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1、初一英语句子Starter Unit 1 Good moring ! 1. Hello, Kate . 你好,凯特。 Hello , Wu Ming . 你好,吴明。 2. Good moring , Grace ! 早上好,格雷斯! Good moring , Frank ! 早上好,弗兰克! 3. Good afternoon , class . 同学们下午好。 Good afternoon , Miss Li .李老师下午好。 4. Good evening , Eric ! 晚上好,埃里克! Good evening , Bob ! 晚上好,鲍勃! 5. Hi,Bob ! How ar

2、e you ? 喂,鲍勃。你好么? Im fine , thanks . How are you ? / And you ? 我很好,谢谢。你好么? Im OK . How is Dale ? 我很好。戴尔好么? He is OK , too . 他也很好。 Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English ? 6. Whats this ? 这是什么? Its a ruler . 是一把尺子。 7. Whats this/that in English ? 这个用英语怎么说? Its a pen . 是一支钢笔。 Spell it , please . 请拼写它。 P

3、-E-N . P-E-N。 8. How do you spell it ? 你怎么拼它? R-E-D. R-E-D。 9. Can you spell ruler ? 你能拼一下ruler吗? Yes , R-U-L-E-R . 是的,R-U-L-E-R。 Starter Unit 3 What color is it ? 10. Whats this ? 这是什么? Its V . 是V。 11. What color is it ? 它是什么颜色? Its red . 它是红色。 Unit 1 My names Gina . 12. Whats your name ? 你叫什么名字? M

4、y name is Gina . /Im Gina . 我叫吉娜。/我是吉娜。 Nice to meet you . 很高兴见到你。 Nice to meet you , too . 我也很高兴见到你。 13. Whats her name ? 她叫什么名字? Her name is Joan . 我叫琼。 14. Whats his name ? 他叫什么名字? His name is Tony . 他叫汤尼。 15. Whats her family/last name ? 她姓什么? Her family/last name is Brown . 她姓布朗。 Whats her firs

5、t name ? 她的名字是什么? 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Her first name is Jenny . 她的名字是珍妮。 Whats your phone number ? 你的电话号码是多少? Its 284-2942 . 是284-2942。 Whats his phone number ? 他的电话号码是多少? Its 284-2222 . 是284-2222 Whats her phone number ? 她的电话号码是多少? Its 284-2233 . 是284-2233 Whats your fathers phone number ? 你爸爸的电话号码

6、是多少? Its 284-2345 . 是284-2345 Whats his room number ? 他的房间号是多少? Its Room 502 . 是502号房。 Unit 2 Is this your pencil ? 21. Is that your backpack ? 那是你的背包吗? Yes , it is . 是的。 22. Is this your ruler ? 这是你的尺子吗? No , it isnt . Its his ruler . 不是,它是他的尺子。 23. Is that your computer game in the lost and found

7、case ? 在失物招领的电子游戏是你的吗? Yes , it is . /No , it isnt . 是的。/ 不是。 Unit 3 This is my sister . 24. This is my cousin . 这是我表妹。 25. That is my grandfather . 这是我祖父。 26. These are my parents . 他们是我的父母。 27. Those are my brothers . 那些是我的兄弟。 28. Is she your sister ? 她是你妹妹吗? Yes ,she is . / No , she isnt . 是的,她是。

8、/不,她不是。 29. Hes my uncle . 他是我的舅舅。 30. I am your friend . 我是你的朋友。 31. They are my sisters . 她们是我的姐妹。 32. Is he your brother ? 他是你的哥哥吗? Yes , he is . / No , he isnt . He is my cousin . 是的,他是。/ 不,他不是。他是我的表兄。 33. Is this your aunt ? 这是你的阿姨。 No ,she isnt . She is my mother . 不,她不是。她是我的妈妈。 34. We go to s

9、chool by bike and they walk to school . 我们骑车去上学,他们步行去上学。 35. Bring some family photos to class . 带几张家人的照片到课堂上来。 36. Im hungry , please bring me some food . 我饿了,请给我些吃的。 37. She takes some flowers to her mother . 她给她妈妈带了些花。 38. Thanks for the photo of your family . 谢谢你的全家福。 39. Thanks for your help .

10、谢谢你的帮助。 40. Thanks for helping me . 谢谢你帮助了我。 41. This is a map of China . 这是一张中国地图。 Unit 4 Wheres my backpack ? 42. Wheres my backpack ? 我的背包在哪? Its under the bed . 在床底下。 43. Are my books on the chair ? 我的书在椅子上吗? Yes , they are . / No , theyre not . / I dont know . 是的,它们在。/不,它们不在。/我不知道。 44. Where is

11、 Gina ? 吉娜在哪? She is in the classroom . 她在教室里。 45. Where are his keys ? 他的钥匙在哪? They are on the dresser . 在梳妆台上。 46. You dont know the word . 你不知道这个单词。 47. She dont know him . 她不认识他。 48. I dont know his name . 我不知道他的名字。 49. Please take these things to your sister . 请把这些东西带给你姐姐。 50. Can you bring som

12、e things to school ? 你能带一些东西到学校吗? 51. Please bring your pictures to school tomorrow . 明天请把你的照片带到学校来。 52. Please take the photos to your mother . 请把相片带给你妈妈。 53. I need my hat ,my notebook and a pen . 我需要我的帽子,笔记本和一支钢笔。 Unit 5 54. Do you have a basketball ? 你有篮球吗? Yes , I do . / No , I dont . 是的,我有。/不,

13、我没有。 55. Do they have a computer ? 他们有电脑吗? Yes , they do . / No ,they dont . 是的,他们有。/不,他们没有。 56. Dose he have a tennis racket ? 他有网球拍吗? Yes , he dose . / No , he dosent . 是的,他有。/不,他没有。 57. Lets play ping-pong . 让我们打兵乓球吧。 That sounds boring . / That sounds great . / That sounds good . /That sounds ex

14、citing . 听起来很无聊。/听起来太好了。/听起来不错。/听起来真让人兴奋。 58. I have breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner . 我吃早餐。 59. Please have a cup of tea . 请喝茶。 60. Lets go and have some books . 让我们去买一些书。 61. Thank you for having me . 谢谢款待。 62. May I have your eraser ? 能借用一下你的橡皮吗? 63. I do my homework at school . He dose his h

15、omework at home . 我在学校做作业,他在家做作业。 64. I dont like apples . He dosent like bananas . 我不喜欢苹果。他不喜欢香蕉。 65. Lets have a break . 让我们休息一下吧。 66. Its time for class . Lets go to the classroom . 该上课了,让我们去教室吧。 67. Its time to play game . 到玩游戏的时间了。 68. She can play the piano . 她能弹钢琴。 69. She plays sports every

16、day . 她每天做运动。 Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? 70. Do you like salad ? 你喜欢沙拉吗? Yes , I do . / No , I dont . 是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。 71. Do they like French fries ? 他们喜欢法式炸土豆条吗? Yes . they do . / No , they dont . 是的,他们喜欢。/不,他们不喜欢。 72. Does he like pears ? 他喜欢梨吗? Yes , he does . / No , he doesnt . 是的,他喜欢。/不,他不喜欢。

17、 73. I like oranges . I dont like bananas . 我喜欢桔子。我不喜欢香蕉。 74. They like chicken . They dont like broccdi . 他们喜欢鸡肉。他们不喜欢花椰菜 75. She like bananas . She doesnt like ice cream . 她喜欢香蕉。她不喜欢冰激凌。 76. I like my new jacket very much . 我非常喜欢我的新夹克衫。 77. He likes playing soccer. 他喜欢踢足球。 78. I like to draw a pic

18、ture now . 我现在喜欢画画。 79. What do you like ? 你喜欢什么? 80. My uncle has lots of money . 我叔叔有许多钱。 81. There are lots of / a lot of apple trees on the farm . 农场里有许多苹果树。 82. For breakfast ,she likes eggs ,bananas and apples . 早餐,她喜欢吃鸡蛋、香蕉和苹果。 83. I like rice for lunch . (For lunch ,I like rice .) 午餐我喜欢吃米饭。

19、84. Uncle Wang has milk and bread for breakfast . 王叔叔早餐吃牛奶和面包。 85. Tom eats lots of healthy food . 汤姆吃了很多健康食品。 86. He has an egg and a glass of milk for breakfast . 他早餐吃一个鸡蛋,喝一杯牛奶。 87. Lets have lunch . 我们吃午饭吧。 88. I like this CD , and it is very good . 我喜欢这盘CD,它很好。 89. He studies English well . 他英语

20、学得非常好。 Unit 1-6 语法归纳 90. Hello ! This is Mr Li speaking . 喂!我是李先生。 91. Whos that speaking ? 您是哪一位? 92. There is a book on the desk . 课桌上有一本书。 93. There are many books on the desk . 课桌上有许多书。 94. There isnt a basketball under the desk . 桌子下面没有棒球。 95. Is there a lake in the park ? 公园里有湖吗? 96. There is

21、a book ,two pens and three pencils on the desk . 桌子上有一本书、两支钢笔和三支铅笔。 Unit 7 How much are these pants ? 97. How much is the T-shirt ? 这件T恤衫多少钱? Its nine dollars . 九美元。 OK , Ill take it . Thank you . 好的,我就买它了。 You are welcome .不用谢。 98. How much are these /those white pants ? 这些白色的短衬裤多少钱? Theyre seven d

22、ollars . 七美元。 99. What color do you want ? 你想要什么颜色? Blue . 蓝色。 100. What color does she want ? 她想要什么颜色? She wants white . 她想要白色。 101. How much water is there in the bottle ? 瓶子里有多少水? 102. How many pears do you want ? 你想要多少梨? 103. How much meat do you want ? 你想要多少肉? 104. Can I help you ? 我能帮助你吗? Yes

23、,please . I want some bananas and apples . 是的,我想买些香蕉和苹果。 105. What can I do for you ? 我能为你做点什么吗? I want to buy a sweater for my mother . 我想给妈妈买一件毛皮衣。 106. He often buys school things from that store . 他经常从那家店买学习用品。 107. She sold her CD to her roommate . 她把她的CD卖给了室友。 108. Let me have a look at that a

24、nimal . 让我看一看那个动物。 109. Please have a look at the picture again . 请再看一遍这张图画。 110. I like soccer . 我喜欢足球。 I like soccer ,too . 我也喜欢足球。 111. Li Lei is late and I am also late . 李雷迟到了,我也迟到了。 112. I do homework in the evening and my brother also dose homework in the evening . 我晚上写作业,我弟弟也晚上写作业。 Unit 8 Wh

25、en is your birthday ? 113. When is your birthday ? 你的生日是什么时候? My birthday is June 2nd . (June second ) 我的生日是六月二日。 114. When is Leilas birthday ? 蕾拉的生日是什么时候? Her birthday is September 5th . (September fifth ) 她的生日是九月十五日。 115. How old are you ? 你多大? I am 12 years old .我十二岁。 116. How old is she ? 她多大?

26、She is 11 years and 2 months old . 她十一岁零两个月大。 117. When were you born ? 你什么时候出生? I was born in 1992 . 我XX年出生。 118. When was she born ? 她什么时候出生? She was born in June ,1992 . 她XX年六月出生。 119. She was born on June 1st ,1992 .她出生在XX年六月一日。 120. He was born on June 1st 1992 . 他出生在XX年六月一日。 121. What events d

27、o you have in May ? 在五月,你们有什么事件? We have an art festivals and a chorus competition in May . 我们在五月有一个艺术节和一场合唱比赛。 122. My first teacher was my mother . 我的启蒙老师是我妈妈。 123. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China . 黄河是中国第二长河。 124. When is his birthday ? 他的生日是什么时候? His birthday is July fourth

28、 . 他的生日是七月四日。 125. Childrens Day 儿童节 126. Teachers Day 教师节 Unit 9 Do you want to go a movie ? 127. Do you want to go to a movie ? 你想去看电影吗? Yes ,I do . I want to go to a movie . 是的,我想。我想去看电影。 No , I dont . Does she want to go to a movie ? 不,我不想。她想去看电影吗? Yes , she does . /No , she doesnt . 是的,她想。/ 不,她

29、不想。 128. Bens mother wants to go to an action movie . 本的妈妈喜欢看动作片。 Bens mother doesnt want to go to an action movie . 本的妈妈不喜欢去看动作片。 129. What kind of movies do you like ? 你喜欢什么电影? I like action movies . 我喜欢动作片。 130. What kind of movies do they like ? 他们喜欢什么电影? They like thrillers . 他们喜欢恐怖片。 131. What

30、 kind of movies does he like ? 他喜欢什么电影? He likes documentaries . 他喜欢纪录片。 132. What kind of movies does Mary like ? 玛丽喜欢什么电影? She likes comedies . 她喜欢喜剧片。 133. I like thrillers and action movies . 我喜欢恐怖片也喜欢动作片。 134. She likes thrillers but she doesnt like documentaries . 她喜欢恐怖片,但不喜欢纪录片。 135. I dont l

31、ike the movie because it is boring . 我不喜欢这部电影,因为它无聊 136. He likes comedies because they are funny . 他喜欢喜剧片,因为喜剧有趣。 137. I want a cup of tea . 我想要一杯茶。 138. Do you want this one or that one ? 你想要这个还是那个? 139. Someone wants to see you . 有人想见你。 140. I want to be a teacher . 我想当老师。 141. I want you to help

32、 me . 我想要你帮我。 142. She thinks they are very exciting . 他认为它们很令人激动。 143. I dont think she likes action movies . 我认为她不喜欢动作片。 144. June doesnt think this movie is interesting . 琼认为这部电影没意思。 145. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson . 我最喜欢的演员是保罗杰克逊。 146. My favorite color is red . = I like red best . 我最喜欢红色

33、。 147. His favorite month is July . = He likes July best . 他最喜欢七月。 Unit 10 Can you play the guitar ? 148. Can you play the guitar ? 你会弹吉他吗? Yes , I can . / No , I cant . 是的,我会。/ 不,我不会。 149. Can mary play chess ? 玛丽会下国际象棋吗? Yes , she can . / No , she cant . 是的,她会。/ 不,她不会。 150. What can they do ? 他们会什

34、么? They can speak English and Chinese . 他们会说英语和汉语。 151. What can Tom do ? 汤姆会做什么? He can paint . 他会画画。 152. Can / May I take this seat ? 我可以做这个座位吗? Yes , you can . 可以。 153. What club does Molly want to join ? 莫里想加入什么俱乐部? She wants to join a swimming club . 她想加入游泳俱乐部。 154. What club do you want to jo

35、in ? 你想加入什么俱乐部? I want to join an art club . 我想加入艺术俱乐部。 155. Will you join us in singing ? 你加入我们唱歌好吗? 156. join the Party 入党 157. join the army 参军 158. What color do you like ? 你喜欢什么颜色? 159. Jim can play the guitar and he plays it well . 吉姆会弹吉他,他弹得很好。 160. I can play the piano , but I cant play it w

36、ell . 我会弹钢琴,但弹得不好。 161. You can ask your classmates to help you with your English . 你可以请求你的同班同学帮助你学英语。 162. Can you help me with swimming ? 你能帮我学游泳吗? 163. She often helps her brother with his homework . 她常帮她弟弟做作业。 164. We want two good musicians for our rock band . 我们摇滚乐队想要两个好的音乐人。 165. These bags a

37、re for girls . 这些包适合于女孩子。 166. We have T-shirts for boys . 我们有适合男孩的T恤衫。 167. Show your tickets , please . 请出示票。 168. There is a little milk in the bottle . 瓶子里有一点牛奶。 169. He can speak a little English . 他能说一点英语。 170. There is little food for supper . 晚饭几乎没有食物。 Unit 11 What time do you go to school ?

38、 171. What time do you get up ? 你几点起床? I get up at seven oclock . 我七点起床。 172. What time does he eat breakfast ? 他几点吃早饭? He eats breakfast at 7:30 . 他七点半吃早饭。 173. What time does she eat lunch ? 她几点吃午饭? She eats lunch at 12:30 . 她十二点半吃午饭。 174. Whats the time ? / What time is it ? 几点了? Its 9 oclock . 九

39、点。 175. When do you usually go to bed ? 你通常几点睡觉? I usually go to bed at nine . 我通常九点睡觉。 176. When does Lily usually take a shower ? 莉莉通常什么时候洗澡? She usually takes a shower at eleven thirty . 她通常七点半洗澡。 177. What time is it by your watch ? 你手表几点了? Its 8:36 . Oh ! Its 50 minutes late . 现在是八点三十六。哦!它慢了50分

40、钟。 178. What a funny time to eat breakfast ! 在这个时间吃早饭多么有趣啊! 179. What a beautiful flower it is ! 多漂亮的花啊! 180. What a good teacher she is ! 她是多好的一个老师啊! 181. To get to work ,he takes the number 17 bus to a hotel . 为了按时上班,他乘17路公共汽车到旅馆。 182. Can you think what his job is ? 你能想出他的工作是什么吗? 183. I usually g

41、et up at around / about six-fifteen . 我通常大约六点十五分起床。 184. The family are sitting around the table . 全家人坐在桌子周围。 185. School starts at nine oclock . 学校九点钟开始上课。 186. Summer holidays start at the end of July . 暑假在七月底开始。 187. Please write and tell me about your morning . 请写信告诉我你的上午是怎么过的。 188. It is said t

42、hat there is a famous singer ! 据说有一名著名歌手! 189. Can you say it in English ? 你能用英语说它吗? 190. I can speak English . 我会讲英语。 191. We often talk about music . 我们经常谈论音乐。 192. He talks to / with his mother . 他经常与妈妈交谈。 193. Tell me the news , please . 请告诉我这个消息。 Unit 12 My favorite subject is science . 194. Wh

43、ats your favorite subject ? 你最喜欢的科目是什么? My favorite subject is science . 我最喜欢的科目是科学。 195. Whats his favorite subject ? 他最喜欢的科目是什么? His favorite subject is art . 他最喜欢的科目是艺术。 196. Whats her favorite subject ? 她最喜欢的科目是什么? Her favorite subject is P.E . 她最喜欢的科目是体育。 197. Why do you like math ? 你为什么喜欢数学? B

44、ecause its interesting . 因为它有意思。 198. Why does he like art ? 他为什么喜欢艺术? Because its fun . 因为它有趣。 199. Why does she like P.E ? 她为什么喜欢体育? Because its exciting . 因为它令人兴奋。 200. Who is your science teacher ? 你的科学老师是谁? My science teacher is Mr Wang . 我的科学老师是王老师。 201. What would you like to drink , tea or c

45、offee ? 您喝茶还是喝咖啡? Tea ,please ! Its my favorite . 喝茶!茶是我最喜欢的。 202. Why do you want to join the music club ? 你为什么想加入音乐俱乐部? Because I like singing . 因为我喜欢唱歌。 203. You must put on warm clothes because of the cold weather . 因为天气寒冷,你必须穿上暖和的衣服。 204. I get up early and play sports for half an hour . 我早早起床,

46、进行半小时的运动。 205. I read English for an hour every day . 我每天读一小时英语。 206. After supper I watch TV for an hour . 晚饭后我看一小时的电视。 207. Our teacher is very strict and Im usually very tired after class . 我们的老师很严格,课后我很疲倦。 208. You must be strict with yourself . 你必须要严于律己。 209. Miss Yang is strict in her work . 杨老师对她的工作很严格。 Unit 7-12 语法归纳 210. May / Can I go now ? 现在我可以走了吗? 211. The baseball may be bruces . 那个棒球可能是布鲁斯的。 212. That cant be Lilys bike . 那不可能是莉莉的自行车。


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