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1、初一英语期末复习资料亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 1-2单元复习资料 找出下列单词的中文意思并背诵,听写 clock_first name_, last name_, book _ telephone number_ pencil_, pencil case _, eraser_, pencil sharpener_, backpack_, dictionary_, notebook_, computer game_, baseball_, watch_, ring_, ID card_ 词汇归类: 数字: one

2、 一,_, _, _, _, _ 文具: pen 钢笔,_, _, _, _, _ 人称代词:my 我的,_, _, _, _, 重点内容回顾: 1. Whats your name? My names/Im你的名字是什么?我的名字是 Whats his name? His names 他的名字是什么?他的名字是 Whats her name? Her names 她的名字是什么?她的名字是 2. Whats = What is Im =I am names= name is 3. first name名字/ last name 姓 常见的英语中的last name: Green, Brown

3、, Gray, White, Black, Smith, Miller, Hand, Cooper. 4. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms + last name. 5. 学会询问电话号码 -Whats your telephone/phone number? -My telephone/phone number is / Its 6.学会制作 ID card 7.学会寻找东西的主人 Is this your ruler? Yes, it is. 这是你的吗? 是的 Is this my pencil? No, it isnt. Its his pencil. Is that his er

4、aser? Yes, it is. Is that her notebook? No, it isnt. Its my notebook. 北京家教 找家教上阳光家教网 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 8. 掌握句型 -Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么讲? -Its a pen. 这是 -How do you spell it? 怎样拼写它? -P-E-N. 9.学会写招领和遗失启事. 失物招领 寻物启示 Found: N

5、otebook. Lost: Is this your notebook? My school ID card. Please call Mary at 235-0285. My name is Tony Please call 685-6034. 3-4单元复习资料 找出下列单词的中文意思并背诵,听写 Mother_father_parents_brothers_grandfather _ grandmother_friend_grandparents_sister_ uncle_ aunt_ she_ he_ this_ that_ these_ those_ table_ bed_dre

6、sser_bookcase_sofa_chair_backpack_ books_keys_ baseball_ drawer_ plant_ hat_ math_ book_ alarm clock_ computer game_ 词汇归类: 家具:bed床_, _, _, _, _ 代词: this这个,_, _, _, 方位词:_,_, _, _, _, _ 家庭成员_, _, _, _, _, _ 重点内容回顾 1.单数/复数 This is my friend. 这是 These are my friends. 这些是 That is my brother. 那是 Those are

7、 my brothers. 那些是 北京家教 找家教上阳光家教网 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 2. 询问身份 Is she your aunt? Yes, she is./No, she isnt. Is he your uncle? Yes, he is./No, he isnt. Is Guo Peng your brother? Yes, he is./No, he isnt. Is this/that your sister? Yes,

8、it is. /No, it isnt. 3.Family Tree 家谱 Dear Mary, 4.书信的格式 Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo! Your friend, Emma 6.询问东西的位置 1)方位词:in, on, under, behind, in front of, near, beside, next to, between and 2) 单数和复数 Wheres my backpack? Its under the table. Where are the books? Theyr

9、e on the sofa. Is it on the dresser? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Are they on the bed? Yes, they are. /No, they arent. 7. 你掌握下列重点句型了吗? 1)请把这些东西带给你弟弟。Please take these things to your brother. 2) 你能带一些东西到学校里来吗?Can you bring some things to school? 3) 我需要我的帽子,笔记本和一只钢笔。I need my hat, my notebook and a pen.

10、8. 注意便条的格式 Dear Sally, Please take these things to your brother: his math book, baseball, notebook, CDs, and video cassette. The math book is on the dresser. The baseball is under the bed. The notebook is on the bed. The CDs are in the drawer. The video cassette is on the table. Thanks, Mom 北京家教 找家教

11、上阳光家教网 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 5-6单元复习资料 找出下列单词的中文意思并背诵,听写 tennis racket_, baseball bat_, ping-pong ball_, soccer ball_, volleyball_, basketball_, interesting_, boring_, fun_, difficult_, relaxing_, hamburger_, tomato_, broccoli_, carr

12、ot_, French fries_, chicken_, orange_, ice cream_, salad_, banana_, strawberry_, apple_, fruit_, vegetable_, like_, breakfast_, lunch_, dinner_, 词汇归类: 水果banana香蕉_, _, _, _, _ 食物:hamburger汉堡_, _, _, _, _ 形容词:fun滑稽的,_, _ _, _, _ 体育器材:volleyball排球_, _, _, _, _,_, _, 重点内容回顾: 1.询问对方是否拥有某物 Do you have a p

13、ing-pong bat? 你有吗?Yes, I do. /No, I dont. Do you have an ID card? Yes, I do./No, I dont. -Do they have a computer? 他们有吗?-Yes, they do. /No, they dont. -Does she have a soccer ball? 她有吗?-Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt. -Does he have a tennis racket? 他有吗?-Yes, he does./No, he doesnt. I have a ring.我有

14、You have a watch. 你有 We have a nice classroom.我们有 They have QQ numbers.他们有 I dont have a ring.我没有 She has an English name.她有 He has a blue pencil case.他有 Mary has some good friends. 玛利有 Mary doesnt have any good friends.玛利没有. 北京家教 找家教上阳光家教网 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万

15、教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 2.提建议:-Lets play sports! -Great! That sounds interesting. -Lets play basketball. -No, lets play computer games. 4.你掌握下列句型了吗? 1)他收集了大量的体育用品。He has a great sports collection. 2) 但是他从不运动,只是在电视里看体育节目。 But he doesnt play sports he only watches them on TV! 3) 他有7个棒球。He has se

16、ven baseballs. 4) 她每天做运动。She plays sports every day. 5. 询问别人的喜好 Do you like Salad? Yes, I do./No, I dont. Do they like French fries? Yes, they do./No, they dont. -Does she like ice cream? -Yes, she does./No, she doesnt. -Does he like strawberries? -Yes, he does./No, he doesnt. 6. 可数名词和不可数名词 I like h

17、amburgers/tomatoes/French fries/oranges/ bananas /strawberries /eggs /apples /carrots, but I dont like broccoli/ice cream/salad/chicken. 7. 写作 “饮食喜好” My father eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, he likes eggs, bananas and apples. For lunch, he likes hamburgers, salad and oranges. And for dinn

18、er, he has chicken, tomatoes, French fries. For dessert, he eats ice cream. 7-8单元复习资料 找出下列单词的中文意思并背诵,听写 socks_T-shirt_shorts_sweater_bag_hat_pants_shoes_festival_January_Feburary_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December_skirt_art_ school trip_birthday_date_month_speech co

19、ntest_ art festival_English party_basketball game_ 北京家教 找家教上阳光家教网 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 词汇归类: 月份:_, _, _, _, _ 衣服: _, _, _, _, _ 基数词:_, _, _, _, _ 序数词:_, _, _, _, _ 颜色: _, _, _, _, _ 重点内容回顾: 1.如何询问价格: How much is the red sweater? 这件多

20、少钱?-Its 8 dollars. How much are these black pants?-Theyre 10 dollars. 询问价格的另一种方式: How much is the bag? = What is the price of the bag? 2.购物用语: Clerk售货员:Can I help you?/ What can I do for you? We have sweaters in many color. What color do you want? Here you are. Youre welcome. Customer顾客: Yes, please

21、. I want a/an. No, thanks How much is it?/ How much are they? Ill take it/them. Thank you/ Thanks. / Thank you very much/ Thanks a lot. 北京家教 找家教上阳光家教网 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 3.用序数词表达日期What is the date today?-Its January 11th. 基变序,有规律,

22、1st first 8th eighth 21st twenty-first 2nd second 9th ninth 22nd twenty-second 1,2,3,单独记,词-th 3rd third 10th tenth 23rd twenty- third 尾字母t,d,d 从四加 起,八去t4th fourth 11th eleventh 40th fortieth 来九去 e 。遇到5th fifth 12th twelfth 50th fiftieth ve, f 替,-ty变为 6th sixth 13th thirteenth 90th ninetieth 7th seve

23、nth 20th twentieth 100th one hundredth tie,后跟-th莫迟 101st one hundred 疑。若想表示几十几,只变个位就可and first 以。 基数词和序数词的不同用法:基数词表示数量,序数词表示顺序 There are twelve months in a year. May is the fifth month in a year. 4.问生日 -When is your birthday?-My birthday is March 2nd. -When is his birthday? -His birthday is March 2n

24、d. -When is her birthday?-Her birthday is March 2nd. -When is *s birthday? -*s birthday is March 2nd. *的生日是什么时候? 5.作文 Toms Clothes Store Clothes Price sports shoes $32 T-shirts $ 22 shorts $8 pants $17 sweaters $44 根据以上表格中的信息,请为Tom 的服装店 写一则广告。至少50字。 北京家教 找家教上阳光家教网 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 亿

25、库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 9-10单元复习资料 找出下列单词的中文意思并背诵,听写 action movie _comedy_documentary_thriller_cartoon_ Beijing opera_tragedy_interesting_funny_exciting_ sad_boring_scary_dance_swim_sing_ play chess_paint_ speak English_ play the guitar_ piano_violin_guitar_trumpet_drum

26、_ 词汇归类: 电影:_,_, _, _, _, _ 形容词:_,_, _, _, _, _ 乐器:_,_, _, _, _, 重点内容回顾: 1.单复数 单数变复数: Singular单数 Plural复数 1一般加s thriller thrillers 2辅音+y 改y为ies action movie action movies 3 元音y 直接S cartoon cartoons 4 以s,x,ch,sh,结尾的直接S comedy comedies 5 以O结尾1)有生命es 如 tomatoes documentary documentaries 2) 无生命S photos t

27、ragedy tragedies 6特殊:women children men 2问电影类型-What kind of movies is it? -Its a/an 这是部什么电影?这是 -What kind of movies do you like?你喜欢什么类型的电影 -I like action movies and comedies.我喜欢 .问是否想去看电影 Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. Does he want to go to a movie? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn

28、t. Does she want to go to a movie? Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt. 北京家教 找家教上阳光家教网 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 对电影的评价 I really (确实) like action movies. I think they are exciting. But I dont like thrillers. I think they are very scary. Rowan

29、 Atkinson is a great actor. His movie Mr. Bean is a very successful comedy. The movie is very funny I like it very much. 6 如何表达个人喜好 My favorite movies are action movies. = I really like action movies. =I like action movies very much. My favorite actor/ actress is I think she is very beautiful/nice/p

30、retty. I think he is very handsome. I think his/her movies are very funny/exciting 你掌握下列句型了吗? 1、我真的很喜欢喜剧。 I _really_ like _comedies_ very much. 2、你想看电影吗?是,我想看动作片。 -Do you_want_ to go to _a movie_? -Yes, I want to see action movies. 3、我喜欢恐怖片,但是不喜欢记录片。 I like _thrillers_ _but_ I dont like _documentari

31、es. 4、我不喜欢京剧, 也不喜欢记录片。 I dont like Beijing _opera _ or_ documentaries. 5、你喜欢什么样的电影? 喜剧。 What _kind_ of _movies_ do you like? I like comedies. 6、他不喜欢京剧, 因为京剧太没意思了。 He _doesnt_ like Beijing Opera, because _it_ is very _boring_. 7、他是我最喜欢的演员,我认为他很出色。 He is my _favorite_ actor. I _think_ he is _great_. 她

32、认为喜剧很有趣, 所以经常和朋友去看喜剧。 She_thinks_ comedies are very _funny_, so she _ususlly_ _goes_ to see comedies _with_ her friends. 北京家教 找家教上阳光家教网 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 能否做某事 Can you dance? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 你能吗? Can he paint? Yes, he ca

33、n. /No, he cant. Can she speak English ? Yes, she can. /No, she cant. Can you speak English? Yes, we can. /No, we cant. -What can you do? 你能做什么?What cant you do?你不能做什么? -I can and , but I cant or 我能和但不能 作文:写招聘启示 wanted for_ Are you a? Can you play the +乐器, , or ? Can you play+ 球类 , , ? Then you can

34、be in _. Please call * at*(电话号码) 11-12单元复习资料 找出下列单词的中文意思并背诵,听写 go to school_get up_eat breakfast_take a shower_ do homework_go to bed_math_science_,art_, music_Chinese_,favorite_,biology_history_, Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday_ busy_why_ 词汇归类: 科目:_, _, _, _, _ 星期: _, _, _,

35、 _, _ 重点内容回顾: 1学会询问时间 -What time is it? -Its eight thirty. -What time do you usually get up? -I usually get up at five oclock. -What time does she/he go to school? -She/He goes to school at five thirty. -When do people usually eat dinner? -They usually eat dinner in the evening. 北京家教 找家教上阳光家教网 亿库教育网

36、 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载 找家教,到 阳光家教网 全国最大家教平台 2. 你掌握下列句子了吗? 1)他工作很长时间。He works very long hours. 2)在这个时间吃早饭真有趣!What a funny time to eat breakfast! 3)他搭乘17路汽车去酒店上班。 To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the hotel. 4)他整晚工作。He works all night. 5)人们都喜欢听他。Peop

37、le love to listen to him. 3书信 写信开头用语:Thank you for your letter. /Do you want to know about my? 结束语: Please write and tell me about your /Please write soon. 3. 书信格式 签名处: love/love from/Best wishes Dear , Rick _ _ Bestwishes/Love/Yours Rick 4. 写作 “ My Day/Toms Day”. My Day Do you want to know about my day? Well, I usually get up at six oclock. Then I run at six twenty-five. Next, I eat breakfast at six fifty-five. After breakfast, I go to school at seven ten. And I go home at four ten. Then I take a shower at four forty. After dinner, I do my homework at six ten. And I go to bed at nine o


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