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1、典型病句典 型 病 句 四级作文错误主要集中在词汇和句子结构方面,语法规则的乱用也很普遍。 词汇错误 四级作文的词汇错误包括词性误用、选词不当和拼写错误。 1. 词性误用 词性误用是四级“2分段、5分段、8分段”作文中最常见的错误,英语基础差的考生在写作时常常根据单词的汉语意思随意使用各种词性的词作英语句子的各种成分。例如: 考生病句: (1) Become a superwoman is my dream. (2) A very important reason is that take exercises is good for your health. (3) How can we be

2、 succeed? (4) Students should not only study hard, but also ability training. (5) Migrant workers often share their happy and sadness. 修改处理: (1) To become a superwoman is my dream. (2) A very important reason is that taking exercises is good for your health. (3) How can we be successful? (4) Student

3、s should not only study hard, but also develop their abilities. (5) Migrant workers often share their happiness and sadness. 病因诊断: 部分考生对英语句子成分和词性之间的关联缺乏清楚的认识。一般而言,英语句子的主语和直接宾语只能由名词、代词、数词、现在分词形式、不定式以及What或whether等引导的名词性结构来充当。英语句子中的谓语必须由动词或动词词组来充当。英语句子的定语可以由形容词、名词、分词、不定式以及定语从句来充当。英语句子的状语则可以由副词、副词性结构以及

4、状语从句来充当。 2. 选词不当 选词不当也是四级作文中很普遍的问题,每个分数段的考生都不同程度地存在。例如: 考生病句: (1) The big two students are interested in on-line games. (2) To be a three good student is a symbol of achievement for Chinese students. (3) The traffic in some big cities is becoming more and more crowded. (4) My grandpa still likes see

5、ing books. 修改处理: (1) The sophomores are interested in on-line games. (2) To be an all-round student is a symbol of achievement for Chinese students. (3) The traffic in some big cities is becoming more and more heavy. (4) My grandpa still likes reading books. 病因诊断: 部分考生的词汇量、词汇搭配、同义词和近义词区分等方面的薄弱是导致写作时

6、选词不当的主要原因。例(1)的big two students表示“大二学生”,中国人能看懂,但却让外国人费解,是典型的“汉式英语”。例(2)的a three good student表示“三好学生”,也是典型的“汉式英语”。例(3)中crowded表示街道、房间等地方拥挤,可以说“The street is crowded.”,但不能说“The traffic is crowded.”。 例(4)中seeing明显是reading的误用。 3. 拼写错误 拼写错误在四级“2分段、5分段、8分段”作文中也较常见。例如: 考生病句: (1) Study in British universiti

7、es depends on weather you can pass IELTS or not. (2) Because young people are our future hopes, we should provide them with good enviranment. (3) The little boy weared a white shirt. 修改处理: (1) Study in British universities depends on whether you can pass IELTS or not. (2) Because young people are ou

8、r future hopes, we should provide them with good environment. (3) The little boy wore a white shirt. 病因诊断: 考生对某些单词或词组的正确拼写记忆不牢或粗心大意,在考试时产生笔误。 语法错误 语法错误在四级“2分段、5分段、8分段”的作文颇为常见。四级作文的语法错误主要包括时态混用、代词和冠词误用、主谓单复数误用等。 1. 时态混用 一些考生在写作文时没有时空概念,想起什么时态便顺手拿来用在句子中。例如: 考生病句: (1) When I was a little girl, I felt t

9、hat teaching is very happy because my mothers pupils loved her very much. (2) Five months ago he was still nobody, but now he was becoming somebody. 修改处理: (1) When I was a little girl, I felt that teaching was very happy because my mothers pupils loved her very much. (2) Five months ago he was still

10、 nobody, but now he is becoming somebody. 病因诊断: 考生在写作文时没有考虑同一个英语句子的时态通常需要前后保持一致。 2. 代词和冠词误用 一些考生在写作文时会把代词和冠词误用。例如: 考生病句: (1) Another actors think that abilities of themselves are of great importance. (2) I often wonder whether they may become healthy or not when my parents get older. 修改处理: (1) Other

11、 actors think that their own abilities are of great importance. (2) I often wonder whether my parents may become healthy or not when they get older. 病因诊断: 考生在写作文时没有考虑清楚英语句子的代词所指,对冠词的使用规则也不熟悉。 3. 主谓单复数误用 一些考生在写作文时会把代主谓单复数误用。例如: 考生病句: (1) I come to understand how my parents is supporting our family. (

12、2) The majority of people prefers watching a soccer game to playing it. (3) Three quarters of the soup were left. 修改处理: (1) I come to understand how my parents are supporting our family. (2) The majority of people prefer watching a soccer game to playing it. (3) Three quarters of the soup was left.

13、病因诊断: 考生在写作文时没有考虑同一个英语句子的主谓通常需要前后保持一致。 (三)句子结构错误 四级作文的句子结构错误属于比较严重的语言错误,在四级“2分段、5分段”的作文里颇为常见,它最主要包括语法性结构错误和汉语式表达等。 1. 语法性结构错误 一些考生在写作文时会犯语法性结构错误。例如: 考生病句: (1) Only in this way we can become qualified citizens after we graduate. (2) He likes watching TV more than read books. (3) Although a woman how

14、pretty she is, she will become old with the years going by. 修改处理: (1) Only in this way can we become qualified citizens after we graduate. (2) He likes watching TV more than reading books. (3) No matter how pretty a woman is, she will become old with the years gone by. 病因诊断: 有些考生对倒装句型、平行结构、让步状语从句等句子

15、结构方面的语法知识不足。 2. 汉语式表达 一些考生在写作文时会使用汉语式表达。例如: 考生病句: (1) Some people think that tourists go to famous universities can learn some interesting things. (2) My foreign teacher told me something that I had never known, his chat content attracted me deeply. (3) Consequently how we can take on the economy bu

16、rden become many poor students is problem. (4) We think wrong that his mother should be left in complete ignorance. 修改处理: (1) Some people think that tourists who go to famous universities can learn (or going to famous universities can learn) some interesting things. (2) (3) My foreign teacher told m

17、e something that I had never known, which attracted me deeply. (4) It is a big problem for poor students to relieve their economical burden. (5) We think it wrong that his mother has been left in complete ignorance. 病因诊断: 有些考生在写作文时仍然采用汉语思维和汉语文法,写出令人啼笑皆非的“连动式”、“流水句”。例句3、4 、5是明显的汉语式表达,其中的例句4和例句5的句子基本结

18、构错误。 练习:修改下列各个病句。 1. There are many students in English class want to talk with each other. 2. English class needs more communication is realized by more and more students and teachers. 3. China is a 1.3 billion population country. We always speak Chinese. Now we have to study English. English is di

19、fficult to study. 4. We had a wonderful vacation last summer. We visited my grand parents home. We met all my cousins, aunts and uncles there. We ate good food and played a lot. We went shopping and sightseeing. I didnt feel like coming back. 5. No matter wherever I went, your love was shining my wa

20、y home. 6. Its a good thing of see my classmates have beautiful develop after work hard study. 7. When I go shopping, I will feel very exciting if I have enough money. 8. It was said that the railway station is not very safe, it is true, there was very crowded, we almost couldnt move yesterday. 练习参考

21、答案 1. Many students in English class want to talk with each other. 2. More and more teachers and students have realized the importance of communication in English class. 3. We living in China with 1.3 billion population always speak Chinese, but now we have to study English which is difficult for us

22、. 4. We had a wonderful vacation last summer. While visiting my grand parents home, we met all my cousins, aunts and uncles. We ate good food and played a lot. We also went shopping and sightseeing. As a result, we didnt feel like coming back. 5. No matter where I went, your love would be shining my

23、 way. 6. Im very glad to see that my classmates have got rapid progress after hard working. 7. When I go shopping, I will feel very excited if I have enough money. 8. It is said that the railway station is not very safe and it is true. It was so crowded that we could hardly move in the station yesterday.


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