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1、六级词汇98组答案方框内的黑色词汇是原讲义中给出的相关词; 其下方的彩色词是原讲义当中的黑粗体词条. 绿色为同义或接近义,蓝色为相反义. 请注意同义和反义可能会牵涉到单词的衍生义或转义。 1. retard decent forsake humiliate initiate capacity scarcity Accelerate abrupt abandon abuse abort disability abundance abnormality preserve do away with extract Disability abandon abolish abstract Forsake

2、 narrow-mindedness for openness to different culture 放弃狭隘而接受不同的文化 Have the capacity for reasoning 有推理能力 Learn to add and subtract 学会加减 Alcohol abuse 酗酒 Mentally-retarded persons 智障人士 2. denial contain accomplice rationalize prosecution precision attain accord accommodate accessory account for accusa

3、tion inaccuracy accomplish conform with(to) correspondingly confer Accord with accordingly accord We accorded the boy due praise. 我们给予了这个男孩应有的赞扬。 Its best to do so on all accounts. 从各方面看来最好这样做。 They protested with one accord that they didnt use drugs. 他们一致声明他们没有吸毒。 We are sending you some money in a

4、cknowledgement of your valuable help. 我们正在给您汇钱以表示对您宝贵的帮助的感谢。 3. While doing sth dampen adjoining disarrange self-denying lecture In the act of activate adjacent adjust acquisitive address Detract from cling to intense supplementary stubbornness repellent 1 Add to adhere to acute additional adaptabil

5、ity addictive Competent inadequate Address the whole nation on the air 对全国进行广播讲话 He was caught in the act of stealing 有人当场抓住他偷窃。. Requisite capital for the investment 这项投资的必须资金 He is adequate to the job. 他足以胜任这项工作。 4. Publicize foster implement attach testify artistic contemptible juvenile Advertise

6、 adoptive administer affiliate affirm aesthetic admirable adolescent Unfavorable contradict respectable cope with entry opponent hostile Adverse advocate contemptible admission advocate affectionate They affirmed to his innocence. 他们证实了他的清白。 The court will administer the penalty. 法庭将会执行惩罚。 Aesthetic

7、 standards 审美标准 Fight against odds in adversity and distress 在困境和逆境的面前迎难而上 Brothers show affection for one another. 他们互相显示出兄弟之情。 5. Distance(v.) extinct assert intensify plague(v.) harmonious itinerary Alienate alive allege aggravate afflict agreeable agenda assemble vigilant extravagant irritate te

8、rrifying vigorous Aggregate alert affordable alleviate alarming aggressive Local newspaper alleged that he evaded tax. 当地报纸声称他逃税了。 Afflict him with constant complaints 用没完没了的抱怨来折磨他 Aggravated by the vicious gossip, he could do nothing but fight back. 他被恶意的流言激怒了,别无选择,只能还击。 The ridiculous decision ali

9、enated many friends from her. 这个愚蠢的决定使很多朋友和她疏远了。 2 You should keep your habits alive. 你应当保持你的习惯。 Inflict indignity on the captive 对这些囚徒强加侮辱 The audience aggregated a million. 观众总计达百万。 6. Resemblance dispatch revise magnify one after another optional Analogy allocate amend amplify alternately alterna

10、tive Collaborate dynamics add up to elevation clarity Ally ammunition amount to altitude ambiguity Make allowance for specific situation 考虑到特定的情况 Be in alliance with neighboring countries 与邻国结盟 On alternate days 在隔日 Have no other alternatives but to do 别无选择只能去做。 It amounts to saying that 这等同于说。 The

11、election was given ample coverage. 媒体给予了这次选举充分的报道 There is ample room on the back seat. 后座有足够的空间 7. Clap soothe synthetic guilty along with notorious periodical Applaud appease analytical apologetic apart from anonymous annual Superficial dissolve foresee accessory craving plead Apparent analyse ant

12、icipate appendix appetite appeal to Analyze a chemical compound 分析一个化合物 Appease publics curiosity with news conference 通过记者招待会让公众的好奇平息下来 To ones appetite 合某人胃口的是 Their affluence is more apparent than real. 他们的财富是表面的而不是真实的。 A biannual conference 双年会 注:biennial 两年一次 3 We anticipated their making compl

13、aint by writing a full report. 我们刊载他们投诉之前写了一份完整的汇报 8. Sphere be preoccupied with apparatus inclined rational precisely Arena apply oneself to appliance apt arbitrary approximately Depreciate cope with incompatible evaluation consent indecent Appreciate approach applicable appraisal disapproval inapp

14、ropriate Plunge into the commercial arena 投身于商界 Approach the delicate issue 处理这个微妙的问题 It is appropriate that we should contribute to the project. 对这个项目作出共享是应当做的事。 Appraise a students academic strength 对学生的学术能力加以评估 9. Slander beyond dispute conceited dislocate give rise to dumb arguable arrogant arra

15、nge arise from articulate Pursue blushing descent a series of channel Aspire for ashamed ascent an array of artery It is arguable that we would be just as efficient with fewer staff. 用较少员工我们可以同样的有效率这是有道理的。 Plot sbs assassination 密谋刺杀 Economic arteries 经济大动脉 Accidents arose from failure to observe sa

16、fety regulations. 事故的是由于未遵循安全规章制度而产生的。 The last part of the ascent is very steep. 这段斜坡的最后一部分非常陡峭。 10. Accessible map defense be detached from conviction undertaking wait on Attainable atlas assault be attached to assurance assumption attend on Interact with convention defiant stubborn advantage over

17、weight Associate with assembly assertive assimilable asset athletic 4 Attend to you work and stop chatting. 专注于你的工作;停止闲聊 Assumption of supreme power 对最高权利的承担 You can judge a person by whom he associates with. 你可以从一个人说交往的人来对他加以判断。 Assimilate with the local population 为当地人所同化 11. attorney attributable

18、 to auction authentic authoritative autonomous avail avenue avert aviation await awesome axis Aeronautics shaft bid for overtake fabulous means thanks to Aviation axis auction await awesome avenue attributable to Solicitor colonial arbitrary fake confront benefit Attorney autonomous authoritative au

19、thentic avert avail You must avail yourself of every opportunity to speak English. 你必须利用所有的机会讲英语 The avenue to success 成功的大道 Avert his eyes from 眼睛从。避开 A big surprise awaited us upon arrival. 刚一到,我们就遭遇了一件让人很吃惊的事。 12. Manners in advance sterile strap benefit whip group surplus Behaviours beforehand b

20、arren band behalf batter batch balance Feast bewilder token vote bind mere functioning Banquet baffle badge ballot bandage bare Study the behavior of bees 研究蜜蜂的习性 Barely escape death 勉强逃生 What he said has not much bearing on the issue. 他所说的对这个问题没有太大的影响。 The legal guardian must act in behalf of the c

21、hild. 法定监护人必须按孩子的利益采取行动。 Letters come out in batches. 信件一批批的到来。 A barren discussion (be barren of/ be void of) 5 毫无成效的讨论 13. Glimmer desolate flare acidic baffling revelation generate Blink bleak blaze bitter bewildering betrayal bring.into being Be fortunate in having explode odd command restrain o

22、ne-sided be blessed with blast bizarre bid bind biased What is the purpose of our being? 人存在的意义是什么? He failed in his bid to reach the summit. 他努力尝试到达顶峰但失败了。 His accent betrayed his birthplace. 他的口音暴露出了他的出生地。 Bind her hair up with ribbon 用缎带把头发扎起来 The manned spacecraft blast off. 载人航天飞船升空了。 You canno

23、t blink at the mistake. 你不能对这个错误睁一只眼,闭一只眼。 14. To the core nuisance stumble flouring straightforward latch imprudent At bottom bother blunder blooming blunt bolt bold At a stroke stall blemish dampen self-debased contract At a blow booth blur boost boastful bond Blurt out the distinctions between ri

24、ght and wrong 脱口说出正误之间的区别 A blunt refusal 断然拒绝 He blundered about the room, feeling for the light switch. 他在房间当中踉踉跄跄地走,摸索着灯光开关的位置。 The headwords in this dictionary are in bold type. 这个字典的词条是印成黑粗体的。 Our friendship is blooming. 我们的友谊愈加深厚了。 15. Meditate pamphlet embrace excellence compliance think over

25、 revive Brood brochure boycott brilliance breach rack ones brains about bring to Abbreviated categorize support propagate nimble corrupt plot 6 brief bracket brace boycott brisk bribe breed Mark verge Brand brink As you brew, you must drink. 自酿的苦酒自己喝。 A breach of the convention 对惯例的违背 Business is br

26、isk today. 今天生意兴隆 Brace oneself against a champion 让自己做好准备和一位冠军竞争 A school boycott 罢课 His childhood experiences were still branded in his mind. 孩提时代的经历依然烙在他的脑海中。 16. Steer clear of injure administration trouble notice smash Bypass bruise bureaucracy bug browse bump Had it not been for cluster hiss r

27、eview enhance coerce But for bunch buzz brush up build up bully Scan harsh blast lump not entitled to do reinforce immensity Browse brutal burst bulk have no business to do enhance bulk Be careful. Our conversation might have been bugged. 当心。我们的谈话有可能已经被窃听了。 Bypass the sensitive issue 回避这个敏感话题 It was

28、 his drinking that busted up their marriage. 是他喝酒把婚姻给搞砸了。 A daily bulletin 每日公报 Brush up Italian before visiting Rome 在摆放罗马之前温习意大利语 The courtroom buzzed when the defendant was led in. 当被告人被带进来的时候,法庭内一片哄然。 18. Index enslaved deliberate hardly engrave conveyor freight Catalog captive calculated in no

29、case carve carrier cargo 7 Cardinal potentials summon power victims title container Capital capabilities call up capacity casualties caption capsule In no case will we surrender to failure. 我们决不向失败屈服。 Aircraft carrier 航空母舰 The factories are working at full capacity. 工厂全力生产 He always takes a calculat

30、ed risk. 他总是迎难而上。 We calculate on the good weather for barbecue. 我们得指望好天气来搞烧烤野餐。 He is quite capable of lying. 他非常会撒谎。 Carve a roast turkey 切烤土鸡 19. Advocate grasp cataclysm consolidate continually career personality Champion catch on to catastrophe cement incessantly cause celebrity Board affirm su

31、rvey meticulous preside over hall Cater for certify census cautious chair chamber The Upper Chamber 上议会 With empirical evidence, students caught up to his point. 有了源自实践的证据,学生们明白了他的观点。 The accused has been certified as insane. 以证明被告人精神失常。 The experiences cemented their friendship. 这些经历巩固了他们的友谊。 20. H

32、arbor in bulk addicted feature concertedly pursue melancholy rent Cherish a chunk of charmed characterise in chord chase cheerless chart Chop inferior frustrate orderly persistent echo Chip choice chill chaotic chronic chorus Figure reckon accord A chunk of audience 一大堆观众 The paint is chipping badly

33、. 油漆剥落的情况很严重。 8 chant the praises of 齐声对。称颂 Strike a chord 拨动琴弦 His words chilled me. 他的话让我不寒而栗。 The public chorused the approval of the bill. 公众异口同声 的表达了对这个法案的赞同 She summed up the situation in a few choice phrases. 她措辞审慎,寥寥数语总结了情况。 21. Fragment disharmony courtesy itinerary fasten ratify clip Clash

34、 civility on circuit clamp give clearance to rating inverse cultivate snatch ambiguity slack Classification clockwise civilize clasp clearance clingy provision dilemma applaud summon Clause climax clap cite He got clearance for the classified information. 他得到了这个机密信息的许可证。 She clasped the trophy in ec

35、stasy. 她在狂喜中紧紧地抓住奖杯。 He was cited in dispatches. 他在报道中受到了表彰。 Claim diplomatic immunity 要求外交豁免权 22. Editorial convention vulgar grip acquire authorize bump disconnection Commentary code coarse clutch come by commission collision commitment Drill curl propose grasp fidelity individual Coach coil come

36、up with command n. clutch v. Commitment collective I hope the money is honestly come by. 我希望这笔钱是通过诚实的手段获得的。 A broadcast commentary of a football match 对一场足球赛的广播评论 Shell be coaching students in maths all summer. 整个夏天她都将会辅导学生数学。 A man with coarse manners 一个举止粗鲁的人 9 23. Disagreeable fluff collection wo

37、nder defiance intricacy parts transmit Compatible compilation commonplace compliance complication component communicate Rival element compound analogous coercion partition eligible companion Composition component incomparable compulsion compartment incompetent A composite illustration 综合说明 Fell no c

38、ompulsion to accept the offer 没有感到接受这个提议的冲动 A compact camera 袖珍照相机 He keeps company with those guys. 他一直和那些家伙交往 Communicate a disease 传染疾病 the composition of soil 土壤成分 24. Rebel involved elaborate selective fabulous admit radical constitute Conformist concerned condense comprehensive conceivable con

39、cede conformist comprise as a secret initiate notion shape density award in confidence conclude conception configuration concentration confer Im telling you this in confidence. Dont breathe a word out of it. 我是私下里告诉你的。不要透露任何风声。 the configuration of the solar system/ vocal chord 太阳系的构造/声带的形状 conclude

40、 a peace treaty with neighboring countries 和邻国缔结和平协定 All people concerned should attend the conference. 所有相关人士应当参加这个会议 It is hardly conceivable that she could do such a thing. 很难想象她竟然能做这样的事. 25. Variable victory intentional component dissuade sb from doing frustrating 10 Constant conquest Conscious

41、constituent constrain sb to do sth. Constructive In chaos soothe recklessness significant irresponsible loot unanimity In confusion console inconsiderateness of no consequence conscientious conserve consensus Successive doctor trivial result from in collaboration with reject Consecutive consultant o

42、f no consequence be consequent upon in conjunction with consent to His unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion. 他不期而至,让我们乱成一团。 fashion-conscious young women 了解时尚的年轻女士 I had to make conscious efforts not to offend her. 我不得不有意作出努力不要得罪她。 She consented that we take sick leave. 她准许我们请病假。 consult a doctor about his headache 找医生正值头痛 five successive Sunday 五个连续的星期天 the consequence of the flood 洪灾的后果 26. Abandon peer applicable congregate diverge from acquittal transmit Be converted to contemporary conve


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