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1、关于爱的小故事 篇一:关于爱的小故事: 关于爱的小故事: 羚羊“尊敬”长者,群体休息时,只要有一只老羚羊站着,小羚羊就不敢躺下。 当长途跋涉后的骆驼休息时,老骆驼不必亲自除沙洗尘,自有小骆驼为它舔毛。 被称为“孝鱼”的墨鱼,母鱼产仔后双目失明,仔鱼便侍奉在它的左右,争先恐后让它吞食,表达孝心,直到眼睛复明为止。 关于男人的烦恼: “四十岁前的男人在拿命换钱”当孩子时要争气、当学生时要成绩、当丈夫时要荣耀、当爸爸时要牛气,做男人就象做太阳,要光宗耀祖、要鲜花和掌声,要钱、要地位、要名气、要车子、要房子-一口气要下去,自己却累倒了。告诉你:高傲的男人,你丢了健康! “四十岁后的男人在拿钱换命”钱更

2、多了,车子更气派了、房子更阔了,而病却攒多了攒大了,“人过四十日过午”啊,躺在病床上才体会到什么叫风光后的失意,什么叫力不从心,那么多别人没有的自己都有了,而着一切有好象都不属于自己,此时多么希望与爱我的人和我爱的人一起共享幸福、享受健康,拥有健康才会拥有快乐。告诉你:可怜的男人,最不能丢的就是快乐!篇二:关于爱情的小故事 net jiang wei gently puckering his brow, the northern warlord helian eight provinces, is the height of the warlords in the name of the fi

3、rst one. under the jurisdiction of his eight northern provinces, strong troops, weapons and equipment class, is currently the most powerful warlord in one. for large and small helian helian warlords mother was the only wife soong, so we can not neglect my children in all, and only you this is the il

4、legitimate daughter. too big order less worthy helian i have also been restored in the past these days, hector warlord would send a special train sent dowry came. days are scheduled, and on time for the year. specific things that you oldest maternal aunt who will help you rbi! jianghai the right to

5、pass over a single word sound, voice, not high, but should not be mixed with irresistible majesty. net wei waited a long time, has not seen his father before you speak, had raised his head, looked at him. i saw his eyebrows furrowed, it seems there are very many unhappy things in interfering him. ov

6、er the years, warlords mutual conquest, battle year after year. father of the year only a few months at home, rarely have this opportunity to stand so close. carefully looked at, they discovered that his father had half white hair, black hair mixed in, the unobtrusive exception. net wei light cheley

7、ixia mouth, the whole prefecture afraid only magpies nervous myself. she looked for a magpie, smiled: no, there is one good news and bad news. you have to listen to what? magpies stare her, not to her, went to the wash room, ning leyi of hot towel over, for her to thin the paint from the face: miss,

8、 ah, i followed you up to now have not heard any good news you will first tell the bad news! net wei took her hand towels, faint: the bad news is i want to get married! magpie shocked them a long while did not speak, his mouth slightly open. net wei rarely see her so look, could not help but want to

9、 laugh out. married? marry? know eryi tai, concubine, five miss mistress they see you dislike, do everything possible trying to get out of the house to go - net wei raised his head and laughed lightly: is that you can not leave the house yet? magpies mouth can be crammed into a sheet of eggs! aroma.

10、 childhood is now helian warlord as successor upbringing, since the nineteen-year-old army since honed, that he led the army eight provinces in the north, for the north to set a hehe exploits. ears. for him the rumors are very many, the net weinu force recall ever see, to hear, then, can be hector j

11、ing wind, for his name, even women and children is thundering southern accustomed broadly grouped into the evaluation summary sentence: young hero! a wind did not? magpie said while pondering again. wei recalled his father touches the net just in the library talk, fear is helpless ah. she looked out

12、 the window the wind shaking the plum, muffled, faint: in fact, this is also a matter of time you see a princess in ancient times, there are a few people can seek to jia xus. mostly given to generals, champion , the court minister of state in order to win the show. worse still barbarians are to be s

13、ent to go and kiss. throughout the ages, most of the things the world so nothing! today, i do not marry hector jing wind, in future also have a second person. outside the north wind is up, hula hula pumping pulled the window. does have a warm house, but net wei faint sound reached the ears of the ma

14、gpie, as much in the sense of chill. also she was by no means a very modern woman, but the atmosphere in school than at home i do not know how many times, although she is not large between the students involved in the activities, but the share of the feeling of freedom and quiet can not be given at

15、home. two. but she was not afraid of it touches her identity, always stick by her side, like a magpie-like, all day long nagging not late. will meet. so it came to school, they are not strangers, than the general relationship between students is relatively better. things. she had just stepped out of

16、 the classroom door, only to hear the beginning of fragrant cloud of do not know, which date from the schools beginning, the beginning of fragrant cloud, xiao yang and her trio often on the outside of the restaurant, the hotel places like get together and talk about chattering in the back: net wei,

17、wait for me! cloud incense three-step two-step beginning to catch up with her, and they slowly in the hallway walk. uh - net wei? cloud early incense have something to say, but uncharacteristically hesitant up. looked at her. net wei met her eyes and nodded. as she expected to see the beginning of i

18、ncense surprised expression: really want to marry hector jing wind? she nodded. beginning with jiangnan jun fragrant fathers always go quite some officers close to the ocean and occasionally donate some cost to the army to do, so we know this thing is not surprising.then you are not going to the nor

19、th yet? the beginning of incense anxious up, face i do not know because of the cold or excitement, actually flushed red, very nice. live ah? cloud early incense at her, some understand it: so your father put you as a bargaining chip, net wei sighed gently, just like very clear: the ten provinces in

20、the south and west than seven provinces early days by marriage do? if we are non-aligned south and the north, then fear is not easy to and the northern alliance to do? she stared at the dead branches without grottoes, in the cold wind and percussion, the shenbuyouyi looked flurry. i also cold! three

21、 on the restaurant, just sit down, a small two will they want melon seeds, peanuts, dried you just have to find something, we go to school on the opposite teahouse tea go here quite is yuehua jian, xiao yang saw the hurried rush is over, a look of worry: just before the teacher dragged on for some t

22、ime after class, i was afraid you first back up. turned to the net wei said: fruit, pastries, tea and other bong up.篇三:20个关于爱情的小故事 1、多年后,她出席暗恋多年的他的婚宴,他变得风度翩翩,侃侃而谈,坐他身旁的是位美丽动人的新娘,虽然看着不是滋味,但也得走去祝贺他一番:“多年不见了,你变健谈了呢,以前你和喜欢的人说话,舌头总打岔,现在能把这么漂亮的新娘娶回来,厉害!”他听后脸红耳赤起来:“真、真、真的吗?” 3、男孩婚后对自己的妻子比婚前更好。一次聚会朋友笑他:“怎么结

23、婚了还那么腻?”他讪讪地笑着说:“结婚前很多男生都想追她,很多男生会对她好,我只有对她更好才能追到她;结婚后对她好的男生越来越少,我只有对她更好才能不让她失落。”我所做的就是想让她幸福。说完,在场的朋友都沉默了。 4、毕业的前一天,他看着同桌的她戴着耳机写着卷子,很想对她表白却不好意思开口,终于,他试探着叫了她的名字,她一点反应也没有,依然写着卷子,于是他很小声的把想对她说的话全部说出;打铃下课了,他离开了座位,同桌的她松开暂停键泪流满面。 5、一个王子爱上一个公主,公主告诉他,如果他愿意连续100个晚上守在她的阳台下,她就接受他。于是王子照做了,他等了一天,两天,三天?直到第九十九天,王子离

24、开了。为什么王子不再坚持最后一天?答案很感人爱情不能只是一个人的付出。王子用99天证明爱,用第100天证明尊严。 6、她喜欢他四年,收集关于他的一切,喜欢他低头写字的样子,看见他和别的女生一起会生气,也写过无数次情书。只是,这一切,他不知道。若干年后,他和她早已不在一个城市,她在婚前却收到他的礼物,是那次她不小心遗落的一只耳环。信上:我把青春耗在暗恋里,却不能和你在一起。 7、男孩女孩闹矛盾约定背对背各走100步,回头时如果还能看见彼此就不分手。走到99步的时候女孩终于忍不住蹲在地上哭了,一双手臂从背后圈住了她。男孩说,我一直在等你回头,这一辈子我不会放你一个人走!我们不要天长地久海枯石烂,只

25、要一个怀抱彼此温暖,就够了! 8、他就要结婚了,他拖他最好的朋友去选结婚戒指。“这个不错。”“你帮我试试!”,“那?好吧!”“正合适!”她想要摘下戒指的时候,被他的大手一把抓住,“戴上了就永远不准摘下来了!”她睁圆了眼睛,“你?不是要结婚了吗??”“没错,和你”。 9、“如果胖的我跟瘦的我同时出现,你会选哪一个啊?”“当然是胖的那一个啊。”“少骗人了,哪有人会选胖的啊。”“?因为,胖胖的你没有人疼。”记得,当时我哭了。也许这是他对我说过,最浪漫的。10、一对新婚朋友的对话,新娘:你说,我们下辈子还会在一起么?新郎:你上辈子就问过这个问题了。这是我听到的最浪漫的情话。 11、每天早上他都会打一个

26、电话给她,“猪,起床啦”。而她总是嗯嗯几下就挂断了。后来她对他说,为什么你总是要打电话来叫醒我呢?你知道我床头有个闹钟的。他说,因为我想听听你的声音、特别是那种懒洋洋的声音,真的,那种感觉特别好。 12、两个女人聊起各自的生活。“我不会做饭,却每天可以吃到老公为我准备的美餐。”年轻的脸庞,幸福隐藏不住。另一女人腆腆一笑,轻声说道,“我也不会做饭呢,做的饭菜自己都觉得难吃。可是,”她顿了顿,“他每次都会把饭菜吃得光光,拍着肚皮说,真好吃。” 13、她跟他结婚七年感情一直很好,可她却在他车祸身亡的一个星期内闪电结婚,她依旧开心快乐,这一切让她儿子愤怒不止 在儿子的声声质问中她只问了一句“他不是最会

27、吃醋吗?他怎么还不回来?” 15、他向她求婚时,只说了三个字:相信我;她为他生下第一个女儿的时候,他对她说:辛苦了;女儿出嫁那天,他搂着她的肩说:还有我;他收到她病危的那天,重复的对她说:我在这;她要走的那一刻,他亲吻她的额头轻声说:你等我。这一生,他没有对他说过一次“我爱你”,但爱,从未离开过。 16、他有空就用纸叠心形折纸,见到她就给她。这个习惯有多久了?他自己都不是记得很清楚。突然,有天,她电话里说:“今天有个收废纸的来,我问了价钱,然后把你送我的心形折纸都卖掉了?”顿了顿,“刚好九块钱,等下你打扮打扮,一起去民政局领结婚证吧。” 17、他和她已经分手两年了,两年来他每天下班习惯性地打开

28、她的博客,看看她一天的心情。她有时候高兴,有时候悲伤,有时候失落,他只是静静地注视着,不做一点评论,甚至删掉了自己的浏览记录。直到有一天她博客上挂满了她的婚纱照,下面有一行小字:“我嫁人了,不等你了,不更新了。” 18、她:在你心里我是什么人?女朋友?妹妹?他:亲人!有一天她冲动的说我们结婚吧,他只是紧紧握握她的手,什么也没说;她去远方的那个深夜,他背着大包送她上火车;她不在的日子里,他孤单留在异地为挣钱而奔波。也许这一生,他都不会对她说过一次“我爱你”,但爱,也许从未离开过她。 19、每次她心情不好时他的脸色更难看,”你就不能笑着安慰我一下吗“,她生气的说;他强颜欢笑,她看了更加生气,夺门而去。他抱住她,说:“还记得我曾经说的一句话吗,你的表情影响我的心情,我真的笑不出来。”她想着自己的喜怒无常,眼泪划过了脸颊。 20、毕业那天,班长提议全班同学坐成一个圈,每个人在纸条上写一个自己的秘密,传给左边的人,这样每人分享一个自己秘密的同时也保守了一个别人的秘密。我故意坐在他的左边。暗恋四年却没敢表白,能知道一个他的秘密也好,我安慰自己。传来的纸条上只有三个字:我爱你。


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