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1、口语7大笔记练习方法 你清楚口语7大笔记练习方法吗?我们一起来看看,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语精讲: 你清楚口语7大笔记练习方法吗?托福口语精讲笔记练习方法提起做笔记,很多托福考生都气馁,我们又不是英语专业学生,又不需要同声传译,不就是考个托福口语吗?还要练就这一身笔记技巧。关键是也有很多年没有动手写过字了,自己的字都看不懂,这该从何入手?相信被托福口语虐过千百遍的你们,肯定不甘心自己的口语分数一直停滞不前(特别是卡在23分的同学),一手好的笔记就是大家的救星阿!学会记笔记的你们,听力就不会受到笔记的影响,听到的重点信息就可以瞬间记下来,准备时间内就可以马上串联内容,最终答题就直


3、rmitory dormEducation eduInformation info符号:+ and X 消极w with ? results in/leads tow/o without?Comesfrom/resultfrombtw between less smallereg example more largerNo number not/different= is/are/means/refers to/is called 中文:Transportation 交Chemistry 化Environment 环Convenient 方05有意识听逻辑提示词有了这些逻辑连词的帮助,30s的

4、准备时间足以把内容很顺利地串联起来!同步在笔记中体现出来。06笔记速度要快不需要担心美不美观,只要看懂就行,速度这很重要!笔记速度太慢的同学很容易阅读记不完或者听力记不下来。07分段练习第一遍记不下来,分段听,分锻练,再整篇*正常速度练一遍。有时间整篇*练习会有难度,同学们可以分段练习,扎实笔记技巧。托福独立+综合口语托福口语TPO46 Task1:The way you have benefited from using the Internet题目:Talk about one way in which you have benefited from using the Internet.

5、 Use specific examples and details in your response.话题:object物品范文:Well,in the information age, we can definitely benefit a lot from using the internet. For me, I can use the internet to improve my English. Firstly, there are various kinds of English materials on the internet, which I can download ve

6、ry easily and make use of them conveniently. Secondly, I can take part in the online English courses to gain more knowledge about English. It is not only time-saving but also quiet efficient.托福口语TPO46 Task2:People today have healthier lifestyles题目:. Do you agree or disagree with the following statem

7、ent?People today have healthier lifestyles than people did 100 years ago.Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.话题:lifestyle 生活方式范文:Yes, I agree with the statement for the following reasons. Firstly, People attach greater importance to their health than 100 years ago. Since people

8、 are busy with their jobs, they find it necessary to keep a balance between life and work. Secondly, people like travelling to different places when they are free. Because peoples living standards have increased tremendously, they would like to enjoy life to a great extent.These are the reasons why

9、I think people today have healthier lifestyles than 100 years ago.托福口语TPO46 Task3:Reading 部分:No More Posters Outside the Student CenterTraditionally, students have been permitted to put up posters advertising events, clubs, and activities on the concrete wall outside the main entrance to the student

10、 center Beginning next semester, however, students will no longer be allowed to attach anything to the front of the building According to a university official, the new policy is part of an effort to improve the campuss appearance. “The posters on the wall make the building unattractive, he said, so

11、 they have to come down. He added that posters can instead be displayed in the dining hall: Students can use the bulletin board in the dining hall for posters, so the policy change should not be a problem.The woman expresses her opinion about the new policy. Briefly describe the policy. Then state t

12、he womans opinion about the policy, and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.高分词汇:attach to, unattractive, display, artistic, personality, changing.材料要点重现:阅读:no longer, attach, front building, posters, unattractive, dining hall.听力:bad, square building, artistic, colorful, character

13、, changing, not everybody, eats, dining hall.范文:According to the university official, students will no longer be allowed to attach anything to the front of the building beginning next semester because the posters on the wall make the building unattractive and posters will be displayed in the dining

14、hall. However, in the conversation, the girl thinks it is too bad about the new policy. Firstly, the posters there make the basic square building with gray concrete walls artistic and colorful. It also gives the building character and personality. Secondly, the stuff on the wall is always changing a

15、nd it is cool. Besides, not everybody eats at the dining hall, so the posters in the dining hall is meaningless.托福口语TPO46 Task4:Reading部分Warning ColorationMany animals have defense mechanisms that help protect them from predators. In some cases, these animals have distinct coloring that signals pred

16、ators of the presence of such defenses. This type of coloring is called warning coloration. If a predator does not recognize the meaning of this coloration and attacks, it may suffer significant discomfort or injury when its would-be prey employs its defense mechanism. As a result, the predator lear

17、ns to associate the warning coloration with negative consequences, and will from that point forward avoid attacking animals that have that coloration.题目:Explain how the professors example from the lecture illustrates warning coloration.高分词汇:refer to, illustrate, run from, produce, prepare, back off,

18、 leavealone, recall.材料要点重现:阅读:warning coloration, animals, signal predators, defense.听力:skunk, white stripe, bushy tail, gland, terrible, smelling liquid, attack, spray, recall, stay far away.范文:Warning coloration refers to a type of coloring that animals have to signal predators of the presence of

19、defenses. In the lecture, the professor uses skunk as an example to illustrate this term. Skunks have a big white stripe that runs from the top of the head down their back and along the big bushy tail. The special glands under their tail can produce a terrible, smelling liquid. When a wolf is prepar

20、ing to attack a skunk, the skunk lifts its tail and sprays the wolf. So the wolf backs off and leaves the skunk alone. From then on, whenever the wolf sees the skunk, it will recall the terrible smell and stay far away from it.托福口语TPO46 Task5(听力+题目):The film class听力部分:Listen to a conversation betwee

21、n two students.W : Hey Bob, there needs to ask hows that film classgoing?M : Great, and guess what? Theres a special classmeeting tomorrow night to view Alfred Hitchcockfilm. There will be a discussion after the film.W : Hitchcock films are great. You gonna be thereright?M : I dont know there is a c

22、onflict.W : What s that?M : Well I suppose to have the dinner at the dining hall with my cousin, hes coming tomorrowto spend the day on campus to check out the university, trying to decide whether to enrollingclass next year.W : Well maybe I can help. I ate at dining hall every night. So if you want

23、, he can come todinner with me and some friends of mine.M : Thats really nice of you. It would help if he got to talk to few different people about campuslife.W : OK, let s do that.M : Well the thing is hes kind shy and he might be uncomfortable with people he doesntknow. And I do want him to enjoy

24、himself here.W : Hey, well be nice; anyway do you have a better idea.M : Well, I can skip the film and have dinner with my cousin as planned. I rent the film andwatch later.W : But what about the discussion.M : I miss that and it could be very interesting.W : Well let me know when you decide.Questio

25、n:Briefly summarize the problem the speakers arediscussing. Then state which of the two solutionsfrom the conversation you would recommend.Explain the reasons for your recommendation.范文:The man plans to take part in a special class meeting tomorrow night to view a film and have a discussion after th

26、at but he is supposed to have dinner at the dinner hall with his cousin. In the conversation, they talk about two possible solutions. The first solution is that the woman offers to eat at the dining hall with his cousin and some of her friends. But the man says his cousin is shy and he might be unco

27、mfortable with people he doesnt know. The second solution is that the man just skips the film and has dinner with his cousin as planned and rent the film and watch it later. However, he will miss the discussion. Personally, I recommend the man choose the first solution because in that way, his cousi

28、n can still visit the campus and the man can watch the film and participate in the discussion. I believe his cousin will understand him.托福口语TPO46 Task6(听力+题目):Why we may remember some things better than others听力部分:When we think about the past, we try to rememberthe past; we remember something better

29、 thanothers. Why is that? Well therere few differentexplanations. One explanation is that we remembersomething better if we already have some previousknowledge about it. Some previous understandingof it. For example, lets say youre going to go aclassical music concert. If you dont know anything abou

30、t classical music before you go to theconcert, you probably wont remember any details of the concert later on. For examplesomebody asked you about the concert a year later, you probably wont remember what piecesthe orchestra played; what order they play them and so on. On the other hand, if you alre

31、adyknow a lot about classical music before you go to the concert, for example if you can studyingand playing classical music for many years is probably going to be much easier for you to recallthe details of the concert later on. Another explanation is that we remember better whentheres something un

32、usual or different about what we trying to remember. For example letssee you in a class at university. A big class with over a hundred students in it. A year later, which of those hundreds students are you mostly like to remember, probably the ones who wereunusual or different in some way. Maybe a m

33、an who was exceptionally tall or a woman whowas exceptionally intelligent. The fact the students were somehow different from the otherstudents would make them easier to remember.题目:Using points and examples from the lecture, give two explanations for why we may remember some things better than other

34、s.范文:In the lecture, the professor talks about a psychology phenomenon that when we think about or try to remember the past, we remember some things better than others and illustrates two explanations for this.One explanation is that we remember something better if we already have some previous know

35、ledge about or understanding of it. For example, if you dont know anything about classical music before going to the concert, you probably wont remember many details of the concert later on. On the contrary, if you already know a lot or youve been studying and playing classic music for many years, i

36、ts probably going to be easier to recall the details later on.Another explanation is that we remember better when theres something unusual or different about what we are trying to remember. For example, you will probably only remember the ones who were unusual or different in a big class with over a

37、 hundred students a year later.托福独立+综合口语Task1Which one of the following forms of transportation do you consider to be most enjoyable?l bicyclel automobilel trainExplain why you enjoy it.话题:Approach 方法思路:喜欢自行车:(1)保护环境;(2)锻炼身体高分词汇:transportation, practice, fossil, dioxide, atmosphere, muscles, stressf

38、ul, sedentary范文:I like to travel by bicycle most among the three transportation forms. One reason is to protect the environment because the practice can save fossil fuels and release no carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Another reason is to have more exercises since riding bicycles forms strong mu

39、scles in ones legs, which provides a valuable opportunity for stressful and sedentary office gentlemen and ladies to escape and breathe in the fresh air.Task 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the future, people will read fewer books than they do toady.Use specific examples an

40、d details to support your opinion.话题:Study 学习思路:未来人们读书会比现在少:(1)时间少;(2)娱乐活动更多高分词汇:present, obvious, employee, immerse, entertainments, operas, focus范文:I believe that people in the future will read fewer books than they do in the present. One obvious reason is that the rapid pace of life allows less t

41、ime for employees to immerse themselves in a wide range of books. Another reason is that various entertainments such as video games, soap operas and outdoor activities will distract people from focusing on studying, even when they are in library.Task 3Professor EvaluationsThe university requires stu

42、dents to complete written evaluations of their professors at the end of each course taught during the semester. But current system is private, since only the professors actually read the evaluations once the student submit them. I suggest that the university publish these evaluation online for every

43、one to read. Both professors and students would benefit from having these evaluation published. Professor would feel more motivated to improve their teaching if they knew that their evaluations were publicly available to all students. In addition, prospective students could read the evaluation and m

44、ake more informed decisions about which classes they want ti take.SincerelyChris JacobsQuestion: The woman express her opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state the womans opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.话题:Teaching Activi

45、ties教学活动思路:女生不同意这个建议的原因有两个,一个是教授不愿意公开批评;另一个是到期末时,大家都会忙着准备考试,在评估时可能没有办法提供详细有价值的信息。高分词汇:reveal, evaluation, motivations, proposal, criticize, assessment, estimation, practical范文: It is suggested by the student that the university should reveal the online evaluations of the professors to the public bec

46、ause the professors would have more motivations to prepare their lessons and students would have more information about what course to take. The woman in the conversation does not agree with the proposal. First of all, professors will not be happy with being criticized in the public, so they might n

47、ot look at the assessments. Secondly, these estimations are done by students who are busy with their final examinations, which provides little practical and detailed information about courses.Task 4ReactancePeople of all ages generally prefer to have as much freedom as possible in determining their behavior. When individuals feel that their actions are being unfairly limited, they often attempt to restore freedom by directly contradicting or opposing the rule of regulation that threatened their freedom. Both children and adults demonstrate behaviors that are the results of their urge to


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