 2. Check the answers. Step 4 Homework 1. Review Unit 1. 2. Finish the workbook. 板书设计 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Notes 二次备课 14 课时 6 Ticking time &Exercise 集体备课教案 教学后记 二次备课 15


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