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1、托福写作有哪些少见开头方式 托福写作有哪些少见开头方式,我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作有哪些少见开头方式一 用副词开头(1) 副词修饰全句Luckily, he didnt know my phone number; otherwise, he would bother me.Incredibly, Helena got straight A in her school report this semester.Interestingly, cats and dogs can hardly get along well in a house.修饰全句常用的副词有:o

2、bviously / undoubtedlyapparently / fortunatelyclearly / unfortunatelyincredibly / luckilyunluckily / surprisinglyfrighteningly这些副词大多数表示说话人对全句的看法,在意思上相等与 “It is . 形容词that .” 。举个例子:Obviously, he is nervous about the test. =It is obvious that he is nervous about the test.Unfortunately, he tripped over

3、and fell in the mud. =It is unfortunate that he tripped over and fell in the mud.(2) 强调副词Hurriedly, the man drew me a scratch map to show me the direction.Dangerously, the drunkard sped down the street.Slowly and gently, snowflakes were drifting down from the sky.(3) 副词表示某一领域Geographically, Canada i

4、s the biggest country in the world.Financially, she is independent, but emotionally she is dependent.二 用插入语开头,表示说话人的态度,或使句子的意思更加准确Strangely enough, Jennifer does not enjoy sunshine and beach.Generally speaking, winter in Vancouver is gloomy.类似的插入语有:no wonder,no doubtin other words,in my opinionin co

5、nclusion,in factas a matter of fact三 用形容词、并列形容词或形容词短语开头,修饰句子的主语,表示主语的特征或状态Frantic, the young mother rushed out the door with the baby in her arms.Tasty and crisp, potato chip are a favorite snack for both children and adults.Happy at his good marks at school, the little boy skipped on his way home.D

6、esperate and hopeless, the poor man committed suicide.四 用分词、分词短语开头(1) 修饰句子主语,表示主语所处的状态或主语同时进行的另一个较谓语动词次要的动作。Scared, the girl moved timidly and cautiously into the dark room.( 状态)Chased by my dear pet cat, the mouse dashed into a small hole.( 状态 )Spoiled by his parents, the naughty boy always insists

7、 on things he wants.( 状态)Puffing and hugging, he finished his run.( 另一动作)Looking at herself in the mirror, she fingered her silk scarf on her shoulder.( 另一动作)(2) 修饰谓语动词,表示原因、时间等。Lying down on the couch, he felt much relaxed.( 时间)Feeling bored, she turned on the TV and switched from channel to channe

8、l.( 原因)Wanting to find out the business hour, she called the store.( 原因)Having completed the form, he mailed it out immediately.( 时间)五 用介词短语开头,表示句子谓语动词发生的时间、地点、方式、原因、条件On seeing him approach, the girl immediately turned her face to a shop windowpretending to look at something there.( 时间)Around the c

9、orner, a crowd gathered.( 地点)Unlike his father, Peter touches neither cigarettes nor alcohol.( 方式)Due to the limit of seats, he was not accepted.( 原因)In case of fire, use the stairways.( 条件)六 动词不定式开头,强调谓语动词动作的目的To celebrate the arrival of the Millennium, we held a grand party in the hotel.To show my

10、 trust on him, I deposited $ 10,000 into his bank account.七 用独立分词短语开头,使句子有正式的味道Birds singing in the tree, another routine day starts.Sea gulls flying over the water, the old fisherman flung his fishing meat into the open sea.A dog following them, the police searched every suspect.八 用过渡句开头,表示此句与上下句的关

11、系Consequently, I slowed down to avoid a fine ticket.In fact, she was a kindhearted woman.九 用同位语开头,表示主句位于动词发生的时间、地点、原因、方式、条件等A signing officer of the bank, Jane signs her name hundreds of times each day at work.A TV addict, Jim watches TV movies one after another every evening until after midnight.十

12、用副词从句开头,表示主句谓语动词发生的时间、地点、原因、方式、条件When you are in need of help, give me a call.Wherever you go, I follow.Since your children love hamburgers and fries, we might as well eat in MacDonald.As if it were summer, everybody wear shorts and a T-shirt.In case that you get lost, call me at this number.十一 用名词从

13、句开头,作整句的主语Whether you take the position or not makes great difference to me.Why I am unhappy is something I cant explain.What they should do about the hole in the roof is their most pressing problem.托福独立写作逻辑断层问题如何解决?实例讲解写作中的逻辑断层问题为了帮助大家深入理解逻辑断层的本质,下面我们分析一篇在实战中出现过好几次的托福独立写作真题。Do you agree or disagree

14、 with the following statement?The best leader should spend more time listening to other peoples ideas than taking his or her own ideas.A同学写道:公司领导听从员工的意见会促进公司的发展B同学写道:如果一个公司的领导能听取员工的意见,员工就会认为这个领导比较民主,员工就更愿意提出自己对公司发展的想法,如果这些想法是对的,被领导接纳后无疑省去了领导的思考时间,那么领导就可以把时间用于挖掘人才,和其他公司合作,吸引外商投资,这就为公司的发展创造更多机遇;同时,员工的

15、想法被领导接纳后员工会认为自己对公司是有贡献的,如此以来,他们的工作积极性空前高涨,这样整个公司的工作效率就会提升,这无疑提升了公司形象, 因此会吸引更多顾客,这就不至于出现供过于求,资金周转不畅等问题. 这无疑促进了公司的发展。很显然,A同学省略了很多推理步骤,而B同学加入了这些推理过程,使*显得更加具体,从已知条件推到结论,可谓水到渠成,顺理成章,分数自然会提高。托福独立写作中间段该怎么写?托福独立写作中间段写法思路分析很多同学都很头疼独立写作的中间到底写点什么,也经常听到学生抱怨:那些范文的作者怎么有那么多有的没的可以扯,我就是想不出那么多话那么多内容往*里搬啊。面对这样的问题,一开始也


17、考生大可不必从内容上去思考写点什么,而是直接可以从论证方法入手,因为论证方法是有止尽的,最常用的也是最好用的论证方法包括因果论证(分析原因、说明结果)、举例论证、引证以及对比论证。我们随便看几个范文段落就可以发现,*段落中的每一句话都是有存在的目的的,所谓目的就是论证的方法。论证方法实例分析1例如:1,Firstly,the wide application of the Internet dramatically boosts the convenience and efficiency of acquiring knowledge for people.(中心句)2.In the time

18、s without the Internet,the main way to be well-educated was attending schools.3.But the scarcity of educational resources enabled only a few elites to do it.4.Thanks to the Internet technology,the knowledge gets across among people regardless of time and space.5.For example,Khan Academy,an innovativ

19、e online educational company,offers high-quality and free-of-charge cramming courses involving mathematics,physics and other high school subjects.6.Another renowned program called “Coursera” cooperates with top universities and puts online real lectures of top-notch professors for people to learn fr

20、om at no cost.整个段落一共6句话,第一句话是中心句,第二句到第四句是对比论证(没有网络的时候VS有了网络的时候),第五句和第六句是两个例子。论证方法实例分析2再如:1、In the first place,job satisfaction is becoming increasingly important in contemporary society.2.Due to the fierce competition and social pressure,whether workers can attain satisfaction in their positions det

21、ermines how hardly they work,which also determines how many profits the company will get.3.My brother can be cited as a good example.4.At first,he worked in an international company which cared nothing for its employees but profits.5.He was forced to work for extra hours without extra salary in regu

22、lar working time, which generated extreme tiredness and dissatisfaction.6.As a result,he soon changed the job into a more satisfying one which has more vacation,better working environment and more friendly relationships between colleagues.7.Now,my brother enjoys his job which creates great job satis

23、faction for him and works more assiduously.整个段落一共7句话,第一句仍然是中心句,第二句用的是因果论证,第三句开始举了具体的个人例子。因此,当中心句写完之后,到底写点什么来支撑一个段落的字数,考生可以从论证方法这个概念去思考。例如Body 1中心句之后可以先用因果论证,带一下原因,再将结果层层递进写几句话,结束之后字数肯定不够,那就想一下还有一种论证方法叫举例论证,能不能编一个例子出来。同理,Body 2还是先写中心句,接下来写一句因果,写一句对比(正反假设),最后再来一组例子。简而言之,我们在思考的时候从论证方法出发,但是呈献给考官看的还是内容。论




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