1、农作物粮食类词汇农作物、粮食和饲料词汇 春播作物spring-sown crops 庄稼,收成 crops 小麦 wheat 大麦barley 麦芽 malt 玉米 corn 芝麻 sesame 黄豆 soybean 扁豆hyacinth beans 蚕豆broad beans 豌豆peas 豆饼bean cake 豆萁,豆秸beanstalk 豆渣bean dregs 豆豉fermented soya beans 高粱 kaoliang 棉花 cotton 甘蔗sugarcane 糠 bran 树 tree 花丛,花簇,开花 blossom 茶叶 tea 稻rice 早稻early rice
2、 中稻middle rice 晚稻late rice 稻谷 paddy 稻糠rice chaff 稻壳rice husk 稻粒grain of rice 稻穗ear of rice (spike of rice) 稻种seed rice 单季稻single cropping of rice 花生 peanut 粮食,谷物 grain 八角star anise 巴豆croton 赤豆red bean 一把米a handful of rice 孢子spore 玉米棒子maize (corn) 棒子面corn flour 蓖麻castor-oil plant 蓖麻籽castor bean 大黄Chi
3、nese rhubarb 发酵饮料fermented feed 番木瓜papaya 糙米half-polished rice 粗粮coarse food grain 高梁秆sorghum stalk 高杠作物long-stalked crops 高梁Chinese sorghum 谷子grain (cereal) 粟millet 旱稻dry rice 禾苗seedling of cereal crops 红米red rice 红小豆red bean 胡麻flax 胡麻籽flaxseed 花生peanut (groundnut) 黄豆soybean 黄米glutinous millet 豇豆co
4、wpea 粳米polished round-grained rice 经济作物industrial crops 抗旱作物drought-resistant crops 可可cocoa 粮食grain 粗粮coarse grain 杂粮coarse cereals 商品粮marketable grain 储备粮grain reserve 玉米maize 高粱Chinese sorghum 大麦barley 绿豆green gram 马铃薯potato 春小麦spring wheat 荞麦buckwheat 燕麦oats 莜麦naked oats 麦麸wheatbran 麦苗wheat seeds 麦穗wheat head (ear of wheat) 麦芒awn of wheat 麦芽malt 米粉rice flour 苗seedling 青稞highland barley 糖料作物sugar crop 罂粟opium poppy 油料作物oil plant (oil crops) 越冬作物winter crop