出境旅游英语 Checkin at the airport.docx

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1、出境旅游英语 Checkin at the airportPartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH 111 Section 1 At the Airport 在机场 -Check-in at the airport 办理登机手续 乘机旅行是出境旅游的主要旅行方式。旅行前,领队应向航空公司核对班机时间、旅客人数与机位的确认,安排好送客车辆,并在起飞前一小时到达机场。办理登机手续时,应注意班机出发时间与登机时间、通关闸口方向、预订到达时间等。协助游客办理行李托运时,必须清点行李件数,收好登机牌和行李领取证,同时要提醒团员随身携带贵重物品。进入候机室候机时,要注意控制预留时间,一旦通知登机,应

2、立即带领团员按顺序登机。 Special Terms 专业词汇 机场用语 international airport 国际机场 domestic airport 国内机场 check-in 登机手续办理 boarding pass (card) 登机牌 airport terminal 机场候机楼 passport control immigration 护照检查处 airport terminal 机场候机楼 arrivals 进站(进港、到达) departures 出站 passport control 护照检查处 immigration 移民局 security check 安全检查

3、international terminal 国际候机楼 luggage claim; baggage claim行李领取处 international departure 国际航班出港 international passengers 国际航班旅客 domestic departure 国内航班出站 satellite transfers transit 过境 transfer passengers transfer correspondence way in; entrance exit; out; way out 中转旅客 中转处 人口 卫星楼 中转 出口 报关物品 不需报关 贵宾室 g

4、oods to declare nothing to declare V. I. P. room 112 PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH customs 海关 ticket office 购票处 cash 付款处 gate; departure gate 登机口 passenger conveyer 自动步行梯 luggage carousel 行李传送带 departure lounge 候机室 FLT No (flight number) 航班号 bus; coach service 公共汽车 taxi 出租车 taxi pick-up point 出租车乘车点coach

5、pick-up point 大轿车乘车点airline coach service 航空公司汽车服务处 car hire 租车处(旅客自己驾车) arriving from 来自. scheduled time (SCHED) 预计时间 actual 实际时间 delayed 延误 landed 已降落 boarding 登机 departure time 起飞时间 public phone 公用电话 toilet; lavatories; rest room 厕所 mens; gents; gentlemens 男厕 womens; ladys 女厕 restaurant 餐厅 greeti

6、ng arriving 迎宾处 bar 酒吧 coffee shop; cafe 咖啡馆 departure to 前往. stairs and lifts to departures 由此乘电梯前往登机 up; upstairs 由此上楼 down; downstairs 由此下楼 duty-free shop 免税店 bank 银行 post office 邮局 currency exchange 货币兑换处 rail ticket 出售火车票 hotel reservation 订旅馆 tour arrangement 旅行安排 luggage locker 行李暂存箱 luggage

7、tag 行李牌 hand luggage; carry-on luggage 手提行李 checked luggage 过磅行李 free luggage allowance免费托运行李重量overweight 超重 charge for overweight luggage 超重费 personal belonging 随身物品 luggage claim 行李领取处 PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH 113 机票用语 endorsement/restrictions (指限定条件) to 前往城市 from 起点城市 name of passenger 旅客姓名 carrie

8、r 承运人(公司) good for passage between 旅行经停地点 flight No. 航班号 seat No. 机座号 plane No. 机号 class (fare basis) 座舱等级 first class business class economy class date time status smoking seat non-smoking seat ticket confirm boarding gate 头等舱 公务舱 经济舱 起飞日期 起飞时间 订座情况 吸烟坐位 非吸烟席 机票确认 登机口112 PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH Sit

9、uational Conversations 情景对话 1. At the Information Desk 在问讯处 Scene 1 A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Yes, Id like to know whether there is a flight to Frankfurt. A: Yes, there is. Flight 217 departs at 10:30 a.m. and arrives in Frankfurt at 12:30 a.m. B: How many flights do you have to Frankfurt

10、every week? A: Three flights, on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. B: OK. Thanks a lot. Scene 2 B: Excuse me. We have a connecting flight on MH 235 to Kuala Lumpur. Where do we check in our luggage? A: Please go to the counter beside the information desk. B: When will the flight begin boarding? :The fligh

11、t will begin boarding around 14: 20. Please wait at the waiting room until its announced. :I see. Thank you. Scene 3 A: Good afternoon, madam. May I help you? B: Could you tell me where I check in for the flight NH203 to Tokyo? A: Down to the far end of the lounge and youll find the counter for flig

12、hts to Tokyo. B: Do you know when they begin to check in? A: What is the departure time of your flight? B: 1: 30 p.m. A: Let me see. Its 11: 00 a.m. now. So they will start in about an hour. B: Thank you very much. By the way, where can I make a phone call? PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH 113 A: Youll find

13、phone booths upstairs, madam. B: Thanks. A: Its my pleasure. 2. At the Check-in Counter 换登机牌 Scene 1 A: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you? B: Is this the counter for SQ 368 to Singapore? A: Yes, sir. Are you from the same group? B: Yes. We are. A: Please go to the next counter for group check

14、-in. * * * B: Hello, we are a group of 30 people going to Melbourne by QF 238. A: May I have your tickets and passports, please? B: Sure, here you are. A: How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in? B: Thirty five pieces altogether. A: Here are your tickets, passports and boarding passes.

15、 Your luggage claim tags are attached to the tickets cover. B: Thank you. A: Youre welcome. Scene 2 A: Good evening, maam. May I help you? B: Yes. Id like to check in, please. A: May I see your ticket and passport, please? B: Here you are. A: Do you have any luggage to check? B: No, Ive this traveli

16、ng only. 114 PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH A: I see. Here are your ticket and boarding pass, maam. Your seat is 3-C. Its an aisle seat. And your flight will be called within about 10 minutes. B: Thanks a lot. 3. Luggage Check-in 行李托运 (A: Clerk of the Check-in Counter; B: Tour Leader ) Scene 1 B: Excuse me

17、, miss, Should I check in here for taking flight AF310 to Paris? A: Yes, sir. May I have your passport and flight ticket, please? B: Sure, here are ten tickets and passports. We are from the same tour group. Can we have six window seats and four aisle seats? A: Let me see.OK. No problem. Do you have

18、 any pieces of luggage to check in? B: Yes. We have eight suitcases and two bags. A: Would you please put them on the scale? B: Of course. They are not overweight, are they? A: Im sorry. They are 5 kilograms over. B: Thats too bad. It must be because of the brochures. A: I see you dont have any carr

19、y-on luggage. Probably, you could pick some brochures out of your luggage and take them with you. B: Good idea. Could you explain the free baggage allowance to me? A: Of course. On trans-continental flights to France, your free baggage allowance is not more than 30 kilograms each. B: I see. A: Alrig

20、ht. Here are your baggage claim tags, flight tickets, boarding passes and passports. B: When is the boarding time? A: The boarding time is 8:45 p.m. and you will board from Gate 18. B: How do I find Gate 18 from here? A: Take the escalator over there and turn left. Youll see the sign. B: Thank you v

21、ery much. PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH 115 Scene 2 A: May I help you, sir? B: Yes, Were here to check in for the flight to Sydney. Here are our tickets and passports. A: Thank you, sir. Please put your baggage on the scale. How many pieces of baggage do you want to check? B: Twenty pieces altogether. Can

22、 I take this traveling bag as a carry-on? A: Im afraid not. Its overweight. The allowance for the carry-on baggage is 8 kg. B: I see. A: Here are twenty claim tags for your baggage and your passports B: Thank you very much. 4. Transit and Transfer 过境与转机 (A: Clerk of the airline; B: Tour Leader) Scen

23、e 1 A: Good afternoon. May I help you? B: Yes, we are to transfer to flight NH 588 to Tokyo. Wed like to check in now. A: May I have your tickets and passports, please? B: Certainly, here are ten tickets. Can we have our seats close to each other? A: Let me see. The airplane is quite full now. I can

24、 hardly give you ten seats together. But Ill try to make it for you. B: Thank you, sir. A: Here are your tickets, passports and boarding passes. I have arranged your seats as close to each other as possible. The departure time for the flight is 11: 15 a.m. Please board at Gate 28. B: Could you tell

25、me the way to the boarding gate? A: Certainly, sir. Just take the escalator down to the nest floor, get on the passengers conveyer to the area, and youll easily find Gate 28 there. You may wait in the departure lounge for boarding since there is not much time left. B: I see. Thank you very much for

26、your help. A: Its my pleasure. 116 PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH Scene 2 A: What can I do for you, maam? B: I thought what I took was a “non-stop flight”. Why do I have to transit here? A: I am sorry, maam. Your ticket shows that your flight will fly directly to Paris. You dont have to change flights, but

27、 you do have to stop over here for about two hours. B: I am a little confused. Do you mean “non-stop flight” and “direct flight” are not the same? A: No, they are not. Non-stop flight wont make any stops during the flight. B: What about direct flights? A: Direct flights just mean you dont have to ma

28、ke any connection on the way to the destination. B: Oh. Now I see. Well, if I had to transfer here and continue my journey to Vienna, what should I do? A: Then, you would have to go to the Transfer Counter and recheck in. B: Will I get a new boarding pass? A: Yes, you will. B: Thank you for your det

29、ailed explanation. Now, how long should I wait here? A: About two hours. B: Since there are still two hours to wait, could you show me some place to have a drink? A: Sure. Do you see the sign over here? B: Yes. The yellow one? A: Right. Just go straight and then turn right. You will see a coffee sho

30、p right on your left hand side. B: I see. What time do we board again? A:Your flight will depart at 4 p.m. However, you might need to get ready for boarding 40 minutes before the departure. B: All right. Thanks a lot for your help. 5. Getting Aboard a Flight 登机 (A: Stewardess; B: Tourist) Scene 1 A:

31、 Good morning. Welcome aboard. This way please. PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH 117 B: Thank you, stewardess. Can you direct me to my seat? A: Certainly, may I see your boarding pass, please? B: Sure, here it is. A: Its 32-B. Just over there, sir. B: Thank you, miss. Where can I put my bag? A: You can put y

32、our coat and small things on the tack over your head and your bag here at your feet. B: Can I put my bag in this empty seat beside me? A: Im sorry. All carry-on luggages must be placed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartment. B: Where is the button that controls my chair?

33、A: Right here on the arm rest. B: Thank you. Scene 2 B: Excuse me, miss. My wife and I were assigned separate seats. Do you have any empty seats together somewhere? A: Would you wait a moment, please?Ill check for you. B: Thank you, miss. (A few minutes later) A: Sir, we have some seats available in

34、 the back of the cabin. Would that be all right? B: Yes, thank you very much. May I use the lavatory now? A: Would you wait until after we take off? Well be leaving very shortly. 6. Airport Announcements 机场广播 ( A: Announcer; B: Tourist ; C: Passenger Service Agent ) Scene 1: A: Qantas Airways announ

35、ces the departure of Flight 810 to Melbourne. Will passengers for this flight please go Gate 7? B: Excuse me, sir. Did they say Melbourne? 118 PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH C: Yes, Flight 810 to Melbourne. B: Where should we board the plane? C: Please go to Gate 7 B:Thank you for your help, sir. Scene 2 A

36、:Air France regrets to announce that Flight 808 to Genevese, scheduled to depart at two p.m. has been delayed on account of big fog. This flight will depart at 2:40. Passengers with connecting flights will be met by an Air France ticket agent on arrival in Genevese. B: Excuse me, miss. Which flight

37、is delayed? C: The flight to Genevese. B: For how long? C: 40 minutes. Scene 3 A: This is the final call for TG flight 260 to Bangkok, now boarding at Gate 15. Please have your boarding pass ready. B: Final call for Bangkok? C: Sure. B: But where is Gate 15? C: Follow me, please. Notes: 注释 注释 We hav

38、e a connecting flight on MH 235 to Kuala Lumpur. 我们要转乘马航235次航班去吉隆坡 Connecting flight:转接航班;MH: Malaysia Airlines 马来西亚航空公司;Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡,马来西亚的首都。 check in for the flight NH203 to Tokyo. 办理全日空前往东京的203次航班的登机手续。 NH:All Nippon Airways Co Ltd. 全日本空输株式会社。 SQ 368 to Singapore新加坡航空公司前往新加坡的368次航班。 PartII OU

39、TBOUND ENGLISH 119 SQ: Singapore Airlines 新加坡航空公司 going to Melbourne by QF 238 乘坐澳洲航空公司的238次航班去墨尔本。 QF: Qantas Airways Ltd. 澳洲航空公司。 Should I check in here for taking flight AF310 to Paris? 乘坐法航前往巴黎的310次航班是在这儿办理登机手续吗? AF: Air France 法国航空公司。 transit and transfer 过境与转机 过境是指旅客因所搭乘的班机在途中补充油料,更换机组人员而在机场做短

40、暂停留,通常不须换飞机;转机指旅客所乘的不是直飞班机,而必须在途中某机场转乘另一架飞机到达。 This is the final call for TG flight 260 to Bangkok. 这是对泰航前往曼谷的260次航班的最后一次通报。 TG: Thai Air-ways International Ltd. 泰国国际航空公司; Bangkok: 曼谷,泰国首都。 Useful Sentences 必学句型 1. Is this the right counter to check in for the flight to Sydney? 这是到悉尼去的航班登记处吗? 2. Can

41、 I have my luggage checked here for the flight to Bangkok? 请问我能在这里办理到曼谷航班的行李托运手续吗? 3. Where can I get my boarding pass and have my luggage weighed? 请问在哪里换登机牌,给行李称重? 4. What are the check-in procedures? 登机手续有哪些? 5. Is the plane on schedule? 飞机会准时起飞吗? 6. Whats the departure time of the flight? 飞机什么时候起

42、飞? 7. Please wait at the departure lounge until its announced. 请到候机室等待通知。 120 PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH 8. How many pieces of checked luggage have you got? 你有多少行李要托运? 9. You have to X-ray your bag for a label. 你的箱子需要经过X光检查,贴上验放标签。 10. Can I take this as a carry-on? 我可以随身携带这东西吗? 11. Here are two tags f

43、or the suitcases and two labels for the hand luggage. 这是行李箱的两张标签,这是手提行李的两张标签。 12. Your luggage exceeds the free baggage allowance. 您的行李超过免费限额。 13. Whats the luggage allowance, please? 请问免费行李有什么规定? 14. 30 kilograms free luggage allowance for first class and 20 kilograms for economy class. 头等舱允许携带30公斤

44、免费行李,经济舱允许携带20公斤免费行李。 15. Do you have any seat preferences? 您对座位有什么偏好吗? 16. Which seat do you prefer, a window seat or an aisle seat? 您喜欢什么样的座位,是靠窗的,还是靠通道的? 17. Can I have a seat in the back of the plane? 可以给我一个靠近机尾的座位吗? 18. You will have to show the boarding pass on your way to board the plane. 上机时

45、,你得出示登机牌。 19. Please dont forget to claim your checked luggage. 请记住领取您的托运行李。 20. You may carry one piece of hand luggage into cabin. 您可以随身带一件手提行李上机。 21. Let me take some stuff out as hand luggage. Is that alright? 我可以拿一些东西出来当手提行李吗? 22. Where should I take my connecting flight? 我该在哪里搭乘接驳的班机? PartII OUTBOUND ENGLISH 121 23. Can I make a connecting flight here to LA? 我可以在这里转机到洛杉矶吗? 24. How long do we have to wait here?


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