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1、托福写作如何增加分数 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理一些托福写作小技巧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作如何增加分数托福考试作文结尾段的四大天王重申立场重申立场+总结理由让步+重申立场重申立场+引申扩展引申扩展包括:强调反对派立场会带来的后果展望未来问题的前景强调重要性重申立场It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects of a fulfilling personal life.In conclusion, given the

2、growing demands of career on todays professionals, a fulfilling personal life remains possible by working smarter, by setting priorities, and by making suitable career choices.重申立场+总结理由Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more tim

3、e to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities.In conclusion, schools should not devote less time to the arts and humanities. These areas of study augment and enhance learning in mathematics and science, as well as helping to preserve the richness of our entire hum

4、an legacy while inspiring us to further it. Moreover, disciplines within the humanities provide methods and contexts for evaluating the morality of our technology and for determining its proper direction.让步+重申立场Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service.

5、 Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels of productivity.In the final analysis, the statement correctly identifies job performance as the single best criterion for salary and job security. However, the statement goes too far, it

6、 ignores the fact that a cost-of-living salary increase for tenured employees not only enhances loyalty and, in the end, productivity, but also is required by fairness.重申立场+引申扩展How far should a supervisor go in criticizing the performance of a subordinate? Some highly successful managers have been k

7、nown to rely on verbal abuse and intimidation. Do you think that this is an effective means of communicating expectations? If not, what alternative should a manager use in dealing with someone whose work is less than satisfactory?In conclusion, supervisors should avoid using verbal abuse and threats

8、. These methods degrade subordinates, and they are unlikely to produce the best results in the long run. It is more respectful, and probably more effective overall, to handle cases of substandard work performance with clear, honest and supportive feedback.托福写作的高分要点整理个人感觉得到TWE高分的关键是:语言+结构语言:除了总结性的话比较

9、适合用简单句,其他的句子应该都尽量用复杂句,包括各类从句。一般来讲,无论你的句子多么复杂,考官都能毫不费力的理解你要表达的意思。(只要句子没什么大的错误)TWE用的是学术性语言,需要展示你的英文写作能力,而复杂句正好能体现你的英语写作能力。所谓Plain English不是plain在你的句子结构,而是体现在用词的精练简洁上,即不要堆积词藻。(我发现在练习的作文里,这是一些同学的坏习惯)如何提高语言水平:要注意平时积累精彩的词汇短语,和漂亮的句型,并学会推而广之。比如说,有一个很好的句子:Television, one of the most pervasive and persuasive

10、technologies, marked by the rapid growth and drastic change, has a profound impact on peoples lives.这个句子其实在不少题目中都可以使用,另外其他的一些有关科技的事物也可以替代television, 而 has a profound impact on也可以在许多*里使用,这就要看大家能否举一反三了。比较重要的一点,要注意句式的多样性:、副词开头,介词短语开头,同谓语从句,分词的运用,独立主格等等。我在另一篇帖子里曾较细致的谈到如何提高语言水平,置顶里有,就不再细讲了。可以看下面:结构:*的整体结

11、构要均衡,开头段和结尾段字数都不要太多,避免冲淡主题的内容。我自己写五段的字数分配大致是:50, 80,80,80,40如何开头:我开头一般三到四句话,1.背景描述 2.同义转述题目的话 3.表明观点 4.过渡引出下文。中间的理由段的篇幅应尽量均衡,结尾时能够做到首尾呼应。我个人还是认为无论是A or B, 还是agree or disagree的题型,都推荐五段论。并且如果不要求compare the advantages and disadvantages, 我建议中间三个理由都坚持一方面的观点,这样你的逻辑比较清晰,但用词切不可强烈,而且最后一定要让步,这一点很关键。如何举例:正文中的每

12、个分论点都应该有例证支持,不一定要是for instance或者是takeas an example, 但要让人一眼就知道你是在举例。十二个万能理由:方便convenience,情感emotion,经验experience,成就achievement,效率efficiency,经济economical,健康health,安全safety,性格personality,乐趣happiness,耐久durability,环保environmental protection例子本身并不关键,有时因为时间紧迫,找不到恰当的例子,因而显得比较牵强。关键在于能说明你举的例子与论点有直接联系,说明你的例子如何

13、证明论点。再谈一下一些应该注意的问题:模板问题:我不赞成使用模板(原创除外),尤其是网上一些现成的模板。这对TWE获得高分没有任何好处。如果大家都用同样一个精彩的句子,在我们这样的大环境下,句子也会失色。但是我推荐大家看一些范文,尤其是185范文。你要做的有两点,一是看一下范文是如何举例的,它论证自己观点时内在逻辑是怎样的;二是有一些平时你想表达的内容但是感觉不顺畅,你可以看一下范文是如何表达的。对于范文中的精彩句型,应该合理的digest, 稍做修改,变成你自己的语言。渐渐当你熟练掌握的时候,就会发现写作决不是简单的词汇与句子的堆积,而是你感情自然的流露。字数问题:似乎大家写*有种错觉,以为



16、考生都存在以下几点难题,在某种程度上,这几点可以被认为是影响他们写作发挥的极大重要因素:一、英语基本功这是一个逐步积累的过程,包括词汇和语法,有时候是欲速而不达的,机械地记忆往往适得其反。词汇运用不当,句中动词使用混乱,句与句之间散乱不堪,逻辑性不好。我的建议:有计划地、合理地增加词汇量。多读范文,如果考试时间临近,可以选用背诵范文的方法,虽然辛苦一点,但是还是有效的。我曾经听过一位哲学家讲过这样一个故事,说人的一生都会面对以下五个名词:爱人、家庭、工作、健康、朋友 (lover, family, career, health, friend )。打个比方,如果把这五个方面比喻成为五个球的话,


18、把“黑社会”翻译成“black society”,还有把“八卦”说成“eight hang”的,等等。我的建议:多听。当然是听英文,这里做个广告,重点推荐friends系列。学语言的顺序一定是听说读写,听就是对语境和语感的最好提高,考生可以尽可能地找一些英文的短片来欣赏,学到英语的同时也娱乐了自己,一举两得。三、套路化痕迹明显这里的套路,就是templates.很多老师授课过程中刻意突出写作套路,学生也千方百计背诵写作套路,导致展现在阅卷官面前的作文框架甚至很多语句千篇一律、如出一辙,从而极大地损害了得分。模板固然有用,但是针对first draft的观念,*的亮点就看不到了。我的建议:考生可

19、以暂时抛开托福考试,从blog或者日记开始,每天用英文进行写作练习,尽情地把你对社会的情绪和对学校的不满写出来,发泄出来。这个练习会让你的*逐渐符合first draft的要求。四、通篇框架散乱这个需要在练习中逐步提高。我们在写作之前,尤其是针对task2,最重要的工作就是构思。一般来说,在3-4分钟时间之内,我们需要一个相对合理的构思和一个绝对稳定的结构,如果两者都做到了,整个*的框架就自然很清晰了。一般考生出现*框架混乱有以下原因:有的是没有进行完整的审题和构思练习,*写的内容和结构都凌乱不堪;还有的是*结构很好,但是构思的时候过于匆忙或者紧张,论证不够完整,举例也不合理。这些也是一般中国


21、成以上任务不是一件难事。同学们,写作的乐趣原本是无穷无尽的,否则这个世界上就不会有那么多作家,每天闲云野鹤一样地快乐了。我们每一个人都有成为作家的潜力,写作需要瞬间的灵感,合理的构思,当然最重要的就是坚持下去的决心。遗憾的是考试的时候这些是不适用的,在短短的30分钟时间内,恐怕只有几分钟的时间来思考。这一点ETS也承认自己的愚蠢。或许,这也是开始改变TOEFL写作概念的初衷。托福写作例子:建一个社区商业中心To Build a Community Shopping Center YESTopic: It has recently been announced that a large shop

22、ping center may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.Since industrialization makes it possible to manufacture large quantities of goods, going shopping has become fairly recreational. Furthermore, transportati

23、on keeps everything going easily. (Furthermore, transportation keeps everything running smoothly.) (1) (“running smoothly”) (A) Shopping centers have entered the language and life of every citizen. When it comes to whether it is good to build a shopping mall near your apartment, different people hav

24、e different views. As far as I am concerned, the advantages of setting a shopping center near where we live outweigh the disadvantages.Many people argue that setting a shopping center nearby ushers in more noise, more traffic congestion and more security problems. They would rather go farther to do

25、shopping than let all these bad effects go around in their own community. (They would rather go out of their way to shop than allow these bad elements enter their community.) (“go out of their way”) (B)Although their concern is quite reasonable, it can be avoidable if we handle the center well. Buil

26、ding a shopping center near where we live may have lots of existent and potential advantages. They go as follows. (Building a shopping center where we live has a lot of potential advantages, such as the following.) (2) (“potential advantages”) (C)First, it provides more convenience and less time was

27、ted in traffic. (First, it provides more convenience and reduces time wasted in traffic.) We can buy whatever we need on the way home leisurely, instead of having to write the task down on a schedule and drive through the heavy traffic to get there. (We can buy whatever we need leisurely on the way

28、home, instead of having to jot the task down on a schedule and drive through the heavy traffic to get there.)Second, it helps improve the economy of the local community as well as that of the whole city. Just imagine, another shopping center means another competitor. If they want to survive out of s

29、uch demanding business, they must provide better service and goods of higher quality. (If they want to survive in such a demanding market, they must provide higher quality goods and services.) As a result, the community and even the city can develop economically.Whats more, it offers job opportuniti

30、es for both adults and students. For adults, especially those who are unemployed, they can earn money to support themselves. For students, they can apply for part-time jobs, and thus get experience and earn some extra money. (For students, they can apply for part-time jobs, gain work experience, and

31、 earn extra money.)If it is up to me to decide whether a shopping center should be built near my apartment, I prefer to build it. (If it were up to me to decide whether or not to build a shopping center near my apartment, I would decide to build it.) (3) (“If it were up to me”) (D) This is because I

32、 am the sort of person who enjoy conveniecnce and happincess of contacting with people. (This is because I am the type of person who enjoys convenience and contact with people.) If the shopping center is successfully run, I believe that everyone who lives around will get great benefits from it. (If

33、the shopping center is successfully run, I believe the community will benefit greatly from it.)II. Editorial Comments1. Original: Furthermore, transportation keeps everything going easily. Reviswed: Furthermore, transportation keeps everything running smoothly.英语中没有 “going easily” 这种说法。这里,作者要表达的意思是“

34、事情进展的比较顺利”,我们可以用 “running smoothly”。看以下两个例子:.Although the car crashed just last week, the mechanic was able to fix it quickly and now it is running smoothly.Although we made some measurement mistakes in our first science experiment, our second one is running smoothly.2. Original: Building a shopping

35、 center near where we live may have lots of existent and potential advantages. They go as follows. Revised: Building a shopping center where we live has a lot of potential advantages, such as the following.为了逻辑通顺和语言联贯,由such as 或者 as follows引导的所要列举的一系列事情,应该和提示部分(some advantages such as)放在同一个句子里。以下是几种

36、常用的表列举的结构:.After we moved into our new apartment, I had to buy many new household goods, such as the following: toilet paper, cooking utensils, cleaning supplies, etc.I am in full support of the new legislation for the following reasons.My reasons for studying abroad are as follows.My objections to

37、your decision are listed below.3. Original: If it is up to me to decide whether a shopping center should be built near my apartment, I prefer to build it. Revised: If it were up to me to decide whether or not to build a shopping center near my apartment, I would decide to build it.注意,if引导的条件从句一定要用虚拟

38、语态。例如:If I were a magician, I would not need to study to get a perfect score on the TOEFL.虚拟语态表示与事实相反的动作或状态。通常在“if”、“if that”、 “though”、 “lest”、“unless”、 “except”、“until”等等引导的从句中,也要用虚拟语态。例如: “If there were no honey, the flowers and the bees would have never met.”III. AlternativeA. Other ways to expr

39、ess the meaning of “running smoothly”:(i) “without a glitch” Example: The computer program ran all night long without a glitch.(ii) “going as planned” Example: The bank robbers thought that everything was going as planned, until all of a sudden the police stormed in and arrested them.(iii) “keep obj

40、ect on track” Example: Although the young students acted wild in class, the teacher knew how to keep them on the tracks. (“tracks” in reference to train tracks keeping the train moving in the expected or appropriate direction, as opposed to derailing off course)B. Definition of “out of ones way” to

41、inconvenience oneself to do something that is not necessary or required. Example: The teacher was so dedicated to his students that he went out of his way to tutor them in the weekends. Other ways to express “out of ones way”:(i) “go above and beyond” Example: Although the project was not part of hi

42、s work responsibility, he went above and beyond his duty to make sure it was a success.(ii) “bend over backwards” Example: She was so committed in her work as a customer service professional that she would bend over backwards to make sure her clients were satisfied.C. The expression “potential advan

43、tages” refers to a favorable outcome. Other ways to express the meaning of “potential advantages”:(i) “the good thing is” Example: The good thing is, there is now less crime in the city.(ii) “upside” Example: The upside to the construction is the increase in jobs in the local community.D. The expres

44、sion “if it were up to me” indicates the speaker has an opposing view or opinion to the view that is being referred to. Other ways to express the meaning of “if it were up to me”:(i) “if I had my way” Example: If I had my way, we would all be on vacation right now, instead of working into the weekend.(ii) “if I had my choice” Example: I need to work to support my family, but if I had my choice, I would be a full time student.


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